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One x One Ablation

Oh, I forgot to ask. Do you want the potential for romance? If so, what are the combinations you prefer (mxm mxf fxf)? Do you have a gender preference when roleplaying?
I wouldn't mind delving into some romance and in that case my preferred combination is mxf. I was thinking of taking male this time.
Nah it'll be pretty lax, I'm going with just basic name age height, etc personality n a short bio. Nothing too extravagant.

hmmm yes some inspiration. Idk what I want my chick to look like yet, but I like the mood of this piece.
Oh man, the picture didn't show up right for me the first time around. But yeah that's a really good one. If you do find out what sort of appearance you want I can throw a bunch of art at you.

I want to murder artists for the fantasy genre. Their boob plate armor influenced science fiction armor. As a wearer of actual boobs, putting a suit of armor made for men isn't going to hinder me. The boobs will be okay. We wear sports bras and we're not dead.





It's like...just in case you forgot what gender they are, here you go
And then what is armor in those pictures? I remember reading up that for women actual boob sections for armor does more harm than good so it's actually the real thing for them to wear 'man' armor and not just a piece of metal on their shoulder and nether regions.

It also doesn't help that on the flipside in scifi the dudes are almost always completely sealed in armor and you'll be lucky to see an actual face.
Dude, science fiction guys have NO FACE.

And it is actually very bad for women to wear armor that concaves towards the sternum. If you were to be impacted on the breastplate, the force would shatter the sternum due to the design and kill you painfully.

I think the game Destiny actually has some chick armor that isn't about the boobs


Taking a closer look at the selection, I can see the hips are different. That is EXCELLENT.

Men also tend to be very bulky in science fiction...
Yeah very heavy armor and all that good stuff that can make it tough sometimes. But that just makes the search all the more better because I come across more resources to find pictures with for later searches.

Also, Bungie has always been good with their female armor designs, alot of that made it into Destiny. ((The women in Halo are extremely badass with their non-sternum-concaving-towards armor.))
I haven't seen the women of Halo, actually! I played the first three so long ago, maybe I just missed them...

I do enjoy finding new artists when looking for character concepts to use on this site. More artists are giving women more practical armor in fantasy art, so maybe it'll catch on more widely in sci fi soon.

Yeah they haven't really played much on them in the first three games, but they show up a lot in the books and in the new trilogy. The newest, 5 has good gameplay footage of a few females and they're def not boob-plate wearing females.

Yeah I've found artstation to be a good boon for finding artists with good, reasonable, styles. I also have some favorites off of deviantart as well...which is where I found the picture for Sev. xD
DrawCrowd has a lot of gems, though also a LOT of artists that like the boobs. But the site likes to say it has a more professional air. It's still very new, though, so they're working out the kinks still I think.

So the newest games for the Halo franchise are good? I've never heard anything solid about them.
Ah, I'll have to keep that one marked then. Interestingly enough the hall of fame first four pics is a butt, books and scantly clad women. 10/10

And, I wouldn't say they're goooood. Reach was okay, 4 was meh. But 5 is gunna be out in novemeber and could go either way. Just from what I've seen though it looks good. Granted, 4 and up is being made by a different company, in the lore/books it's always held the same armor standards for women.

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