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Fantasy Adventures of Prospero

Arael was sitting on the ground next to Lorin. The dead lay strewn across the ground where they sat. Arael turned to Lorin, gesturing to the battlefield.
"Want to see if we can't find anything useful? We could at least gather the weapon's and sell them."
He picked up a small dagger from the ground. He flipped it over, inspecting the weapon as the people of the town cheered. He grinned back at Lorin.

"Want to see if we can't get a room at the tavern, now that this mess is over?"
He got up, swiping mud of of his armor and blood of of his claymore. He sheathed the weapon, and reached down to pick Lorin up.

coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar
no slide

Lorin Accepted Arael's help up, and stretched before sheathing Bloodmoon. He started gathering all the things he could find off the dead, anything from small dagger's to little trinkets hidden in their rotting clothes. After collecting a handful of daggers, as well as a couple bows, some swords, an axe and half a dozen arrow's from the dead, he opened his magic bag and put everything inside. He would have to sort everything later. He then met back with Arael. They both decided to wait until everything calmed down so that they could rest at the tavern for the day. Lorin was also thinking of gathering some furniture and other things to stock his bag with, so that everything wasn't kept in piles.

coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar


Location | Tizca City, North of Feral Mountains
Scenario | After The Battle
Mood | Exhausted
Tags | Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1

"Savior of Tizca! Savior of Tizca!" The people of Tizca cheered at John. He kneeled down, holding an unconscious Sapphira in his arm. He had his sword still planted in the ground, panting heavily. So he was a hero now. The battle was certainly an epic one

The Black Knight rose up more dead to confront the Inn. "You will die along with the rest of these pitiful mortals." The Black knight pointed his sword and the dead began a charge to the Inn, certain to overtake it with that overwhelming force

"I THINK NOT!!!" John jumped up and the clouds parted. The storm didn't seem to subside as they parted. It seemed to be a battle between Snow and Rain. A massive roar shook the ground as well as an ear-piercing screech. A massive Ice Dragon and a blazing Phoenix came out of the clouds, looking majestic. The Ice dragon radiated cold and sparkled. It was absolutely towering over everyone. She looked shiny. Razor sharp teeth, scales, horns, everything. The same for the Phoenix. Blazing red unleashing deafening screeches. Every wing flap was like an explosion, releasing flames everywhere. It seemed like a miniature sun. Even getting close would definitely be lethal to all but the most talented of fire mages, or the most blessed of individuals.They flew down and orbited John as he raised his sword. He became clad in Ice Armor and his sword expanded to become huge



"You look beautiful, Sapphira. Majestic." John said as he hugged her in the air. "May I borrow your power?"
Her massive face nuzzled him. "You are mine and I am yours. I'm with you." Sapphira still had her little baby voice. Her face got serious and concentrated as she focused on the task at hand. "Let's finish this."

Both her and the phoenix started flying. John raised the sword and started his descent. Sapphira and the Phoenix rotated around the sword as they flew down, roaring and screeching. "DIE UNHOLY KNIGHT!" All 3 of them smashed into the ground simultaneously. Ice, Fire, and Holy blazing everything around them. The magic unleashed from the explosion could be felt in a 3 mile radius. Every unholy being was banished for good.

When the smoke cleared, the only thing that could be seen were small piles of ashes from the undead being banished. The entire city was destroyed and restored in a matter of seconds to the time before it all happened (except the undead ashes). Other than that, zero evidence of a fight. No fire, no death, no destruction. Everyone in the city was killed and revived in that same interval. The massive Ice Dragon then disappeared along with the Phoenix and the huge sword.

John took in the glory from the cheering of the people. He couldn't move at all. His entire body screamed from the lack of mana and the physical strain. Sapphira was the same, but fell unconscious from the massive spell, so he held her close.
"Savior of Tizca! Savior of Tizca!" John laughed in pain as the people around him cheered and hugged each other, rejoicing the fact that they live another day, all led by him. He just wanted to sleep right now. Eat a city's worth of food and then sleep for about a week or 2. No biggie

As he got to his feet, he staggered a bit. That's when the people ran over to help him move. "I just need a room for a while, please." he said hoarsely. He could feel his consciousness draining from him.

A realization hit him. Arya was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Arya? The draconian?" They parted ways to reveal her unconscious body, but seemed to be unwilling to go near her. Probably that damn aura pouring out of her. "What are you waiting on? Get her a room too. She fought the Black Knight with us. She's with us." It was unknown if this was the truth, but it got the people moving. They were fearful for a moment or 2, but crept closer and closer. It was like a scarecrow. At some point, they'll stop being scared if no consequences come of it. Her predator aura suddenly had no effect on the masses as they cheered for both of them and picked her up, despite any sort of resistance she could put forth.
"Dragon Knight! Dragon Knight! SAVIORS OF TIZCA!!!!!"

They carried both of them to a room in the Inn. Separate rooms. The best rooms in the Inn. Huge rooms.
Birdsie Birdsie
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

Arya didn't stir at all as the townspeople came closer, even as they picked her up she had no reaction. While the undead forces had been something formidable to be sure, she had been going head to head with the Black Knight himself, and while she had held her own rather well, the encounter was not one to take lightly. With her injuries and subsequent attempt at healing herself, she would not be waking up until morning at least. As such, the townspeople were able to carry her without incident or bodily harm to themselves, and they did so at John's request, bringing her and her belongings to one of the best rooms in the inn. There, the dragon hybrid remained unconscious until daybreak.

She hurt. Her whole body hurt. I'm still alive, eh? I guess no one tried to take me out while they had the chance, Arya thought to herself as she tried to roll over off of her back and onto her stomach, where she would have attempted to crawl to her feet. She didn't get that far, as the turning movement sent previously dormant pain shooting through her, and she cringed, letting out a small sound of pain as her body flopped back onto her back on the soft linens of the bed underneath her. ...The girl paused. Soft linens? Bed? She had fallen unconscious outside, in the street. Why, then, was she in a bed? Panic began to set in, and her red eyes fluttered open. She made a quick move to stand, only to have her broken ribs shift and cause her to cry out in pain, falling back down on the bed. Her heart beat faster as fear set in. She wasn't sure where she was, someone had moved her -- someone had been close enough to her to pick her up and move her. Her eyes swept across the room from her spot on the bed, taking in what she could. She was in a large room, and a rather nice one at that. A key had been left on a night stand next to the bed -- the people who had left her there hadn't locked the door when they left her, since they needed to leave the key for her. The innkeeper should have another key, but it hadn't been used to lock the room, although Arya had no way of knowing this. Other than the key, the room looked fairly normal, albeit large and very, very nice. There was a window leading outside, with the sun casting light through it and into the room. Leaning against the wall in the corner of the room was the girl's scythe, and on a table near it was the gauntlet that the girl had taken off in order to heal herself the night before.

Despite the rather plain and innocent look of the room, and the fact that her belongings were still with her, Arya still was panicking. She had been moved. On top of that, she couldn't currently move, and her scythe was too far away to reach. Another glance down reminded her that her leg bindings had all but fallen off, exposing the scales on her leg in a way that was almost impossible to miss, giving rise to even more panicked emotions. Liquid all throughout the inn began to bubble violently and spike up, several blobs of it flying up and rushing to her room, seeping under the crack in the door until a large puddle of liquid pooled around Arya, still bubbling and spiking and otherwise displaying the inner workings of the hybrid's mind as she commenced freaking out. She had to get out of there. Her hand moved to her side quickly, and she immediately started healing herself, pain shooting through her as she did. "Arrrgh!" the cry of pain slipped out of her lips unintentionally, and she let go of the healing magic. She hadn't fixed everything yet, but she had fixed her broken ribs just enough to where they were just cracked again. Arya breathed heavily from the excursion, but forced herself to move, rolling out of the bed and landing on her hands and knees on the floorboards with a THUNK and another "Agh!" of pain. She took only a second to try to breathe before she began to crawl towards her scythe, attempting to reach it as fast as possible, though already her vision was getting blurry thanks to her overdoing it immediately after waking up. She was also making quite the racket, and the water in the entire inn was acting up, making it very clear that she had finally awakened.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Plague Shaman Plague Shaman ((your characters went to the inn, right?))
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

Arya didn't stir at all as the townspeople came closer, even as they picked her up she had no reaction. While the undead forces had been something formidable to be sure, she had been going head to head with the Black Knight himself, and while she had held her own rather well, the encounter was not one to take lightly. With her injuries and subsequent attempt at healing herself, she would not be waking up until morning at least. As such, the townspeople were able to carry her without incident or bodily harm to themselves, and they did so at John's request, bringing her and her belongings to one of the best rooms in the inn. There, the dragon hybrid remained unconscious until daybreak.

She hurt. Her whole body hurt. I'm still alive, eh? I guess no one tried to take me out while they had the chance, Arya thought to herself as she tried to roll over off of her back and onto her stomach, where she would have attempted to crawl to her feet. She didn't get that far, as the turning movement sent previously dormant pain shooting through her, and she cringed, letting out a small sound of pain as her body flopped back onto her back on the soft linens of the bed underneath her. ...The girl paused. Soft linens? Bed? She had fallen unconscious outside, in the street. Why, then, was she in a bed? Panic began to set in, and her red eyes fluttered open. She made a quick move to stand, only to have her broken ribs shift and cause her to cry out in pain, falling back down on the bed. Her heart beat faster as fear set in. She wasn't sure where she was, someone had moved her -- someone had been close enough to her to pick her up and move her. Her eyes swept across the room from her spot on the bed, taking in what she could. She was in a large room, and a rather nice one at that. A key had been left on a night stand next to the bed -- the people who had left her there hadn't locked the door when they left her, since they needed to leave the key for her. The innkeeper should have another key, but it hadn't been used to lock the room, although Arya had no way of knowing this. Other than the key, the room looked fairly normal, albeit large and very, very nice. There was a window leading outside, with the sun casting light through it and into the room. Leaning against the wall in the corner of the room was the girl's scythe, and on a table near it was the gauntlet that the girl had taken off in order to heal herself the night before.

Despite the rather plain and innocent look of the room, and the fact that her belongings were still with her, Arya still was panicking. She had been moved. On top of that, she couldn't currently move, and her scythe was too far away to reach. Another glance down reminded her that her leg bindings had all but fallen off, exposing the scales on her leg in a way that was almost impossible to miss, giving rise to even more panicked emotions. Liquid all throughout the inn began to bubble violently and spike up, several blobs of it flying up and rushing to her room, seeping under the crack in the door until a large puddle of liquid pooled around Arya, still bubbling and spiking and otherwise displaying the inner workings of the hybrid's mind as she commenced freaking out. She had to get out of there. Her hand moved to her side quickly, and she immediately started healing herself, pain shooting through her as she did. "Arrrgh!" the cry of pain slipped out of her lips unintentionally, and she let go of the healing magic. She hadn't fixed everything yet, but she had fixed her broken ribs just enough to where they were just cracked again. Arya breathed heavily from the excursion, but forced herself to move, rolling out of the bed and landing on her hands and knees on the floorboards with a THUNK and another "Agh!" of pain. She took only a second to try to breathe before she began to crawl towards her scythe, attempting to reach it as fast as possible, though already her vision was getting blurry thanks to her overdoing it immediately after waking up. She was also making quite the racket, and the water in the entire inn was acting up, making it very clear that she had finally awakened.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Plague Shaman Plague Shaman ((your characters went to the inn, right?))

Johnathan Edward Weiss

Tizca City Inn

John woke up a cup of water beside his bed bubbling furiously. Considering that there was no burner or no flame underneath his cup, it must be Arya acting up from being touched. He sighed and grabbed an apple sitting on a table. He left Sapphira sleeping on the other side of the bed on a pillow and left his room. He had no idea what room she was in.

Hearing a thud, however, he figured it was her. He knocked on the door a couple of times to no answer. "Open up!" he yelled, banging again.

"Er- um..... Good morning, Master Weiss." A maid approached him, a heavy blush on her face, looking down shyly. It was blatantly obvious that she was taken with him. "Do you require assistance?"

"I'm fine. However, do you mind bringing my breakfast to my room. I just have to talk to my partner."
"O-Of course, sir." She bowed graciously and quickly walked out.

As soon as she was out of earshot, he kicked in the door. Arya was inside looking like she was losing her everloving mind. "Oi! Arya, calm the hell down! What the hell is the matter?!"
Kila Izuna
Tizca City Gates to the Inn

A couple guards were standing at the gate that morning. They seemed utterly bored. One was wearing a helmet on his head and the other one wasn't. The guard without his helmet on had quite a handsome face really. It was one of the reasons he refused to wear a helmet on the job.

"Hey, we have someone coming up," the helmeted guard said as he jabbed his partner so that he would pay attention.

"This early into the morning? They must have been camping out."

Kila walked up to the two and looked at them. An average looking guy with a helmet and a handsome one revealing his nice hair. She took one look at their faces and could immediately tell that they were staring at her, both her figure and her clothes. She walked up to them with a devious grin, gave a spin and some poses before saying, "I guess you boys like what you see?"

Both were taken by surprise by this bold gesture. The handsome man who undeniably had the face of a playboy grinned and said, "Indeed I do Ma'am, that...dress whatever it is fits you nicely."

Kila grinned in her mind more. This was going to be easy and fun. This man was handsome, but she should tease him a bit more before walking in.

"Why thank you sir. It's called a kimono, it's from my homeland," Kila said with a rather seductive grin on her face. She wanted to get inside as easy as possible, seducing the guard was pretty easy. He was clearly smitten with her at this point. Sadly he was getting his hopes up too far.

"Well that's interesting, maybe you can tell me more."

"Ahem, keep your eyes on the job," the man's partner said as he stepped in between them. "Name and business?"

"Kila Izuna, my occupation is a wandering exorcist. I was getting to that, but you seem to be all business," Kila said with a rather annoyed facade. This caused the helmetless guard to push his buddy away and said, "You may go."

"Thanks, you sure know your manners in how to treat a lady," Izuna said as she walked by.

"I could show you how mannerful I am tonight. I can show you to a nice tavern. My shift ends at noon."

"Cute. You're handsome, but you tried to play the wrong girl."

Kila walked off towards the inn with a very satisfied smile on her face. Behind her the guard she seduced looked utterly dumbstruck and his partner was laughing. The last thing she heard was, "Hilarious, you got played by a foreigner!"

Kila walked off towards the inn and noticed that the city looked like someone had sent an army of burning bears through it. Why bears? She didn't know. They were strong. Once she reached the inn Kila sat down at the bar and placed some silver coins on the table then said,
"I'd like a room and any alcoholic beverage this can buy me."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Plague Shaman Plague Shaman
Last edited:
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

John had walked into quite the scene. Arya was on her hands and knees on the ground, facing away from the door, one unarmored arm full of scars stretched out as she reached for her scythe that was just slightly out of range for her arm length. Water bubbled and spiked all around the room, several blobs of it floating in the air around her. Bandages still hung off of her leg, though barely still on and not covering anything on her upper leg anymore, and, though it wasn't very visible from John's position at the door, there was still a cut on her cheek and a tear in her dress at the left hip. She looked...like a mess. It was rare to see Arya as anything but composed, at most maybe a little on edge. A full on panic attack like this was something no one had seen since...well, since before she came to Prospero, anyway.

The sound of the door being kicked in and the words "Oi! Arya, calm the hell down! What the hell is the matter?!" had taken her by surprise, and she lost her balance, her armored hand and knees sliding out from underneath her on the wood floor and causing her to fall flat on the ground. The pain in her ribs shot up through her body again, but she did her best to ignore it as she attempted to scramble back up, but failing due to her injuries and instead rolling over onto her side and propping herself up with her arm, her free hand moving up and commanding the water around her as if readying an attack. She paused just before the water droplets were sent hurtling toward the figure, however, as her eyes settled on John. After only a brief moment, the water that had been preparing to attack fell to the ground again to join the rest of the water in its bubbling fury, and her hand moved to her side, clutching at her ribs. The panic and fear in her expression gave way to a look of intense pain for a split second, before she managed to wipe the expression from her face. "W-Where...?" she trailed off, realizing the fear was still in her voice. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, then opened them again, her expression much more neutral and composed now though the water didn't slow in its turmoil. "Where am I?" she asked, managing not to sound afraid, at least. She glanced down, realized again that her scales were exposed and her that her dress was torn and otherwise a mess, and quickly the water began to swirl on top of everything else, as embarrassment pushed its way through to join with the fear and pain. She had crawled too far away from the bed to reach the blankets there to cover herself, so she brought her leg in further to her chest -- though it hurt her ribs to do so -- attempting to pull the edge of her dress down a bit to cover the scales as much as possible (though this was a futile effort) while avoiding eye contact with John, trying to keep her expression composed.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

John had walked into quite the scene. Arya was on her hands and knees on the ground, facing away from the door, one unarmored arm full of scars stretched out as she reached for her scythe that was just slightly out of range for her arm length. Water bubbled and spiked all around the room, several blobs of it floating in the air around her. Bandages still hung off of her leg, though barely still on and not covering anything on her upper leg anymore, and, though it wasn't very visible from John's position at the door, there was still a cut on her cheek and a tear in her dress at the left hip. She looked...like a mess. It was rare to see Arya as anything but composed, at most maybe a little on edge. A full on panic attack like this was something no one had seen since...well, since before she came to Prospero, anyway.

The sound of the door being kicked in and the words "Oi! Arya, calm the hell down! What the hell is the matter?!" had taken her by surprise, and she lost her balance, her armored hand and knees sliding out from underneath her on the wood floor and causing her to fall flat on the ground. The pain in her ribs shot up through her body again, but she did her best to ignore it as she attempted to scramble back up, but failing due to her injuries and instead rolling over onto her side and propping herself up with her arm, her free hand moving up and commanding the water around her as if readying an attack. She paused just before the water droplets were sent hurtling toward the figure, however, as her eyes settled on John. After only a brief moment, the water that had been preparing to attack fell to the ground again to join the rest of the water in its bubbling fury, and her hand moved to her side, clutching at her ribs. The panic and fear in her expression gave way to a look of intense pain for a split second, before she managed to wipe the expression from her face. "W-Where...?" she trailed off, realizing the fear was still in her voice. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, then opened them again, her expression much more neutral and composed now though the water didn't slow in its turmoil. "Where am I?" she asked, managing not to sound afraid, at least. She glanced down, realized again that her scales were exposed and her that her dress was torn and otherwise a mess, and quickly the water began to swirl on top of everything else, as embarrassment pushed its way through to join with the fear and pain. She had crawled too far away from the bed to reach the blankets there to cover herself, so she brought her leg in further to her chest -- though it hurt her ribs to do so -- attempting to pull the edge of her dress down a bit to cover the scales as much as possible (though this was a futile effort) while avoiding eye contact with John, trying to keep her expression composed.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Johnathan Edward Weiss
Tizca City Inn

Arya was losing her mind in her room. Trying to cover her scales, as if John hadn't seen them already. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the water, his fingers in gun formation. Precision Ice. He fired a few times and the majority of the water froze, taking it out of her control. "You're in the Inn, Arya. The citizens picked you up and carried you here to this Inn. Your scales are nothing new to me. I'd be more worried about the fact that your clothes are torn to the point of almost exposure." John was exasperated at her being so uptight. Jesus Christ, were Draconians always that sensitive around humans? "Get yourself together and get up. I will take you to the hospital." The pain in her face was obvious. She was still pained from the battle.

He was half concerned and half amused at her scrambling, but mostly exasperated and annoyed at her being so uptight around the people who embraced her so wholly.
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Waking up early in the barracks after the attack, Dante sustained several wounds on his left arm, that he could only heal right now as he was off-duty. Stupid rules. Dante clothed himself in his armor after healing his wounds. Still, that didn't excuse him from shirking his duties, right? He put on his helmet. Upon leaving the barracks, he headed for the inn.

Suddenly, the doors of the inn were opened by an unexpected soldier. Clothed in heavy plates of armor all over his body and with a sword at his side, the warrior made his way over to the counter and stood rigidly before the innkeeper. "Where can I find Mr. Johnathan Weiss? This is important," he politely requested. The innkeeper gestured toward the upper floor, where a maid was carrying someone's breakfast. Dante looked in the direction of the stairs and gradually climbed them, slowed down by his heavy armor.

Walking up to the door, he completely ignored Arya and looked at the man talking to her. "Johnathan Weiss? I'd like to have a word with you. It will be quick, I promise," he requested the attention of the savior of Tizca.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

Arya started at the sudden use of magic aimed toward her, her first instinct to fight, though the magic had been used to freeze the water around her and thankfully culled her knee-jerk reaction, since the water she would have used to attack was ice now.
"You're in the Inn, Arya. The citizens picked you up and carried you here to this Inn."
The inn? This is...what a room at an inn looks like? Wait, the citizens carried me to an inn? Why... She was a bit confused. For starters, she had never actually stayed at an inn before -- visited the taverns inside them, yes, but actually staying in one overnight always seemed too risky to her. Secondly, the citizens actually carrying her there was alarming. She had figured that she had been moved by someone, obviously -- a fact that did freak her out a bit -- but she hadn't expected the citizens to have been the ones to do it, and to an actual inn no less, not to some place meant to lock her up or something...She was starting to calm down, her expression already neutral but what little water not frozen beginning to settle down as well. Then she heard the next part.
"Your scales are nothing new to me."
A little bit of a surprise. Yes, Arya had changed her bandages near John before, but she hadn't actually realized that he had seen them, since they hadn't been falling off too badly, and when she took them off to redo them she had been at least attempting to keep unseen by being in the destroyed tavern while John had gone outside. Then...
"I'd be more worried about the fact that your clothes are torn to the point of almost exposure."

Even with her skills in keeping her face like a mask, normally only showing what emotion she wants the other person to see, that statement broke through it, and the girl's pale face turned a bright shade of pink as she froze. Ice began to crack and shatter, unable to hold back the water for long as it began to twist and bubble up. John had barely finished his last sentence before the ice shattered, and a large blob of water hurtled itself at his face -- not at dangerous speeds, but enough to where if the man didn't turn away he would get a bunch of water in his face and eyes. Either way, it was intended to get him to avert his eyes.

Another man then entered the room, and Arya bristled. This time she had no problem letting her anger show on her face -- it was the expression she probably would have chosen to display regardless of her actual emotions, anyway, especially as some strange man had just walked in on a rather compromising situation for her. "Get. Out." The words came out angrily, almost dripping with venom as she glared daggers at the two men standing there. Even if they were used to her presence, a pissed off dragon was not one to mess with -- even just a partial dragon. She would figure out a way to get up with her injuries on her own. If she could just grab hold of her scythe, she could use it to lean on so she could stand, then she could work it out from there. But first. "GET OUT!" She yelled at the two again, a growl in her voice that was a bit more beast-like than a normal human's should be.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Suddenly, the knight heard a loud, angry noise. He was confused at first, almost scared, so he laid his hand on his trusty blade. Only after a second did he understand where the yell came from. The dangerous sound - the one you hear once you know you've fucked up. A woman was yelling at him.

Dante made relaxing gestures with his hands. In order to calm Arya down, he started speaking: "Now, now. Hold on. Before this cliched turn of events proceeds--" "GET OUT!" the inhuman yell gave him enough of understanding that this was a poor situation to use diplomacy in. Dante grabbed Johnathan's arm and dragged him outside the room, then closed the door by slamming it with tremendous force, quicker than eyes could register. He did not say anything else to explain himself to Arya. When a maiden wished for privacy, privacy she would get.

"Mr. Johnathan." Dante looked at Johnathan, taking a deep breath. "I implore you to reconsider affiliating with such dangerous creatures without proper safety procedures. A half-dragon is dangerous. A half-dragon woman furthermore. But an angered half-dragon woman takes it to another level. I recommend not to irritate her in the future."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Waking up early in the barracks after the attack, Dante sustained several wounds on his left arm, that he could only heal right now as he was off-duty. Stupid rules. Dante clothed himself in his armor after healing his wounds. Still, that didn't excuse him from shirking his duties, right? He put on his helmet. Upon leaving the barracks, he headed for the inn.

Suddenly, the doors of the inn were opened by an unexpected soldier. Clothed in heavy plates of armor all over his body and with a sword at his side, the warrior made his way over to the counter and stood rigidly before the innkeeper. "Where can I find Mr. Johnathan Weiss? This is important," he politely requested. The innkeeper gestured toward the upper floor, where a maid was carrying someone's breakfast. Dante looked in the direction of the stairs and gradually climbed them, slowed down by his heavy armor.

Walking up to the door, he completely ignored Arya and looked at the man talking to her. "Johnathan Weiss? I'd like to have a word with you. It will be quick, I promise," he requested the attention of the savior of Tizca.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

Arya started at the sudden use of magic aimed toward her, her first instinct to fight, though the magic had been used to freeze the water around her and thankfully culled her knee-jerk reaction, since the water she would have used to attack was ice now.
"You're in the Inn, Arya. The citizens picked you up and carried you here to this Inn."
The inn? This is...what a room at an inn looks like? Wait, the citizens carried me to an inn? Why... She was a bit confused. For starters, she had never actually stayed at an inn before -- visited the taverns inside them, yes, but actually staying in one overnight always seemed too risky to her. Secondly, the citizens actually carrying her there was alarming. She had figured that she had been moved by someone, obviously -- a fact that did freak her out a bit -- but she hadn't expected the citizens to have been the ones to do it, and to an actual inn no less, not to some place meant to lock her up or something...She was starting to calm down, her expression already neutral but what little water not frozen beginning to settle down as well. Then she heard the next part.
"Your scales are nothing new to me."
A little bit of a surprise. Yes, Arya had changed her bandages near John before, but she hadn't actually realized that he had seen them, since they hadn't been falling off too badly, and when she took them off to redo them she had been at least attempting to keep unseen by being in the destroyed tavern while John had gone outside. Then...
"I'd be more worried about the fact that your clothes are torn to the point of almost exposure."

Even with her skills in keeping her face like a mask, normally only showing what emotion she wants the other person to see, that statement broke through it, and the girl's pale face turned a bright shade of pink as she froze. Ice began to crack and shatter, unable to hold back the water for long as it began to twist and bubble up. John had barely finished his last sentence before the ice shattered, and a large blob of water hurtled itself at his face -- not at dangerous speeds, but enough to where if the man didn't turn away he would get a bunch of water in his face and eyes. Either way, it was intended to get him to avert his eyes.

Another man then entered the room, and Arya bristled. This time she had no problem letting her anger show on her face -- it was the expression she probably would have chosen to display regardless of her actual emotions, anyway, especially as some strange man had just walked in on a rather compromising situation for her. "Get. Out." The words came out angrily, almost dripping with venom as she glared daggers at the two men standing there. Even if they were used to her presence, a pissed off dragon was not one to mess with -- even just a partial dragon. She would figure out a way to get up with her injuries on her own. If she could just grab hold of her scythe, she could use it to lean on so she could stand, then she could work it out from there. But first. "GET OUT!" She yelled at the two again, a growl in her voice that was a bit more beast-like than a normal human's should be.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie
Johnathan Edward Weiss
Tizca City Inn

A knight approached him, asking for a word. However, before he could say anything, the ice shattered. He sighed as he knew what was coming next. "What is this, an Anime?" As the blob of water came at him, it was far too slow for him to not be able to react. Still utilizing Precision Ice, he froze the blob. It wouldn't slow down at all. It just made it easier to get rid of when he drew his blade and slashed it in half.

Not affected by her words of anger, John just shrugged. John knew of her predator's aura. Knowing it existed and that made people scared of her practically made it ineffective against him. Any sort of fear or even unnerving feeling he just brushed off on that predator's aura. This was nothing more than a tantrum to him, mostly because she wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight due to her bad ribs.

He was grabbed by the knight and pulled out. He didn't bother resisting because he had an iron grip. However, before he was pulled completely out, he left this quip. "I'll be back in a minute. Your dragon ass is going to the hospital if I have to freeze and drag you there. Your water is stronger than my Ice, but not ours together." Our, of course, referred to both him and Sapphira. Neither of them individually could freeze that water (for long), but they could render it useless long enough together, using John's experience and Sapphira's absolutely massive Ice power (even as a baby). Pure dragons were much stronger than half-breeds.

Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Suddenly, the knight heard a loud, angry noise. He was confused at first, almost scared, so he laid his hand on his trusty blade. Only after a second did he understand where the yell came from. The dangerous sound - the one you hear once you know you've fucked up. A woman was yelling at him.

Dante made relaxing gestures with his hands. In order to calm Arya down, he started speaking: "Now, now. Hold on. Before this cliched turn of events proceeds--" "GET OUT!" the inhuman yell gave him enough of understanding that this was a poor situation to use diplomacy in. Dante grabbed Johnathan's arm and dragged him outside the room, then closed the door by slamming it with tremendous force, quicker than eyes could register. He did not say anything else to explain himself to Arya. When a maiden wished for privacy, privacy she would get.

"Mr. Johnathan." Dante looked at Johnathan, taking a deep breath. "I implore you to reconsider affiliating with such dangerous creatures without proper safety procedures. A half-dragon is dangerous. A half-dragon woman furthermore. But an angered half-dragon woman takes it to another level. I recommend not to irritate her in the future."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Tizca City Inn- Outside Arya's Room

Now for this knight who pulled him out. He shrugged at the man's suggestion. "If not for that Draconian, we wouldn't have beaten that Black Knight. She's alright in my book. Who are you anyways?"
Sevix Azrel

Tezica Inn
(It's funny that there would be a hospital)
The fight in the city, it had been one hell of a chore to protect people from the undead that had wandered around. Holy rain, not a bad idea but there was an issue. Anything that had been hiding in dry places out of the rain would be unaffected. The rest of his night, aside from saving citizens, had been purging undead. If he ever had the chance to meet this Black Knight again, he would not spare any expense in taking the man down. Anyone who could wield necromancy to that degree should be stopped.

It had been a long night last night, so Sevix had decided to crash in this inn. Now that he was awake, he was having a few drinks. During his drinking time he noticed a man with blue hair and a guard uniform walk in and asked to see the savior of Tezica. Curious he watched where the man walked, and decided maybe he could see who was responsible later until he heard shouting and the sound of something hard hitting the floor. Paranoia and worry took over easily as it always did and he briskly stood up and walked off towards the loud direction.

Sevix watched the entire conversation starting with
"I'll be back in a minute. Your dragon ass is going to the hospital if I have to freeze and drag you there. Your water is stronger than my ice, but not ours together."

Once that was said and done Sevix walked in and said, "I agree with Johnathan, she helped save the city. Besides, people do not choose their lineage. I would hope that a guard would know better than that." He didn't know this blue-haired guy, but by what he said he wasn't making the greatest first impressions.

Kila Izuna
Kila was already beginning to feel tipsy after her first one and she was just half way through her second glass. She heard the commotion, but she smelled something after that blue-haired man passed by. It smelled kind of like a DOG, and she wasn't feeling it to finish her glass yet, so she waddled off towards the smell.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Birdsie Birdsie
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Suddenly a new face joined the two of them. Dante felt like the two of his conversation companions must have misunderstood.

"It was never in my intent to imply that the siren is malevolent, I merely advise you not to anger women. Theirs is a potent rage, beyond what most berserkers can accomplish. I have learned that the hard way," Dante said, recalling a painful memory in the back of his head.

Dante made his way down the street and noticed a dead cat. Saddened by this, he removed his helmet to get a better look. His red eyes stared at the dead creature with deep pity.

He knelt and took it in his hands, then used his reversion spell in an attempt to revive it back to life and then laid the creature back on the ground. The cat started walking again, as Dante gasped in wonder and smiled under his helmet. The cat looked at him and meowed once, then scurried off elsewhere. Dante left the creature to its own devices and stood back up, putting his helmet on and putting his hands on his waist after a job well done.

He turned around and saw a female inquisitor who had been in the city for a few days hunting for heretical infernalists who pledged their souls to demons. "Uh-oh," the knight exclaimed, a drop of sweat running down his forehead. "WITCHCRAFT! HERESY!" she yelled in anger. "No, wait. It's not--" he tried to explain himself, but the woman raged on, hitting the knight on the head with a mace, knocking him out.

He cringed briefly, before looking at the two and introducing himself. "Sir Dante Voerman, at your service, truly," he gave a deep bow to the savior of Tizca, displaying genuine gratitude. Dante then straightened and stood rigidly before the man, giving him a suspicious bag made out of leather, roughly the size to fit into someone's hand. There was something metallic inside it. "This belongs to you, now. Consider it a gift from me and my unit."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

If the knight hadn't already dragged Johnathan out of the room and closed the door behind them, Arya would have shot water bullets at the man for not having the decency to at least turn away, if not leave on his own accord. He even had the audacity to threaten to freeze her! Fuming, the girl set to motion, more determined than ever to get to her scythe and get up on her own. "Stupid, idiotic, cruel..." she started mumbling to herself, allowing her anger to reign free since she was now alone in her room. She swallowed her pain as she rolled over again, back onto her stomach, then gradually managed to get back to her hands and knees. Just a little painful crawling forward, towards her scythe, "...thick-headed, perverted ass!" her rant continued as she reached out again for her weapon, this time her hand gripping the handle and pulling the weapon back to herself. She felt much more safe with it in her grip. Using the handle as a staff to brace herself, she painfully managed to use it to stand, her breath a bit heavy as she exerted herself on the action.

Now standing, the hybrid looked down at herself. The tear in her dress had only gotten worse through all of the commotion, and realizing just how revealing it was now only made her more angry. "Couldn't even have the decency to avert his eyes...that...that...pig! Argh!" she muttered to herself, grabbing her armor gauntlet off of the table that had been sitting next to her scythe and throwing it onto the bed. She then walked -- with the help of her scythe -- to the bed as well and carefully sat down on it, leaning her scythe next to her and picking up the gauntlet again, this time using her now-free hands to fasten the armor to herself. When that was done, she grabbed the scythe again and, once more, used it to help herself stand. Now off of the bed, she grabbed a blanket off of it, draping it around herself like a big, bulky cloak that covered most of her face and, most importantly, her body. Even though the blanket was white, somehow, when coupled with Arya's angered countenance and the big ass scythe in her hands, she still looked like the grim reaper, come to harvest souls.

The girl turned and walked over to the door, a neutral expression returning to her face, though the puddle following her now was still spiking up in anger around her. She opened up the door, her red eyes taking in the surroundings as she did. There were even more people now. Great. She glared daggers at Johnathan as she pushed past the group, but to the others she didn't give any expression one way or another, as she attempted to make her way down the hallway and to the stairs. She was going to get out of there, buy herself a new dress to replace her torn one, and get out of town. That was the plan, anyway. Too many people here knew she was a dragon hybrid now, which meant she wasn't safe -- even if they weren't currently hostile towards her, as humans tended to be fickle creatures, changing their mind at any moment. So, the best route, in her mind, would be simply to get out of town.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Kila Izuna

Tizica Inn

Kila walked through the hallway as her nose dragged her. She bumped into someone on the way. A woman with a very nasty aura holding a scythe while draped in a blanket. She said nothing and instead walked over to the smell source. The blue-haired man who smelled like a dog in some way. Looking at him she got a good feeling and walked up to wrap her hands around him then said, "I thought I smelled a dog, but you're pretty cute for a dog." Kila was laughing absentmindedly as she did this. Her actions were definite proof that she was tipsy, and her face was slightly flushed. She then looked around briefly and said, "Where did the man in the officer's uniform go? Oh well, I have a new toy!" She tightened her grip around the blue-haired man and said, "What's your name?"

Sevix Azrel

Tizica Inn
Sevix had walked off after the water dragon. He didn't exactly care she was pissed at this point, he had to do something. From the conversation he could tell she had received serious injuries in last night's battle. He should pay her, heal her if he could. She had taken quite a hit for people she didn't know. The least he could do was repay what she did.

Sevix walked up to Arya and said,
"Hey, thank you for helping to save the city. I was too busy saving innocents and cleaning up the leftover monsters to worry about the one who caused it. If you're hurt, please allow someone to fix it. I could even help fix your injuries, I know a bit about healing magic."

Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Suddenly a new face joined the two of them. Dante felt like the two of his conversation companions must have misunderstood.

"It was never in my intent to imply that the siren is malevolent, I merely advise you not to anger women. Theirs is a potent rage, beyond what most berserkers can accomplish. I have learned that the hard way," Dante said, recalling a painful memory in the back of his head.

Dante made his way down the street and noticed a dead cat. Saddened by this, he removed his helmet to get a better look. His red eyes stared at the dead creature with deep pity.

He knelt and took it in his hands, then used his reversion spell in an attempt to revive it back to life and then laid the creature back on the ground. The cat started walking again, as Dante gasped in wonder and smiled under his helmet. The cat looked at him and meowed once, then scurried off elsewhere. Dante left the creature to its own devices and stood back up, putting his helmet on and putting his hands on his waist after a job well done.

He turned around and saw a female inquisitor who had been in the city for a few days hunting for heretical infernalists who pledged their souls to demons. "Uh-oh," the knight exclaimed, a drop of sweat running down his forehead. "WITCHCRAFT! HERESY!" she yelled in anger. "No, wait. It's not--" he tried to explain himself, but the woman raged on, hitting the knight on the head with a mace, knocking him out.

He cringed briefly, before looking at the two and introducing himself. "Sir Dante Voerman, at your service, truly," he gave a deep bow to the savior of Tizca, displaying genuine gratitude. Dante then straightened and stood rigidly before the man, giving him a suspicious bag made out of leather, roughly the size to fit into someone's hand. There was something metallic inside it. "This belongs to you, now. Consider it a gift from me and my unit."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Johnathan Edward Weiss
Tizca City Inn

John took the weird item, ignoring his comment about a woman's rage. He would be alright. "What is it?" he asked. For all he knew, it could be a magic explosive. "Though you already know it, I'm Johnathan Edward Weiss. No affiliation."

"Morning Daddy!" Sapphira came flying out of John's room and landed on his shoulder. She eyed the man. "Who are you?"
"This is Sir Dante Voerman, of unknown affiliation."
"Oh........" She tilted her head in confusion. "Well nice you meet you," she said with a smile. "I'm Sapphira, Daddy's pet." If Dante didn't know yet, he knew now that John was now a Dragoon (Dragon Knight.) Sapphira didn't bother pointing out that she was an Ice Dragon, as it was obvious, from the looks to the fact that things got fairly cold upon her approach
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Dante gave a light bow to Sapphira before explaining. "It is half of the monthly wage of me and my platoon: roughly two hundred and seventy-eight golden pieces. I have asked them to give it up and they agreed after a rousing speech. All we could do to reward you. The other half will go to the dragon woman that fought the black knight. My mother, she... she lives only because of you two, thank you, my friend. If you need any form of help, you can count on this city's denizens - especially me," Dante laid his hand on Johnathan's shoulder, slightly ashamed of himself. To think he was a guard. Apparently, guards were absolutely useless as the rumors said. Dante sighed at the thought. "I will now go and give the dragon woman her cut," he walked away.

"Ms. Arya Tinuviel. This may not be the best moment, but I too, would like to thank you for the protection you offered to this city's residents. You can always count on our help - especially mine. Please, accept this token of gratitude, as well as any aid of healing that my friend here offers," he reached out with a sack of coins.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf

(After something this warm, she won't leave. Right? RIGHT?!)

Arael sat at a table in the tavern, waiting for Lorin to come back with food and drink from the bar. The tavern was lively, filled with people. Music flowed from a small band in the corner near the hearth, and men and women laughed and drank ale. How quickly things can change after the terror is gone. As he waited, a man came through the door, asking around for a man named Johnathan. He ignored the man, and smiled as Lorin arrived at the table with two cups of ale and a plate covered with chicken, bread and cheese. He took a hunk of bread from the plate, and started some small talk with Lorin.
"So, why are you all the way out here in Tizca? I thought you were sent to Albion to assassinate the master of coin."
He took a large bite out of the hunk of bread, washing it down with a swig of ale.

coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar


Location | Tizca City Inn
Scenario | New Contract
Mood | Hungry
Tags |

Lorin asked the bar maid for a plate of their cheapest food. She came back with a plate of chicken, bread and cheese and two mugs of ale. He thanked her, and took the food over to Arael. Arael immediately began to eat, but Lorin didn't join in. As Arael ate, he started talking with Lorin about why he was in Tizca.
"I just felt like exploring the world a little bit. And yes, I did have to kill the master of coin in Albion. He met his end on a bridge, where he fell."
He laughed slightly, but turned his attention away from Arael and to the commotion abroad. Sighing, he got up.
"Arael, you never show up for nothing. Who am I killing now?"
And he wasn't surprised by Arael's answer.
"Sir Dante Voerman, really?"

coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar


Location | Tizca City Inn
Scenario | New Contract
Mood | Bored
Tags | Birdsie Birdsie Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx

John eyed the coins happily. He needed as much money as he could get. Grateful, he was gonna go thank the man, but he was interrupted by Sapphira's stomach growling

"Someone's hungry." he teased, and a blush came over Sapphira's face. Then his own stomach growled. "Someone's hungry," she mocked.
"Let's get some food."
Sapphia nodded, then looked around. "Where's Arya?"
"I made the mistake of catching her exposed and losing her mind over...........I don't know what. She's trying to leave."
"Did you apologize?!"
John shook his head. "Nope-OW!" Sapphira smacked him in the back of the head with her wing.
"Hush! and go apologize to Arya!"
"Why the hell should I? She tried to drown me!" SMACK! another wing smack. "Chill, out damnit!"
"I'm always chill, now go and make it up to her, or I swear I'll drain all your mana!"
"Geez, I'm going.......Why are dragons so angry all the time?"
"Why are humans so ignorant all the time?"
"You wouldn't even know. You're a new born. Your knowledge isn't even your own!"
"Knowledge is knowledge, and I have more than you. Now go or I'll smack you again."

With another painful wing smack, John walked out to catch up with Arya. "Oi, you need to get to the hospital. My apologies for seeing you exposed. In my defense, you weren't exactly naked. Just your dress torn. I'll pay for your food, healing, and whatever else."
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Birdsie Birdsie
Arya Tinuviel
Location: Tizca City Inn

Arya stopped, red eyes looking over the man who had approached her. She had just gotten to the bottom of the stairs when he had caught up. Hm? 'Thank you'? I didn't do it for them, though. I would have let the town be destroyed if it weren't for the fact that he was trying to hurt Sapphira... Still, the man seemed concerned for her well-being, at least outwardly. The water at Arya's feet slowed from it's angered spiking and moved into a slow bubbling, as she looked at the man with a blank expression for a moment, inwardly regarding him with suspicion. Another man approached -- this was the one that had pulled John out of her room when she was angry. She regarded him with suspicion as well, still a bit annoyed that he had walked in on her compromised position as well, but at least he had the decency to get out of there -- and drag that pervert away with him. The water at her feet spiked very briefly at her recalling the scenario from not long before, but quickly returned to slow bubbling. This man was thanking her as well. This was unexpected. Red eyes glanced down at the sack of coins that the man held out to her. Well, I guess I did help save the city and all... the coins were definitely a plus here. Quickly deciding on an emotion to display, the girl gave a gracious smile towards the two and accepted the coins, tucking them away inside her pouch that was hidden somewhere within the blanket wrapped around her.

"Thank you, but there is no need to worry about me. The town is safe thanks to Johnathan and the efforts of the citizens. You would have been fine without me," the hybrid told the two men with a persona of humility and grace. "I won't require healing, I'll take care of it on my own, but thank you," she nodded to them. Healing actually would be useful, as her own healing magic was painful to use and might take a couple of sessions so that she didn't harm herself in the process of healing, but having someone else heal her meant that they would have to touch her. These humans were acting nice towards her at the moment, but that was still a vulnerable position to put herself in.

Her pleasantness faded a bit and the water began spiking up again as she saw John come down the stairs and approach her. The water started to calm down a little as he began to apologize, but then he started with "In my defense..." and the water spiked up again with annoyance. Still, at least he was attempting to apologize. She let a bit of her annoyance creep into her expression as she adjusted the blanket around herself a bit, making extra certain that she was completely covered. "Walking in on that wasn't your fault," she started, but then added with a bit of a huff, "but you should have looked away." Turning her attention towards Sapphira on John's shoulder, Arya told her, "Your father is an idiot." Then, she let herself give a relieved smile and, seeing as how this was the first time seeing the dragon after the battle, told her, "I'm glad that you are safe, though."

Birdsie Birdsie Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Nearby: Plague Shaman Plague Shaman
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

Ignoring the fox girl attached to him, Dante declared: "I would now invite everyone for drinks in the tavern on me, however, I gave all of my monthly wage for your own leisure. Under that circumstance, I suspect it would be best I now made my way back on patrol," he walked past Arya, then stopped for one moment. "Also," he laid his hand on the collar of the fox-girl wrapped around him and pulled her off. "Do not. Touch. The armor." He looked at the tipsy woman in front of him. It was clear she drank one too many. "My name is Dante Voerman and I request you sober up immediately, madam. Otherwise, I will be forced to use otherworldly forces to force your organism into reverting into a state wherein alcohol was not inside of it."

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Kila Izuna & Sevix Azrel

Tizica City Inn
Kila smiled stupidly as she wa placed down and said, "As you wish, I'll stay right here for now. Woof woof!" Kila then began wagging her tail side to side while her ears twitched as she sat there with a slightly flushed face and a very strange smile. People were looking curiously at the spectacle and giving suspicious glances between Dante and Kila. Some men were even giving the death stare.

Sevix looked at the fox girl then looked at Dante who had explained his economic situation. He then gave a very disappointed look to Dante as he said,
"Seriously? You spent the monthly wage of your squad so willingly? I'm surprised your soldiers would be ready to give up that much money." Sevix had seen soldiers do some rather stupid things, but this was one of the dumbest. This wasn't small. This was a large sum of money from multiple people. Now he found it more believable as to how the guard of Tezica was probably sitting on it's ass during the attack.

"Excuse me ma'am," Sevix said as he took his attention back to Arya. "My name is Sevix Azrel, otherwise known as Prospero's Demon Knight. You may not like it, but I cannot watch you go in this state. Let me at least let me assist you until you leave the city. What is your name?" His title might be more recognizable. The Demon Knight, an apprentice of Sir Dracov, a former paladin and an officer in the military. Even the city guard Dante should recognize such a title. During his speech he courteously bowed like a proper knight. Now that it was known he was a knight, he should act the part.

Birdsie Birdsie Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Sir Dante Voerman
Tizca City Inn

"I see, then," Dante moved his hand close to Kila's face, with his index and middle fingers on her forehead. The tips of his fingers started glowing blue, as he cast the Reversion spell. The visor of his helmet also glowed blue, and after a moment, he found the moment in Kila's history where her blood did not have alcohol in it. He felt the mana abandoning his soul to fuel the miracle. Realizing the spell, he moved his hand away - if it worked, she'd have been sober again.

Dante stood quietly and waited to see if his thaumaturgy was a success.

Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Kylesar1 Kylesar1
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Johnathan Edward Weiss
Tizca City

Sapphira rolled her eyes. "Yea he is......but I'm glad you're safe as well. He will do whatever it takes to make it up to you, on his dime. Can't even apologize right."

"Let's get you some more clothes, on me, and hopefully things will be fine. You look ridiculous as you are with that blanket." If anything, they could probably get any armor and clothing they wanted, if not free, then at an enormous discount. They needed to take advantage of it before they departed. "I need a new weapon." Maybe a spear of a hatchet and some relics.
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Soraya Chevalier & Mimi Sunomata
Path to Tizca City

"Once again, I must thank you for accompanying me and my men, Lady Chevalier,"
Mimi said with a smile. Soraya sighed and looked up through the gaps of the tree branches. Their horses trotted along in front of about 5 other men and their horses, bringing with them carts of stone, wood, and more. "Think nothing of it. I'm simply helping another person, Grand Architect." "Thank you, you are too kind." "And you can drop the high classiness in your etiquette, I'm a people person, just like you." Mimi flinched back a bit in surprise before letting a smile reveal itself, followed by a grin. "Of course. Please, call me Mimi." "Soraya." The two woman shook hands.

When word reached Mimi about the battle at Tizca, she was in the middle of another set of repairs, a seaside fort that had recently engaged a pirate ship that sailed a bit too close. Mimi decided that the her personal team of builders could handle the fort and that she'll race ahead to Tizca to begin repairs. Along the way, she came across Soraya, who had just finished a job of her own.

"What have you heard about the battle?" "A fire, the undead, a blood knight, and even holy rain. Honestly sounds like a grand battle had just occurred and the world wasn't informed." Mimi sighed as Soraya finished. It was the same thing she heard. "Well, knowing this world, that could've very well had happened." Soraya herself sighed. They could see the city in the distance and saw just a peek of the ruins left from the battle. Mimi relaxed as she could see the townspeople safe.
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