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Fantasy A Walk on the Wild Side (ACCEPTING)


The butterfly had just flown out the window the moment she heard someone coming in. She looked towards the entrance and when she saw who it was she smirked a bit. "Lovely? Hardly." She watched as he shut the door. "This cat is irritated as usual." She like the fact he hated the scientists. He's nicer to the others then he is. Which is part of the reason she is in the cage most of the time. She smiled at his question. "Well looks like I was right." She mumbled to herself. She then spoke out. "Yeah as long as we get to cause a little trouble." What happen to her earlier thought about acting better? Well her need to rebel is very strong and she will take the chance whenever she gets.

Wesley watched curiously as the wolf threw an apple far ahead of them. This man was willing to play, how wonderful! "Yah! The apple!" shouted the child excitedly as he focused in on his objective. The child took off running as fast as his short legs could carry him, which was actually pretty darn fast. He passed the wolf, unaware of him not trying his hardest to win. The little boy laughed whilst he ran and even looked back at his competition once or twice to see how far behind he was. Wesley's ears perked up now. Were those voices that he heard up ahead? The child turned his gaze back to the path ahead of him just as he burst through the bush which the apple had flown into. Coming out of the other side of the large bush, two people came into view directly in front of the speeding child. "Oh!" yelped Wesley in surprise at seeing this girl and boy appear right in his path. In that same moment, he slammed into the girl as he was unable to slow himself enough to dodge her.

@Calalily @KaalysBR

Emily happily took the apple from her brother and took a bite, right as she did she noticed her brothers ears twitch and him turn his head to the bushes. "Issac?" she asked gently, then she as well noticed what had grabbed his attention. The sound of running, ones foot steps were light. The other was heavier, and snapped more twigs on the ground. Issac looked over at Emily and nodded for her to go inside the fort, but before she could collect her self to do so. Someone bursted out of the Bushes and came crashing into her. Causing them both to fall into the makeshift fort, and tumble to the back.Emily screeched in pain and surprise as Issac screamed out her name. Quickly collecting her self away from the boy she stared at him with eyes like saucers. Neither her or her brother had met any other hybrids since they had arrived. So this was a surprise, she picked up a stick and aimed it at the boy. "Who da heck do you think you are knocking someone over like that! who are you! you better answer quick or this stick is gonna be the last thing you remember!"


Niko chuckled as he ran after Wesley,holding his speed so the kid would win. But the thoughts were suddenly pushed away from his mind as he felt two strange scents,his danger senses flaring up immediately.

Niko jumped forward with full speed,a growl escaping his throat as he grabbed Wesley just after the girl pointed the stick at him. He stood in front of the raccoon protectively,until he noticed that the strange kid was actually rather small. He glanced between her and her brother before speaking,pulling strands of hair away from his eyes.

"It was an accident. So please don't threaten him with a stick,pup. We're sorry if we hurt you."

Wesley tumbled into the fort alongside the girl he'd been unable to avoid. He sat up a bit slower than his counterpart; the child was in a bit of a confused daze. Where am I? Who's this? My head hurts. She has a stick! Niko took but a second to appear inside the den and drag the raccoon out of the armed girl's reach. The wolf stood between Wes and the girl. The young boy remained sitting behind the man, peeking out at the girl from between Niko's legs. The child sat on his bottom with one hand rubbing the back of his head. "Ow..." he whimpered quietly, his pained gaze drifting to the deer boy. Wesley lowered his hand to see blood covering it, and he immediately burst into tears. "OW!" he cried in a mixture of pain and fear as both of his hands shot up to the back of his head now. "Nikooo!" he sobbed loudly.

@Calalily @KaalysBR

Issac quickly picked up Emily, holding her tightly in his arms as some wolf? appeared and took what seemed to be his protective youngling. He had his hand pushing Emily's head into his shoulder so she couldn't get them into trouble with her mouth. "I'm terribly sorry, it seems your um? kid? knocked into my sister, she can be a little feisty at times when she feels threatened" trying to cool down the wolf,so he wouldn't get mad at his sister he noticed the boy was bleeding from behind his head. Looking to the man to make sure he wasnt going to attack him, he set down his younger half, givign her a sturn look to keep her mouth shut. before taking a step to the wolf and little boy. "Um, if your okai with it sir, I can give him a quick look. I was studying to be a nurse before all "this"" He was referring to the experimenting and such. and tried to give the kid a small wave and smile to usher him into a feeling of safety.

@XDBuggyBatXD @kaalyBR
Niko turned immediately as he heard Wesley crying,his glance falling down the the raccoon's bloody hand.


He lowered his body and pulled Wesley into his arms,hugging him tightly as he checked the wound. It wasn't too deep,but wounds to the head let out a lot of blood.

"I'm sorry,kiddo. It's going to stop hurting soon,I promise."

He rubbed Wesley's back gently,hoping to comfort the boy as he cried into his arms.

He heard the voice of the older boy and turned to him,a look of slight animosity upon his face before he sighed and calmed down. They had bumped into his sister,so it was definitely not his fault that Wesley had gotten wounded.

He took another look at Wesley as the man approached them,stepping back by reflex. He was ready to run into the forest until the strange mentioned that he trained to be a nurse.

"Okay. Just...let me stay close while you do this."


Issac nodded "Of course" He then got closer to the boy, gently examining the back of his head for a moment. He tried to be as gentle as possible as to not cause any pain before looking up at Emily. "Take on of the torn cloths down to the river and get it wet, it should be an easy fix" he then went into his make shift home for a moment While his ran down to the river. Grabbing a few scrap pieces of cloth and some anti bacterial mixture he had made. Amazingly he was smart when it came to real medicine or herbal medicine, its about all he studied other then math. Once his sister was back with the soaked scrap, he gently wiped away the blood, making the wound seem worse then it was. Then added a bit of the antibacterial mix, and finally a few scraps and a wrap around his head. "There nothing major, a little antibacterial so he doesn't get an infection. but otherwise it should be fine in about three to five days." He smiled as his sister now clung to his hip like a little leach

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Laura nodded. "I know they'll kill me.....someday, but for now it's my way of dealing with the nearly four hundred different documents sitting on my desk. I just wanted to nap today." Laura frowned as she tapped her foot in annoyance with the thought of work. "You're lucky that you can get your paperwork done so quickly. I just can't get the motivation to do it. I'm a research not a paper pusher. I shouldn't be bogged down by this you know?" Laura sighed as she caught sight of the psychologist walking the grounds with Bex. "It seems Monique is at work herself." Laura dowsed her cigarette and looked to her coworker. "So, what are your plans for tonight? As mine involve being under twenty feet tall stacks of documents that have nothing to do with me or my research." Laura grumbled. She liked DOING the research, but all the red tape was a nuisance. It was JUST theory crafting. It's not like she was going to go abduct a child and perform any of these. That wasn't her job.


"Well, the one that would pull a prank wouldn't be too bad. From the report he seems like a good kid, unlike Ethan or Roxie." Monique remembered her first session with Ethan distinctly. He threatened to bite her if she reported anything he said to the guards or the scientists. However, no matter how many times she's been asked she has kept any information he gave between them. Roxie wasn't nearly as distinct, but it still left some sharp memories. "Haaaaa. Those two are going to be pieces of work alright." Monique shrugged her shoulders. She was dealing with troubled teens with the abilities of animals. This was not going to be her easiest assignment, but these kids needed a strong ally.

"Of course. I'm going to be around every day. Currently, the company is moving my stuff into one of the rooms for faculty within the building. So I'll be around twenty four seven. So feel free to come visit me. I've already informed the guards that any of the children within the program are free to visit me whenever. They'll take you to my office and I'll be there as soon as I get the memo." Monique hugged Bex tightly again before petting the girl gently. She needed to schedule her next visitor. "Hmmm." Just as she was about to decide the radio on her hip sprang to life. Transfers coming into the yard. "I guess that means the two boys are coming over. Would you like to meet them Bex? I'm sure one will run off rather quickly, but at least the fox will stay." She smiled as she started to walk towards the place where the others would be released.

Ethan smiled as Roxie seemed to get eager at the mention of going outside. "Mischief is the only reason we leave our cages." Ethan was normally trapped up as well as Roxie. The fact that he had the ability to inject Inland Taipan venom into anything he bit made him a danger to everyone involved. So their fear of costing the organization money was greater than nearly any other experiment to date. "Just remember we have to be able to get out too." Ethan nudged each of his snakes. "Check the hallway. Don't need to be caught immediately upon leaving." Ivory and Ebony slithered down Ethan's body and underneath the door. They returned shortly reporting to him that the coast was clear. "It's all good. Now let's get out of here princess." He chided her as he opened up the door and walked out into the halls. The question at that point was where to?

"So, where do we go my feline companion?" Ethan put his hands behind his head as his snakes climbed back onto his shoulders, coiling around his neck once more. "The field is where most of the kiddies are and they'd be the easiest to tease." Ethan liked the others, but he also liked mayhem. It was like the more they acted up out of pranks and scares, the less the guards focused on him. It was a win-win situation for the snake hybrid and he was happy to take it.

Wesley's sobs quieted shortly after he felt Niko's warm embrace. The child lifted his head from the man's chest to see the smiling deer boy. He didn't seem like a bad guy. As the man approached and the girl reappeared with a wet rag, Wesley gazed up at the new man with teary eyes. He lowered his hand so the man could get at his head to make the pain go away. Whilst Isaac cleaned the wound and applied the medication, Wes whimpered softly in pain. Once or twice he pulled away only to relax again so the man could finish his work. Once the job was done, Wesley looked up at the man and his sister once again. "...You have long ears..." he commented, pointing to the girl. He'd never seen a rabbit hybrid before. To him, it was weird to have such long ears. The boy went to wipe his tears away, but he saw the blood covering his hands and frowned. He stood up, looked up at Niko, and wiped the blood off on the wolf's pant leg before giggling mischievously. Then, he wiped his tears away with his cleaner hands and a weak smile upon his face.

@Calalily @KaalysBR
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Kiroshiven said:
Laura nodded. "I know they'll kill me.....someday, but for now it's my way of dealing with the nearly four hundred different documents sitting on my desk. I just wanted to nap today." Laura frowned as she tapped her foot in annoyance with the thought of work. "You're lucky that you can get your paperwork done so quickly. I just can't get the motivation to do it. I'm a research not a paper pusher. I shouldn't be bogged down by this you know?" Laura sighed as she caught sight of the psychologist walking the grounds with Bex. "It seems Monique is at work herself." Laura dowsed her cigarette and looked to her coworker. "So, what are your plans for tonight? As mine involve being under twenty feet tall stacks of documents that have nothing to do with me or my research." Laura grumbled. She liked DOING the research, but all the red tape was a nuisance. It was JUST theory crafting. It's not like she was going to go abduct a child and perform any of these. That wasn't her job.
"I have time, I could help you?" Case offered as she listened to her talk. She smiled at the woman. Sighing, "You know there's other ways to deal with stress.?" She Said turning to Laura. She looked at her laptop opening it and unlocking it without looking at the screen for the password. She watched the scenery around her as she opened her schedule. "Yeah, I can help tonight or anytime today?" She Said, though to be honest would probably do all the paper work her self, she couldn't help it she loved it."I have nothing to do as usual."
LilyannaGaming said:
"I have time, I could help you?" Case offered as she listened to her talk. She smiled at the woman. Sighing, "You know there's other ways to deal with stress.?" She Said turning to Laura. She looked at her laptop opening it and unlocking it without looking at the screen for the password. She watched the scenery around her as she opened her schedule. "Yeah, I can help tonight or anytime today?" She Said, though to be honest would probably do all the paper work her self, she couldn't help it she loved it."I have nothing to do as usual."
Laura smiled at the girl. "I'm not going to let you do all of it. As there are things that you, as a researcher and not the head, cannot be allowed to see. So it'll turn into about 65% of it you can do." Laura didn't want to lose her job. So the paperwork that was hers as the head researcher she wouldn't let Cass look at, but the rest was just grant continuations, authorizations for other types of research and so on. It wouldn't hurt to let Cass help her. "We should probably get it done sooner than later I suppose." Laura chuckled as she walked across the fields towards the main building again.

Emily cocked her head at him, pulling her ears a bit self concessional. "Well I am a wabbit, what are you suppose to be?" she asked gently, looking him over for a minute confused. He didnt look like any animal she knew. or as far as she knew, looking up at her brother. She got visual permission to leave his side now. Walking over to the boy, she gently grabbed his ear and pulled gently. "Ive never seen anyone like you?" she then circled him and grabbed his tail gently and nuzzled her cheek into it giggling "your soft!~" Finally she heard the sound of her brother correcting her with her name quickly being scolded and she let go of him. Itching her head as her tail wiggled, she gave him expression sorry before speaking again "Do you want a piece of candy, I stole some from the ladys desk last time she made me go to her office....months ago. I still have a few left~" she said gently and waited for his reply.

Niko didn't seem to mind the fact that Wesley had splattered blood over his pants. In fact,his clothes were often bloody,most of it coming from other hybrids who thought that it would be a good idea to attack him.

He placed Wesley on the ground when candy was mentioned,imagining he would want some of it.

Turning back to the older boy,he tried to strike a conversation. It sounded slightly awkward,as he wasn't used to talk to other shifters at all.

"So...how did you learn this healing stuff? Also,which hybrid are you?"

@XDBuggyBatXD @Calalily
Kiroshiven said:
Laura smiled at the girl. "I'm not going to let you do all of it. As there are things that you, as a researcher and not the head, cannot be allowed to see. So it'll turn into about 65% of it you can do." Laura didn't want to lose her job. So the paperwork that was hers as the head researcher she wouldn't let Cass look at, but the rest was just grant continuations, authorizations for other types of research and so on. It wouldn't hurt to let Cass help her. "We should probably get it done sooner than later I suppose." Laura chuckled as she walked across the fields towards the main building again.
Cass may be a researcher, but she ended up straying away from all the research and other things and stayed more closely to the documenting, moving files, calculations, and anything to do with paper work or planning. She was kind of the more responsible person when it came to these things. "It's fine. I don't mind helping in anyway." She said not in the least bit hurt. She said following Laura as the woman started off to the main building.

(Soory for the short post. Its hard to post off the phone.)
Doctor Ziedan Church sat in his own private laboratory, hidden behind a painting, a narrow path; a stairway that goes down and below Peaceful Hollow. Of course, nobody knows about this. It was in a document that belonged to Professor James Hawkins, which he had not shared with anyone else and kept it a secret. He clicked a button and the huge screen before him activated. There were several cameras.

One showed his best subject, Justan, laying down on a large rock in the meadow. Another showed a few other hybrids; the wolf, the little bunny girl, the obnoxious raccoon boy, the larger deer male... He couldn't here what they said very clearly, but he saw the raccoon boy, whom he thought was called Weasel, was bleeding. He didn't trust him or like him; raccoons were scavengers and thieves, and hybrids usually took the personality of the animal with which they were created. Justan was a great example; he used to be really energetic before, but since he was turned to a hybrid...

He flipped a switch, turned on the recorder for a moment, then turned it off once again. He played it it back.

"Do you want a piece of candy, I stole some from the lady's desk last time she made me go to her office....months ago. I still have a few left~"

He rose and turned away, walking past the cages of his private hybrids, which were few. Combinations of birds and reptiles. Church left his office and headed towards Monique's office. He walked right in, past the guards, who had no choice but to let him pass, considering his (unofficial, of course) rank, even though he and Monique didn't seem to like each other very much. She wasn't there, all right. He sat down on the seat facing the door, waiting.

It's been hours, and Justan has spent them laying down on the same large rock, the sun warming him. At last he rose and, surprisingly, swiftly jumped over the rock. He wandered aimlessly, catching a rabbit and feasting on its meat.

He paused once he heard a noise--a woman. She was talking about new subjects. Her voice was familiar, but he seldom heard it. He couldn't associate it with good nor bad memories, even though something was tugging in the back of his mind. The reptilian hybrid paused behind a tree, loudly breaking a branch in the process, but not noticing.

He shifted in his position, crunching a few leaves under his feet. Listening to the footsteps, Justan realized that there was another, smaller and lighter, being as well.

@Kiroshiven @NightSky
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Kiroshiven said:
Laura nodded. "I know they'll kill me.....someday, but for now it's my way of dealing with the nearly four hundred different documents sitting on my desk. I just wanted to nap today." Laura frowned as she tapped her foot in annoyance with the thought of work. "You're lucky that you can get your paperwork done so quickly. I just can't get the motivation to do it. I'm a research not a paper pusher. I shouldn't be bogged down by this you know?" Laura sighed as she caught sight of the psychologist walking the grounds with Bex. "It seems Monique is at work herself." Laura dowsed her cigarette and looked to her coworker. "So, what are your plans for tonight? As mine involve being under twenty feet tall stacks of documents that have nothing to do with me or my research." Laura grumbled. She liked DOING the research, but all the red tape was a nuisance. It was JUST theory crafting. It's not like she was going to go abduct a child and perform any of these. That wasn't her job.

"Well, the one that would pull a prank wouldn't be too bad. From the report he seems like a good kid, unlike Ethan or Roxie." Monique remembered her first session with Ethan distinctly. He threatened to bite her if she reported anything he said to the guards or the scientists. However, no matter how many times she's been asked she has kept any information he gave between them. Roxie wasn't nearly as distinct, but it still left some sharp memories. "Haaaaa. Those two are going to be pieces of work alright." Monique shrugged her shoulders. She was dealing with troubled teens with the abilities of animals. This was not going to be her easiest assignment, but these kids needed a strong ally.

"Of course. I'm going to be around every day. Currently, the company is moving my stuff into one of the rooms for faculty within the building. So I'll be around twenty four seven. So feel free to come visit me. I've already informed the guards that any of the children within the program are free to visit me whenever. They'll take you to my office and I'll be there as soon as I get the memo." Monique hugged Bex tightly again before petting the girl gently. She needed to schedule her next visitor. "Hmmm." Just as she was about to decide the radio on her hip sprang to life. Transfers coming into the yard. "I guess that means the two boys are coming over. Would you like to meet them Bex? I'm sure one will run off rather quickly, but at least the fox will stay." She smiled as she started to walk towards the place where the others would be released.

Bex smiled at hearing she could visit Monique whenever, she did get easily lonely and was too shy to interact with other hybrids. She purred after being petted obviously enjoying the rare attention she was getting.

"Would you like to meet them Bex?"

Bex twitched her ears as she thought for a moment. Meeting hybrids scared her especially as most were considerably bigger and stronger than her but Monique would be with her and she would protect Bex. "O..okay." She eventually accepted the offer and followed behind Monique. She kept close to her side her legs moving quickly to keep up with Monique, she wasn't walking fast but because Bex was so small she had to move faster to keep up. She twisted a strand of her pale blue-gray hair around her finger starting to feel a little nervous.

What if they don't like me? Or worse, want to hurt me..?

  • NightSky said:
    Bex smiled at hearing she could visit Monique whenever, she did get easily lonely and was too shy to interact with other hybrids. She purred after being petted obviously enjoying the rare attention she was getting.
    "Would you like to meet them Bex?"

    Bex twitched her ears as she thought for a moment. Meeting hybrids scared her especially as most were considerably bigger and stronger than her but Monique would be with her and she would protect Bex. "O..okay." She eventually accepted the offer and followed behind Monique. She kept close to her side her legs moving quickly to keep up with Monique, she wasn't walking fast but because Bex was so small she had to move faster to keep up. She twisted a strand of her pale blue-gray hair around her finger starting to feel a little nervous.

    What if they don't like me? Or worse, want to hurt me..?
    Darkiplier said:
    Doctor Ziedan Church sat in his own private laboratory, hidden behind a painting, a narrow path; a stairway that goes down and below Peaceful Hollow. Of course, nobody knows about this. It was in a document that belonged to Professor James Hawkins, which he had not shared with anyone else and kept it a secret. He clicked a button and the huge screen before him activated. There were several cameras.
    One showed his best subject, Justan, laying down on a large rock in the meadow. Another showed a few other hybrids; the wolf, the little bunny girl, the obnoxious raccoon boy, the larger deer male... He couldn't here what they said very clearly, but he saw the raccoon boy, whom he thought was called Weasel, was bleeding. He didn't trust him or like him; raccoons were scavengers and thieves, and hybrids usually took the personality of the animal with which they were created. Justan was a great example; he used to be really energetic before, but since he was turned to a hybrid...

    He flipped a switch, turned on the recorder for a moment, then turned it off once again. He played it it back.

    "Do you want a piece of candy, I stole some from the lady's desk last time she made me go to her office....months ago. I still have a few left~"

    He rose and turned away, walking past the cages of his private hybrids, which were few. Combinations of birds and reptiles. Church left his office and headed towards Monique's office. He walked right in, past the guards, who had no choice but to let him pass, considering his (unofficial, of course) rank, even though he and Monique didn't seem to like each other very much. She wasn't there, all right. He sat down on the seat facing the door, waiting.

    It's been hours, and Justan has spent them laying down on the same large rock, the sun warming him. At last he rose and, surprisingly, swiftly jumped over the rock. He wandered aimlessly, catching a rabbit and feasting on its meat.

    He paused once he heard a noise--a woman. She was talking about new subjects. Her voice was familiar, but he seldom heard it. He couldn't associate it with good nor bad memories, even though something was tugging in the back of his mind. The reptilian hybrid paused behind a tree, loudly breaking a branch in the process, but not noticing.

    He shifted in his position, crunching a few leaves under his feet. Listening to the footsteps, Justan realized that there was another, smaller and lighter, being as well.

    @Kiroshiven @NightSky
    A loud snapping sound caught Monique's attention as they were beginning to walk. "Do we have a rather nosy eavesdropper?" Monique turned toward the sound when she barely caught a glimpse of another hybrid that she had met. "Justan, it's good to see you again." Monique splipped her arm around Bex and place a hand on the girl's shoulder to keep her from running away. As long as Monique was there, Bex would be fine. Worst case, she'd use her stun gun. "Are you curious about the two boys join..." Ma'am, you have a visitor in your office. "Understood. I'll deal with him when I'm finished." Monique responded into her radio.

    "Well, let's go see the boys. If you want to come along Justan feel free to. Just don't try and scare either of them." Monique led the two hybrids along the paths to the gates that led to another part of the facility. The gears that opened the gate slowly ground and screeched as they moved. It seems they hadn't been used very often at all. "Alright you two, here you'll meet Tobias and Nicolai. I hope you'll treat them well." After the initial greetings and the gate was closed Monique looked to the three as one of them had run off. Poor Nicolai. "Everyone, I'm sorry to have to do this, but I'm going to deal with an unwanted PEST in my office." Monique smiled, but in the back of her mind she thought about taking one of the guards' guns and killing him in her office. It was soundproof so the only thing she'd need to do is dispose of the body. Not a big challenge. There were plenty of ways to do things like that online.

    She walked quickly into her office and glared down at Dr. Church. "Figured I had a roach in my office." Monique spoke quickly. "What do you want Church? Also, don't get too comfy coming into my office freely. Searching here is a violation of confidentiality. You wouldn't want all your dirty little secrets slipping out onto the internet or into the governments hands would you?" Hypnotherapy was literally the only way she got anything out of Church. And what he shared horrified her. He had KILLED people. It was something she should've reported, but so long as he behaved himself, she would keep her Doctor, client privilege. Monique was normally nice to people, but Church had already explained his opinion on the children and she didn't like it. Thus, there was no way the two would ever see eye to eye.

Justan hesitated for a moment, then accepted Monique's invitation. She called him by his name, and there was nothing wrong with her tone. He remembered her; they only met once before. Justan liked Monique. She was a nice lady, and he actually, willingly followed her orders, unlike with the others, whom he obediently obeyed but out of fear of more pain. He followed a few paces behind Bex and Monique.

She lead led them to some part of the facility. Justan, having been there since its first years, knew this area, but he never got inside. The gates were always closed. The screeching they made when opened made him flinch, then he followed inside. Before he could scan his surroundings, a figure ran, galloped away, out of the door, shooting like an arrow.

The reptile listened to the fox, then stepped towards him, inspecting him for a moment, before speaking.


It felt surprisingly good to talk to someone willingly. Someone like him.

Tobias asked if the two could show him around, and Justan replied with a nod and a simple "Sure".

"I've actually been here since-" But he couldn't remember how long. "A good few years."

He turned around, his tail dragging behind him like that of a large lizard's, and proceeded to walk through the gates, his ears with Bex and Tobias.

@NightSky @Kiroshiven

Church shook his head at Monique's words, and his eyes fell upon her, an evil smirk on his face.

"Searching ? I wasn't... searching, I'm not like some of your precious beasts. No, no. I was not searching, I was waiting." He said slowly, softly, menacingly."You don't know, dear... You don't."

Monique's not new to the institute, and like other, older members, she knew some of his darkest secrets, but not the darkest. Not about his lab, or the chips, or his modified pathogens. He could kill her right now. But he wouldn't gain anything. That could be done later.

He rose and paced around the room, looking around.

"I think you might find it interesting." Church said as he placed the recorded tape among the candies in the glass bowl on the desk.

He paused before one wall and slowly turned, facing Monique.

"Do you know what those creatures out there are ? The ones that we make ? Because I don't. And don't tell me 'they're called hybrids'. Yes, they are hybrids, but what are they ? Wild animals ? Homo sapiens ? What are they ?"

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"A wabbit?" Wesley stared up at the girl as she tugged his ear. "I'm a raccoon," he replied, studying her as she circled him. "Stooop," he complained when the girl nuzzled her face into his tail. "You can't touch that..." Once the bunny retreated, Wes brushed his tail straight. "Oh! You have such a little tail," he commented with a tone of curiosity as he watched her tail wiggle. At her next question, the little boy smiled. "Yah! I want a piece!" he chirped cheerily and scampered over to the girl in order to acquire his treat.

@KaalysBR @Calalily
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"I read a lot of books before this place, I was hoping to be a nurse, then someday a doctor. Um I'm also a Deer, so please dont eat me. I'm not much for fighting." Issac chuckled a bit nervously, since this was the first hybrid he had talked to since being here. Emily and him always stayed to them self's. Both a little scared of what some other hybrids would do to them. He didn't want his sister getting hurt, but so far these two seemed pretty harmless.

"Yea, I have three pieces left come on!~" Emily giggled and ran into her makeshift home, before coming out with three jaw breakers. "I took them when the lady left the room, not like she needed that much candy" She giggled handing the boy a piece "Yes and next time you see her you will apologize for stealing my kleptomaniac" Her brother scholed her, she just stuck her tongue out as a someone appeared out of the bushes to ask about candy. Quickly hiding the other two pieces in her pocket. She scooted behind her brother for protection against the new person. "Um? Hi there, do we know you?" Her brother asked, tensing up a bit at all the new people now seeming to be popping up out of no where.

@KaalysBR @Kiroshiven @XDBuggyBatXD
Roxie walked out of the cage and stretched her arms then popped her bones. "Man it feels good to be out." She looked at Ethan when he asked her where she wanted to go. Actually the question should have been who would you like to mess with first. To be honest she wanted to go straight to the scientist and make a nice big mess. But she thought better to leave that to later. "Let's go see the others and see if we can mess with them for a bit."

One day we'll all get out of here...all the hybrids will be free and safe and have loving homes and we'll all be free! Her imagination had absorbed all reality around her. Her attention had drifted far beyond the trees as she was staring off into the distance, the mountains nearly touching the clouds and never moving. She felt a sudden urge to go there. To explore the giant rocks and disappear off into the unknown. Her tail swished about behind her and her feet kicked back and forth while thinking. An unexpected change of subject occurred shortly then after as someone spoke. Her head turned from side to side searching for the speaker before turning her gaze to the ground and spotting someone quite unusual. "Hiya!!" Her green eyes grew wide with excitement and curiosity. It took less than a second for the girl to slip down the tree and fall flat onto her feet in front of the boy with antlers. "Woah, what are you?? Wait! No, sorry..what's your name is probably a much better starter for a conversation!" Smiling, she tilted her head and held her arms behind her back while balancing back and forth on her heels. "My name's Autumn~!"
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