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Realistic or Modern (ACCEPTING!) St. Reginald's Academy for the Extremely Unwell


Awesome Sauce

So... You think that you don't belong here, right?

Well, you, my dear friend, are wrong.

After all.... Physical appearances don't reflect on the inside, right?

For all you know, everything is not okay.

Or perhaps you are perfectly fine.

However, you have been accepted into St. Reginald's Academy for the Extremely Unwell. Something must be wrong, correct?

Even if you were okay, you wouldn't be able to refuse. Free school? Free meals? Your parents are sending you to this boarding school anyways. Maybe they know that you aren't exactly peachy, or normal, or perhaps they just want you to be away....

Here at St. Reginald's, you will find out how unwell you are, and how the others are just as unwell as you.

Here at St. Reginald's, death is taught and poison is taken daily. Can't handle it? Too bad, you're just weeded out from the rest if you're weak.

Here at St. Reginald's, the mentally unstable and ill are welcomed with open arms.

Here at St. Reginald's, you are taught to outsmart death.

Here at St. Reginald's, we want you to know that our school is actually an asylum. Thanks!

Once we get enough people, the roleplay will begin with each person entering St. Reginald's. Whether you are still there since it's past your first year and decided to take a stroll, or you're new. Before it begins, everyone will be assigned a room number and I'll PM everyone their room number and roommate.


9:00 AM-10:00 AM Breakfast*

10:05 AM-10:55 AM Choir/Art/Dance

11:00 AM-12:00 PM Math

12:05 PM-1:05 PM Science

1:10 PM-2:10 PM Lunch*

2:15 PM-3:15 PM Writing/English

3:20 PM-4:20 PM History

4:25 PM-5:25 PM Power Control*

5:30 PM-6:30 PM Physical Activities/Physical Education

6:35 PM-7:35 PM Dinner*

7:40 PM-8:40 PM Baking/Economics

8:45 AM-10:30 PM Therapy* (Varying Times)

11:00 PM Curfew (Lights Out!)

*Mandatory, you can't skip these

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Don't forget to look at the locations tab to see the main rooms of the school.

If you want me to add any other ideas, just PM me or tag me in the OOC tab.

Like I said in the OOC tab, we will start when two more people post their forms/join.

Once one more person joins, I will post that the roleplay will start. Don't start until I post my first post. If no one joins tomorrow, then we will start. If someone does join, it will start.

Drake Isaac Wright

First of all, Drake didn't ask to go to this "St. Reginald's Academy" or whatever it was called.

Second, he didn't exactly know how his parents had found out about this academy. Was there some flyer in the mail or something? Whatever it was, it was enough for them to send him on a plane to whatever-it-was-called, Maine.

Third, he didn't exactly care that he was being sent to this stupid academy. After all, free food and education, right? And at least there he wouldn't be treated like... Like some sort of out of freak of nature. Why the hell do the others care if he can somehow manage to control (and create) fire? Does it disturb them that he could burn each and every one of their bodies in a matter of minutes?


Perhaps it was because of the fact that he
burned the library down at school. And he had, of course, literally set himself on fire.

...Probably, again.

Yet here he was, still stuck in this stupid school for the stupidly insane. He wasn't insane, was he?
No, he just had a very high probability of burning stuff down. Just a flaw.

Honestly though, the school was made out of an asylum -and it's for the insane. Isn't that sketchy? Drake rolled his eyes and looked outside of the taxi window. He glanced and noticed that the school seemed like a mix between a castle and a cottage. This was where he was spending his next year or so. He looked up at the giant clock in the center of the building.
Perhaps this won't be so bad.... he thought as he stepped out of the car, taking his things with him.

Time to check in and find my dorm, Drake thought as he headed towards the main doors outside of the academy.
It's too loud. Brooke slapped her hands over her ears. Voices flowed in and out of her ears. Spirits, mostly the ones of the men she'd killed.

The man in the black suit, driving the car, looked back at her curiously. He didn't know about her powers? No, he couldn't. Nobody could know. It's better that they all thought she was insane. It didn't matter, she was dead anyway.

Her nails dig into the course leather of the seat. This was stupid, she didn't need to go to a school for mentally unstable people. She didn't need to be fixed. No. Because, in the end everyone ended up dead any way.

This place looked like a crazy house. She didn't need this. "I know, I know." She growled at the ghostly figure of her former foster brother,"Dorm number. I got it."
Katherine froze in front of the school, well suppose to be school, as her family limo disappeared. She sighed, remembering the reason she can here "It was an accident, the shadow man said making a lightning storm in the house would be fine. But it's not fine now, is it shadow man?" She mumbled before taking her luggage and entering the building which to her looked strangely like an insane asylum. "I'm I at the right place?" She wondered to her doe before taking out her schedule and looking for her dorm number. "Ah! Found it" She tried to make her way quickly into the room for the hallways were giving her the creeps, The shadow man would love these hallways, she thought trying to remember what her best friend told her, "There is no shadow man, no shadow man. No. Shadow. Man" she told herself sternly before entering her dorm, she wondered what her dorm mate would be like.
Brooke stared at the her dorms door. Just stood their and stared. She felt afraid in this hallway, like this place was meant for the dead.

Damon certainly seemed to like it. The ghost boy slipped in and out of walls, occasionally turning back to her and smiling broadly,"Damon, stop, get back here, idiot." She growled at him. Her foster brother laughed next to her,"He seems to like this place." Terry moved to hover above her, sticking his head in the wall,"Go in. Your roomate is in there already." He yelled at her, moving through the wall,"Terry!" She yelled at her foster brother, before sighing and letting her shoulders slump.

She hated life.
Elias hoisted his backpack higher on his back, and clenched his hand on the handle of his suit case. He hadn't forgotten anything, had he? No, he made the list and checked it, and checked it again, and again, and again. He took a deep breath and stood still for a moment, but a few more moments for him than the rest of the world. The bus had dropped him of quite a distance from the school, and he still had a ways to walk. One step, one step more, breathe in, two steps, breathe out. He closed his eyes, only opening them every tenth step to see if he was there yet. Soon, sooner than he thought, God he was going to be late the very first day wasn't he. No there wasn't even a strict time everyone had to be there. He was going to be late, and he hated being late, hated it. Breathing and stepping, and every so often looking, he finally arrived at the school.

Seeing the size of the building, and the impressive car just leaving, he suddenly felt like he didn't belong. Surely this mansion wasn't St. Reginald's. His family was hardly well-of enough to send him to boarding school at all. This place, with its obvious history and fancy cars dropping other students of wasn't where he belonged. He checked so often, but it couldn't be right, it
couldn't. He took a deep breath and felt the wind stop, no not stop, slow. He looked at the trees, still bend in the wind, yes, the wind was still there, but not as fast, not as harsh as it was before. Still in that state of slowness he started moving towards the front door. Every step felt like moving through molasses, but it felt good to be able to push against something.

He opened the door, and, having studied the plans before even leaving his home, turned towards the dorm hall. Number 14. It was an okay number, a multiple of two, but not the best, because it was
so close to a multiple of five, and those were better. He wondered what his roommate would be like, wondered how long it would take his presence to kill him too.

Drake Isaac Wright

Drake strolled into the school, and looked around, there, he took out the folded map from his backpack, and looked at it. Now, where is the office? Does this place even have an office? He glanced to the side, before seeing a door. With a black label and white lettering, the sign clearly read OFFICE. He opened the door, and walked inside. "Um, I'd like to get my schedule..." he said, trailing off.

"Sure," the lady said. "I have two questions, though: First of all, what's your name? And second, why didn't you get one before you arrived?"

"Um, well, my name is Drake Isaac Wright, and I guess I just didn't get one in the mail," he shrugged. The truth was, was that he did in fact get a schedule. He had just
accidentally burned it out of anger. They should've expected that, when they allowed a pyromaniac into the school. She handed him his schedule, and he took it, looking at it. No mandatory classes? Well, except those starred ones, I guess? Wait. Power control? What kind of school is being run? Drake shook his head, and glanced at the top. Dorm number fourteen. Better go there.

As he made his way down the dorm hall, he couldn't help but notice how creepy it now looked.
Didn't it say something about renovations? Oh yeah, that's what they're doing... Next year? Hm. Drake continued walking, before stopping at number fourteen. From what he could tell earlier (there was a girl who had shouted something that sounded like "Terry!" just before he turned to the hall), the dorms between girls and boys weren't separated. That was kind of weird, but this seemed like a strange school, so Drake didn't think about it anymore. He stared at the door knob, before turning it, and was greeted with the sight of another person.

"Err... Hi, I'm Drake, you're roommate?" He said, but it sounded more like a question. He hadn't even thought of roommates before! Now he had to live with another human being? All he could do was hope that this person wouldn't get on his nerves, otherwise this school would end up being burned to the ground. Drake set his stuff down and placed his hands in his pockets.
Calithera clutched her knapsack closer to her chest as the building came into view. Her thoughts were jumping around in her head, and she didn't know what to make of them. For someone with a beyond genius level IQ, she was really bad at emotions. The driver turned to her and spoke for the first time in the four hours since Calithera got in the car. Actually, that wasn't true. He had tried to make conversation, but she ignored him.

"When you get out, make sure to pick up your schedule and find your dorm."

She stared ahead, her stony gaze focused on nothing in particular. He sighed and turned back to the road. A schedule? No way. No matter what classes they threw at her, they would be way too easy and therefore not worth her time. As the car pulled onto the driveway, she began to organize her thoughts. As far as she knew, she lived the farthest away and would therefore be last to arrive, likely by several hours. Also, she knew that however much her "teachers" insisted it was just another school, she knew it was a mental institute. But what would she spend her time doing? Well, there was her laptop. But what if they took that away!? She would KILL them.

...And her thoughts had desolved into chaos again. Oh well. To distract herself, she decided to check her knapsack to make sure nothing was missing. Everythng was there. Yep. Story of her life. Everything packed into one bag. The car was rolling up the gravel driveway, when she heard a siren in the distance. She stiffened.

Sirens wailed. The flames were crackling, and she ran towards the fire. The heat on her face grew more and more intense as she approached the burning building. The paramedics tried to hold her back, but they failed. She screamed, and everyone else was screaming too. There! An arm! She pulled Dillan out of the flames, and removed her to safety. The paramedics finally succeeded in catching her, and spoke in soothing tones. She lashed out, hitting one of them across the throat.

Tears streamed down Calithera's face as she stepped out of the car. The driver asked her if she was okay, but she just screamed something unintelligible at him and ran towards the school. Once inside, she frowned. She meant to run away, to live on her own again, but now that she was inside, there wasn't much to do about that. A schedule? Ok. Fine. She could do that. She glared at the lady in the front, unsure of what to say.
Elias startled as another boy entered his room, or well, their room. The boy, Drake, his inner voice taunted, though knowing you, you'll never remember it before he winds up dead. was taller than he was, a lot taller than he was. "Elias." He said, still shocked at the new person now here, in what would be his, no their, personal space. Elias sighed, "My name is Elias, and, yes, I guess we'll be roommates." Elias dropped his backpack on the bed furthest from the door.

"I'd like this bed, if that's al right with you?" God, Elias already disliked the situation, the last time he shared a room with someone... was with Branden. Branden, who ended up dead because of him, Branden, the only person whom Elias trusted. Elias squeezed his eyes shut, and turned towards the bed, away from... Drake. He hoped history wouldn't repeat itself, but God, he knew in his gut that somehow he'd wind up killing Drake like he killed Branden. No,
no! He wouldn't do it, he would do anything not to kill again. You'll murder, Elias, like you will everyone you care about, everyone you know, everyone you ever met. He pulled at his hair, the sharp pain a swift focus, and turned back towards Drake, dropping his hand and faking a smile he asked, "so, what's your first impression of the place?"


Kaya looked around uneasily at the school's scenery. A grim look appeared on her face. It looked more like a towering asylum that jumped out of 1960 horror movie than an actual school. "Father, why does this place look so disturbing?" she asked, her Japanese roots evident in her accented voice.

"I don't know, Kaya," her father replied in broken English. "It said it was a school on the pamphlet." Kaya knew that, since it was so obvious. She wasn't able to get over the question lingering in her head: If schools are supposed to be good and boost academic performance, then why does this one make you wanna run away screaming? She stared blankly for a moment, signaling that she zoned out.

Her thoughts were put to a stop as she heard the creaking of their repaired car stopping in front of the school. Kaya and her father walked into the school together and into the office. The first thing the lady at the desk said was "I'm sure you got the pamphlet."

"Yes," Kaya replied tersely. Kaya then reminded herself of her dorm number. Dorm 6, it read. Hm. At least, it was a multiple of two. Kaya was not a fan of odd numbers. She nodded at the lady and stared blankly as if she had a problem with it. She was actually going back to trying to remember her schedule. One thing that was peculiar was Power Control. That didn't exist in normal schools. Kaya walked to her dorm and started to listen to music while trying to process what in the world Power Control was.

Brooke huffed as she twisted the door knob to her dorm room. The inside was surprisingly nicer than the hall ways outside, she looked around and spotted Terry and Damion hovering just above a very red head of hair. Her roommate. "Hey! Both of you get down!" She gestured her hand at them, scowling. Swiftly sitting her bags on her bed she turned back to the red head,"Um..hi I'm Brooke." She didn't offer her hand, touching people was not something she enjoyed. After introducing her self she sat down on her bed, rubbing her hands together,"Sorry about a second ago. It's just my brother and foster brother, were hovering above you." She explained looking over at them. She knew the girl couldn't see them, but she might as well explain why she came in here talking to thin air.

Why was she telling the red head this? No one is supposed to know. Yet, if she's here doesn't that mean she had a power? If she does its okay to tell her about hers, right? Brooke was having an internal battle with herself, while she just stared down at her clasped hands.

Again, she hated life.
Drake Isaac Wright

He glanced over at the bed that Elias was talking about. "Yeah, you can have that bed." Drake walked over to the bed across and set his stuff down on top of it. "It seemed kind of cool at first, but it's made out of an asylum, y'know? It's just sort of... Odd to me? Like there's something strange that's going to go on. Of course, someone did make it out of an asylum, so who does actually know? The hall is creepy, though. It looks like someone's been murdered out there during a flood or something. " He rambled. "So, what do you think about it?" He asked, stuffing his suitcase under the bed. Sure, there was a cabinet, but he could do that later.

He got out his schedule from his backpack and looked at it once more. "What do you think about this
Power Control class?" He asked afterwards. Elias seems pretty cool, I guess. I mean, it could be worse. At least he seems decent and not like a Jason Lyle. Jason Lyle can go jump off a cliff. His eyes turned dark for a moment, and he could feel the warmth that happened before the fire was released from the furnace. Drake mentally shook his head, and his eyes returned back to normal. The warmth was gone -the fire didn't start. That was good. That was progress.

He'd already been here for around ten or twenty minutes, and already he made progress.

That's weird.
Katherine turned around when she heard the door open, and she saw the girl enter, kat was going to introduce herself, but the girl started screaming, and she jumped slightly. After the girl was done, well sorta done, explaining the screams the girl seemed sad and she said, "Don't be sad" she smiled, "I'm Katherine by the way but I go by the name Kat, or Cat. With a k or a c is fine by me" she rhymed cheerfully. Katherine then noticed the girl was thinking and she added, "I'm 15" @WinterSoul
Stephanie frowned. Well honestly she frowned a lot, but her power wasn't always the cause. Eyebrows knit together, the brunette idly bounced her leg up and down, eyes flicking around her seemingly shifting dorm room.

"Stop that."

The shadows did not.

"Tch, if you're going to flare up like this at least be useful..." Stephanie muttered. After a moment the darkness (or technically light?) complied, shifting into tangible shapes on the wall which she quickly sketched out. Once the room was back to normal, Stephanie sighed and looked up at the clock.

"Almost time for the new ones..." She remembered, glancing at the door absently. She never forgot, though it always seemed to surprise her that the Academy set up multiple crazies in one room. Seemed like a bad idea in her opinion, though she never much liked having a roommate anyway. They only ever seemed to distracted her from drawing. Ah well, hopefully the new one wouldn't try to eat all of Stephanie's pencils like last time...
"Well, what's your name?" The woman asked, looking up finally.


She was handed a slip of paper with her name on it.

Calithera Ruby Mcllellan



Dorm 10

Roommate Stephanie Blake


9:00 AM-10:00 AM Breakfast*

10:05 AM-10:55 AM Choir/Art/Dance

11:00 AM-12:00 PM Math

12:05 PM-1:05 PM Science

1:10 PM-2:10 PM Lunch*

2:15 PM-3:15 PM Writing/English

3:20 PM-4:20 PM History

4:25 PM-5:25 PM Power Control*

5:30 PM-6:30 PM Physical Activities/Physical Education

6:35 PM-7:35 PM Dinner*

7:40 PM-8:40 PM Baking/Economics

8:45 AM-10:30 PM Therapy* (Varying Times)

11:00 PM Curfew (Lights Out!)

*Mandatory, you can't skip these

Calithera frown slightly. An hour for each meal? No way. She wouldn't need that much time. 6 minutes, at the most. And there was no chance of her going to an artsy class. Looking over the rest, she decided against the rest of the optional classes. Way too easy, EASY, easy and boring, BORING, not with her time, and home economics? That's what she did for two years, before- she gulped. No. Don't think about that. What about the mandatory classes? Well, other than meals, there was power control and therapy. The first made no sense, but she assumed it had to do with breathing. Yeah, no. And she had decided before coming here that she wouldn't do therapy.

I may as well head to the dorms, then. This Stephanie better not get in my way.

She quickly found the room in the dark hallway, and stepped inside. The other girl was already in there, sketching something. That, combined with the pale skin and dark circles under her eyes reminded her of Layla. Layla, who had perished in the fire. The fire that was Calithera's fault. She let out a stifled sob, a rare display of emotion.
"Huh?" Brooke's head shot up at the sound of the other girls voice,"Oh, hi Kat." She ran a hand through black hair,"I'm 17 I think." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. She honestly had no idea how old she was, she'd stopped keeping track a long time ago. I mean she was dead, wasn't she?

She watched Terry and Damion float in and out of the room, making vulgar gestures and faces at the red head. She shot them a scowl, not wanting to scare the other girl by randomly talking to air again. Terry laughed and moved him self to the bed, sticking his tongue out, idiot.

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Elias sighed and sat down on the bed that was now his, in the room that would never be. "I think the class is probably some weird attempt to make us all make friends, only they named it Power Control because that sounds better than learning how to actually be social or something, and the link between Friendship," and yes, Elias was already tired enough of this school that he did sarcastic jazz hands, sue him, "and Power Control is the power of friendship, I think?" He sighed, his shoulders slumped, he would never have a friend quite like Branden again, or if he did, he'd kill them anyway. He was too tired at the thought of forced socialisation to argue with his thoughts.

He looked at Drake again, and there was hardly any way in which he was similar to Branden, the thought was comforting, though for what reason Elias didn't know. He thought back to the first question Drake asked. "Yeah, the place does have a strange vibe around it, but that might be because it's half rebuilt or refurbished to a point of where it's nearly futuristic and half still in the old asylum state. I don't think there's such a thing as ghosts, if that's what you're talking about." Elias smiled, "and I
really don't think anyone was flood-murdered in the hallway. For one, we're not close enough to any large bodies of water to even get a flood." Elias couldn't stop himself, he snickered.

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Scarlett Vivian Florence

Scarlett woke up around 4:30am as she usually did. Not by alarm clock though- naturally. She turned her lamp on and sat in bed reading a novel tilted "As She Climbed Across the Table" for nearly twenty minutes before actually rising from her twin sized bed. Standing in her doorway she raised her hand, tingling her fingers lightly and slowly. This created a reaction no scientist could explain. Her closet and dresser opened by themselves. Out floated her showering materials and cloths from her closet. Today's clothing choice followed her usual pattern of cloth selection. Black pants, black shirt, black jacket. In the bathroom she brushed her hair and teeth then showered. She didn't bother putting makeup on or doing anything to her hair? Who has the fucking time or patience for that? Certainly not Scarlett.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-23_11-51-46.png.5d93c172bab3a9575302b29b4d001551.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-23_11-51-46.png.5d93c172bab3a9575302b29b4d001551.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After getting dressed, she goes outside and sits in the grass on the side of the Academy and smokes a cigarette. She was 20 and a fucking Senior in high school, "Fuck me." she thought every time she remembered this. She'd failed her Freshman year twice because she'd never showed up to school. This made her feel pathetic as Hell and she knew- today was not going to be a good day. She smoked three cigarettes and watched the birds. "Maybe a should fucking jump off the roof?" She whisper to herself, watching a small blue bird hop around. She wasn't being serious ,of course, that was just her humor on these day. People here hated that considered half always seriously contemplated it but oh while. One more year, right?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-23_11-49-40.png.2edd424421f258b16da01b6da0952588.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-23_11-49-40.png.2edd424421f258b16da01b6da0952588.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Drake Isaac Wright

He smirked, and said, "Yeah, social activity? Seems like they're trying to get us to have a spark with making friends slash dealing with people or finding the perfect match for a friend." Drake rolled his eyes as Elias snickered. "Well, sorry if I don't know the geography here," he said and chuckled. "Thanks for giving me a better light on the fact that there won't be any floods while we're enjoying our bright stay here at this school." As he began to smile he said, "This school is practically ablaze with people who don't want to be here. So far I've only met two, though -me and you."

"Do you want to go explore?" Drake asked childishly. "I bet that there's some secret place or places in this hell of a school!" He shrugged and said, "Besides, we might even meet someone else. Who knows?" As he said this he stood back up, "Oh, wait, what kind of," he used quotations, "'mental illness' as society calls it -or problem, do you happen to have? I'm a Pyromaniac. Impulsive Control Disorder."

Brianna Hudson

Bri trudged through the hallways, staring at the floor, her footsteps echoing loudly on the marble tiles. She had overslept, as usual and was walking to the library. She had heard there was a new book on influenza that had just been placed next to the "insomnia" section of the self help books. She walked a little faster nervously. She hadn't called her parents yet today.

"What if they're dying? Or already dead?!" She thought to herself, working herself quickly into a panic. She opened the door to the library quickly and headed straight for the I-K section.

"Let's see... Infantile, Infected...Influenza, there it is." She pulled out a glossy new book the size of a dictionary and sat down at one of the tables.
Brianna Hudson

She began to read, flipping through the pages and occasionally making notes in a very tattered notebook that looked like it went to hell and back. She paused at one point in the book and started flipping through the notebook frantically.

"I haven't checked to see if my family has had any recurring headaches recently! I need to get to the public telephones!" She left her journal behind on the library table and ran off, her eyes growing wide with worry and panic.

"This is bad, this is very very bad!" She skidded to a stop at the office and grabbed the telephone. She dialed her parent's phone number immediately.

"Mom, I'm so glad you're on the line! I've been meaning to ask you, have you been exp- Mom? Mom?" She slammed the phone down and redialled the number, but it went to voice message.

"Oh my god, what if their power's down? What if a robber just entered their house and they can't answer the phone or he'd know they were there? Or what if a tree fell on our house!" She paced the hallways, rubbing her head nervously.

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