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After Life Is Love

HIkaru looked up to him, blushing brightly as he did. "What was that for...?" He asked quietly.
"Couldn't resist it any more.. I guess..." He whispered, furrowing his brows at his own tactlessness, offering a sheepish smile.
He blushed. "Oh... Well... I'm glad you did it." He said quietly with a small smile forming.
He gave a little grin, rubbing their noses together. "Same here" He whispered.
"I love your smile.." He whispered, pecking his lips softly with a smile.
He rested back and looked up as the water dissolved. "I guess this makes us a couple then..?" He asked, as if giving himself a reality check.
Hikaru blushed and nodded. "I guess so.." He said quietly, a happy look in his eyes as he said that.
He smiled. "First boyfriend in 1000 years" He whispered, biting his lip. It could easily shock someone how long someone like Oki was alone, just protecting his vampire family.
Hikaru made a small laugh. "Well, I'm glad to have that honor." He said quietly. "You're my first boyfriend.. ever."
"Well, I'm glad to be the first.." He whispered, kissing his cheek sneakily.
He pulled him closer to his side and smiled, eyes closing. He yawned and grunted before he glared down at the needle in his elbow. He reached to it and pulled it out casually as the blood bag was empty by now.
Hikaru blinked surprised with how easily he could do that. "Are you okay...?" He asked quietly and chewed his lip as he looked up to him.
"Yeah.. just hungry, don't worry" He shook his head, head back on the pillow and arm around Hikaru.
Hikaru frowned. "Do you... want to drink some of my blood..?" He asked quietly, seeming worried about Oki.
"I..I'll be fine.." He whispered, brows furrowing. He gulped again and put the crook of his elbow over his eyes. He was a bit more pale than usual.
"You're lying.." He said, grabbing onto him and looking up to him. "Something's wrong.."
He looked at him with his vampire eyes that were a shade darker. "Trust me.." He whispered, taking a breath and turning his face away.
Hikaru seemed a bit nervous and chewed his lip. "..do...do you um..need me to get someone or something for you..??"
He sighed softly and shook his head with a very small smile. "It's just hunger... I'll be fine...." He whispered, averting his eyes.

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