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One x One Ablation

Yeah that was going to be my next question, because I had thought Bungie said the weren't doing Halo anymore. Hopefully the next installment is good, though!

How much info do we need on the characters to start? I'm guessing at least an appearance description and background info, right?
Yeah like a paragraph at best really for background info since I'm at least doing basic one off descriptions. I'm starting work on that now that I've finished my CS for Flight 725.
Yeah I figured it'd help to put some clarification on why he's got a price on his head and then the name of the big bad's group. I'm still a little lost on what to name the Boss though, maybe something not very evil and less assuming.
It looks good! A nice mix of info and some more mysteriousness is left about her which should help make things interesting. :)
So yeah I'm guessing we can start while in transit on XFE's ship, namely Sev detained and maybe questioned? Maybe she wants to find out where he's hiding the information he stole? Set the tone for their interactions before the banditos attack?
Yeah, where do you want to start it? I'm guessing you want to begin somewhere after Sev's already been captured? I can make the first post if it sets it all up better, too.
Yeah after his capture is a good place to begin. He may be unconscious for capture reasons so she can start on waking him up n what not, but I'll leave it up to you how he was handled. So yeah you can start us off.
Now that I think about it, reading the background for XFE (I'm also guessing those are initials?) reminds me of those dos Equis commercials with the most interesting man in the world.
LOL I'm only familiar with the meme. I'll have to check out the actual commercials now.

XFE doesn't stand for anything personal. She wanted an identity/pseudonym that would be her unique calling but have no ties to her former life to make it untraceable.
Gotcha, it make sense. But yeah it just sounds like she's done some pretty remarkable stuff. Meanwhile Sev is like average at best it's just a plus he's got all these prosthetics and implants. So he's got time to develope.
Yeah I figured since Sev has a lot of augmentations that this was an era in technology where prosthetics and augmentations would be far more advanced and capable of more realistic motion than what we know today. I could also see such modifications and prosthetics being tweaked to make a person faster or stronger or better with reflexes, though it possibly being illegal. With that assumption I figured I'd need to make a character actually capable of capturing someone with augmentations that were possibly tweaked, thus insinuating that she would have to be good at her job. I hope I didn't make her too fantastical.
No no she's great! I was just saying it's cool that it's a detailed record somewhat. Sev's augmentations are tweaked so it def makes sense.
Added a rough sketch of how I'm envisioning The Dirge in the CS tab. The trunk/lower section is where I imagine the cargo hold and there's a staircase that goes up the front. Above the cargo hold is the engine room, then above that is the helm, then above that is the living quarters.
Gotcha, sort of reminds me of Bobba/Jango Fett's ship from Star Wars. Also again that style is pretty damn cool lol
Yeah, it's inspired by Slave I, but instead of turning about to land on its engines and being a smaller vehicle, I wanted something specifically vertical even when landing since The Dirge is a modified personal travel craft. That'd be terrible to turn about your living quarters once planet side!

Sadly, it's all about to explode anyway. Bye, spaceship.
There there, they can always get a new one when they're done not dying on some wild space planet.

But really, I think I'd have a heart attack landing it anywhere unless the computer did it. God forbid I land on uneven ground, or high winds!
It's a luxury vehicle! Cities and platforms and designated landing zones! It's base isn't narrow, though, it's just difficult to tell at this angle. Drawing it in perspective is not my forte since I made too many elements curved. It's good portfolio material if I get around to it.
Indeed it is. I definitely though it wasn't the widest of ships that could exist. Then again I'm also rather tired so yeahhh.
It's a cake mixer.


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