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Realistic or Modern (ACCEPTING!) St. Reginald's Academy for the Extremely Unwell

Elias sighed as Drake listed of the possibilities of escape, then stood up, and patted the dust from his trousers. The sudden locked door had taken the wind out of his sails. "I doubt we're going to be groomed for the Evil, capital E intended, life. And really, unless you took some magic science potion that made you this way, it's not that unnatural, is it?" Elias started walking towards the end of this corridor, and on to the other. His shoulders were slumped and he had to focus more than normal to not count all the bricks.

Maybe this was the time to explain to Drake that he had some weird control over things he shouldn't be able to control. On the one hand, it was a secret, but on the other, so had Drake's powers been. He smiled, "and I'm really not the knightly type, now am I, noble Drake?" Elias stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked to feet as they swung into and out of his vision with each step. "In case you didn't realise from the title of the book, I can slow time for everyone but myself." There, it was out in the open. Elias glanced at Drake, his head still hung low, and what he saw gave him some faith back into this whole situation. "So yeah, Power Control probably isn't about the power of friendship, which is good because I don't have to pretend to like people all that much
and it means that probably everyone here has some weird power or skill."

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"That's good then..." Stephanie responded, slowly turning around in her chair. If she could just grab her sketchbook and and pencils, maybe she could escape before anything else happened. Emotions were building, and the brunette wasn't sure how much longer it would take for her... For the shadows to come to life again.

"I'm just gonna- AH!" She yelped at Cali's exclamation, dropping a few pencils to the ground. The light on the walls rippled for a second, but not fully noticeable unless you were paying attention.

"I-I have to go." Stephanie stated, picking up everything she dropped and heading for the door.

Drake Isaac Wright

He nodded, "Yeah, that's good -and bad. That everyone has a skill. It's kind of ridiculous, though, isn't it? We all have these illnesses -mentally- and then we all hold the power to basically torture to someone. Whoever thought that would be a great joke is pretty stupid."

"Anyways, I'm glad that Power Control is for that now. Of course, we should probably continue to panic about being trapped here. Do you think anyone could hear if we screamed?" he asked, raised an eyebrow. "I mean, think of all the thought that they had to put into this building." He shrugged. "Plus, since you can slow down time -at least for everyone else-, you can probably look like a running champion. You'd probably be able to use that power to cheat in the Olympics," he whistled, and then laughed.

"Okay, now," he looked up as they reached the end of the other corridor, "we have another door. Isn't this just
great?" He knocked on the door with his hand that was not on fire, hearing nothing but echoes. "This one might lead to the stairs. It's just echo-y."

"It's a cruel joke of fate, or maybe some sort of evolutionary survival mechanism-thing." Elias bit his lip as he thought, "you know, giving me more time to deal with all the thoughts and do the compulsions, and you are a pyromaniac that can control fire, that it matches has to mean something right?" Elias opened the door, because of course this one wasn't locked, which was totally in line with the way their luck was going. Something good happens, like discovering a locked off part of a library, and something bad happens, like it containing books that insinuate they aren't alone with what are objectively superpowers, then it starts from the top again. It means they aren't alone, they are locked in, Drake has a source of light, the door they find is locked.

The open door showed stairs, but Elias couldn't be sure if they were the same stairs, having been kinda caught up in trying to make his mind shut up at that moment. "I never even thought about that potential aspect to be honest, but I never really put much thought into exercising before." He dropped his head and shook it, "then again, I haven't really put much thought into
torture before, let alone how slowing time could be used for it." Unless it was about torturing his friends and family, but Elias doesn't say that, no reason to freak out Drake even more, after all.

The stairs go up steeply, and did the stairs before do that too? Elias can't recall. Another closed door is at the top of them, and when Elias knocks on this one it doesn't make any sound, like there was rock or something behind it. "Well Drake, to you the honours. Dubious as they might be..." Elias steps aside to let Drake swing open the door.


Drake Isaac Wright

Drake swung the door open, revealing another hallway. "Well, this school can't do anything easy, now, can it?" He walked into the next hallway/corridor and looked up. "Stairs, I believe. This one might lead to another way out?" He said, but it sounded more like a question.

"I think that we should just keep heading out this way. Surely, it must lead to a way out, right?" He looked up and noticed that this hallway gave off somewhat of a
wet? shine. He continued to stroll through. "Yeah, I'm going to go this way. I think that it leads outside."

"Well, another tunnel to go through. They really like to exercise, huh?" As he continued to walk, he noticed a bright light coming out towards the top. "I think that I was right." He glanced down at the floor of the tunnel, seeing the various, buried scattered stones. "Huh, it looks like there used to be steps here."

He walked up more, and the light was blinding. He took a deep breath, and let it out, his fire going out. He could see the rest of the tunnel clearly, and adjusted his eyes to the new light, blinking.

"After you," he said to Elias after he stuck his head out of the tunnel, noticing the plants surrounding them.

The Hallway/Next Corridor:


The Tunnel:


The Outside:


Kat was wondering round the place, "Hello? Does anyone have the time" she was all alone, in a school? No impossible she kept looking for someone to talk too. She thought she heard someone and walked towards the sound. "Hello?" She asked, trying to reach the mysterious voice. @galaxycorgi @anyone
When Stephanie left, Cali got up to follow her, but thought the better of it. Instead, she decided to find somewhere else to work. What if Stephanie came back? She turned down a hallway, and it wasn't too long before she ran into another girl, with bright red hair. She seemed to be lost. Calithera hung back, in the shadows watching her.

Kat was skipping cross the halls, she was lost all the halls looked the same way, Creepy. She smiled, none the less and she was hoping to run into someone. "If you were alive, would you talk to me?" She said asking the wall she stopped infront of. She giggled happily, "Of course I would" she said in a different voice as if the wall spoke. "Well, thank you Mr.Wall" she said lightly.


Rachel saw no response from the girl so she left her to go get some food. She looked around for some food but couldn't find anything except for a little stand that had barely anything to eat.

Rachel walked up to the stand and saw only a few kinds of food. She saw water, milk, celery, rotten oranges, crusty bagels and a few waffles. Rachel took the milk but decided not to because she saw something she couldn't describe floating it. So instead she took a glass of water and a Waffle.

Rachel was going to look for a table then realized there was only one long table. She decided to sit on the opposite side of the girl she was talking to earlier. Rachel then began to eat her waffle.



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Calithera frowned. This girl, maybe 15 or 16, was talking to a wall? What. An. Idiot. She was acting like Ernest! And Ernest was nine! So even without his.... Disability, he had an excuse! She sighed, and stepped forward, arms in front of her chest. "Are you lost?"
Elias stepped outside, the bright light blinding him after the dark tunnels, even with the light Drake provided. The tunnel seemed to open onto an overgrown path. The plants that had slowly started to take back the path were beautiful, and Elias wondered at how glorious this garden would have looked if it had been properly maintained. "Come on, this path has to lead somewhere." Elias gestured towards what had been the path and started walking.

It was obviously a small path to start with, and the overgrowth occasionally made it hard to see just where it was heading, but slowly but surely it became wider and more easily traversable. Eventually the path opened up to a small structure, like a shed with no walls, and vines covering the roof part of it.

In front of it was a clearing and the school was visible in front of them. "What
is this place, Drake, no really?" Elias felt his breath come quicker, and he pushed his hands through his hair, tugging on the strands. "Who even..." Elias dropped his hands at his sides and his jaw was twitching, making it even harder to talk or breathe. He kicked the slightly decrepit bench, and not even noticing how hard it was to do, he did it four more times.

Then he took two breaths that didn't take the extra effort of the world moving more slowly than the muscles in his chest. "Who even thinks? What
is this place?" Elias tugged his hair again, but his breath was still not filling his lungs. "What even are we, Drake?" He looked his pyromaniac roommate that could control fire. "What is this, like some sort of Xavier's reject pile? Too mad for the mutant school but too powerful to let roam the world freely?" Elias dropped to the ground and curled inwards, his breath still shallow and tears slowly leaking out of his eyes.

"I-I-I" Elias stuttered, his breath coming in shallow staccato bursts. His shoulders started to shake as he began to cry in earnest, and the rest of his body soon followed suit. His thoughts were bouncing and screaming and there was no clear path between any of them, but they were all horrid enough on their own.


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Kat finished her food and decided to leave the book next to the girl. Kat got up threw away her tray and left to cafeteria and started heading back to her dorm.

As Kat was heading to her dorm she saw two girls. One looking at the wall and the other one looking at her. Kat said to the girl looking at the girl looking at the wall "May I ask what's going on?" She said with a smile.

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Drake Isaac Wright

Drake shrugged, showing no emotions on the outside. However, on the inside, he happened to be freaking out. "I never thought of it that way..." He trailed off, glancing around him. "Let's go back inside the school. Maybe we're not the only people who seem to have freakish abilities. Perhaps they're trying to do good here? Or maybe.... Just maybe, they're trying to keep us somewhere, here, isolated and away from others..."

He didn't know what to do when others cried. He wasn't sure how to handle it, seeing as he didn't really have anyone to comfort in his life. The staccato breaths from his roommate caused Drake to feel guilty. "Er..." He didn't know how to handle this. He wasn't good at this. So, he did the only thing that he could think of, and said, "Come on, we need to be strong. We need to get allies, friends, alliances, people to help. Then we can take down the school, solve whatever mystery this is causing."

"So, what do you say about it? Are you in?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled. "For all we know, we're all just a bunch of undiscovered superheroes, being stored away for later."

A lot has happened today, Drake thought to himself, And we haven't even had any classes yet. The sun seemed to be setting, slowly, going down a centimeter every hour, and now, the light was getting dim.

"But for now," he spoke, "we need to get some food, friends, and sleep in a couple of hours or whatever. The sun's setting."

Drake started to talk, but Elias heard none of the words. They mixed and mushed together until it they were a pile of mashed sounds with no meaning attached to them. The ground was surprisingly cool beneath his head and forearms. Drake's voice became lower, and his mind calmed down some. Elias breathed deeply forcing his lungs to expand fully, even if it felt like he was breathing in water. He wasn't, it's air. He needs air. The breath out is easier, and the second breath in is easier than the first.

The sensations were returning to his limbs, and they ache from the way he clenched them. He tries to relax the muscles as Drake says something so slowly it's hard to make out the words. 'Undiscovered superheroes' Elias read from Drake's lips. He wants to laugh at the thought. He killed his best friend, and will kill everyone around him, but yeah, lets stay positive or something. The fourth breath came without a conscious thought and he felt that he still needed to force it in, but it no longer felt like choking.

He pushes against the air around him as he stood up, and Drake is still talking slowly, but faster than the sentence before. Elias still can't understand him through the fog in his mind and the distortion of time, and he tries to focus on making the world move at normal speed again. It feels like a slap to the face as Drake says, in his normal voice, and in a normal tempo, "the sun's setting."

Elias sighs and looks towards the horizon. The sun is indeed moving down, and the light makes the world seem like it's on fire. Like Drake was.

"Yeah, lets... just go sleep or something." Elias his shoulders dropped as he felt the weight of exhaustion hit. So much has happened today, and he was simply empty. "Maybe food, too, but sleep." Elias's head dropped slightly forward, and he forced his head up and his eyes open again, "sleep is important too."


Scarlett Vivian Florence

Scarlett sat outside of the Academy, reading

Frankenstein's Monster.

It was beautiful outside- an the sun was setting and one of the clouds above her looked like a flower. She was in a good mood that day, she wore a small smile and was not wearing one of her usual all black conservative outfits. She wore black skinny jeans and a white shirt with little flowers on it- still dressing quite plain. She folded the corner of her book and lit a cigarette.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-6_18-33-32.png.bde4c7dd971b5721aae926ddd5e5d01b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-6_18-33-32.png.bde4c7dd971b5721aae926ddd5e5d01b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When she lit her cigarette and took a small puff, she saw a familiar face. A boy, they'd had no classes together but she had seem him around- he seemed so tired. It was his first year here- she'd known that. But what she couldn't remember was he damn name. Dereck? Miles? Eli? Fuck, she had no damn clue. 'Hey.." She called out to the stranger, regretting this decision immediately. He probably thought she was a bitch. She had been avoiding the school's population all year so far.






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As Elias and Drake walked closer to the school he noticed a girl sitting. She was reading a book and smoking a cigarette. She seemed more at easy than either Drake or he were at this odd place. "Hey." She called out to them, and Elias wondered what made her talk to them. Of all the places that made forming connections hard, St Reginalds had to be the hardest Elias has even been in. The very air seemed to demand solitude and severity.

Elias swallowed twice before raising his hand. "Hello."
That's it, it's sealed now. Now she will end up killed too. "I'm Elias." How many more can you murder? Elias his thoughts kept up the endless litany as it always did. He dropped his hand, realizing that he held it up for too long, and suddenly feeling even more awkward. The exhaustion of the day and his earlier anxiety attack kept crashing over him in waves, and he felt he had just reached to surface to breathe only to be pulled under again. He wondered if the way the world was softly swaying was because of his inability to focus or because he was simply too tired not to move.

"Is this your first year here too?" It was like talking about the weather, Elias knew that, but he was too tired to really come up with something more substantial, unless he asked her what her kind of crazy was, or whether she had superpowers too. The setting sun shaded the grass as it softly moved in the wind, and every blade seemed like a lit wick. Would Drake's fire burn the evil out of him? Would this school-cum-asylum protect what friends he could make here?

@Moss On Trees @galaxycorgi

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Rachel walked away from the girls because it seemed as if they had the same sickness the other girl had about just freezing in place. Rachel walked away and checked her watch and saw that it was 10:31. Rachel realized her nap was longer than she thought. She figured since it was the first day it would be okay for her to skip all the classes. Rachel decided to double check on that and went to the front desk.


jfkabday said:
Calithera frowned. This girl, maybe 15 or 16, was talking to a wall? What. An. Idiot. She was acting like Ernest! And Ernest was nine! So even without his.... Disability, he had an excuse! She sighed, and stepped forward, arms in front of her chest. "Are you lost?"
Kat gasped as the girl spoke to her, "Oh hello" she said sweetly, "I'm Kat!" she said with a cute smile on her face, "Oh no, I don't think I'm lost, i was just looking for someone to talk too" she explained, she wasn't sure why the girl had her arms crossed or wore a smile on her face. "Did you know that mirror has six letters and half of them are r's?" she said randomly. @jfkabday
Drake Isaac Wright

"Well, I'm going to take that as my ticket to leave you two alone," he said -quite awkwardly-, and strolled back into the school (@RemainingQuestions @Moss On Trees). The school's doors creaked open, and he looked up at the clock. 5:45. Wow, it's awfully early for the sun to actually set. He ran a hand through his hair, alone, by himself, or any other syllable of alone you'd like to use. Drake looked around, and walked in a random direction.

After all, it wasn't like I
just found some secret path, somehow find my way outside, find a strange book, and manage to set myself on fire--and control it. With someone I barely know. He took the small book out of his jacket and glanced at it. Well, this will provide some nice reading, I suppose.

As he walked aimlessly around, he bumped into someone.

@ anyone


Rachel continued to kick the floors to make the squeaking sound as usual. While she was walking by the library she thought it seemed quieter then it was last time but thought nothing of it.

As Rachel was walking to the front desk. She suddenly fell on the ground out of nowhere. Irritated she asked "What was that for?" Rachel then started to rub her head where it was hurting most.


Drake Isaac Wright

"Sorry," he said, and offered Rachel a hand. "I swear I didn't mean to bump into you--it just happens sometimes, y'know?" I don't even know this girl or why she's here. He smiled, "I'm Drake by the way. Er, do you need to go to the hospital wing or...?" As he trailed off, he glanced upwards. A habit.



Location: Outside the front doors

Emmeline threw the passenger side door open and shoved out. Her mother stepped out after turning the car off. How could her mother possibly think she needed, or even wanted her help? She tugged her small bag from the back seat, threw it over her shoulder. Her mother had reached her then and bent over to slide the large wheeled luggage onto the ground.

"I've got it." Emm shot threw her teeth.

When she continued to fumble with the bag, Emm pushed her hands away and grabbed the handle.

"I said I've got it!" She all but yelled. "God, just leave."

"Emmeline." Her mother said sternly. "Don't do this. Do you really want to leave things this way?"

Emm? Leave things this way? She hadn't shipped herself off to a 'special' school for 'special' kids. She hadn't lied to police about being at a party where her boyfriend died. No, that had been her dimwitted mother. The woman she couldn't stand to look at, the woman she could barely sit in the same room with. Emm was just speeding up the departure, goodbye mommy-dearest.

Without another word, Emm turned with her bag and headed towards the giant, horror-movie school. It might have seemed scary to her old self. Hell, just the idea of leaving home would have had her bawling like a baby two weeks ago. But two weeks ago, she wasn't a murderer. Two weeks ago, she couldn't control liquid with the flick of a finger. So knowing that she'd be staying in an old creepy building in the middle of no where important actually soothed her mind a bit. At least here, she couldn't hurt anyone.
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Rachel was still looking at the ground and said "I'm fine," as soon as she looked up she went bright red. Rachel felt like as if she was being carried into the sunset by a prince charming. Rachel then heard him start to introduce himself as soon as he started her blush was a bit less noticable but not as noticableas it was earlier.
Drake so that's his name I should probably also introduce myself too. Rachel tried to bring herself to speak but was mainly speaking in stutters, "I'm fine as I s-said earlier. I'm R-Rachel nice t-to meet you Drake." She then wondered if she should wait for him to reply or if she should say something. Rachel hesitated to touch his hand so she just brought herself up.

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Drake Isaac Wright

"Nice to meet you too," Drake said. "So, where are you going, Rachel?" He asked her. He glanced back at her. Huh, she seems pretty, I guess. As he mentally slapped himself, he was unaware that she had been blushing or that she hesitated to touch his hand. His mind seemed to be elsewhere, seeing as his brain had brought up the fact of powers again. "Say, have you ever done anything out of the ordinary?" He asked.


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