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Against Better Judgement {PJO}

Ursa Minor

Junior Member
Luke tries not to looked up when he hears someone call his name. It's a different voice yet he knows what they want and how they're going to get it despite what happens. He's walking a steady pace to the library he mind set forth on a clear path like always as everyone watches him. It's always the same. When he enters a room a steady silence falls upon everyone and almost at once they're staring at him. Glaring really. They think it's his fault,...in their minds the three of them made this happen and they want justice and he can't blame them. The war changed them....every. single. one of the them and he knows that fear will eventfully lead to anger and anger will lead to hate. His sister is no where to be found as he treks across the open filed ignoring the stares and the whispers. A cold shiver goes through him as an Ares child stops in his tracks his sword glittering in the sun and he waves it acorss the dirt. It's like he's teasing him and he wants Luke to say something.

Luke says nothing. He won't give him the time of day, but he guesses that's not what they want to hear.

"Hey, Luke! Why don't you come over here for a minute. I want to talk to ya..." The threat is obvious. He knows that once he goes over there that he'll get in a fight whether he wants it or not. He can already tell a crowd is forming and no one tries to stop him. It;s like they can feel it within themselves. The hate him for something he participated in and they want revenge.

"I-I'm busy-" his words are cut short and soon he's looking up to a burly brunette who's arms are bigger than his head. A toothy grin appears and a flash of irritation goes across his almost black eyes.

The boy shakes his head and looks around as if to say, 'look at this idiot.'. What comes out of his mouth scares Luke, but he knows not to let it show. He's like a shark scenting blood for the very first time and no matter what he does he's going to get bit. "I wasn't askin' you,
Daniel was so confused at the moment. The campers weren't just murmuring now. They were heading towards a big crowd. A big crowd with no official announcement meant trouble. So Daniel naturally followed to see what was going on. Since he wasn't that tall, he couldn't see much with all the heads in front of him blocking the view. He knew this wasn't the wisest move, but he squeezed in between the campers as much as he could to reach the front. Most of them started to complain, and some were trying to make trouble with him too, but he ignored everyone.

With a bit of effort, he reached the front. But he wanted to retreat immediately. This wasn't a scene he wanted to look at. A scared looking guy was facing an Ares child, and it seemed that the favors weren't in the scared boy's side.

"I wasn't askin' you, witch." Oh, so he was he bothering a Hecate boy?

Daniel considered going to interrupt, but did he have the strength? Well, maybe he didn't, but he could defend himself. And others. "Hey, leave him alone," he said, making sure his voice was loud enough.
The boy blinked once before furrowing his eyebrows. Luke could practically hear the gears running through his mind as he gazed around the circle finally noticing the crowd with grim amusement. "Mind your own business. I'm sure he can defend himself, isn't that right Luke." The way he said his name seemed to be soaked in malice. It was a short hiss with narrowed eyes and the crack of a knuckle. Luke didn't know if his face showed his concern, but he took a step back only to be met with more whispers. A wave of embarrassment went through him, and he fought the urge to run. He was already branded a coward...why make it more obvious?

"Look, I don't want trouble. I just want to get a boo-" he didn't see the flash of flesh coming his way as he spoke. It was a quick punch to the face something Luke had to notice only mere seconds after before his face was lit with pain. It started in his cheek coming down to his toes as the boy had probably put everything he had in that one punch. He face went right and he bent down and cupped his cheek feeling the blood well up in his mouth and tried to ignore the loose feeling of one tooth before he spat it out. The crowd around him seemed to freeze looking at both of them wondering what side to take. Luke knew the answer even as he grit his teeth painfully and heard a shout coming from them.

They were cheering at an obviously one sided fight. And they were laughing. He felt tears well up in his eyes and brushed them as he stood up and straightened his back to look taller which was a joke seeing as he was painfully shorter than the other boy. His lip felt numb to the touch and the side of his head throbbed. He breathed in through his mouth heavily stepping backwards and tried to remember that maybe this was what he deserved. He shook it away fiercely. He didn't deserve this....he already lost his family. His honor was only a small price to pay for this.

"That's enough, Patrick." The voice was cold yet forceful and Luke knew without a doubt that he was about to have his ass handed to him. Chiron stood taller than anybody he had ever seen, the white body of his horse was graceful and the muscles rippled in the sunlight. He hands were clenched and his eyes had a steely look to them, but he wasn't looking at him. He was staring at the boy--apparently named Patrick-- and sighed heavily. The campers shifted uncomfortably yet they stood in place. "He has done nothing wrong to you--silence. Do no interrupt. Apologize and never let me hear of this again."

Patrick tensed and took in a breathe. Luke held his own as well and swallowed back a little amount of blood and watched as Patrick glared at him. His brown eyes gleaming with a strange cunning and nodded to him and whispered something before turning and walking away. Luke shivered to himself and looked down at the fallen book, now covered in dust and didn't make eye contact with anyone. Chrion watched him for a moment before walking up to him and putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. he stood there for a moment just....Luke didn't know....before walking away. The campers chattered amongst themselves before they too got bored and slunk away some giving him glances and others glaring at him like it was his fault.
(OMG I'm so sorry. I saw this but I was busy when I did and I forgot to reply. I have no excuse.)

As all the campers walked away, Daniel remained in his place. He was too shocked with what happened. No one was reaction to this in the way he had expected. No one but himself. Everyone was cheering on for Patrick as if he were doing something good when clearly he had been bullying an innocent guy who had done nothing wrong. He felt sick to his stomach, but he held himself. How could anyone do such a thing?

What was worse was that Daniel couldn't do anything. He was too much of a coward to go up to Patrick and fight. He wanted to use words. Boy, was he wrong with that. He had learned that with people like Patrick, nothing works but fighting fire with fire. He looked at the boy on the ground. It was such a sad scene to see as everyone walked away - even Chiron - leaving this guy on the ground.

He went over to him, extending his hand. "Here, let me help you," he offered. He didn't know if the guy would take his hand, but he had to try, right?
Luke spat out blood on the ground once shivering to his frame as he held his body close to him with his arms. He looked up slowly wondering why anyone on Earth would ever stay back and sat there for a few moments just staring. With a frown he watched as the boy held out a hand towards him with a helpful face and Luke felt a sting of tears come to his eyes. He wiped his eyes quickly and took the hand yelping as he stood to his feet. His face felt numb and his head felt as if he were floating in a wide space. Raising his hand he held it against his forehead and rested it there wondering if he should say something anything, but formal words. It felt wrong just to say thank you and leave, but it felt even horrible to leave him there standing as he left towards his destination.

"T-Thank you.....I really appreciate it." His tongue felt too big for his mouth and he heart was still tracing. "I-I don't know if I really deserved that to be honest, but...never mind." his voice trailed off silently as a new rush of tears fled to his eyes. His body tensed a new wave of emotions came over him as he thought of the hate he and the remains of siblings had caused. He wished that they knew the truth as to why they did it and the truth as to how they did. All they wanted, he thought, was just an equal fighting chance and who were they to keep them back. Camp Half Blood was an unequal game with an unequal playing field. It mattered about who you were and who you were born to even if you had no choice in the matter. Hell, he didn't even get a bed when he first came and yet they wanted him to feel as if he were just as important?

He scoffed at that and felt a rising bit of anger amidst the sadness. He looked at the boy and sighed to himself as he sniffed and looked away. "I should get going. It was nice to see you...?"
Daniel felt bad for the boy. He was being supported up yet he was still in tears. But he didn't blame him. One person helping wasn't enough when all of the camp was against them. "Hey, it's alright," he started to say, not willing to let go of the boy's hand.

He didn't know what to say next. This was a complete stranger. If this were a friend, he'd say that it was alright. That he was there for them. That he loves them. But this was a stranger. He was rather awkward with strangers. He might be a romantic charmer, but he wasn't a social charmer. And seeing him in such a horrible condition didn't do any good for him. What was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to give him a napkin? Was he supposed to hug him? Lead him to a place where he could rest?

Being him, he did the best he could. "What's your name?" Might as well know him, right? Besides, the boy needed to be comforted. If he wasn't, maybe he'd burst from all of this. If he were in his place, he certainly would.
Gritting his teeth his willed himself to stop crying. He took a deep breathe and sighed finally nodding to himself as he wiped his eyes finally before coughing. "I-I'm sorry, about crying....I should have been used to this to be honest." he looked away before kicking the ground softly watching as a dust cloud came up. "I'm Luke. Not that Luke, but Luke Marshall son of Hecate. I'm guessing you already know why I was targeted, huh?"

He tried not to sound bitter about it. It was hard not to let his emotions get the best of him as he talked. He knew he was guilty of siding with the enemy and he knew that if they had lost the war he would either be dead or hated upon return. He bit the inside of his cheek nervously....he just wished his brothers and sisters didn't have to pay for their--his--mistakes. He looked up at the boy who had helped him and smiled softly before rubbing his arm. His cheek still hurt, but he ignored it in favor of thinking.

"I've seen you around here....You're Dave right? No, you must be Daniel. I see you around a lot talking to a bunch of people though that's all." he smirked. "I assure you I'm not a stalker." his smirk faded away quickly as he bent down to pick up his books. They were large tomes with an almost indistinguishable text on them, but to the magical eye it was an easy read. Just a book of ancient spells and potions that kept him busy over the summer. He thought back to his father and smiled. He would miss the old man while he was here and he couldn't wait until everything had dulled over until he could be back at home in his own comfortable bed.
Daniel smiled when he heard Luke say his name. So was he known or something? That didn't matter much, really. He didn't care, actually. All he cared about was this boy's happiness. He believed that every person deserved to be happy. Really, if Hitler was happy, he wouldn't have gotten all those demigods on his side to help him kill Jews. So Daniel bent down to help Luke pick up his books - just to make him happy.

"Yes, I am Daniel. And yes, I know why Patrick did this. And I don't care why he did it. It's still bullying," he said, giving Luke a reassuring look. He gave him the books he had managed to pick up. "You don't deserve to be sad."

But what more could he offer Luke? He felt he should at least brighten his day. Getting him anything wouldn't work. Using his skills with romance was useless. So what was there? But then he got it. "And if you need any help with any situation, come to me, alright?" This was the least he could offer Luke. He seemed to have suffered a lot.
Looking up, Luke gaped at him before closing his mouth. He looked around to see if anyone was listening and then began to smile. Slowly at first before he gave in. "T-thank you. Really, you don't know how much that means to me..." he trailed off not knowing what to say anymore.

Was this really happening? Had he finally found a...friend? He exhaled slowly as he pondered. Ever since he had come back to this Camp in nothing, but torn clothes and a scarred body he had known nothing, but senseless hatred and anger for what he had done. Nobody had glanced at him and yet they glared even as they helped him with minor things. Having a cabin was nice, but knowing that his dead siblings would never see it made it hurt all the more. He thought about Madison daughter of Nike who was struck down by a spear. She was smartest girl he had ever known and yet she too knew the pain of being ignored by her mother and being hated for her birthright. It had taken a war--an all out war--for them to gain a bed and yet nothing seemed to change in the minds of the campers.

All his friends save Adam and Celene were gone. Forced into a void in which they were forced to go all because they wanted love from their parents. And it wasn't just them...it was everyone. After the war everything changed and yet it seemed as though no one was willing to say anything about it. He swallowed back a tear and looked Daniel in the eye and held out his hand. "Friends?"
Daniel liked how adorable Luke was. He looked so scared. With Daniel, he didn't need to be. If anything, Daniel was friendly with anyone. And if he seemed like he was too good to be friends with Luke, he should erase that from his head. Daniel didn't backstab people. But he didn't say that. Instead he'd show it. He gave his best smile and nodded. "Friends," he confirmed.

He got up and stretched, buthe kept his eyes on the sad, sad Luke. The boy needed to calm down a bit. "Do you want me to bring yiu to your cabin?" Daniel needed to move, anyway. And while doing so, why not help him? "Isn't that what friends do?" he said in case he rejected the offer.

It seemed so unfair how he had no one to protect him. When Daniel got sad, his many siblings had calmed him down and protected him. They'd bring him water, tissues, something to eat, a blanket, or anything that would comfort him. Luke, on the other hand, had very few siblings and many campers who didn't like him.
Luke smiled and felt a blush creep up on him despite his annoyance, "Yeah, thank you. I think I should get back before anything else...happens." his voice went bitter on the last word, but he brushed it off. He knew he needed ambrosia, but he was hesitant on going towards the healers. His cheek throbbed and his felt numb to the touch even as he brushed up against it. He sniffed up the last of his tears and gave Daniel a small smile. His sister would be awake by now. He could still see her eyes as she limped towards camp with her body riddled with scars, fresh and old. The blood had dripped slowly and into small piles as she gritted her teeth and forced him and Adam to continue.

Shaking himself out of the memory he looked up to his left and flinched as a large guy--he thanks the gods it wasn't Patrick--with sandy blonde hair who started at them in wonder. He looked away and began leading the way to his cabin only stopping to look back at Daniel shyly.

"So, what's your story? How long have you been in camp?" He fumbled towards his neck to touch his camp beads. He flinched inwardly as he felt nothing and sighed. He had thrown them in the lake once he had left to join Luke....the other one. He suspected the reason why he was treated so badly was because he shared the name with the guy. He had met him personally a couple of times...actually more than he could count. He had lent a helping hand to him on a few occasions and even talked to him....tat was before everything went wrong.
Daniel wasn't planning on saying much, but there were a few non-personal things. The more personal stuff, he'd say them after he gets to know the boy. Baby steps, he thought. As he walked with Luke to his cabin, he said, "There's not much to me, really. I've been here for four years. Came here and people started to use me for my looks or for my charming powers. My siblings would be there for me, but I just avoided the rest of the camp afterwards. Not that they're bad. I'm just scared of being used again."

He shrugged. There was more to the story. There was tragedy. But he didn't want to share that part yet. He gave Luke a smile just to show him that he was okay. And he really was. During the past two years, he had showed confidence where everyone learned not to use him.

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