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Fantasy Age of the Kemonomimi (Reboot)

Kazehana said:
Blossom didn't have time to dawdle, so she simply grabbed his hand and pulled as hard as she could in the direction of the stand, hoping he would move immediately to where she needed to go. She had seen Alec like this and to be honest, no one wanted to deal with it. All he did was cause trouble. But she felt a little responsible and would most likely feel guilty if she didn't do something now while she had the chance. But she didn't want to just leave Asger right now, so he was going to come along with.
Asger simply let himself be lead around by this tiny girl. He didnt have anything better to do so he just went with it. What he wanted to know was where she was taking him.

"Where are we going?" He asked with a very confused look on his face.
Blossom didn't have time to reply, so she just lead him to the stand. When she go there, she let go of his hand, giving a small bow of apology to the people running the stand as she stood between Draven and Alec. She wasn't about to have him start a fight in the middle of the marketplace after all. She rolled her eyes and started pushing Alec towards the guild, hoping she could get him back inside before he caused more of a scene. She gave a look to Asger and motioned with her eyes for him to come along. Once she had finished with Alec, she would be free for more shenanigans.

@Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf
Almost immediately, Kat whipped out her bow and prepared an arrow to fire. She pulled the string back, but let the light from her fingers envelop the arrow before she dared shoot it. As son as it was ready, she shot it, leaving a trail of soft yellow light in its wake. She aimed for his leg because she wasn't sure if she was supposed to kill whomever that was. The enchantment itself is designed to paralyze the target for a very short amount of time, but enough for someone to get a lengthy head start should they run away immediately.

(Clarifying that she has no idea what the king looks like)

@Ami the breadling
Apollo yelled as Theo jumped on him, Kat fired an arrow and things spun out of control, "Dad! Stop, please! It was survival! Every man for himself! You have to understand, please, you're embarrassing me in front of my new friend!" He struggled a bit in his father's grip, only there was no avail as Apollo was a pip squeak, "Think about this!"


[DOES THAT MEAN OTHER ROBOTS HAVE NOT ACTIVATED IN THIS WORLD] Adorablebot MK I asked, curious as to what the scientist squish meant by 'real robot'. Were robots rare to see in this world? If it was activated, then there is a possibility that many others did too. Problem was, how many? What kind of models? Where were the activated ones?

@Ami the breadling


Built into you?" Alec asked, not stopping the constant poking of the strange girl's eyepatch. "Wouldn't that hurt? Getting that laser tech thingy into your own eye?" He wasn't sure what she meant by 'laser'. Was that some sort of medicine? Or maybe a weapon? Whatever it was, it sounded funny to pronounce. "What does your laser tech thingy do anyway? I wanna know what it does." Before he do anything else, a different girl attempted to push him away from the stand. Raising his hand, he was about to smack their head when he recognized who it was. "Tulip!" He exclaimed, calling Blossom by the wrong name as he lifted her up. "What are you doing here! Wait! Let me guess... you're here to say hi to me!" He then gave her a hug, squeezing her as tight as he can with a smile. " Aww that's so freaking cute of you to do that!"

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @rooke @Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife
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Blossom just accepted the hug, as she couldn't do anything about it. She gave a small smile, trying to seem friendly. But in reality she was a little scared when this happens. Alec was quite a bit larger and stronger than she was, so she was powerless to stop him from doing most things. So she basically ends up forced to let him do whatever he wants. But she couldn't just leave him out to roam the streets! She felt personally responsible for keeping him away from others so no one else would have to deal with him, especially when he was drunk. Speaking of, his breath smelled horrid, which meant that he was quite definitely drunk. She gently pushed him to try to get him away, but she highly doubted she would be successful.

@Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife
WiLeo said:

[DOES THAT MEAN OTHER ROBOTS HAVE NOT ACTIVATED IN THIS WORLD] Adorablebot MK I asked, curious as to what the scientist squish meant by 'real robot'. Were robots rare to see in this world? If it was activated, then there is a possibility that many others did too. Problem was, how many? What kind of models? Where were the activated ones?

@Ami the breadling


Built into you?" Alec asked, not stopping the constant poking of the strange girl's eyepatch. "Wouldn't that hurt? Getting that laser tech thingy into your own eye?" He wasn't sure what she meant by 'laser'. Was that some sort of medicine? Or maybe a weapon? Whatever it was, it sounded funny to pronounce. "What does your laser tech thingy do anyway? I wanna know what it does." Before he do anything else, a different girl attempted to push him away from the stand. Raising his hand, he was about to smack their head when he recognized who it was. "Tulip!" He exclaimed, calling Blossom by the wrong name as he lifted her up. "What are you doing here! Wait! Let me guess... you're here to say hi to me!" He then gave her a hug, squeezing her as tight as he can with a smile. " Aww that's so freaking cute of you to do that!"

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @rooke @Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife

Kazehana said:
Blossom just accepted the hug, as she couldn't do anything about it. She gave a small smile, trying to seem friendly. But in reality she was a little scared when this happens. Alec was quite a bit larger and stronger than she was, so she was powerless to stop him from doing most things. So she basically ends up forced to let him do whatever he wants. But she couldn't just leave him out to roam the streets! She felt personally responsible for keeping him away from others so no one else would have to deal with him, especially when he was drunk. Speaking of, his breath smelled horrid, which meant that he was quite definitely drunk. She gently pushed him to try to get him away, but she highly doubted she would be successful.
@WiLeo @Mitchs98 @rooke @Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife

@rooke @noalaniwolf @Blacknife @Ami the breadling


Emma cringed as the magical flower came by trying to shove the drunk guy poking her eyepatch away, but failing miserably. To make matters worse Genji, was for some reason, mad again. Though she looked confused when he asked if it hurt. "
No..? Why would it hurt? It was built into me like everything else. I'm kinda a robot and junk..it also shoots lasers. Like...beams of super heated light to kill junk with." She replied. "Thanks for getting him to stop poking me magical flower overlord!" She told Blossom. "I could try to catch you a live rabbit though..as long as I don't have to kill it myself." She told Alec, trying to shift attention away from her eyepatch.
Asger approached the small group and stopped at just the edge. He didnt recognize anyone in this little group of people Blossom had just lead him too but he decided to make the most of it. With a very nervous smile he said "Uhh..He-hello?" He wasn't really sure if he should get involved in the situation right now but he decided it would be polite to at least attempt to introduce himself. He stood just next to the little girl with the eye patch.



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"Aww! She's trying to push me away!" Alec said, not letting Blossom escape his hug. "Yeah, a live bunny works too. I can cook it up real nice with... wait. What the udder did you say?" He looked at the strange girl again, but this time a bit more closely. "Robots... why does that sound so familiar?" Inspecting her body carefully, he began to notice that while the strange girl had skin, some parts looked like metal. Then that's when he realized her armor wasn't really armor. It was part of their body. Literally. Poop. "Oh my gosh! Get the hell away from me, ya metalhead!" He panicked, immediately backing away from her. He took a glance at the armored man next to the ram vendor, only to connect the dots again. It was another robot. With swords. Oh smite. "Take Bush as a living sacrifice! She's great for vegans! Or whatever you two eat!" Raising Blossom above his head as he continued backing away, he was about to throw her at the female robot until he crashed into the honey badger. This messed up his aim, throwing her at the bear fella instead.

@Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife
LokiofSP said:
Apollo yelled as Theo jumped on him, Kat fired an arrow and things spun out of control, "Dad! Stop, please! It was survival! Every man for himself! You have to understand, please, you're embarrassing me in front of my new friend!" He struggled a bit in his father's grip, only there was no avail as Apollo was a pip squeak, "Think about this!"

Elise saw the arrow fly and shot a string at it to make the tip not sharp enough to hurt. "Girl you just shot at the king...", she floated happily to Kat. "Today just isn't your day, huh?", she said. Then she looked at Theo and Apollo. "Can you two please get it over with and have some grace? We are royals."

@Kazehana @Lotusy
Blossom cringed as he lifted her and continued to grimace throughout her flight. She crashed straight into Asger, who was more like a soft brick wall than anything. She was glad it wasn't a real brick wall because that might have hurt more. Not to say it didn't hurt her; it did. After she hit she was stunned for a moment, so she ended up falling shortly after impact.

@Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife
WiLeo said:

[DOES THAT MEAN OTHER ROBOTS HAVE NOT ACTIVATED IN THIS WORLD] Adorablebot MK I asked, curious as to what the scientist squish meant by 'real robot'. Were robots rare to see in this world? If it was activated, then there is a possibility that many others did too. Problem was, how many? What kind of models? Where were the activated ones?

@Ami the breadling


Built into you?" Alec asked, not stopping the constant poking of the strange girl's eyepatch. "Wouldn't that hurt? Getting that laser tech thingy into your own eye?" He wasn't sure what she meant by 'laser'. Was that some sort of medicine? Or maybe a weapon? Whatever it was, it sounded funny to pronounce. "What does your laser tech thingy do anyway? I wanna know what it does." Before he do anything else, a different girl attempted to push him away from the stand. Raising his hand, he was about to smack their head when he recognized who it was. "Tulip!" He exclaimed, calling Blossom by the wrong name as he lifted her up. "What are you doing here! Wait! Let me guess... you're here to say hi to me!" He then gave her a hug, squeezing her as tight as he can with a smile. " Aww that's so freaking cute of you to do that!"

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @rooke @Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife

Amilia shrugged. She had started cleaning the robots outerior. Though she had been rude and harsh, she was cleaning him very gently and carefully. "
Well. There surely are more robots out there, but not much. Your the first one i see. And sure enough the first one the others here see. I am not even sure if you are not the only one active."

Blacknife said:
Asger approached the small group and stopped at just the edge. He didnt recognize anyone in this little group of people Blossom had just lead him too but he decided to make the most of it. With a very nervous smile he said "Uhh..He-hello?" He wasn't really sure if he should get involved in the situation right now but he decided it would be polite to at least attempt to introduce himself. He stood just next to the little girl with the eye patch.
@Ami the breadling @Ami the breadling @Ami the breadling @Blacknife @noalaniwolf


Emma was confused. Why was he scared of her? She didn't do anything to threaten him, did she? She was just trying to stop a fight and answer his questions..so why was he trying to run from her? Sure she might have weapons...but she wasn't exactly evil. Just cause she was made mostly out of metal and he was squishy didn't mean anything, did it? He was even so scared of her he tried to toss Blossom at her as a sacrifice. It..just didn't make sense to her. Slowly she walked over to where he fell and crouched down a few inches from him to be level with him.

"Why..are you scared of me? I didn't do anything. I was just trying to stop you two from hurting each other." She asked him. "I was just trying to help..I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." She told him. "I'm Emma, that's Genji. We're nice robots. And you are?" She added, gesturing to Genji before standing and offering a hand to help Alec up. She really didn't understand why he was afraid of her, had other more evil robots woken up in the past or something? That was the only thing she knew that could of been the problem. "Truth be told I was scared of you guys at first. Kinda thought you wanted to eat me, heh.." She commented, trying to further calm him down.
Mitchs98 said:
@Ami the breadling @Blacknife @noalaniwolf

Emma was confused. Why was he scared of her? She didn't do anything to threaten him, did she? She was just trying to stop a fight and answer his questions..so why was he trying to run from her? Sure she might have weapons...but she wasn't exactly evil. Just cause she was made mostly out of metal and he was squishy didn't mean anything, did it? He was even so scared of her he tried to toss Blossom at her as a sacrifice. It..just didn't make sense to her. Slowly she walked over to where he fell and crouched down a few inches from him to be level with him.

"Why..are you scared of me? I didn't do anything. I was just trying to stop you two from hurting each other." She asked him. "I was just trying to help..I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." She told him. "I'm Emma, that's Genji. We're nice robots. And you are?" She added, gesturing to Genji before standing and offering a hand to help Alec up. She really didn't understand why he was afraid of her, had other more evil robots woken up in the past or something? That was the only thing she knew that could of been the problem. "Truth be told I was scared of you guys at first. Kinda thought you wanted to eat me, heh.." She commented, trying to further calm him down.
Genji heard her. HE felt like trolling around and messing with her right now. He stood up and played around with a few shuriken. "Well, Emma is a nice robot.", he said with a cold tone, that delievered a hidden threat to the man. He then stood in front of te guy, looking down, the throwing stars still in his hand.

@Blacknife @noalaniwolf @Kazehana @WiLeo
Mitchs98 said:
@Kazehana @Blacknife
Maria Ann

Maria had actually expected worse, time in jail to be precise, than simply having a guard stalk her around for two days. Could be worse, she guessed. The guard could actually look intimidating. Though the main problem with returning the objects was she had no clue who they belonged to, at all, at this point. Though some of them HAD came from the Forbidden City. Still, though, she didn't want her following her around. That meant she couldn't steal stuff for two whole days! Then again..it'd probably take that long for her wing to heal, so she couldn't steal stuff anyway.

Fiine. I guess that's better than jail. Though one problem with your plan. I dunno who that junk belongs to anymore. Part of it was mine I found in the Forbidden City too." She replied. "Sooo I can't exactly follow through with returning the items." She added with a shrug.
Rose couldn't help but let out a quiet and frustrated sigh as Maria explained that most of the items she stole couldn't be traced back to their rightful owners. This actually made her job easier, but she didn't like the fact that she couldn't return the stolen goods. "Oh, I see... I guess we have to sell what you have and hope that the original owners find out. Whatever you found has to be sold too, and all the money goes to the kingdom. I'm sorry about that..." She said to Maria, her ears drooping down. The guard actually felt bad for having to sell the girls own things, but there was no way she could tell what was stolen and what wasn't. And obviously she couldn't just ask seeing that the girl could easily lie about it. "Once again, I'm terribly sorry."

Megumi continued to bat Damian's leg until he began moving, the smaller girl running after him. You'd never think that someone would be this excited to buy underwear, but this Kemonomimi was. The walk to the kingdom was about 20 minutes, which Megumi believed that it should be used for bonding time. The better you know your leader the easier you could please him. "So Master Damian, how often to you come into the kingdom? Do you like it there?" She asked in a cheerful tone, glancing up at him.

Kayzo said:
Rose couldn't help but let out a quiet and frustrated sigh as Maria explained that most of the items she stole couldn't be traced back to their rightful owners. This actually made her job easier, but she didn't like the fact that she couldn't return the stolen goods. "Oh, I see... I guess we have to sell what you have and hope that the original owners find out. Whatever you found has to be sold too, and all the money goes to the kingdom. I'm sorry about that..." She said to Maria, her ears drooping down. The guard actually felt bad for having to sell the girls own things, but there was no way she could tell what was stolen and what wasn't. And obviously she couldn't just ask seeing that the girl could easily lie about it. "Once again, I'm terribly sorry."

Megumi continued to bat Damian's leg until he began moving, the smaller girl running after him. You'd never think that someone would be this excited to buy underwear, but this Kemonomimi was. The walk to the kingdom was about 20 minutes, which Megumi believed that it should be used for bonding time. The better you know your leader the easier you could please him. "So Master Damian, how often to you come into the kingdom? Do you like it there?" She asked in a cheerful tone, glancing up at him.

Maria Ann

Maria's jaw dropped. Was she serious? She had to sell EVERYTHING? Part of the stuff belonged to the guild where she hadn't dropped ot off! What's worse the money went to the kingdom instead of the guild for EVERYTHING. Welp. That's it. The guild was going to kick her out for sure and then she'd be reduced to nothing more than strictly a thief. "
B..But you can't! Part of this stuff belongs to the Arkhaios Guild! You can't just take stuff and sell it for the kingdom, that's basically stealing. Which..is..what I did for most of this stuff but still. You'd be no better off than me if you did that. I can probably point out what belongs to the guild and what doesn't.." She told her. It was a good thing her other wing was kind of broken, otherwise she'd of had more stuff to go through...at-least not everything was going to be taken. Hopefully she could convince her to not sell everything.

[ACKNOWLEDGED] Adorablebot MK I said, reassured knowing that it wasn't the only robot roaming this world. It can try to find out more about what happened to humanity through them. Or at least get directions to a human facility containing any information about the subject. However if they don't cooperate and deem themselves hostile... it can obtain information from their broken bodies. [HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO FIX MY EQUIPMENT FEISTY SQUISH] The machine asked, noticing its exterior much cleaner than before.

@Ami the breadling


Oh... really?" Alec replied, looking up at the two robots in front of him with a doubtful smile. "Nice robots... or robot. That's reassuring. Especially with those pointy things in your hand." Sacrificing Blossom didn't do anything to keep the robots away from him. Maybe they were into eating meat... or the squishing of the meat. Oh the terrible memories were coming back to haunt his mind again. "You thought us kemonomimi were scary and want to eat your kind?" He chuckled nervously, accepting the hand 'Emma' offered him. "No, no, no. It's quite the opposite." As he pulled himself up, he grabbed the hilt of his sword. "Your kind are the real monsters." Pulling his sword out of its sheath, half of its rusty blade missing, he pushed himself forward into Emma. "That's why you need to die! Before you metalheads kill me again!" He raised his sword, before thrusting it toward her face.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana @rooke @Ami the breadling @noalaniwolf @Blacknife @Kazehana
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Jazz yawned, she started to rub her eyes. "Now that I can't have any more fun with adorablebot MK I can I leave? I should go get some sleep." Jazz asked.

@Ami the breadling
Genji quickly grabbed his shortblade and stopped the blade with it. His eyes turned red and his body got black. "Must protect. Threat must be.... Eliminated.", he said and pushed the attacker back a bit before sheating the shortsword, starting to burn and drawing the dragon blade. "RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU!", he shouted, getting ready to attack.

@WiLeo @Kazehana @Mitchs98 @noalaniwolf


Don't worry, Genji is a big softie really." She assured Alec when he commented on Genji's weapons. She nodded and grinned slightly at his comment of Kemonomini being scary, believing he was calming down a bit. Though what he said about things being opposite confused her, even further when he said her kind were monsters. Had evil robots infact woken up before herself and Genji? Had Genji not blocked the blade it would've stabbed through her eyepatch.

Emma stepped back slightly at the sight of the ensuing fight, she didn't know what to do. Sure Genji was only trying to protect her, but he was only proving Alec's viewpoint..a poor one it was but proving it nonetheless. Should she fight? Should she run? She looked nervously at everyone around her. Slowly she covered her ears with her palms and appeared to be sucking in air, which she was but not for breathing purposes. Opening her mouth she screeched an extremely high pitched sound capable of knocking someone out and completely defeaning them, in some cases permanently depending on the range. She wanted the fighting to stop, at-least long enough to get a chance to explain, and that was the best way she knew without harming anyone.
Asger moved quickly once Blossom had been thrown at him. He tucked his arms out in front of him and caught her with a little 'Pff'

He looked down at the little girl that he had bridle style in his arms now "Never fear little one ive got you"

When he saw what was going on in front of him he panicked slightly and pulled his massive shield of his back and heaved it in front of him. The bottom was resting on the cold stone ground as he hoisted Blossom back onto his shoulder. He peered over the top to watch the action happen in front of him.



Blossom blinked her gratitude to him before he put her back on his sholder. Now, she probably was safter there, but she felt as if she should be helping Alec despite his rude behavior towards her. The loud noise made her ears hurt, and gave her a huge headache, but she thought she had to help. Granted she couldn't hear much but a ring for a few moments. Vines shot out of her central flower and flew towards Genji, aimed at the sword her carried. She figured she had to give it her best effort despite her own problems.

@Ami the breadling
Kazehana said:
Blossom blinked her gratitude to him before he put her back on his sholder. Now, she probably was safter there, but she felt as if she should be helping Alec despite his rude behavior towards her. The loud noise made her ears hurt, and gave her a huge headache, but she thought she had to help. Granted she couldn't hear much but a ring for a few moments. Vines shot out of her central flower and flew towards Genji, aimed at the sword her carried. She figured she had to give it her best effort despite her own problems.
@Ami the breadling
The scream did not really bother the robot. Genji did not even turn to cut the vines. Thr assasin cut them with a single swipe.

@Mitchs98 @noalaniwolf @WiLeo @Blacknife
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