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Fandom Adventure in Treblian (OPEN)


The human Sahari Empire has held itself together against all odds for over one thousand years. Dynasties have come and go, territory has been lost and gained, thousands have shed blood in the name of the empire, but the collective has endured. However, the Empire finds itself in a very precarious position. Enemies beset it on all sides. To the North, the treacherous Independent Kingdoms of the North stand for everything that the Sahari hate. Independence, individuality, sovereignty from imperial rule. There is a tentative peace for now, but every ruler worth their title knows that war is on the horizon. To the East, the Orcish kingdoms grow in power daily, while the Goblins of Yarkand grow restless in their overcrowded mountain cities. As naval technology has made great progress in the last century, sea trade becomes ever important. The massive coastline of the Empire has become plagued with piracy over the last several decades. No Imperial navy has ever been able to put a stop to the savage raids of merchant ships all along the Imperial Sea.

The conglomerate of duchies, republics, and free cities of the Empire see the hordes of enemies at the border, while also noticing the crippled state of the Empire's navy. Change is on the wind inside the empire, and rulers have begun to plan for the likelihood that the Imperial Court will collapse from within. Imperial subjects are beginning to amass army and armies along their borders, ready at a moment's notice to invade their neighbors if ever they think the Empire will not respond. Ancient rivalries are being rekindled, and old territorial claims are being pulled out of the archives. With all of this on their hands, the Imperial Court is certainly strained, but not yet defeated. The Empire must endure, for order must rule against chaos, light must rule against darkness. The Empire has come back from the brink of defeat before, and it must do so again.

The Chancellor of the Imperial Court has been tasked with quelling the rabblerousers, silencing the voices of dissent within the Empire. This task is not only difficult, but it must be handled with care. Any Imperial action is watched carefully by all of the rulers inside and outside of the Empire. If the Empire is seen cracking down too hard on its subject nations, it may end up achieving the opposite of its objective. Imperial meddling would likely cause a reaction from other Imperial subjects, who would then have a cause to strike out at the Empire. Therefore, the Chancellor required a task force that was not Imperial. The task force had to be comprised of mercenaries, people from outside of the Empire. The Empire had to be able to hide the cards in their hand and totally deny any connection between the mercenaries and the Imperial Court. They would be secret agents, the eyes, ears, and axe of the Empire. The group would travel across the vast Imperial holdings and uncover treachery wherever it might spring up, and deal with it by any means necessary. The risk would be high, but so would the pay. Who would the Empire seek to do its necessary dirty work, what adventurers, warriors, mercenaries, or magical users would answer the call of the greatest nation that Treblian has ever known?

Hello! This is my new roleplay that takes place in the fantasy world of Treblian! I am looking for players to fill the roles of the task force that the Empire seeks to establish order within the realm... The world of Treblian is vast and complicated. In order to understand the Empire, the Races, the Magic, and the Politics of the realm, and your character's role in it all, you must read the Lore section of the thread! Speaking of which.. I'll link it here! It might be unfinished when you look at it, but I add to it daily in order to flesh out this mystical world.. If you are interested, please let me know in this thread! I'll link it as "Other" to all of the threads of the roleplay so you don't lose it ^.^ It is likely you will have questions, if that is the case, let me know in OOC or in a PM. I hope you'll consider joining, and I look forward to seeing what adventures we wil have in Treblian.

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