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Fantasy Ailan: War for Terra Eterna [main]

Bound and forced to his knees, Vet'r glared at the mage. He knew he could easily break from the bindings holding him with a little flexing of his will, but he was now at a severe disadvantage. The Frost Glared daggers at the mage, when the imperial asked such a blatantly stupid question. He wanted to really fuck with them but his inner tactician and years of service forced the rune-smith to bite his tongue for the time being.

"Well mage, as you can see, we're in a subterranean environment. And Judging by the lack of carvings and abundance of luminescent blue beryl, not in the mountains my people call home." He sniped. "I mean, i'm surprised an imperial mage such as yourself couldn't deduce at least the first part. Yet again, your people did try to take Hildun'bre in winter. So my faith in your people's common sense is lacking." He knew his words would cost him, but the man did ask a rather stupid question. "Let me put it this way... If we were back in Gora, we wouldn't have assigned you a single guard and leave you lot alone in the caverns. That answer your questions?" He added, his words dripping with vitriol.

"But seeing as we all are in an unknown location, and a subterranean one at that, our best bet is to, and I can't believe i'm saying this... Work together. Plus, none of you have spent most your life inside mountains. I have. Killing me would just sign your own death warrants."

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 koala koala MagicPenguin MagicPenguin The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Silver Ferae - The cave​
Consciousness came back to her slowly. A grey haze lessening by the moment, the shapeshifter laying still for a few moments after regaining awareness, neither ready or willing to move just yet. Painfully slowly, she rolled over and stretched out, wincing as she was forcibly reminded of several minor wounds, mostly to her torso. She looked a sight, wavy silver hair tangled as ever and matted with blood, the same streaking her pale skin - though it wasn't her own. Black clothes clung to her frame, ripped to an extent that many would have considered improper, leaving a lot of flesh on show - including her navel, marked as it was by a dark magic rune. Eyes just a few shades lighter than blood opened, cat-like in how they reflected the dim lighting of the cavern - and one of the light sources was immediately fixated on.
Silver's tail twitched lazily from side to side as she considered one of the flying blue insects. A moment of stillness and then she pounced, claws reaching for the hapless bug - And a split second before she could grab her prize it slipped from her grasp. Silver whined, trying to grab one of its kin, but the creatures were too fast for her. However, while trying to find new prey she did wander from where she had awoken and soon all thoughts of bugs (and the capture of) were struck from her mind at the sound of voices. Tufted ears flicking and swivelling as she tried to locate the source of the sound, and she grinned as she noticed light too bright to be that of the strange stones or (ugh) the bugs.

She went towards the light but stopped just before stepping into it, lingering in the shadows to look at the people. She only recognised one - Aeronwren, the 'princess' Silver had been commanded to protect. For a few more moments she lingered, uncertain as to what exactly was going on. A small group of people stood around one lone man, immobile on the floor. Had the others just woken up here like her? Were they responsible? She wasn't certain, but she wanted to get closer, and so, with a small flicker, the girl disappeared, becoming a fluffy silver cat that strolled into the light as though she belonged there

Mentioned - No one specific I just wanted to post what Silver's up to so she doesn't end up sleeping through everything.​
Aeronwren Tulipey
[div class=base][div class=image][/div]Location: A cave Mentions: Emilia, Vet'r, Rojiah Interactions: MagicPenguin MagicPenguin , Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 , StaidFoal StaidFoal A woman came over as Aeronwren was working, her auburn hair and attire a bloody mess. She looked to be in more pain from the sight of Silas’s condition than from her own injuries. Though darker than a night under the starry skies the elven woman could vaguely recognize the other female as one of the infamous three generals of the Estellian Empire, features almost haunting in appearance from the cool light emitted from the stones. “Careful,” the healer commented softly, placing a hand gently on the other’s, “You do not want to disturb him too much while he’s being healed. It will only slow th-” Before she could finish her sentence, her hands had numbed and begun to freeze over. Her already snow white skin somehow managed to lighten another shade as a thin layer of ice formed over them. Aeronwren’s eyes looked over at auburn-haired woman, noticing a sharp knife being held against her neck. Eyolf growled warningly as he slowly approached, but Aeronwren shook her head for him to back down. The wolf’s green eyes showed hesitance but he listened nonetheless as he found his position next to the elf’s side, hair on his back high in the air. Thankfully, no action had to be done on her part. The general, in all his glory, woke up from his near death experience. Her delicate hands thawed, though they were still ice cold to the touch. Not even the warmth from her tattered cloak could ease that discomfort. Since conflict was something she preferred not to involve herself with, however, she left Silas to whatever he planned on doing. Once he used his magic to bring light into the darkness of the cave, she warned him, “Don’t stress your body too much. I didn’t finish healing you.” A new voice joined the fray and this time it was the tanned individual Aeronwren awoke next to. He was more gaudy with light than without, his accessories glimmering from the fire light. If he were any brighter, she would have had to squint in order to see him--see the way he smiled at all of them. It sent a chill down her spine, yet she couldn’t help but stare. “Frei!” Aeronwren gasped, her expression softening as she practically glided over. Her hands held onto his wrists as she examined him, worried that the only person she’d really spoken to over the last six months had gotten hurt. When she’d confirmed that no healing was needed, she looked up and smiled at him warmly. “I’m happy you’re okay. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t tease you anymore.” And then her eyes fell upon the body lying behind the soldier. Her eyes widened when she saw the burnt flesh and clothes. Ugly marks travelled from his hands up to his arms and body in a zigzag fashion, breaking at certain points before meeting again. The only indication that he was still alive was his chest barely rising and falling. Aeronwren dropped Frei’s wrists and immediately rushed over. Like with Silas, she knelt on the ground and placed her head against his chest to count his heartbeats. They were slow, quiet, and barely had any rhythm to them. She bit her lower lip and without any hesitation, she placed her hands over him and let a warm, golden dome envelop his body. Aeronwren watched anxiously as the exterior wounds healed, new skin growing together at a speed impossible without the help of a healer. “Hello? Can you hear me? Are you awake?” [/div] [class=base] background-color: #D4D4D6; color: black; height: 350px; min-width: 300px; max-width: 500px; font-size: 14px; text-align: justify; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: none; margin: auto; padding: 5px; white-space: pre-line; [/class] [class=image] background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/cKbOaGv.jpg); background-size: cover; height: 350px; min-width: 300px; max-width: 500px; [/class]
Emilia Maria Lightstark

Emilia was still in her cries for Silas, when she felt a blade on her neck. Of course. She had been an idiot. She had let her personal feeling take priority and let her guard down. When would she learn that she had no time for emotions... A frost had somehow gotten behind her, coating her hands in ice, making the knight unable to get her trusted weapon.

That was, until she heard a familiar voice. It was the one of Silas, who managed to flirt even in this situation. But the little emotional phase of Emilia had ended with the frosts actions, her face was made of stone as it had been before. The last tear ran down her cheek, falling, leaving behind no trace of her outburst. But Silas did something else. He freed the general of the ice and bound the fiend that had snuck up on them.

Emilia turned around and grabbed her sword. Her eyes seemed to light up with fire for a second as she did. "If not for the mysterious circumstances, i´d end you right here.", she stated and glared at the Frost. Though she let Silas do the talking from there. She lacked the calmness to properly questions the prisoner. Her heart was still burning from the previous battle.

One of the stormcloaks showed up, eventually. Emilia couldn´t recall his name. She never dealt much with Silas´s private unit. They were his trusted, not hers. Though she preferred her imperial guard any day. The peak of knighthood, each soldier.

Her attention got drawn back to Vet'r, as he replied. The frost showed the audacity to insult the empire! Emilia did not think long. She backhanded the bound Frost, which due to her armored glove, surely hurt quite a bit. "You dare speak like that?", she spat out. And then, she actually spat, though at the ground right next to the frost.
Durai Windsor
Random Cave
Back at the tribe, death was described as an ascendance of sorts. In the time between, you would be judged by someone closest to you, and deemed worthy or not to pass. They say that it would happen once the other had slept, and for the deceased, the transition would be instantaneous. So when Durai winced as the surge of electricity coursed through his whole body, the surprise was brief when he found himself standing on the vast ocean, alone with the waves and sunset. The smell of salt had wafted over to his nostrils, and he already missed his beautiful Mokele Mbembe. "Durai Windsor." The woman's voice was familial; the pirate shut his eyes, turning to the source.

His beautiful Neha stood there, only disappointment visible on her face. "As a boy, the chieftan held high hopes. You led many hunts, coming back with memorable feasts. Then the pirates docked on our peaceful shores. You found out about a whole world beyond our home. You left us, but returned with resources we failed to fathom. We hailed you as a hero; a god, even." Durai's throat dried as he slowly walked over to her. When he neared, Neha opened her eyes, revealing a bright sparkle in her eyes.

"209," she continued, voice indignant. "Merchants, parents... children." Durai blanched, falling in a seated position over the sea. "Eventually we must ask ourselves: at what point is it no longer for the sake of those you love, but a quest for self-indulgence?" The world seemed to speed up, and before he knew it, they were between two ships. He recognized one as his Mokele Mbembe and the other as navy ship, dispatched to end the Maelstrom's reign. He remembered the scene vividly--the adrenaline of it, and the overwhelming sense of victory that followed. A massive whirlpool swallowed the navy ship, and on the deck of his pirate ship, cheers could be heard. Durai sailed away, not even batting an eye. Neha pointed at the remains of the ship, what scraps of wood and barrels held the drenched crewmates. Some were sending prayers to their gods to see their family again, while others had their hope drained as the sun fell, and the moon took over. One by one, they slipped into the water, where a group of fins gathered and spewed blood, devouring the sailors that by now were suffering from hypothermia and insanity. The last sailor used his remaining strength to make a futile attempt at holding onto the piece of wood, before succumbing to the same fate. Bubbles rose once, and never again.

Durai was lost in emotion. Was he mad for being shown the truth? Because the spirit who disguised itself as Neha was finally letting out her thoughts? Was it pride he felt, knowing that he scored victory over a fleet of well-trained sailors that lived to serve their kingdom? Durai shook his head, jolting back up when the world warped, and he was at the village. He watched himself, towering over the rest of the tribe, go alone into his father's hut. The chieftan was old, but swelled with pride. Back then, he dealt with what they believed to be an untreatable illness. Some ventures into the open world later, Durai discovered a cure. It was rare, and only reserved for the wealthy, and he did everything he could to get it into his possession. And that he did. He watched himself feed his father the cure, when Neha spoke again. "This is the only reason you did not follow Regan to where I sent her. Despite what you have done, you still follow our tribe's principle: The tribe is your family, and family comes first."

Their surroundings reverted back to the vast sea. "Do you truly deserve forgiveness?" It asked, drooped its head. "That is for them to decide." Around them, the ocean fell into a pitch black void. Durai began to run at the spirit; for what, he did not know. The sky dissipated into the void, and as it reached them, Durai threw out his arm and shouted.

"Neha!" Durai sat up with a jolt, frantically looking around. He was in a strange cave with others, all but one being a stranger to him. He didn't focus on Silas for long, though, turning his attention to the woman who healed him. The pain was gone, and he could only assume the woman by his side was responsible. "I thank you, young lady." Durai stood quickly, as if lying flat on his back in such a pathetic state made him look indignant. He had to look down at her as he spoke. "We can discuss payment later."

He did not know whether or not to consider these people friend or foe. Considering she healed him the half-elf wasn't an enemy. Silas killed him, so the answer for that was obvious. As of now, he and some other Imperials were squaring off against a Frost. There was some other girl that escaped his line of sight, as he focused on the scenario playing in front of him. Durai concluded that some random assortment of individuals were summoned to this... cave? One of them had to be responsible, he decided. He waved his hand, smirking when he felt a tug. There was water. Not a lot, but better than nothing. He began to pull, and Emilia's tears that splashed flat against the stone floor began to form a line, slithering over to Durai, joined by the melting ice that he assumed was produced by the Frost. It collected in his hand, the pitiful amount. But with a motion, it shaped and split into three finger-sized needles, a usable weapon. Hovering the water needles in the air, he said, "Right then, either this is some shoddy bounty hunter's hiding place or the Empire ran out of suitable prison cells." He aimed the water needles at the group. "Which of you is responsible for this?"

MagicPenguin MagicPenguin koala koala The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
[div class=container][div class=header]EVENT[/div] [div class=maintext]The ground shifted, rumbling beneath everyone's feet. Cold wind swept throw the cavern, sucking away any and all air that made the place breathable. Their bodies would feel heavy and it would soon prove difficult to stand. Suddenly, they'd all go fly towards the nearest cold, wet wall. Backs pressed against the bumps painfully. Gravity had failed them. Something was holding them against their will. "Are you done or are you all going to keep acting like children? I would be more than happy to keep you bound if it is the latter." Came a smooth, velvety voice. A woman stepped out of the shadows, a doorway behind her that seemed to lead to a dimly lit hallway. [div class=image][/div] StaidFoal StaidFoal Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Plutoni Plutoni MagicPenguin MagicPenguin WillfulWren WillfulWren HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof [/div][/div] [class=image] height: 500px; width: 50%; margin: auto; background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/o6Av0vE.jpg); background-size: 100%; [/class] [class=container] white-space: pre-line; min-height: 100px; min-width: 350px; width: 800px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=header] font-size:28px; text-align: center; [/class] [class=maintext] font-size:15px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px; text-align: justify; [/class]
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Silas Blackthorne
Some random-ass cave in the middle of who-the-hell-knows-where

Distracted as he was by Sir Sparkles of the Desert of Death and the overgrown snowman that tried to kill-slash-enslave-slash-ransom him and his companions, Silas hadn't realized Aeronwren had knelt down to heal Durai, or he might have warned her how dangerous he was. As it was, when the man popped up with three water needles ready to let fly, all the imperial mage could do was groan.

“Oh, good,” he said flatly. “Another one. Great.”

Silas was confident in his ability to hold or combat either Frosty or Durai one on one, even in his injured state, but both of them at the same time? That was a disaster waiting to happen. He needed to buy time, prevent the two of them from joining forces. He opened his mouth to talk his way out of his suddenly very precarious situation—something about working together and brotherhood and a truce until they got out of this strange cave and other such wholesome ramblings—but before he had the chance, yet ANOTHER wacko waltzed in, some Elven woman who'd be highly attractive if she ever bothered to trim her eyebrows. This one had them all up against a wall and unmoving before anyone could do anything at all to prevent it.

"Are you done or are you all going to keep acting like children? I would be more than happy to keep you bound if it is the latter."

Silas grunted in a suppressed agony at the pain that lanced through his entire body when he was slammed against the wall, radiating from the half-healed wound in his shoulder.

“What is it with you people?” he asked in a frustrated tone. “Is there some kind of convention going on for bloodthirsty wackadoos that I was invited to without knowing about it?” He let out a long, weary sigh. “I'm getting too old for this nonsense. I seriously need a drink...”

Silas considered his position. He was unable to move any of his body parts except for his head. He was pinned against a wall, his feet a few inches off the ground. It felt similar to being restrained with flows of Air, as he had done to Frosty the Snowman earlier. So was this one a natural mage, then? If so, it should be simple to dispel her effect on the wind she was using to bind him and free himself. He just needed to slice the link between her and the element she was manipulating, as he'd done to the water spear during the battle. He reached out with his magical essence like he'd done so many times before, feeling for the thread of magic that connected this woman's essence to the bonds of wind that confined him. He was surprised when he could find nothing. Mentally poking at her essence, he could feel her doing something, that much was certain, but whatever it was, it wasn't natural magic.

Abruptly, the woman's head turned his direction. Her eyes narrowed and she shot him a knowing grin. “That was adorable.”

Suddenly, Silas felt the thread of natural magic he'd been searching for, a whip-like cord of power that shot out from her like a striking cobra, blowing past his defenses almost faster than he could follow. Silas grunted in pain and surprise as the link between himself and the fireball illuminating the cave above was snipped as easily as twine with scissors. His magical power snapped back into him like a taut rubber band let loose, giving him a considerable headache to go along with the rest of the pain wracking his battered body. The miniature sun he made earlier guttered out and the cave was again bathed only in a soft blue light.

“Bloody hell,” Silas muttered. “No one's done that to me that easily since I was still at the academy...”

But she wasn't done.

“One more thing, just for good measure...” she said ominously.

He felt her magical power flare briefly again and then, just like that, Silas felt an invisible barrier settle around his own magical essence.

A Silence Barrier.

The shield was not a physical one—it did not prevent movement in any way. It simply shut off access to Silas' magic. It was a thing of Light Magic, something only mages of that discipline could do. It was similar to the null rune that some dark mages used, but it did not require nearly as much effort or proximity to use. It was one of the things that made Light Mages so dangerously effective against magic of other types. To Silas, his sudden lack of magic was like losing a limb. He felt only a dull emptiness where his essence should have been burning brightly; he could vaguely sense it there still, waiting to be used, but as long as Eyebrows sealed it off, he could not touch it.

The woman turned her head to each of the other mages in the group in turn and he felt her magic flare once for each of them. Likely Silencing them as well. Silas took a moment to appreciate how much skill it must take to create five Silence barriers at once and place them so effortlessly. This woman's power must be astronomical, even by Elven standards. Even if she had been holding him with flows of air, Silas wondered if he would've had enough power himself to dispel it as he initially intended.

What's more, she could apparently use Light Magic, Natural Magic, and whatever kind of magic she was using to hold them—some kind of Dark Magic ritual he wasn't familiar with, perhaps? Three disciplines, when it should only be possible to have two. Just who or what was this creature?

“There, now,” she said with a note of finality, fists settling on her hips. “That should do.”

He was Silas Blackthorne, the Mage General of the Imperial Three, commander of the Storm Guard, known to the masses as the deadly Thunder's Fist, one of the most feared and respected mages in all of Ailan...and he'd just been neatly bundled up and set aside like a child put into time-out for bad behavior, both physically and mentally.

Talk about embarrassing.

Also, however, quite fascinating.

“...Really, really gonna need that drink now, Miss Eyebrows,” he complained irritably. "I'm having a simply dreadful day, let me tell you."

The woman's expression fell into seriousness, the corners of her lips dropping. "You may drink as much as you'd like..." She waved her hand, releasing whatever binding spell she had placed the group under that restricted their movements. Assuming she'd be followed through the door, she continued with, "after you all listen to what I have to say."

Silas fell back on his knees with another pained grunt. Did this infernal woman have no respect for the wounded?! He used the wall for support and hobbled his way back to his feet, his shoulder and side aching with every movement.

Mentally, Silas poked at the Silence barrier, still in place despite being able to move again. If he got far enough away from the woman, it should dissipate on its own, with a day or two of time. Not being able to use magic made him antsy, and even if he could, he was still uneasy being so close to at least two people who almost certainly wanted to kill him and several others whose intentions were unclear. His first instinct, therefore, was to refuse her request for polite conversation and get the hell out of wherever he was. There had to be a village around here somewhere, no matter where they were. One with a well-stocked pub, preferably. A stiff drink followed by a hot bath for his poor shoulder, that's what Silas needed.

But she was headed out the only exit, so he had to follow her at least that far. Plus he had to keep Emilia, Frei, and Aeronwren safe as best he could, if any of them was crazy enough to actually want to stay in this madhouse.

And, he supposed, staying to listen might give him a chance to figure out more about Miss Eyebrows and whatever kind of weird magic she was packing. He sighed, resigned, and followed her out.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming..."

Written with koala koala

*Note: Everyone is Silenced. No magic of any kind can be used by anyone but the mysterious Elven woman until the Silence barriers dissipate or are dispelled.
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Minerva didn’t speak as she led the group through the corridor of the cave. Fire light flickered alive one by one as they walked. Her head had tilted sideways a few times, as if she were checking to see if they were really following her. She couldn’t exactly see but old habits die hard. A part of her felt the ghost of her eyesight, even if it had left her many, many years ago.

They reached a flight of stone steps that were cracked and covered with moss. Two mythical creatures were carved into pillars on either side. Their faces resembled a stag, each possessing a pair of straight and long antlers that looked sharp to the touch. Wings sprouted from their human-like torsos and were so large they nearly touched the cold, wet ground. At the base of the statues were hooves for feet with one bent backwards, as if they were ready to charge. They would have easily been mistaken for being alive without any light.

“Come,” She finally said after ten minutes of idle walking. They entered a large room with a single pool of water in the center. Minerva urged the group to gather around it before holding her staff tightly with both hands.

“You have many questions,” Minerva began as her head turned, though she never made direct eye contact with everyone, “so, shall I begin?” Upon her question, she tapped her staff against the ground and an aurora of blue and green appeared before them, travelling throughout the room like air.

“My name is Minerva and this world is in great danger.” Minerva said. She explained who she was, going into detail about how she’s been stuck between the realm of the dead and the living for the last few centuries, and how her power is older than the new world itself. As she spoke, live visuals appeared in the aurora before it seemed like they were all physically there--living the story she was telling them… feeling everything the people they witnessed felt.

Her organization, the Eye of Ansara, was founded by Isu’morah Ansara, one of two great mages that created the Terra Eterna. Terra Eterna was brought to life as a cure for all troubles, a wish-granter of sorts. Anyone who possessed it had the power of the gods, whether good or bad. It was originally meant to end the wars, disease, and demons that plagued the land, but Orich Nyamit, the other founder became greedy. He used the power for himself and the world, as told in history lessons, was nearly destroyed.

Her words resonated, bouncing off the walls. It was difficult to hear her because all the others could see were difference disasters occuring. Volcanoes erupting, giant waves crashing against ancient kingdoms, land splitting apart, and much more.

Isu’morah sacrificed himself to rid the world of Orich and while he tried to destroy the Terra Eterna, he could not. Its power was too great for him alone so all he could do was break it into pieces and spread them across the world. The Eye of Ansara was founded by Isu’morah in order to ensure these fragments would never fall into the hands of darkness.

“However, darkness has come. Orich Nyamit’s name is stirring once again by the organization I’d thought was long gone… the Genesis Order.” Minerva continued, saying how the Genesis Order had recently become active again. She said she believed they were trying to track the disturbances in order to have a full Terra Eterna and possibly revive their leader. “It has taken me centuries and the sacrifices of many of my deceased friends and allies, but with their help I have finally found a way to destroy it forever. The only problem is… Terra Eterna must be whole for me to do so because I can only perform the ritual once.

“I can not retrieve the items myself either as I’m living on borrowed time…” Her expression saddened at the words. “But I have foreseen the future, the prophecy which states that you are this world’s only hope for survival. No one can survive another event under Orich’s hands. Life as you all know it will become nothing but dust.”

Minerva took a deep breath and finally said what she’d been wanting to say all along, the visuals subsiding and the group returning to the dark cave. “Will you accept this quest to recover the forgotten fragments?”

StaidFoal StaidFoal Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Plutoni Plutoni MagicPenguin MagicPenguin WillfulWren WillfulWren HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
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Vet'r remained where he was kneeling bound before the imperials, his jaw sore and more than a few teeth knocked loose from the Knight Commander's strike. The Frost merely spat out a gob of blood, before smiling sardonically at the violent and over zealous woman, his teeth stained crimson from the strike. Gazing up at the woman, he gave her a lustful stare that held none of the emotion associated with it, only hate, before moaning in false pleasure. "Oh yes mama, harder! Hit me again~! I've been such a naughty frost. Especially after butchering your pathetic excuses for soldiers." He said with fake ecstasy. He was about to continue, when he felt his bonds "snap", followed by being forced against the wall by an unfamiliar force.

Taking in his new view, he spotted the culprit of their situation. An Elven woman. When she spoke, her tone held a healthy amount of annoyance and disdain in equal measure, and soon after, she released the frost and the others only for the woman to rather impressively layer silence barriers upon them. Even Vet'r could tell, this woman was not to be trifled with. When she bid the group to follow, he did the sensible thing and did as she bade remaining silent all the while keeping an eye on the imperials with them. Along the way, he snapped up a few fist sized chunks of the blue beryl, knowing that it would be an invaluable crafting ingredient, and if nothing else, a nice light. It wasn't long before they descended deeper into the earth, and soon come to a stop at a rather large pool.


“You have many questions,” Minerva began as her head turned, though she never made direct eye contact with everyone, “so, shall I begin?” Upon her question, she tapped her staff against the ground and an aurora of blue and green appeared before them, travelling throughout the room like air.

“My name is Minerva and this world is in great danger.” Minerva said. She explained who she was, going into detail about how she’s been stuck between the realm of the dead and the living for the last few centuries, and how her power is older than the new world itself. As she spoke, live visuals appeared in the aurora before it seemed like they were all physically there--living the story she was telling them… feeling everything the people they witnessed felt.

Her organization, the Eye of Ansara, was founded by Isu’morah Ansara, one of two great mages that created the Terra Eterna. Terra Eterna was brought to life as a cure for all troubles, a wish-granter of sorts. Anyone who possessed it had the power of the gods, whether good or bad. It was originally meant to end the wars, disease, and demons that plagued the land, but Orich Nyamit, the other founder became greedy. He used the power for himself and the world, as told in history lessons, was nearly destroyed.

Her words resonated, bouncing off the walls. It was difficult to hear her because all the others could see were difference disasters occuring. Volcanoes erupting, giant waves crashing against ancient kingdoms, land splitting apart, and much more.

Isu’morah sacrificed himself to rid the world of Orich and while he tried to destroy the Terra Eterna, he could not. Its power was too great for him alone so all he could do was break it into pieces and spread them across the world. The Eye of Ansara was founded by Isu’morah in order to ensure these fragments would never fall into the hands of darkness.

“However, darkness has come. Orich Nyamit’s name is stirring once again by the organization I’d thought was long gone… the Genesis Order.” Minerva continued, saying how the Genesis Order had recently become active again. She said she believed they were trying to track the disturbances in order to have a full Terra Eterna and possibly revive their leader. “It has taken me centuries and the sacrifices of many of my deceased friends and allies, but with their help I have finally found a way to destroy it forever. The only problem is… Terra Eterna must be whole for me to do so because I can only perform the ritual once.

“I can not retrieve the items myself either as I’m living on borrowed time…” Her expression saddened at the words. “But I have foreseen the future, the prophecy which states that you are this world’s only hope for survival. No one can survive another event under Orich’s hands. Life as you all know it will become nothing but dust.”

Minerva took a deep breath and finally said what she’d been wanting to say all along, the visuals subsiding and the group returning to the dark cave. “Will you accept this quest to recover the forgotten fragments?”

"With the Bombshell you just dropped on us, it kinda leaves us with little choice in the matter. While i'm unhappy about having to work with imperials... and my ancestors are more than likely rolling in their graves at the notion of it... I will aid you and take up this mission. So long the imps play nice, then i won't have any problems..."

koala koala The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof MagicPenguin MagicPenguin Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 StaidFoal StaidFoal Plutoni Plutoni WillfulWren WillfulWren
Durai Windsor
Random Cave
Whatever fight that would've transpired was interrupted when an Elven woman walked in. He was taken by surprise when his water needles splashed against the floor, and all of them were thrust against the wall. Durai quickly knew better than to antagonize this woman after Silas attempted something, only to face what looked like a painful retaliation. The pirate remained silent, eyes glaring like daggers. He's faced dozens of death-defying journeys, and for this woman to easily tower over most of them with her power alone... When she finally let them off the wall, Durai tried to tug at the splashed water. No response. He would follow the woman's orders for now, but at the same time pondering what message that Neha--no, the spirit was trying to convey. It gave him a chance to go down the right path, which puzzled him. Wasn't his life meant to save the poor from the corrupt, violent rich snobs? He only killed the Imperial navy sailors in self-defense, and as far as he learned, every rich person in the Empire was evil in some way. Was this not a life without sin?

Durai ceased his thoughts when the woman started to speak again. Minerva, her name was. She explained her story, of the Eye of Ansara, of the Terra Eterna, and Genesis Order. And apparently, he was among the chosen to save the world. He smiled widely, his ego only being fed more and more. "You, Minerva, recognized my prowess, and as such chose me, yes? Having defended myself from the Imperial sailors that strived off of dirty money and avenging the souls who lost their lives to those rich snobs, I suppose it makes sense for a powerful mage to recruit me in saving the world, and I accept."

Durai believed that he understood, now. This was why the spirit sent him back down; so he could save the world. The Maelstrom, not Durai Windsor, was a hero, hailed by many. They spoke of his powerful water magic, sinking entire fleets and eluding the Imperial navy for years. To have survived many treacherous journeys, and this time be sent from the brink of death, it must've been easy to see why.

"But if I may speak my mind... why them?" He spoke with a stone face, glaring directly in her eyes and pointing at the Imperials. "As far as I'm concerned, every Imperial with a high place have innocent blood on their hands and wouldn't hesitate to manipulate those lower than them for their own benefit. My first mate knew this, first hand. But she's gone, now, slaughtered by the very thing she despised."

koala koala The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof MagicPenguin MagicPenguin Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Plutoni Plutoni WillfulWren WillfulWren
Silas Blackthorne
Still some cave

As the group wandered the twisting catacombs bathed in soft blue light, Silas found his attention drawn to the pictures on the walls. Several images of great beasts with sharp antlers were arrayed in neat patterns, and they seemed to have been drawn with meticulous care. They were so prominent and deliberate in the way they were displayed, Silas suspected the creatures had some religious significance to whoever once occupied these caverns. He wished he could remember his lessons on mythology and religion from his youth. If he could have recognized what belief system worshipped creatures such as these, he might have had some clue as to where this was. Unfortunately, he could think of no religion that had symbolism like this.

As Minerva explained her story, Silas listened attentively, though he was honestly more interested in the images and hallucinations she was inducing. He wondered how she was doing it. Dark magic was often used to create visions or implant thoughts--it was known to many as the "magic of the mind" for a reason, after all. She might be using a dark ritual or spell to create this effect, though to create hallucinations with such vivid detail must have taken great time and effort to prepare, and likely more than one person to cast the spell. If Minerva had truly produced it all herself, it was another sign of just how much raw magical power she had.

When she was done, Frosty and Durai were quick to hop on board the crazy train. Silas was not so sure about all this.

"So, " he began, "let me get this straight. You, all on your own, gathered us all off of an active battlefield from different factions, whisked us away to who knows where, then dumped us in some cave with several of us injured or dying, no healing given at all. We wake up and are about to kill each other until you show up and magic us all up against a wall and Silence us."

To emphasize his point, he mentally prodded the barrier she had so rudely put between himself and the source of his magic, probing hard enough for her to feel the attempt. He didn't expect it to break--he'd been poking at it inconspicuously looking for weaknesses, signs he could break through it, since she put it there.

"You sure have an awfully funny way of asking people for favors, don't you, Eyebrows?"

"And besides that, what about this story about--what was it again? The terra cotta? It seems fishy to me. I consider myself a fairly knowledgeable man, pretty well traveled, but this is the first I'm hearing of an ancient object of ultimate power. You'd think that sort of thing would feature prominently in the world's religions, or at least there would be some record of it somewhere, but I haven't heard of anything like it. Have any of you?" He asked the others. "And isn't it convenient you have all this power, but you can't go looking for the thing yourself. No, you need some odd collection of random strangers to do it for you."

"Even if it is real, though, and everything about these ancient groups is true, and it really does have to be us who finds it for some reason, who is to say that you are a member of either of the organizations? Could be you just want us to gather the thing for you so you can use it yourself. Maybe you're even a member of the bad group, just trying to trick us into doing your dirty work so you can revive your lost leader or whatever after we find it."

"Before you have me and my friends going off playing buddy-buddy with these two lunatics who would probably try to kill us in our sleep, you'd best produce some proof of these wild claims of yours. A set of hallucinations that any sufficiently large group of dark mages could create isn't going to cut it."

He looked to Aeronwren, Emilia, and Frei.

"And if she can't, then I suggest we all get the hell out of here and go home, for our own safety. We have plenty of responsibilities to be about when we get back. We can't simply abandon them to risk our lives chasing after wild fairy tales with men who tried to take us hostage only minutes ago, now can we?"

He shot a meaningful look at Minerva.

"Especially when we have no reason to trust the source of said fairy tales."

koala koala The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Frei & Aeronwren
The captain felt a certain uplifting sensation upon hearing Aeronwren's witty words. While he was not fond of her treating him much like a kid, it was moments like those that inadvertently kept him in touch with what was left of his social obligations. Outside of his field of work, Frei was never one for words. The only initiation he had was that of his quick reflexes, rather than compelling success via civil endeavors.

Frei was taken aback by the sheer weight of the situation. As if stumbling upon a room full of gliding lords and ladies, among the servants maneuvering about to deliver their drinks. The simple-minded, practical Captain simply remained quiet throughout the ordeal. While the general made a good point about their own reasonings to concede to a stranger's words, Frei would have to see for himself what the lady who called herself 'Minerva' was capable of. Amidst the unknown and what could possibly be their undoing, should they fail to adhere to her summons, it was best to lend an ear to what she has to say. However, should Lord Blackthornes's words demands it, the captain will obey.

Frei glanced over at Aeronwren, curious as to what she was thinking of their current predicament. During the whole ordeal, she'd remained relatively silent like him. Her only indications of attentiveness were the slight changes in her expression, as if she too were contemplating the ancient being'a words.

"You really are no longer part of this world, aren't you?" Aeronwren asked quietly in Ieabin, the universal fae language. When Minerva knodded sadly, a pit formed in her stomach.

Realizing that no one came to the realization she did, she addressed the group. "She's not alive, at least not physical. Her fae aura is absent and every fae has one, myself included, though mine is much weaker than most..." To emphasize her point, Aeronwren held up her hand from beneath her cloak. Her skin had a very faint, unnatural glow to it that one could only really notice if he payed close attention.

"Yes," Minerva stated simply. "My spirit is all that remains--and to answer your question General Blackthorne, my circumstances do not allow me to collect the fragments myself nor heal you. I've been saving my energy to prevent and mishaps from occurring between you all and for showing my memories. Besides, you have two excellent healers amist. My story is over as well. It is your prophecy, not mine."

"And this prophecy you speak of..." She chewed on her lower lip and her as met Frei's as she spoke, hand gently carressimg Eyolf. "I believe I've had dreams about it when I was younger. I'd almost forgotten about them, but there were people in them. I never saw their faces, but there were certain characteristics I did see." Aeronwren pointed at particular parts on everyone's clothing, whether it were based on color or a certain type of embroidered design.

A smile was on Minerva's lips as she held Aeronwren's hand gently. "The gift of foresight. Those were not dreams, but visions of the future."

"I've only had visions of the future, never of the past. How could I have seen so far ahead of time?"

The curve of Minerva's lips dropped as she spoke. "Child, your abilities will be unpredictable at times, such is the curse brought upon half of the mixed-blooded fae. It is truly unfortunate that you are part of the weaker." The older woman brought a hand to Aeronwren's cheek, like a mother soothing her child. "Heed my words, you must start accepting your visions or else you will lose your sight like I have."

Aeronwren stood frozen, unsure of what to say. It is true that she'd been fighting against her visions whenever she felt them coming. Some were so strong that her head would split in half, the pain oftentimes making her scream for hours on end. Her grandmother and teachers repeatedly told her not to fight them, but she knew if she didn't, she would try and change a person's fate and fail. Minerva called it a curse, and perhaps she was right, but blindness?

It suddenly became difficult to swallow, yet somehow she managed to force down the discomfort and speak up. "Well... if it is my fate to search these fragments, then so be it. I still have questions but I'm sure time will answer them."

(Written with Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 )
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Silver Ferae​
None of the gathered people seemed to notice the small feline as she stepped into the light, and so she sat down to observe them for a few moments. She didn't quite understand what was happening and after a few moments of watching, she was quick to grow bored, licking at a paw to smooth it over her head before twisting round to lick at her back. This continued for a few short minutes before the ground abruptly rumbled - the cat froze, ears flattening against her skull but she didn't even get to move before she was pressed up against a wall. Hissing at the feeling of cold, damp rock pressing against her, she tried to struggle only to find she couldn't move from the wall.

Not this again. Silver had been restrained by magic before, and she shuddered involuntarily at the memory, hissing again as a woman stepped from the shadows. Blind panic began overtaking all over thoughts, the shapeshifter hardly paying attention to what the woman was actually doing, the fear blotting everything else out - and then she could move again. Barely managing to land on her feet, Silver ended up stumbling, with a quick glance to make sure no one else saw as all the fur on her body stood on end. A few licks to the fluff on her chest as if to show that she was not bothered at all. Luckily, everyone seemed more busy with their own problems, and with a flicker as if her form was a bad projection, Silver returned to her more human-seeming self. Stretching out her limbs in turn before moving to follow the woman - eyeing her warily but not moving to attack yet.

She didn't understand much of the lady's ramblings - something about some magic thingie and darkness, and life as they knew it being destroyed. That last bit was a little worrying, enough for even the inattentive shifter to sit up and pay a little bit more attention, but ultimately...

It wasn't really her choice at all. The last order Silver had been given was to protect the princess. If the princess wanted to go on this quest, then Silver had to as well (Fine, anything was better than going back to Ravena). If the princess wanted to pack up and go home... Well, her tail lashed at the thought, but that was where she would have to go as well.

Almost as soon as Aeronwren declared that she would search for the fragments, Silver spoke out.

"I'll go!" Sure, she wasn't quite clear on what she was agreeing to, here, but as long as she followed Aeronwren and kept her safe she couldn't get in trouble for it, and it was a good chance to explore and hopefully find a way to get back to her old life prowling the wilderness.
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[div class=header]PART II - The Beginning of the End[/div][div class=maintext]After everyone had stated their thoughts and opinions, Minerva nodded approvingly. She didn't say much, aside from informing the group of their first destination: the continent of Jabraen. Unfortunately, even she didn't know the exact locations of the fragments and was only able to pinpoint the general area of one. "Each fragment will hint to another," she had said, "Anything strange should be of interest. They are known to cause... problems. Ah... I suppose I should tell you that it has been a week since the battle. Time flows differently in this cave, you see." Leaving the conversation at that, a bright light engulfed the group. They were suddenly transported through space and time, landing in a small clearing outside of a rather rural village. Aside from their tattered and bloodied clothing, all wounds had been healed. With everyone in near perfect condition, their journey would begin to find their first treasure. [div class=subheader]Status[/div] [div class=maintext2]- Aeronwren (OK) koala koala - Emilia (OK) The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof - Durai (OK) StaidFoal StaidFoal - Frei (OK) Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 - Rojiah (OK) Plutoni Plutoni - Silas (OK) MagicPenguin MagicPenguin - Silver (OK) WillfulWren WillfulWren - Vet'r (OK) HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest [/div] [div class=subheader]Known Info[/div] [div class=maintext2]- The continent they are on is Jabraen, which is to the southeast of Ailan. - It is close to being dark. - The first fragment is somewhere in the general area though the exact distance and location are unknown. - A week has passed during their time in the cavern.[/div] [div class=subheader]Goals[/div] [div class=maintext2]- Figure out location. - Find suitable attire. - Acquire information on potential anomalies. - Travel.[/div] [/div] [/div] [class=container] background-color:#F6F2EC; min-height:400px; max-width:1000px; margin:auto; overflow:hidden; white-space: pre-line; [/class] [class=topimagecontainer] height: 620px; max-width: 1000px; margin: auto!important; background-size:cover; line-height: 0px; [/class] [class=topimage] background: url(https://i.imgur.com/woncqjk.jpg); background-position: -300px 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; margin-top:20px; position:relative; z-index:2; background-size:cover; [/class] [class=header] font-size:28px; color: #333333; padding: 20px; text-align: center; [/class] [class=subheader] font-size:23px; color: #333333; padding: 5px; text-align: center; [/class] [class=maintext] font-size:15px; color:#333333; padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px; text-align: justify; [/class] [class=maintext2] font-size:15px; color:#333333; padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px; text-align: center; [/class]
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[div class=base] [div class=banner][/div] [div class=text1]Ondal, Maius 19, 1106[/div] [div class=text2]Time 1905[/div] [/div] [class=banner] background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/ohbDSA0.jpg); background-size: cover; height: 150px; width: 600px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=text1] text-align: center; font-size: 20px; [/class] [class=text2] text-align: center; font-size: 15px; [/class] [class=base] white-space: pre-line; [/class]
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Name: Vet'r
Location: Unknown
Company: Wanting

Vet'r looked about at the darkening landscape, his eyes already used to the dark of the caves not needing much adjustment to the current light levels. After a brief scan of his surroundings, the Frost turned to his former enemies now turned begrudging allies. Noticing how tattered their clothes were and the amounts of gore and viscera staining their visages he knew their first order of business. Get Clean.

Clearing his throat to get the group's attention, Vet'r began to form a sphere of compact ice before them, measuring at about a meter in diameter. Looking towards the general he had tried to restrain the frost spoke in an even manner. "You mind heating this to a tolerable level for you humans so we can wash ourselves of the battle? While I don't particularly mind being covered in the blood of my enemies. The inhabitants of this unknown land might." He said in a surprisingly diplomatic and not hate filled tone as he passed over the large frozen orb.

Not waiting for an answer, he began to cool the air around himself, causing the moisture in the air to condense into a freezing cold mist. Without a word and not bothered by it, the Frost began to scrub away the filth and blood from his armour and skin. Finishing he spoke again, his mind at the task before them. "As soon as we are mobile, we should scout the area and look for signs of civilization. Most of our clothes and armour are in tatters, and we will need to resupply as well as get information on the land we are currently residing. While I begrudgingly offer this, as painful as it is to me. If given the proper materials, I can fashion each of you some new armour and gear..."

koala koala The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof StaidFoal StaidFoal Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Plutoni Plutoni MagicPenguin MagicPenguin WillfulWren WillfulWren
Aeronwren Tulipey
[div class=base][div class=image][/div]tags: Vet'r HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Aeronwren felt slightly disoriented upon their teleportation from the dark, mysterious caves to what was supposedly the continent of Jabraen. Her golden eyes scanned their surroundings, noting how flat and open the terrain was. There were some woods within sight, but they appeared to be a few meters away. Stopping short of a group of trees, she saw a small town. It was difficult to tell how small it actually was, however, as light was beginning to leave the skies. The Frost was the first to speak, calling our their rugged appearances. Aeronwren looked down at her attire and saw how bloodied she appeared, though none of it was her own. Most, if not all, were from soldiers on the battlefield; some were from Eyolf rubbing against her; some even from Silas. Aside from the red stains that painted her clothes and skin, her cloak was tattered and torn from bandaging people. She frowned, as it was her favorite. Realizing she'd never introduced herself formally to some of the individuals in the group, she took a step up and offered a slight bow. "Excuse me for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Aeronwren Tulipey, Imanea of Ieabi." She didn't say anymore, since it wasn't like the people of Ailan weren't familiar with Imanea. They traveled everywhere across the continent, offering help where help was due. The young half-elf was no exception. "Thank you," she nodded towards Vet'r upon forming the ball of ice. She'd taken it upon herself to conjure up a bowl of sorts for the ice to rest in. Slender roots sprouted from the ground, twisting and turning in odd angles until a basin had formed. Once the ice had been thoroughly melted and heated, she tore a clean portion of her cloak off, soaked it, and began wiping away the blood and grime. Eyolf, on the other hand, was already clean having pranced his way through the streams back in the cave. "Yes, I agree." Aeronwren spoke in reply to Vet'r. "The village over there may be a nice start for us. Perhaps they have blacksmiths and seamstresses that may have materials for us to use." She turned to Eyolf and said something in her native tongue. The wolf let out a gruff and quickly ran towards the outer areas of the village. After a while once everyone had cleaned up, he returned. There are people, Eyolf spoke to her. About 50 of them from what I could see and smell." Aeronwren smiled and gave the wolf a pat. "He said there are around 50 villagers." [/div] [class=base] background-color: #D4D4D6; color: black; height: 350px; min-width: 300px; max-width: 500px; font-size: 14px; text-align: justify; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: none; margin: auto; padding: 5px; white-space: pre-line; [/class] [class=image] background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/cKbOaGv.jpg); background-size: cover; height: 350px; min-width: 300px; max-width: 500px; [/class]
Silver Ferae - Somewhere in Jabraen​
Most of what the elven lady with the eyebrows said was pure gibberish to Silver, who half-listened while picking at her clothes - what may have started the day as a half respectable outfit now hung in tatters, both from damage sustained while fighting and the shifter's own attempts to feel more comfortable. She didn't like feeling like her movement was restricted in any way, and she was just ripping a sleeve off when a bright light enveloped their small group. Screwing her eyes tight shut, Silver hissed as her sensitive eyes were stung by said light. When she opened them again, they had left the dank caves behind. For a moment there was a sting of disappointment that she hadn't managed to catch one of the glowing bugs, but then she took in her surroundings and her mood instantly brightened. Tufted ears pricked forward as she instantly went for the closest tree, crimson eyes assessing it; the lowest branch was still far beyond her reach but that didn't seem to bother her as she jumped up, claws digging into the bark as she scrambled up until she could sit comfortably on the lowest branch, back pressed up against the trunk.

It certainly felt pretty good to be able to observe the ragtag group from above their heads, able to keep an eye on the princess she was forced to protect while being somewhere she felt comfortable. She took a deep breath, sniffing the air to get a sense of what was nearby - this close to the village, the smell of strange humans was unmistakable, as well as a lingering deer trail, but there were a few scents that brought a frown to the shifter's face.

She'd have to go hunting at the first opportunity, see what this strange new place had to offer in terms of food. But for now, she had more freedom than she had in weeks, she had a high vantage point to watch the world go by, a tree trunk to sharpen her claws on and it didn't look like she'd immediately need to defend the princess, so she could relax a little. She gave the block of ice a hesitant look, wrinkling her nose even as it was heated. Clearly, she had no intention of going down there to get cleaned up, ears pinning back at the notion - though they went right back forward again as Aeronwren introduced herself. Silver didn't know what an Imanea of Ieabi was but the introduction was clear, and so the shapeshifter leaned back - right until she slipped from the branch.

And ended up dangling upside down, seemingly at ease as she had been when right side up. It looked like the manoeuvre might even have been purposeful, as she grinned brightly, apparently unconcerned as she announced, "My name's Silver! I'm..." Aeronwren had added a title to her introduction, and that seemed like the correct thing to do, but Silver didn't exactly know of any titles she could apply to herself.

"I'm a shapeshifter." She said in a slightly quieter voice, just saying the first thing that came to mind other than her... connection to Ravena. That wasn't exactly something she wanted to announce, even if she knew how to describe it.

Silver frowned at the thought, fangs nibbling at her lower lip as if she was deep in concentration - an odd state for the emotion-led, reckless girl - and she stayed that way, no change in her demeanour aside from the flush slowly rising to her features from being upside down until Eyolf came charging back. At Aeronwren's announcement, she startled so badly she almost fell off the branch for real, only just managing to grab hold and pull herself right side up again. Sitting straddling the branch, she leaned forward until her chest was flush with the bark, looking down at the princess beneath with a curious expression.

"You can understand him? He speaks to you?" And there was her thinking that speaking to animals was a talent belonging only to shifters
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Vet'r scrutinized the two women as he scrubbed the grime and gore from his armour and face with the cool mist obscuring his form slightly. A note of annoyance sparked in his core as he as he listened to the half-breed. "My Men and I know who you are Princess. You were a high value target. Orders were to capture you if possible and use you as a bargining chip to end this war. Although circumstances have change that..." He said wiping away the last of the filth, before turning his gaze upon the shapeshifter, disappointed in the woman. In his years of service to the united clans, he had worked with her kind. To see one serving their hated enemy, despite their uneasy alliance now, hurt the frost in a way one would feel when their friend had betrayed them.

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