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Two people go off on an adventure to save the kingdom!

Fantasy adventure genre

Anyone interested?

We can come up with details together

Okay I'll message you tomorrow, I joined recently so that's when I can message lol

I'm excited, this will be fun!
Sounds like fun!

If it's not already taken or if you'd like to have another adventure or something, I'm definitely interested! ( :D )
What if everyone that responded to this thread worked together on an adventure rp where we each had a character that was part of the team. Like x~men, only not stupid. Like not mutants. Perhaps set in some kind of post apocalyptic world and they have to journey through the wastelands to bring back some kind of village saving entity. They could travel in a caravan and it could be part slice of life in what traveling together is like, and part fantasy adventure when they face off against foes, and part romance if some of the characters get it on. And part comedy since I'm funny as hell.

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