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Realistic or Modern (ACCEPTING!) St. Reginald's Academy for the Extremely Unwell

Overcome with joy at the offer Reaper eagerly agreed to join them nodding idiotically at Drake. "Yes of course, but what so in-interes-interesting about the library?" he asked cautiously. Remembering once again where he was, and who he was now living with. Knowing all to well that trust was a form of money, and he just couldn't afford to give any out here. "So what's interesting again?".

{going offline I will return between 3-9pm}

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.47da01f5cedb6165f402e19623e96ca7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.47da01f5cedb6165f402e19623e96ca7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Cat nodded and she threw her plate away along with Drake and she jumped, in surprise when a new boy came up. She put on a forced smile and introduced herself as well, "I'm Cat" she said, but his name color was a dark brown and she didn't like the color. She faked laughed when Drake invited him to go with them, "Oh yay" she said, luckily she was a good actress or else she would have seemed rude. "Let's get going then. We have around two hours and a half for exploring. I bet this place full of secrets!" She was excited to go exploring with Rachel and Drake. @galaxycorgi @CellistCat606 @Neex



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"You bet," Drake said, laughing nervously. "It's pretty secretive. If not scary." He strolled out of the cafeteria, and turned right to the library. As he opened the large doors, he said, "So, who's ready for something mysterious and interesting, and whatnot?" He smirked, and held the door open.

@CelestialBunny @Neex @CellistCat606
Cat was super excited about the library adventure especially with Drake. She nodded and walked along side him, with the others, she decided to start a conversation for everyone to get to know each other better. "So what's everyone's favorite holiday? And color? And favorite Fruit? " she said a little quick but it was still understandable. She looked up to Drake to smile to him and hear his answer.
"Do I look like I suck dick for attention? No. I don't really follow drama." She said, slipping the pack back into her bag. She spoke very bluntly but somehow it was obvious that she was joking, yet it still seemed rude.

Scarlett grab the boy's wrist, "Calm down, man." She said before being jerked up and rushed, towards the dining Hall. She jerked to him a stop, forcefully. "Chill, dude. Fuck."

"The first person I talks to allll year and he's completely batshit." Scarlett thinks to herself. But Scarlett has never had the best taste in people, and even before she was put in the hospital everyone she had spoken to was, in fact, batshit crazy.

Scarlett looked at the boy and slapped him across the face, not hard but not soft either. He was freaking her out and he needed to chill and she just didn't know what to do. Then realizing she had just hit him her jaw dropped open, "Holy fuckin' shit. I'm so sorry." She said loudly and apologetically, touching his face. Well, just fucked that up.

Reaper nervously began walking with the group not answering any questions. Knowing that the only "honest" people here was himself, helped him somehow. Hearing a slap to someone's face from behind the corner, Reaper flinched on reflex. Having so many memories shot directly in front of his eyes again. Growing tired and mentally exhausted from weeks of violent often physical hallucinations, Reaper began to laugh hysterically. Tears started streaming from his face as he laughed, "y'all know that feeling you get, when your body is trying to be possessed by another person?, like should I fight back or just let it happen?" He said aloud as he arched his back and tilted his head upwards toward the ceiling. "I'm right about there" he said still laughing as he walked further into the library.


Rachel just nodded when they asked who was coming. She followed right behind Drake and noticed Cat standing right next to him but she decided to ignore it. Rachel then began to worry the way they've been acting made it seem as if they're inseparable. Her mind was taken off of the subject when she heard the boy from before start to talk. She thought about for a while and realized she felt something some what similar.
It was with her first and old Senpai. When she had finished planning the way she was gonna get rid of her, she then began to question herself.

Should she let them date even though she actually knows (seeing the future power) they're going to break up after 1-3 weeks? Rachel had decided not to let them date because she didn't want her Senpai to feel any heart breaks. Rachel then continued to follow the group.

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