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Realistic or Modern (ACCEPTING!) St. Reginald's Academy for the Extremely Unwell


"W-What do you mean b-by out of the ordinary?" Since Rachel came here last minute she had almost no idea what this place was besides a substitution for a prison cell. Rachel had knew she had done a LOT of things out of the ordinary but she did not want to blow this again.

Drake Isaac Wright

"Well..." He started, but stopped. "Ah, never mind. So, what do you think of the school?" He asked her, trying to make conversation. "Personally, I think that it's weird. I mean, I haven't gone to any classes yet, and it looks creepy, but... It's just weird. Like, in the library," he hesitated. Should I tell her? Maybe not... "The library doesn't have really any fiction books. Only self-help, really, which is odd-but not, since this is basically a mental asylum," he rambled. "So, what do you think of school?"



Oh so this place is a mental asylum I probably should've know that by the sign out front. "Well they could've had more food options in the kitchen, what do you think?" Kat then wondered what time it was.

Drake Isaac Wright

He shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't been to the kitchen yet. I've only been in the library, my dorm, and outside. Oh, and the office-slash-hallways." He glanced up at the clock. 6:00. "Well, it's six o'clock, so that means that it's time for dinner in about thirty-five minutes. At least, that's what the schedule said, I believe."



Kat looked at her watch well
this thing is off by a few hours it says it's 11:00. "Yeah that is w-what it s-says. B-by any ch-chance do you know if t-today we are allowed to skip c-class, b-because I already skipped most of th-them accidentaly." Kat looked at the schedule. "So I assume since th-there is a c-class c-called p-power c-control that means everyone has p-powers, right?"



Location: Dorm Room

Emmeline dragged her bags up to the giant, probably ancient doors, and stepped inside. She looked around, her breath stolen for a moment. This place was beautiful, it was old, yet modern and it was everything she'd wanted in her own house. For a moment, she almost wanted to throw her bags down to find the library. Instead, she pulled her schedule out of her back pocket and studied it. Half the classes weren't even mandatory, not that she was bothered, she wasn't planning on attending them anyway. But therapy? How could a therapist possibly help her?

'How do you feel today? Better since murdering someone? What's bothering you? Not the fact that you're a complete freaking psycho, right?'

Emm sighed to herself and focused on finding her room. The hallway was disgusting, nothing like the lobby. She lifted her bag, not wanting it to touch the floors. Whoever designed this school must have gone insane half way through. Maybe that makes sense why she was invited to attend. Well, forced to anyway.

"14... 15...16." She mumbled to herself. 16, her dorm room. Hopefully she'd be alone. She entered the room and looked around. It looked empty and she was half tempted to put a chair up against the door to lock it.

Instead, she left the door open and set her stuff down on the closest bed. Emm started unpacking, going through her belongings. She pulled out her favorite blue dress, forgetting her favorite book was wrapped in it and it tumbled to the ground. It broke the silence with a deafening thud.
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Scarlett Vivian Florence

During Scarlett's stay at the Academy, she'd not been successful at any relationship attempt - platonic or romantic. For the past few months she'd barely even muttered a word to anyone. Of course she'd usually been moody or overly judgmental towards anyone who would try but it was going to be different this year, very different! Perhaps there would be a girl or guy who thought she was pretty and they'd say hello. Or maybe, perhaps, even ask for her name. Perhaps she'd even give them a warm smile. She thought in a mocking tone. Perhaps that's total fucking bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Nothing would be different.

She watched the stranger's hand go up. "Scarlett." She says simply introducing herself, licking her lips nervously. That's it. No taking it back now, you're officially in conversation. Goddammit, he already probably thinks you're fucking weird. Shit. Stop being so nervous, you shouldn't be scared of people. She told herself, giving herself a pep talk. "Second year, actually. Top dog since half of last years patients either got better or jumped off the fucking roof." She smiled lightly at her joke before realizing he might not get that it was just a joke. She sighed deeply, "Over exaggerating, of course. Want a cigarette?" She offers. Scarlett briefly began to use her powers to pull her pack of cigarettes out of her bag before stopping herself and pulling them out manually.

"Ye-es. I knew that...." Cali stared at her, unsure of what to do.

(Sorry this is so short. This week hasn't been the greatest.)
Drake Isaac Wright

He nodded, "I suppose so. I mean, there's nothing off with this school really." His voice dripped with sarcasm in the last sentence.

"Anyways," he trailed off. "I'm going to head up to my dorm real quick to put this book that I got from the library away." It wasn't a total lie, he though to himself, I did get it from the library--just a very off, far-away section.

@CellistCat606 (Sorry I hadn't replied, I've been sort of busy...)


"Y-yeah I p-probably should b-be heading t-to my dorm t-t-too. Well see you around D-Drake," she then hurried away trying not to make herself look even more like a fool. Rachel's blush was gone by now so she sighed with relief. Rachel opened her dorm room door and checked her watch
11:10 so that means it's 6:10. Rachel then began to search her agenda and see if there was anything on uniforms.

-=-=((@galaxycorgi Is there school uniforms?))=-=-
Drake Isaac Wright

He saw her hurry away and shrugged. "Meet someone new everyday, I suppose," he said to himself and walked to his dorm. There, he set the book in his bag, and strolled down to the dining hall. As he passed by another clock, it read, 6:20. His fingers twitched and he slid them into his hoodie, hoping they wouldn't go ablaze.

@CellistCat606 (Nope, no school uniforms)


Rachel saw nothing on the subject so she decided to ignore it. Rachel then took another look,at her schedule.


9:00 AM-10:00 AM Breakfast*

10:05 AM-10:55 AM Choir/

11:00 AM-12:00 PM Math

12:05 PM-1:05 PM Science

1:10 PM-2:10 PM Lunch*

2:15 PM-3:15 PM Writing/English

3:20 PM-4:20 PM History

4:25 PM-5:25 PM Power Control*

5:30 PM-6:30 PM Physical Activities/Physical Education

6:35 PM-7:35 PM Dinner*

7:40 PM-8:40 PM Baking/Economics

8:45 AM-10:30 PM Therapy* (Varying Times)

11:00 PM Curfew (Lights Out!)

*Mandatory, you can't skip these

Rachel thought
no photography class oh well. Rachel closed her agenda then took another look at her watch. It's 11:30?! that means it's actually 6:30!!! I got to hurry! Rachel then hurried out the door and began to run as fast as she could.
Kat smiled and then looked at her schedule, "It's time for Dinner! Yum" she said happily before waving goodbye to the girl and skipping over to the dining hall for Dinner, after her long day, she was hungry. Once she had gotten there she realized it was almost fully empty and she must have been slightly earlier than she was suppose to. She saw a boy coming in with his hands in his hoodie, she walked over to him and said, "Hello! I'm cat"
Drake Isaac Wright

"Hello," Drake smiled. "I'm Drake. It's nice to meet you, Cat." He looked at her red hair. "Your hair is cool," he said, "It's red-that's my favorite color." Although, red isn't technically a cool color, a voice inside his head nagged and he responded mentally with, shut up, this isn't art class. "So, is this your first year? It's my first year. Also, how do you feel about the dorm hallway. It's kind of creepy, huh?" Jeez, I guess I'm bringing how creepy this school is up to everyone I talk to, I guess. He flexed his hands, pulling them outside of his hoodie.

Cat smiled at Drake, "Thank you! Yes this is my first year too." She said, "The halls are creepy, except for Mr.Wall he's a really nice!" She blushed, "Sorry if that sounded weird, and I like the color of your name it's a really bright red and it matches my hair." She said with a smile. "My name is a pastel pink color, and can you try to avoid using the word 'hallway-" she made a disgusted face. "It tastes really sour and spoiled" Her smile returned, "You're really nice" she said, feeling slight 'butterflies'in her stomach. @galaxycorgi
Drake Isaac Wright

He grinned, "Okay then. Well, should we take a seat? I mean, this place is surely going to fill up soon. Speaking of that, aren't there supposed to be teachers or something?" One of his eyebrows raised at this question, where was the staff? "If they're not here, then they'll surely be here tomorrow. Or maybe not. I don't really care." He realized that he was rambling, and paused. "So, have you been to the library? It's quite interesting."

Cat smiled, "Sure" she licked her lips, "'Seat' taste so sweet, I actually have no idea where the staff and teachers are." She sat down and looked up at him, waiting for him to sit down. "Library? I love libraries, the books are so colorful" then she hesitated and said, "Just to let you know before you think I am a complete weirdo and don't want to be my friend. I" she took a deep breath "have synesthesia " @galaxycorgi
Drake Isaac Wright

He took a seat and shrugged, "Okay. That's cool. We all have at least one thing wrong with us here." He chuckled, "Like, I, for example, am a pyromaniac. And set my last school's library on fire--No, not for laughs, there was an actual reason behind it." Drake continued to talk, "Anyways, I agree. Book are colorful."

Cat smiled at Drake's reaction to her telling him her 'problem' , "Thank you for not treating me like a weirdo, and if you don't mind my asking, what was the actual reason behind you burning down a library" she said, "What's a pyru-pyromaniac?" She said struggling with the pronunciation. "Did you know loneliness and physical pain are processed in the same part of the brain?" She said. "Anyway, enough random facts, tell me more about yourself and I'll tell you my opinion on the topics you choose. Decisions are very hard for me to make" She asked him, trying to get to know him better, because he seems like a really awesome friend. @galaxycorgi
"Err, just some bullies, and things getting out of control," Drake could feel the blood rush to his cheeks as he remembered the memory. It seems so stupid now. "And a pyromaniac is someone who set things on fire on impulse," he explained. "Um, okay. Well, what about exploring and finding things you're not sure you were supposed to find? That's happened to me in the past couple of hours." He awkwardly, laughed. She seems cool.



Rachel rushed to the Dinning area. After she got there she looked at her watch
11:37 so that means it's 6:37 meh samething. Rachel took a look at the little food stand at the other side of the room. Rachel tried to make sense of what they were, but honestly she couldn't figure out what they were.

She decided to just eat some of the leftovers. Rachel then sat down at the opposite side of Drake so she could perfectly see him. Rachel looked up to see Drake talking to some other girl. Filled with jealousy and rage she decided she would have to make another one of Her messes. As she was thinking all of this she was just seen playing with her food.

(0-0 OMG I'm scared for Cat because I just read Rachel's character sigh up sheet and I just looked up Yandere @CellistCat606, cool character :)

Cat's smile turned to a slight cute frown, "Oh, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable by asking about it" her cheeks blushing pink. Cat continued talking, "What do you mean, about finding things that you're not suppose to find?" Her eyes lite up with curiousity, "What did you find?" She said in a slight whisper, "You know Drake, you're really cool and you're the first friend I've had in a long time" her cheeks a light pink. @galaxycorgi
Looking at the lit cigarette, Elias shook his head. "No thanks, I don't smoke." He sat down on the grass next to Scarlett, there's another person whose death is on you. "Since you've been here for so long, do you know any juicy secrets about the school or the staff?" None of which he had seen as of yet, Elias wondered. He scratched his wrists, and tugged his watch up so he could scratch beneath it.

Then he looked at the time. "Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!" Elias tried to take a deep breath but it remained stuck about halfway down. "Shit fuck shit fuck shit." He looked at his watch again, and pulled his schedule out of his pocket. "We're
late" It said it very clearly, and he still couldn't do it. Dinner had already started, shit, the food, he wouldn't be allowed in, his first day and he's late.

"We need to go to the dining hall, right now." Elias jumped up, and tried to pull Scarlett up by her wrist, "We need to go
now." His breath was becoming more shallow, but he could go a night without food, he'd done worse before. Suddenly the idea of them actually punishing him and Scarlett for being late came into his mind. What could they do, this was a school most likely filled with what basically were superpowered crazies. Worse yet, what would they do? Elias could feel his panic rising, and with the weird book in one hand, and Scarlett in another, he resolutely began to hurry towards the school.

@Moss On Trees
Drake whispered back to her, not entirely noticing Rachel sit down, "Well..." He smiled, "It's sort of a secret place. I don't know, it happened entirely out of accident." Pausing, he continued, "Well, we were trapped in this place in the library... That's sort of secret." Drake could see the pink tinge to Cat's cheeks and felt his cheeks heat up as she told him that he was the first friend she's had in a long time. "Yeah, you're really cool too!" He felt his eyes shift over to where Rachel was and noticed her playing with her food. "Oh, hi, Rachel!" He spoke oblivious to the rage surrounding her.

@CelestialBunny @CellistCat606


Rachel looked up to see that Drake had talked to her. She got a bit more upset when she saw his bit of blush. Rachel then took a look at herself and saw that it was obvious that she was upset. She then calmed down so she wouldn't be considered suspicious. "Oh uh h-hi D-Drake," she said shyly. Rachel then continued to play with her food.

-=-=((@galaxycorgi, @CelestialBunny))=-=-
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