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Fantasy Adelaide's Home For The Lost, Wandering, and Magical

Okay, It seems more like a slice of life at first vs. a fantasy rp, but I think it has too much fantasy-like aspects to actually be in the realistic/modern genre, so here it is! Besides, the plot isn't finalized yet, so there's a lot of room to put in more fantastical things.

I'm still a little stuck world building, but the general idea Is a fairly large home on the outskirts of a growing city. The home is more like a manor, but nothing super regal, think of it as a being a really quirky construction. Lots of wood feautres, spiral staircases, every room has personality, very warm and homey with people sleeping everywhere, lots of rooms, gardens, labs, etc. It's like a co-op, where people work there, and with the goods they produce or the services they give covers their boarding costs. So basically, its this great manor structure that's open for wanderers and travelers to stop in, share their stories, and find a place to rest for the night or until they leave for their next journey. If you are staying In the house for more than a day or two, you're expected to do chores and simple jobs around the house to cover your board, and the longer you stay the more complex your jobs around the house can get. If you're a permanent resident of the house, you might be a magician, or an alchemist, a scholar, an artist, baker, etc. Where the work you do in the house, is for the benefit of the house. I.E. if you're an aspiring baker, you can stay in the house and do work in the kitchen such as dishes, cook meals, go into town and fetch ingredients, etc. while studying and using the kitchen to practice your baking or study under the current resident chef. That sorta applies to all things, like you could be a witch and studying with the resident alchemist to refine potion making skills, etc. There's a lot of liberty here with the characters, and you can be a traveler that's currently living here or someone training, or one of the seasoned individuals that's living in the house and training others. We can develop these dynamics more in the rp, I think.

Basically, the plot really comes in with the fact that the matriarch of the home, Adelaide Grey, is pretty old and her health begins to fail, there's a lot of controversy with the next heir of the household and who'll run it, while maybe the country Is also going to war? Or maybe someone is trying to succeed the household and then abuse the resources and wealth it's accumulated?

Any interest?
Miracle Corgi Miracle Corgi
Definitely interested, already subconsciously brainstorming character ideas haha.

I would just like to know about what kind of post length you're expecting from those interested, and how frequently, before I finalize my decision.
Oof, I could only really frequently post this next week, after that I'm stuck at a more slower pace since I'll be back at university. I can work with any lengths, but ideally maybe more like a paragraph or two. Nothing super long, nothing super short, but enough to work with and really flesh out a nice response!
Oof, I could only really frequently post this next week, after that I'm stuck at a more slower pace since I'll be back at university. I can work with any lengths, but ideally maybe more like a paragraph or two. Nothing super long, nothing super short, but enough to work with and really flesh out a nice response!
That's great to hear! That's the kind of post length I work the best with to be honest :D

I'd like to have character that's a traveller at heart, but has a sibling/close friend/someone important to her situated here, so she comes by frequently. However, she recently broke her leg whilst attempting to climb a mountain, and therefore has decided to retire and stay at the manor. I haven't got a concrete role down for her, but I think she'd be an artist in training, due to all the sights she's seen around the world :3

Of course, this is just an inital brainstorm really, and I'll adapt it according to the others' choices ^^
I'm super down for this, love the succession struggle plot line! I have characters I would love to put in this RP, looking forward to it :33:
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That's great to hear! That's the kind of post length I work the best with to be honest :D

I'd like to have character that's a traveller at heart, but has a sibling/close friend/someone important to her situated here, so she comes by frequently. However, she recently broke her leg whilst attempting to climb a mountain, and therefore has decided to retire and stay at the manor. I haven't got a concrete role down for her, but I think she'd be an artist in training, due to all the sights she's seen around the world :3

Of course, this is just an inital brainstorm really, and I'll adapt it according to the others' choices ^^

this sounds GREAT. I'd be super down for that, that's exactly what I thought a traveler role could be like.

I'm super down for this, love the succession struggle plot line! I have characters I would love to put in this RP, looking forward to it :33:

I'd also even be open if there were multiple characters vying for the position. With the why I picture the lore set up, Adelaide had a son who married and they only had one known blood descendant, but they ended up moving overseas and died in a war over there, so theres potential for other blood descendants, and of course long term residents feeling they should run the household because rightly so
I would love to participate in this! I haven't started brainstorming yet but it's such an open concept I'm sure I could cook up something good. :)
I love this idea, I'm definitely interested! And I completely understand with the college thing, I'm returning in a month myself ^^;

For my character I'm toying around with the idea of a clumsy adolescent witch-in-training who has been sent to Adelaide's by their parents' request. I imagine that Adelaide's home is somewhat renowned for the large variety of skilled individuals it fosters, so the skill-less and passion-less [Character's Name] has been sent to discover what kind of witch they want to be. The whole "finding yourself" aspect is admittedly a bit cliche, but this idea is still up for alterations ^^

So excited for this RP and looking forward to more details!!
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This is very much outside my 'box', but it sounds like it could be really interesting. Would you be opposed to me sitting back and watching for a while once you get started and then jumping in with a character if I think I'd fit in?
This sounds phenomenal, BC I'm super busy I might not join, but if there is space I will definitely read and think about it.
I wonder...
I wonder how a ghost would work...
Maybe a vengeful spirit of...something
one of the noble's family members or something? Someone's family member that had died there? I have no clue what its previous role in the house it was before it died(but I know how it will die...).

I just sorta want to know how such a...playful( or just downright mischeivious) Ghost would effect the whole...thing..

Also...I got the idea from looking at the words (Slice of "life"). I decided to make a DEAD character in a Slice of LIFE.
It's a bit funny...

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