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Fantasy Age of the Kemonomimi (Reboot)

There was a moment of pure silence. He couldn't hear anything. Then there was a ringing so intense Asger dropped down to one knee. He couldnt bring himself to move for half a second before he kicked back into gear. He Kept Blossom hoisted up with one hand slammed the other against his ear but it was no good. Blossom started doing something and all Asger could think is he hopped she was going to shut it up. He pulled his shield close to him trying to block the noise but it was no use.

He was starting to panic and when that happens his Aura seeps into him. He let out a yell of pain that was followed by a great booming of thunder.

He couldn't do anything so he simply tried to wait it out.



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Blossom wasn't too happy about her vines getting chopped off, but how else would she be able to help Alec? She felt the vibrations of the thunder, which didn't totally bother her. She liked storms. She did notice that Asger seemed to be in pain though. She rescinded her vines so that they might not get chopped so carelessly again, and wrapped them around Asger's abdomen to try to comfort him, much like a hug. She would have actually hugged him, but she really couldn't from her position. After she did, she produces a lot of spores, which she moved with her vines to plug Asger's ears as well as her own. Hopefully that would help should more loud sounds come their way.

@Ami the breadling @WiLeo
LokiofSP said:
Apollo yelled as Theo jumped on him, Kat fired an arrow and things spun out of control, "Dad! Stop, please! It was survival! Every man for himself! You have to understand, please, you're embarrassing me in front of my new friend!" He struggled a bit in his father's grip, only there was no avail as Apollo was a pip squeak, "Think about this!"

@Ami the breadling
@Kazehana[/URL] @Lotusy
"EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF?! EMBARASSING?! I'LL SHOW YOU-" Theodore quickly lowered his voice as he noticed the people who were beginning to stare. "I'll show you embarrassment, ya little backstabbing twerp! C'mere!" With a swift movement, he pulled Apollo into a headlock and started ruffling his hair. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, the girl who was originally nearby Apollo fired and arrow at his ankle. Before he could even react, Elise wrapped silk around it, and the arrow bounced harmlessly off of Theo's tail. "Er, excuse me?" He asked, suddenly turning to Kat. "I don't know what you have against a little parental discipline, but I assure you, young lady, assassination is never a good idea." He paused to ruffle Apollo's hair a little more, then let his son go. "Traitor," he muttered, then turned away from Apollo. Of course, he felt much better after doing that, almost enough to hug his son, but the king refused to. Traitors never prosper, he thought to himself.
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Kat grunted and put her gear away, but said nothing. She was so focused on protecting Apollo that she didn't even realize who she was dealing with. She felt as though Apollo was back in good hands, especially since the queen was here. Since she was no longer needed, she felt as if she should leave. No sense in some random girl hanging out with all the royals. Besides, it was probably against some moral code she was unaware of. She took a few steps back towards the exit, presumably to leave.

@Ami the breadling
Kayzo said:
Megumi continued to bat Damian's leg until he began moving, the smaller girl running after him. You'd never think that someone would be this excited to buy underwear, but this Kemonomimi was. The walk to the kingdom was about 20 minutes, which Megumi believed that it should be used for bonding time. The better you know your leader the easier you could please him. "So Master Damian, how often to you come into the kingdom? Do you like it there?" She asked in a cheerful tone, glancing up at him.
@Kayzo [/color]
Draven backed up and covered his ears once the scream left Emma's mouth. The sound was painful to his animal hearing and watching Genji go into full attack mode had Draven convinced the drunk would die. Blossom's attempt to spare the lion failed miserably, and Draven couldn't do anything but make him easier to finish off. "Damn." He yelled, knowing he wouldn't be heard and just tried to keep his ears covered from the sidelines. The badger didn't know what Genji's programming was telling him to do, but he assumed the worst and determined Alec would probably just continue his futile attack. Not like he was any better, he had luckily been stopped.

@Ami the breadling @Blacknife
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Mitchs98 said:
Maria Ann
Maria's jaw dropped. Was she serious? She had to sell EVERYTHING? Part of the stuff belonged to the guild where she hadn't dropped ot off! What's worse the money went to the kingdom instead of the guild for EVERYTHING. Welp. That's it. The guild was going to kick her out for sure and then she'd be reduced to nothing more than strictly a thief. "
B..But you can't! Part of this stuff belongs to the Arkhaios Guild! You can't just take stuff and sell it for the kingdom, that's basically stealing. Which..is..what I did for most of this stuff but still. You'd be no better off than me if you did that. I can probably point out what belongs to the guild and what doesn't.." She told her. It was a good thing her other wing was kind of broken, otherwise she'd of had more stuff to go through...at-least not everything was going to be taken. Hopefully she could convince her to not sell everything.
Rose Springs

Rose sighed quietly as Maria tried to use her words against her. It fortunately didn't make the guard change her mind about selling the stolen items, or at least until Maria mentioned that some of it belonged to the Guild. The Royalty and the Guild had close ties and Rose really didn't want to be the one to cut them. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a brief moment before opening them and staring into Maria's eyes. "The Guild is an important ally to the kingdom, and I don't want to ruin their relationship. Please, separate the items that you stole from the items that belong to the guild." She said, taking a step back and looking down at the many different trinkets. "If you need me to do this for you, please inform me."

GingerBread said:

Megumi continued to walk beside Damian, the shorter girl smiling brightly up at her leader. She found the man to be caring, handsome, passionate, brave, the list goes on. She secretly believed that the humans specifically chose him to lead the group, created Damian in their own image. Needless to say she admired him greatly, even if he didn't feel the same. "The Arkhaios Guild is ruining the image of our glorious leaders, stealing their treasure and putting it on display. It makes me sick to my stomach." She said sourly, frowning at the thought of such disrespect. "Like you said, they're corrupting the people's minds. We should do something about them... But enough about the Guild, let's go get our supplies. Can I accompany you when you get your painting supplies? Then you could join me when I get my panties."
Kayzo said:
Rose Springs
Rose sighed quietly as Maria tried to use her words against her. It fortunately didn't make the guard change her mind about selling the stolen items, or at least until Maria mentioned that some of it belonged to the Guild. The Royalty and the Guild had close ties and Rose really didn't want to be the one to cut them. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a brief moment before opening them and staring into Maria's eyes. "The Guild is an important ally to the kingdom, and I don't want to ruin their relationship. Please, separate the items that you stole from the items that belong to the guild." She said, taking a step back and looking down at the many different trinkets. "If you need me to do this for you, please inform me."

Megumi continued to walk beside Damian, the shorter girl smiling brightly up at her leader. She found the man to be caring, handsome, passionate, brave, the list goes on. She secretly believed that the humans specifically chose him to lead the group, created Damian in their own image. Needless to say she admired him greatly, even if he didn't feel the same. "The Arkhaios Guild is ruining the image of our glorious leaders, stealing their treasure and putting it on display. It makes me sick to my stomach." She said sourly, frowning at the thought of such disrespect. "Like you said, they're corrupting the people's minds. We should do something about them... But enough about the Guild, let's go get our supplies. Can I accompany you when you get your painting supplies? Then you could join me when I get my panties."
Maria Ann

Maria grinned. Of course, she would be able to keep a few of the items she stole too.. but she obviously couldn't keep all of them. That'd be too suspicious. "Good! I got it, don't worry." She replied before kneeling down and shifting through the stuff. After a few minutes she had everything sorted into two piles, the stuff for the guild and part of the stolen stuff she was keeping and the stolen stuff. "There we go! All sorted." She told her with a wide grin on her face. "Let me guess, you're gunna come with me to the guild and make sure I turn it all in, right?" She asked, arching a brow in question.
WiLeo said:

[ACKNOWLEDGED] Adorablebot MK I said, reassured knowing that it wasn't the only robot roaming this world. It can try to find out more about what happened to humanity through them. Or at least get directions to a human facility containing any information about the subject. However if they don't cooperate and deem themselves hostile... it can obtain information from their broken bodies. [HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO FIX MY EQUIPMENT FEISTY SQUISH] The machine asked, noticing its exterior much cleaner than before.

@Ami the breadling


Oh... really?" Alec replied, looking up at the two robots in front of him with a doubtful smile. "Nice robots... or robot. That's reassuring. Especially with those pointy things in your hand." Sacrificing Blossom didn't do anything to keep the robots away from him. Maybe they were into eating meat... or the squishing of the meat. Oh the terrible memories were coming back to haunt his mind again. "You thought us kemonomimi were scary and want to eat your kind?" He chuckled nervously, accepting the hand 'Emma' offered him. "No, no, no. It's quite the opposite." As he pulled himself up, he grabbed the hilt of his sword. "Your kind are the real monsters." Pulling his sword out of its sheath, half of its rusty blade missing, he pushed himself forward into Emma. "That's why you need to die! Before you metalheads kill me again!" He raised his sword, before thrusting it toward her face.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana @rooke @Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife @Kazehana

metalcity said:
Jazz yawned, she started to rub her eyes. "Now that I can't have any more fun with adorablebot MK I can I leave? I should go get some sleep." Jazz asked.
@WiLeo @Ami the breadling

Amelia looked at the robots equipment."
Maximum one or two ours for the first few. That lasercannon for example should be done then. If you want all and not only some, you will have to give me a day or two. But if those few ones are enough for you, you can tell me to stop then. About the using... The leader here pretty sure won't let you. Neither will he allow you to leave, nor to shot anyone here. You could of course use it on him... Or i could sneak you out. ", she said and started to fix the cannon. She then looked at Jazz. "Tell anyone and we use it's weaponry on you, girl."
Jazz moved her hand across her lip, as if she was zipping it up. She then throw away what was a imagined key. She tried to say 'my lips are sealed' but all that came out was muffled sound from behind her locked lips. Jazz then started to skip away. She skipped through the halls of the hideout and reached a statue, she knelt down and started to pray.

Aine is walking with some cake on her hand as she eating it, but then suddenly she bumped into someone as she going to fall, but she make a Acrobat move, use her hand on the ground and flip back and land on her feet. "Save!" She laughed and then look at someone she bumped into.

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Jazz watched as cake started to fall on her head "I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF THIS!!" She shouted as she manoeuvred her heard to catch each cake, each one being more delicious than the last. Once each one was eaten she rubbed her tummy "That was great, my dreams came true." She turned her head to look at the girl "Thanks for the cakes." She smiled happily.

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"HEY!!!!" Aine shouted as she see that strange girl is already eating her cake. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU ATE MY CAKE!!!!" She start to tear up. "I save up all my money to buy my favorite cake......" Aine looked at the girl, angrily. "HOW THERE YOU ATE MY CAKE!!!"

"It's quite easy actually, you see. You put the cake in your mouth, then you bite down on it. Its great, and thanks for the cake. It was great." Jazz kindly said, her eyes were covered by frosting so she didn't see the girl tear up. "I'll buy you cake next time. And we can use plates!" Jazz started to brush the crumbs that she didn't eat off her.

@JessBeth (oops xD sorry, tagged the wrong person xD )
Aine start to tearing up until she hear her saying something. " You? Going to buy me cake?" Aine look at her as she not going to believe her. "Yea right...." But she wanted her cake as she feel her stomach growled. "......Can you buy me one now?" she asked.

@metalcity (I know, haha)
"Sure!" Jazz happily said, she brushed away the frosting and saw the girl was teared up. She quickly rushed to her side "oh no! what's the matter? did someone hurt you? don't worry! I'm sure cake will cheer you up!" Jazz started to lead the girl out of the hideout "Where did you get the cake from?" She asked.

"Huh? You will?" Aine is surprised that that girl is going to buy her a cake. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing...." She wipe off her tears as she hear that girl saying where she get it. "Um....one of the famous pastry shop.....I forgot what's the name...." Aine said as she think about it.

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Kayzo said:
Megumi continued to walk beside Damian, the shorter girl smiling brightly up at her leader. She found the man to be caring, handsome, passionate, brave, the list goes on. She secretly believed that the humans specifically chose him to lead the group, created Damian in their own image. Needless to say she admired him greatly, even if he didn't feel the same. "The Arkhaios Guild is ruining the image of our glorious leaders, stealing their treasure and putting it on display. It makes me sick to my stomach." She said sourly, frowning at the thought of such disrespect. "Like you said, they're corrupting the people's minds. We should do something about them... But enough about the Guild, let's go get our supplies. Can I accompany you when you get your painting supplies? Then you could join me when I get my panties."
"I do not see a reason why you cannot accompany me when I go to get my painting supplies." Damian didn't bother questioning why she wanted to join him, when it would clearly be quickly if they both got the things they wanted at the same time, instead of accompanying each other. "Though we should also do something about the royalty that continue to let this guild operate. It is disrespectful to our Gods that they let them continue to operate and oppress the people into thinking our Gods are just Myths"
Jazz smiled sweetly at the unknown girl "Looks like I just have to buy the best cake from each bakery. No problem! I'm sure I can buy them all. How much does a cake cost any ways? 5 pence? 10 pence?" Jazz pondered, helping the girl up while thinking.

"I'll buy the biggest cake you can imagine! lets get going! cakes don't eat them selves! or do they?" She started to think, what if they did eat themselves? she started to shake slightly as she freaked herself out. She then shock her head "Anyway lets get going." Jazz offered the girl to follow her.

Sine follow that girl. She look behind her as she thought that girl is kind and a bit odd, but is she going to buy her a cake. "By the way, girl what is you're name? I can't call you girl all the time..."

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Jazz looked down at the girl, "My name? Well that would be Jazz! And what's yours?" She asked. Jazz placed her hands behind her back and started to walk calmly down the hallway.

"I'm Aine....Aine Golden....." Her name is kind of famous. She is one of the star of the circus. She and her families are "The Golden Acrobatics".

Jazz smiled "That's a pretty name." Jazz spun around at the end of the hallway and faced Anie. "Where have I heard that name before?" She thought out loud.


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