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Fantasy A Walk on the Wild Side (ACCEPTING)

Kiro tilted his head lightly. It was the first time he had met such a gentle hybrid,not to mention that he was a doctor as well. He was interested,although he wouldn't admit that.

"I wouldn't eat you unless you gave me a reason to do so. I am a warrior,not a mindless killer." Kiro actually looked slightly offended by the comment. For a wolf,he was very sensible. "You helped Wes,so I have a debt with you. I promise I will make it up to you someday."

He hit his fist against his chest,an offer of respect to the deer hybrid. He didn't have much friendly interaction with anyone,but he was trying his best.

He also tensed at the new presence,growling lightly and standing in front of Issac and his sister protectively. He considered the two hybrids his allies now,which meant that he would die to protect them.

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Bearded Dragon Hybrid

Mood: Cheerful & Impatient | Activity: Waiting for Ryker

Saya awoke to the bright light of the sun in her usual spot on a tree branch. She'd gone to sleep covered with a blanket, but found herself without it as usual as she looked around and let her eyes adjust. It wasn't all that cold, so she wasn't worried about it as it lay forgotten at the base of the tree where it had fallen to. As soon as she could see normally, she stood up on the branch carefully, and climbed down. Tree climbing had never been an issue for her, weather it was due to her lizard genetics or something else entirely, she didn't know, nor care. Her bare feet landed on the ground softly, and she seemed to still be wearing her clothes from yesterday. A plain green tank-top and a pair of blue jean shorts was her attire for the previous day, and thus this one as well.

After a couple of morning stretches, the girl was fully awake and chipper as ever. She was not far from the cave in which Ryker made his home. The lizard girl had befriended the lion hybrid a few years ago, and since then the boy had been like an older brother to the young girl. She personally preferred to sleep in a tree, and as such she spent her nights tuck safely on a tree branch a few meters away from the mouth of the cave. It seems she had awoken later than usual today, by the sun's height in the sky. She could hear other hybrids out there being loud, but she ignored them. The most pressing matter was making sure Ryker was in his cave. That she wasn't alone, and he hadn't abandoned her. That was one of her most constant fears.

Saya walked to the mouth of the cave and peered in, to see that the lion hybrid was not there. Immediately, she found herself spiraling into the depths of fear and sadness. She had to force herself out of it quickly to avoid becoming depressed. Ryker wouldn't abandon her, he probably just went out to do something. With that thought, she entered the cave a little ways and sat down in the center cross legged on the ground. She faced the mouth of the cave and waited, determined not to move until she saw Ryker return. Her lizard tail rested on the ground pulled as close to her as possible, and she played with a strand of hair to keep herself occupied. Ryker was the only person in this facility capable of getting her to behave this way, to stay still and not run wild, even without being present. That didn't mean she wasn't going to get impatient waiting for him to return.
"Ryker, hurry up already." She complained to the empty space around her, then started humming a tune to herself.



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Wesley happily followed Emily into her home and back out, staying right on her tail the whole time. Upon seeing the girl's candy, he displayed a toothy grin and held out his hand expectantly. Immediately upon receiving his share of the treasure, the raccoon giggled excitedly. Popping the jaw breaker in his mouth, Wesley's ears twitched at the sound of bushes rustling. The child whirled around to see their newest visitor; his friends seemed to grow uneasy at the sight of the newcomer. Wes quietly gazed toward the new person for a moment, a bit confused as to why everybody seemed so tense.

@KaalysBR @Calalily @Kiroshiven

(OOC: sorry I was unresponsive for a few days...graduation stuff ^^)

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