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Fantasy Age of the Kemonomimi (Reboot)

Mitchs98 said:
Maria AnnMaria sighed, she guessed she could tolerate her sleeping at her place for a night. It was marginally better sounding than jail..marginally. At-least she wasn't taking joy in basically tormenting her. "Alright then.." She mumbled in reply. After a bit more of walking they were approached by someone asking to tag along with them, someone that was apparently hungry. Maria honestly wasn't sure why she should give a damn, and was about to tell them no when Rose agreed to let them come. "Alright..fine. Why not." She told her.

Not that it seemed it matter, because by the time she had gotten her words out Zalivia had already transformed into her megaraptor thing. Ehhh..she figured she might as well accept her offer. Climbing on board she carefully posistion herself so she wouldn't fall off, having to rely on the minimal leg strength she had to stay on due to one wing being full and the other on being broken. With that she waited to see what Rose would do, assuming she would get on too.
Rose was terrified when the girl before her suddenly turned into some sort of beast. She'd never seen something like this in her life, and it looked like something from Horror Island. To make matters worse Maria was already getting up onto her back, and Roses suspicions rose up too high. Surely this new girl was the Birb's partner in crime and was going to run away with her! This was something she couldn't sllow to happen. "Please get off of her back. You and me are walking, even if you have a broken wing. I can't risk you escaping."

Kayzo said:
Rose was terrified when the girl before her suddenly turned into some sort of beast. She'd never seen something like this in her life, and it looked like something from Horror Island. To make matters worse Maria was already getting up onto her back, and Roses suspicions rose up too high. Surely this new girl was the Birb's partner in crime and was going to run away with her! This was something she couldn't sllow to happen. "Please get off of her back. You and me are walking, even if you have a broken wing. I can't risk you escaping."

Maria Ann

Maria pouted slightly and sighed. What was with this girl? Time she'd gotten comfy she told her to get down. To make matters worse she assumed she was going to attempt to escape. Escape was impossible with a broken wing. Plus the dino was about as subtle as a brick through the window, not exactly the best for a getaway. "
It's fine you big baby. Climb on, we'll get there faster anyway." She told her bluntly. "There's really no way I'd escape anyhow, not with my wing broken." She added.
Apollo laughed as his father ruffled his hair, blinking as he realized his last statement, "Wait what was that last part?" He shook his head, beginning to walk away before casting another glance at Kat, "Hey, are you gonna be okay? We dragged you all the way out here and it's getting kinda dark...Are you sure you don't want a guest room or something?"

@Ami the breadling
She looked up through the doorway ahead t notice how time had flown by today. With a sigh, she reasoned that he was right, though she sorely didn't want to admit it. "I.. I'll be fine, I'm sure.." she said, for perhaps the first time unsure of herself. But either way, she didn't want to be in the debt of royals of all people. That was a debt she knew she could never repay, meaning her life might suck just a little more doing stuff for them unnecessarily. Oh wait, she was already doing that anyway. "I mean, surely you'll be fine here without me, so there is no real reason for me to burden you anymore," she finished, continuing her walk after a brief pause. What she wouldn't give to just be home already.

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy
Apollo looked at Kat, a frown still slightly present on his face, "I mean, you wouldn't be a burden, but if you feel that way I can't stop you..." He began to turn away from her, leaving to go with his parents, "You take care of yourself, okay? Hope you have a good day..." He then turned completely away from her and began to jog ahead, catching up with his parents and walking away with them.

@Ami the breadling @Kazehana
Yin is waiting as she is feeling nervous for this. Meeting Asriel boss and asking him to give her a job.

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