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Realistic or Modern Academy for the supernaturally gifted (superpower RP)

Tristan looked back and nodded, "Yep, thats my name." He grinned. "What's all this about anyway? I'd rather be sleepin"
Kitty heard the kid about hit with the ice shard say something. It took her processor a few seconds to process what he said. She scowled, walking over and crossed her arms. "Dont tell me to shut up" She growled. She had a cold air around her from her freeze rays that werent precise, they didnt freeze instantly. But if she tried she could make ice weapons with it, thats about all it can do. Or just make the enemy cold. @Coriandr
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"Same here." She said, in agreement. She was so tired she could drop right now. "I think its just so everyone can get to know eachother." She said, shrugging. @RedTeam Grif
Tristan shrugged, "Most likely. Even though its kind of unnessicary, I'm sure there are plenty of times people could get t know each other" He said.
"Yea, like in class. I doubt anyone here would pay attention to the teacher anyway." She joked, chuckling a bit and popping her jaw. "Owweey." She murmured, holding her jaw and frowning. She touched something wet and looked at her hand, groaning. Her nose was bleeding again. @RedTeam Grif
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"Hmmm, eating's like mushing organic stuff into your mouth then gush flows through your body and then goes out but very gross. Though you don't feel the food in your stomach, just the weight of it or if you're full. I think the only thing enjoyable about eating is tasting the food." He then replies. "are you twins with Kitty? She's the blue one right?"

@RedTeam Grif
"Well we were not built at the same time like how twins are born at the same time but we do look a lot alike because she was built with the same DNA I have that makes up anything on me that's human" Kat explained. "ANd yes, she's the blue one. The Sub-Zero fan."

"W-What? I wasn't talking to you..." He said, and looked back at his entities for a second. Maybe she didn't hear us? "Maybe." He turned back to her, and he shivered when he started to feel the cold, goosebumps growing on his skin.
"Then who were you talking to?" She asked, noticing him look back and leaned to the side to try to see what was over there but she didnt see anything, straightening.
"Them." He said, pointed behind him into the shadows. "Nevermind that, though, do you know where the cafeteria is? I was looking for it but got lost and ended up here." Don't talk to her anymore than you need to! Just look for it on your own. You're so uptight. What's so wrong about asking for directions? "Stop fighting, guys."

J.J. decided to take a stroll around the school. He came upon the cafe where everyone was and the banquet was supposed to be, and then the sparring area where everyone was fighting and that one girl - the robot, he thought she was, - and somebody else were talking, then continued on to the gym, seeing if anyone were there. A few were, playing some form of basketball, but using their abilities. It might be interesting, but his powers would get in the way and it would be so easy. He stayed and watched for awhile, before speeding back down, and into the cafe. There was some kind of weird floating... hole? Strange. He thought, and sped over to it, inspecting it. It seemed to go into a dorm. "What the devil is this?"
"Okay wait, I'm confused, who's them?" She asked. "Wait, is it part of your pwer?" She asked, realizing that may be it. "Like your ability? What is your ability?" She asked.
"Yeah, it came with my powers." He said, "'Them' is... well, them." He said, pointing to the figments again. "And, I uh... control shadows."
"Shadows?" She widened her eyes, "Like, like Noob Saibot?!" She asked the question a little louder than she should have. "Holy crap, you have powers exactly like Noob Saibot! He's my favorite character in Mortal Kombat! The older brother Bi-Han was killed by Scorpion in the Netherrealm and he was turned into something more darker and awesome!" She talked really fast after 'holy crap'. "You have like the BEST power in existance!" She got way too excited, and she forgot how important personal space was. She gave him a big bone-crushing hug, well not literal bone-crushing, that would hurt, but it was a really tight bear hug basically. This is why Kat never left her alone to wander around on her own, things like this happened.

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As he was talking to Kat, He notice something speed up behind them. It was J.J. He waved his hands. "YO! SPEEDSTER! Try not to get inside the portal. It's definitely caving in already." The size of the portal was now rapidly decreasing. It made a swooshing sound as it does. Jan felt a bit of relief from his headache which he was coping with for the time that had passed. "Why don't you take a seat Kat? or would you be sitting somewhere else?"
Kat turned her head toward the speedster, remembering another one of Kitty's freakouts and conpairing the kid to Kabal. She then turned her head back toward Jan and nodded, "I was going to sit somewhere else, but I think it would be a waste of time sitting alone" She said, sitting down at the table. "How many times have youn used those portals in battle?"
"Um, I guess..." He said, not knowing the slightest thing about whoever "Noob Saibot" or whatever his name was. This girl is weird. For once, I have to agree with you. "Shut up you guys." He said to them, scowling, then turned back with a forced half-grin, embarrassed.

J.J. stuck his hand in just before he said not to, but immediately pulled it out after he'd heard.
"Yeah probably not a good idea to get my arm cut off by a portal, it might get blood on your floors." He said, "Oh yeah and my arm would be gone. That too."
Kitty backed up slightly from her excitement-enduced hug, though she still bounced on her toes from said excitment. "I wish I could have abilities like yours! Its so cool! You're so cool! Its so freaking badass to have shadows to be able to fight with you and stuff! I wish I was as cool as you, you can kick someone's ass three times more than just one person can!"

"Yea, I think it would be rather painful if your arm did get severed by a portal. Though its really handy in fighting, pushing someone through and close it right at the last second and you have a severed body instead" Kat said.

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"You're evil." J.J. said, "I like it."

Cornelius just stared for a second and blinked. He'd never thought his powers were that cool, honestly. I mean, his companions were pretty cool, but they were annoying too, so... "Uh... thanks." He replied, "Anyway, do you know where the cafeteria is? I was looking for it when I wound up here."
"Well I am a Mortal Kombat fan" Kat said with a smile behind her mask. "The game teaches if you hate someone, kill them. If they get in your way, kill them. If they look at you wrong, kill them. Very primitive mindsets, but very entertaining"

"Oh, I followed people there and wandered off when it got too boring." Kitty said. "I think my sister is there too, but all everyone is doing is talking." She said with a sigh, then got an excited litle glint in her eye. "Wanna spar?"
He sighed. "I guess its better than just talking." He said, "But I'm not entirely sure how I'll fight without shadows."
"I need shadows to use my abilities." Cornelius explained, "So I can make them in that corner over there" - He pointed to a dark corner - "But right now its pretty bright, and I don't know if I could do much."
"Well, what kind of combat do you know?" Kitty asked. She was faster than Kat was, but much weaker. Kat was the heavy hitter of them. "And I assume we're not allowed to kill each other, kind of sucks because I wanted to perfect that fatality that Sub-Zero has where he, well, I dont wanna freak you out. But I wouldnt kill you, your nice!"
"Battle? I haven't thought of using it in battle but severing bodies by portals seems so bloody cool. And J.J. aren't we roommates so definitely you're dirtying our place." The portal then did suddenly close. "Since the banquet isn't starting yet. would you guys like to wander a bit? I could get some practice with portal transport." He says to the two as he stands up.

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