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After Life Is Love

"I see, we could go watch a horror movie in the house movie room or we could go see something at the actual movies" He said, closing his eyes.
"Let's stay here...I don't want to go out in public and get you hurt again..." He said quietly
"Hey, it wasn't your fault thise dickbags found us.." He whispered, kissing his nose lightly.
Hikaru blushed and sighed. "I don't want to give them another chance to find us though."
"They're dead" He murmured in the end and looked away. He sighed and closed his eyes like he was ashamed of himself for killing those humans, even if they didn't understand vamps.
Hikaru sighed at that, part of him didn't care too much with them being dead but he could see how it bothered Oki. "..don't feel bad.. They attacked you...you had nothing else you could do.."
"To be honest.. I think I lived long enough.. it just seems like I'm waiting to be decapitated or staked now.." He whispered but it was becoming less true, he felt like he was now living for the person he liked.. loved even
Hikaru frowned deeply and looked away. "..please don't say that.." He said quietly, not wanting Oki to talk about dying and thinking he shouldn't be here.
"I lived so much longer than I should have.. I should have died at the age of 1.. but I was turned by a woman who lost her newborn to a rogue spirit, she took care of me while my spine and legs shifted and broke into place and she took care of me, taught me what I knew and needed to know when I was younger..." He whispered. "But yet, she died when a cave collapsed on top of her.. everyone died, except for me..." He whispered, tears starting to roll down his cheeks, from his lost, pain filled eyes.
Hikaru frowned deeply and hugged him. "I-I'm sorry... B-But please don't leave me...I need you here... I... I love you.." He said quietly.
He looked at him, hugging him back before he gave a little nod. He sniffled, whispering: "I love you too.."
He cradled him close, rubbing his back gently while Hikaru cried. He kissed the side of his head and smiled a little, happy he had someone he could be for a long time.
Hikaru held onto Kai's shirt and cried a little into it. Happy he could find someone he felt this way for.
He let him cry but made all the tears, the second they rolled down his cheeks, float into the air like little droplets that sparkled in the light, making the sight rather beautiful.
Hikaru calmed down and looked up to him after a moment. His brief moment of emotion fading away as he watched the droplets in the air.
The droplets then formed words. 'Show those emotions and beautiful expressions, don't be so detached, at least not around your loved one

I love you, Hikaru ♡'

He smiled at the words, resting his head back as he twirled a lock if Hikaru's hair around his shoulder.
//wait did you mean he twirled some hair on the back of his head? Cause his hair isn't shoulder length XD//

Hikaru chewed his lip and sighed. "I feel silly showing emotions.." He mumbled looking up at him.
Yeah cx even if it's around his fingertip, he's just playing around with it)

He smiled and nuzzled him. "I think you look adorable and attractive.. even if you show sadness and tears.." He whispered, brushing his free thumb over one of his eyes to wipe away the tear in his eye lashes.
// Haha okay //

Hikaru blushed and sighed at that. "I'll try to show more emotion then... But only around you.." He added at the end in a quiet voice. He wasn't comfortable with it but knew it would make Oki happier.
"Just don't force yourself.. I'm sure it'll come naturally" He whispered and gave him a warming smile. "Close your eyes for a moment?" He asked in a whisper, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Okay.." Hikaru said and closed his eyes as told, unsure why Oki was having him do this.
He bit his lip, hestant to do what he thought of, unsure of Hikaru's reaction to it after. He took a little breath before he pressed his lips to Hikaru's.
Hikaru's eyes snapped open and his cheeks went red at it. He was hesitant but pressed back a little, his movement was a bit unsure, as he didn't have any experience with this.
He lightly opened his eyes to look at the mid, brushing a hand through his hair slightly before he pulled away, his eyes glowing, they had also turned.

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