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Fantasy Aether: The Age of Light OOC [being rebooted]

Oh yeah guys, how are Grand Clerics chosen?

The previous Grand Cleric recommends his or her successor before they die. This doesn't guarantee ascension however - and it has to be agreed with the Knight-Commander of the Paladins, the High Inquisitor and the senior Clerics.
Right, I get ya so. So would the Knight-Commander of the Paladins, the High Inquisitor and the other senior Clerics be able to put forth their own candidate if they weren't happy with the recommendation of the previous Grand Cleric?
Right, I get ya so. So would the Knight-Commander of the Paladins, the High Inquisitor and the other senior Clerics be able to put forth their own candidate if they weren't happy with the recommendation of the previous Grand Cleric?

It would be a cleric who puts forth a candidate in that case.

I mean, I guess it's happened in the past. But it's so rare to go against the will of the previous Grand Cleric - and the fact that one member of the Holy Council can always be outvoted by the other two prevents any real power grabs.
I'm really curious about the relations between the church and the crown. I mean the Church has such power and influence it's a wonder a Theocracy hasn't been established. I imagine the Crown wouldn't always be comfortable with the level of power the Church has
Parallels with the way the Holy Roman Empire tried to subordinate the Church's ability to choose bishops, see the Investiture Crisis. Also the idea of Caesaropapism could be a very interesting idea for this roleplay.
Parallels with the way the Holy Roman Empire tried to subordinate the Church's ability to choose bishops, see the Investiture Crisis. Also the idea of Caesaropapism could be a very interesting idea for this roleplay.
I was actually in terms of conflict between the Kaiser and Pope, I wonder if similar conflicts occur here
I'm really curious about the relations between the church and the crown. I mean the Church has such power and influence it's a wonder a Theocracy hasn't been established. I imagine the Crown wouldn't always be comfortable with the level of power the Church has

I was wondering about this a while ago myself. The Church has more power than any other institution in this world. I know they supposedly aren't interested in political power, but really, all it would take is one bad apple in the church, or one particularly power hungry set of grand councilors, and I can see them going, "why do we need this king guy again? We have the army, let's just oust him and rule Aether ourselves. Send in the inquisitors, there's a new government in town."
In that same vein, I've been wondering how the Church plays into the governance of the realm. Do they suggest laws for the empire to put in place? If so, does the king have to listen to them or can he refuse? What would the church, with its massive military might, do if he did?

Going a step further, what if the Church tries to enforce something the king doesn't like? Like, for example, when persecution of the Lumen Elves by the Church and the Faithful was happening, could the king have spoken out against them? Or what if he wants to impose some law but the church doesn't like it? What can he do about it if he disagrees with something the Church does?
I'm really curious about the relations between the church and the crown. I mean the Church has such power and influence it's a wonder a Theocracy hasn't been established. I imagine the Crown wouldn't always be comfortable with the level of power the Church has

Well. There's some parallels between the Church and the Crown and IRL Monarchy and Christianity.
but they're so incredibly integrated it's rather difficult to have one without the other. Culturally, politically, economically. Historically the Church is dependent on the continuing good will of the Monarchy and Nobility to function wherever they please. Technically that's still the case - and any of the great noble families could stop the Church from operating on their lands any time they wished. It's never happened yet however, and would be political suicide for the noble. The Church Council works closely with the monarchy - Meyneth's teachings state that the royalty is the will of the Gods, and the stability of that leadership is vital for the continuing work of the Church. It's a balance, and no doubt there has been give and take by both sides over the years.

Also, consider that the Church is in charge of education, work and food for a significant portion of the population.
The modern Church has never been tested with a crisis like the ones from Meyneth's time however. What they would do right now if presented with a threat such as that is anyone's guess.
"Hey guys, we're being threatened with an unprecedented crisis the likes of which we have-"
"Dom, no."
Ultimately I've always envisioned the Church as a positive force, who work well with the Monarchy to get the job done. It's a relationship built on mutual and historical need.
Of course, any organization that has tens of thousands under its influence is always going to have questionable individuals and moments of difficulty. That's just life.
After a thousand years of general stability, if anything is going to break the church it would be a massive internal schism or such a external threat that everyone is probably dead anyway.
and of course - Ulfric and Lucina are probably the most competent leadership the Church has had for quite some time between sheer strategic genius and creepy god-sight.

But the King however....

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