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Fantasy A Walk on the Wild Side (ACCEPTING)


One Thousand Club
A Brief Summary :

Welcome to Peaceful Hollow, a place full of dread, trauma, and much, much more. Despite its name, the place is a complete nightmare although the only ones who know this are the researchers within the compound. The subjects end up with no memory and if things go well they are placed in their own personalized living areas. There is no indoors, every 'creature' is provided for with natural water sources nearby and other essentials in which animals in the wild require. All subjects are checked on once and sometimes twice a day (morning and evening). They are fed in the morning/evening depending on the type of animal. (Ex. Bat hybrids are given food before the sun sets)

**See the Overview for more information.
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The crunching of gravel under Neil's feet disrupted the quietness of the outdoors. He looked up at the three story red brick building and sighed. There were going to be more new experiments today, he just hoped that he wasn't the one doing them. Lately, he had been feeling guilt for all of this. He shook his head once at the entrance and quickly turned the handle. First thing's first! I have to go feed everyone.. The young man reminded himself and soon made his way indoors to gather the keys he'd need to go out and open up the food supply 'warehouse'.

He also would need to check on Roxie as always. Thinking it over he set down the keys on a side table and made his way up the stairs to collect Roxie's meal. It took a small amount of time for him to grab the container of mice and other goodies which he knew Roxie enjoyed. He didn't know her all that well even though the girl was always in her cell upstairs. He didn't like her having to be locked up but she was certainly dangerous and had demonstrated so many times before. Sighing, he put a move on it and went to feed the girl.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ryker opened his eyes to dull light coming into his cave. This was how he always woke. Frowning, he stretched out, his curled body aching slightly from the hard rock surface. He had been too tired to pull out the cot he'd been given by one of the researchers. It seemed that every hybrid had a cot, blanket, and other useful items that he had not known of until recently. As he stood, he shook out his jacket, which he hardly ever took off, and walks to the front of his home. The sun was coming slowly over the meadow's tall grass. Rubbing his eyes, Ryker exits the enclosure and heads to the stream which was across the grass closer to the woods.

(Will add the others later)
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Kayden opened a single eye and looked out to the sky, the morning sun rising gently over the small hill he had in his enclosure. However, he didn't feel liked getting up just yet, and so he closed his eye and curled back into a ball on his large cot, scratch marks littered all over it, with the occasional bloodstain. His little home happened to be just under a rock overhang that jutted out from a cliff. It was cold and wet; not how most cats like it, but it was home to Kayden. He let out small, soft purrs as he slept...
Kit would watch the sun come up every morning, it was tradition. He was sure there was some deep reason to it once, but he couldn't remember it anymore. He didn't want to remember it.

He waited patiently until the sun was fully in view, then yawned, stretched out and went for a walk. He was headed no where in particular, he had nothing to do. So he let his mind go blank and walked, wondering where his legs would take him.
Bexley closed swollen eyes twitched slightly, her vision became blurred with red as the morning sun began to rise. Her small fragile body, unable to move just yet, automatically rolled over in her little cot she was given, making it squeak in reply. A light breeze passed over her making her shiver helplessly. A delicate hand wrapped around her furry grey tail and pulled it towards her for comfort. She purred softly while burying her dreaming face into the knitted blanket and drifting back into a light sleep.
Belle shook and woke for a moment as teh light of the sun broke through the darkness of her cave. She opened her eyes and let out a sub sonic screech before retreating further into her cave to hide from the light. Her clawed feet grabbed onto a metal bar embedded in the ceiling of the cave and she wrapped her wings around herself. She wished they'd giver her back her goggles, without them she couldn't see very well and the harsh sunlight made her eyes hurt. Her pink hair cascaded downwards and Belle felt the warmth of the sunlight hit her wings casting red light through their membranes. Why was the sun hitting the back of the cave? didn't they know she slept during the day?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext182867226621080.png.02a00283f11207ef0318e3e0fed1bd9a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext182867226621080.png.02a00283f11207ef0318e3e0fed1bd9a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Roxie was in a dark room locked up in her cell. It was morning now and sun shined in through the small window. Roxie woke up slowly and looked around. She noticed the sun light coming through window. She reached her hand through the cell to touch the beam of light. The moment she heard foot steps coming she brought her hand back in the cell and hissed showing her sharp fangs and her eyes showing pure hate. @ShadedRose<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cursed_Neko_by_KujaEx.jpg.8f8ed22617fc8f3f3bef41d34f6d4996.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cursed_Neko_by_KujaEx.jpg.8f8ed22617fc8f3f3bef41d34f6d4996.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Kayden sighed; his thirst was becoming too great to ignore. He sat up and gave a wild yawn, his claw-like nails digging into the cot as he does so. He stands, stretches his legs, and walks out if his little indent in the cliff. He walked out onto a small field, the green grass swaying with the light breeze. In the middle of it sat a freshwater pond, with a small post that had a camera attached. He blew it the bird as he sat near the pond and began taking long drinks.
Belle dropped from her perch and donned a pair of black goggles hidden under her bed. They were cheap pair pair that the researchers had given her, nothing like the hand crafted pair her father had made for her. Though she was tired Belle knew she wouldn't be able to sleep with the light beaming into the cave. Of course she could go deeper past the cot and into the cavern where the three small but deep ponds were. there she bathed, drank, or just swam around in the pools. Btu she couldn't sleep back there, every time she tried it reminded her of her home by the sea and it made her cry. She didn't like crying. She walked out into the sunlight, a slight breeze blew through the cave entrance fluttering the skirt of her white dress. Outside a small forest of strong large oak trees grew surrounded by moist black earth.
He had only been drinking water for about a minute before a bird landed near him. His eyes drifted down to it and watched intently as it began to dip it's beak into the water. Kayden stopped drinking and grinned. He let out a vicious, loud roar, which sent the bird tweeting away in fright. Kayden laughed to himself as he took one more sip and walked over to a nearby tree. He then stretched out and dug his claws into the tree, scratching them down the trunk.
Her sensitive ears picked up a low howl and she cocked her head in it's general direction. This was why she didnt like being awake during the day. the others came out and she could hear all of them. She screeched a high frequency scream one only the wolf would hear telling him to quit down so she could sleep.
Kit jerked back to reality when the roar came, it sounded nearby, perhaps near the water. Well then, Kit decided, he would just stay away from there. His body, however, had other ideas, and no sooner had he decided this, he realized he was thirsty. Very thirsty. He slowly moved closer to the water supply, careful to stay down wind, hoping that when he got there the creature wouldn't notice him.
A deep loud roar echoed throughout the meadow causing Bex's right ear to twitch. Her crystal blue eyes snapped open as she sat up quickly her head flipping right to left scanning the meadow. She felt her heart beat quicken as she began to worry about the sound and where it came from. After a few minutes of continuously checking her surroundings she let out a small sigh and began to slow her breathing as she assured herself the roar she heard was far away.

She planted her small hands into the cot and raised up her tail stretching her back. The cot made a small squeaking noise as Bex climbed onto the edge and jumped out. Her mouth felt dry so she began to make her way to the nearest river.
A shrill, ringing noise carved it's way into Kayden's ears, and he brought up his hands to cover them as to block it out. When it stopped, an angry frown crawled onto his face. How dare they! Inferior species! Cowards! If they were closer to him, they wouldn't have dared make the noise to the Tiger, as he would have pounced on them then and there and ripped them to shreds. He turned from the tree and let out an even louder, more hostile sounding roar. If they screeched again, it would mean the hunt begins.
Kit froze as yet another roar came, more ferocious this time. Definitely at the water. He considered chickening out but he was just so thirsty. He caught sight of the roarer through the trees. A tiger hybrid. He seemed busy, distracted by something. Slowly he slunk closer to the water until he reached its edge. Not removing his eyes from the tiger tiger, he took some small slow sips
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]A shrill, ringing noise carved it's way into Kayden's ears, and he brought up his hands to cover them as to block it out. When it stopped, an angry frown crawled onto his face. How dare they! Inferior species! Cowards! If they were closer to him, they wouldn't have dared make the noise to the Tiger, as he would have pounced on them then and there and ripped them to shreds. He turned from the tree and let out an even louder, more hostile sounding roar. If they screeched again, it would mean the hunt begins.

The roar irritated her even further and Belle threw herself into the sky her leathery wings flapping. High above the communal pond she took a deep breath in and screeched out a sonic cry that cascaded around the pond flinging leaves all around as if a storm was overheard. "BE quiet I'm trying to sleep you dummies"
As her cell came into view, he ignored her hisses and set her food onto the table near. "Well, good morning to you too." He sighed while filling her tray with what they usually fed the girl and turning to bring it to her. "Why not put those away?" He asked kindly, talking about her fangs. Pushing up his glasses and getting down on one knee, he unlatched the food door and quickly slid the tray inside. His hand released the door then and he re-latched it soon after. "You're such a grump in the mornings.." Getting up, he picked a clipboard from the table and read over the contents before making a couple checks on the paper.

Miguel bounces around impatiently in his room

"Bringthefood,bringthefood ,bringthefood" he chants impatiently

His tail wagging frantically

He stops...

Got an itch.

He flops onto the ground scratching his leg with both hands

"Ahhhhhhhh....that's it,riiiiggt there"

He stands again and starts pacing his room

"They must've forgotten about me,it's the only logical explanation." His eyes widen

"No...those damned squirrels must've made their move" he slams his fist into his palm

"That's gotta be it" he rushes to the door dropping to his hands and knees

"FIGHT IT DOC...DONT LET THOSE FURRY SATAN'S WIN" he shouts through the crack under the door.
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Ryker's ears pinned themselves back at the sound of the roars. There had been two now, meaning the person making such racket must not have been at all that friendly. It still didn't matter, however. Ryker was thirsty and wasn't ever noticed much when going out anyway. He moved through the dense tree-line and trudged on until making it to the stream. His eyes scanned about though saw no one nor the noise maker. He stooped down low while splashing his face and drinking, he didn't mind the others being up and about as long as they left him alone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The morning air felt great. It was sweet where Bythe was out in the center of the great meadow. He stretched out his arms and legs as he laid there on his back, his face up toward the sky. Smiling, the pup slowly sat up and looked around. There had been a mighty roar though he wasn't particularly worried about it. He was far from most others; he had found a quiet place here among the growing weeds and flowers. His nose twitched as a bee buzzed inches from his face and slowly stood up to look around. The grass had covered him completely so there had been no hopes of seeing anything around him while on the ground. Now he needed to figure out where to explore next.
Wesley ran along a tree branch high above the forest floor. He wore a serious expression whilst he focused entirely on keeping his balance. As the branch narrowed, the child put his arms out at his sides to maintain his balance; his pace slowed as well. Then, a roar echoed through the trees. Wesley's eyes flicked up for a second, and the child gasped as he felt himself start to fall. The small boy flung himself onto the branch, wrapping his arms tightly around it to prevent himself from plummeting to the forest floor. After a moment's silence, Wes giggled, "That was close." He stood back up carefully and walked back the way he had come along the tree branch. Reaching the trunk of the tree, he started his descent quickly, effortlessly, a childish grin upon his face the whole way. Once on the ground, Wes paused and looked about curiously. "I wonder what made that noise? We should go find it," he commented as if speaking to somebody, though there was nobody with him. The naive child broke into a run in the direction where he thought the sound may have originated. "We have to hurry or its gonna get away!" he laughed happily.
Emilia sat in a tree, watching the clouds. She enjoyed nature far too much. When things got tough in the real world, she just went outside and it was like all of her troubles disappeared. She smiled at the clouds.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext182867226621080.png.603d3b155bbefce530327bd69124ed1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125621" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext182867226621080.png.603d3b155bbefce530327bd69124ed1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Roxie watched him as him as pushed her tray through. She looked at the food and then glanced back up at him. She didn't touch it not yet, she didn't like eating infront of people. She looked at him when he made his grump comment. "How do you expect me to act? Like those other idiots." She was referring to the other experments. She rubbed her red eye with the strange star on it and then looked back him. Even when she was normal her eye showed hate and anger. It never went away. It was normal to see anything even slightly different would be a surprise. @ShadedRose<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cursed_Neko_by_KujaEx.jpg.098431e553913ff0c140119aa028e331.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cursed_Neko_by_KujaEx.jpg.098431e553913ff0c140119aa028e331.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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The sound of a lion's growl suddenly resonated through the complex. The subject was thrown into a wall,whimpering as his body made an unnatural sound of bones breaking. He stumbled around,still trying to attack the wolf he had initially targeted.

Honestly,this is getting boring by now."

Niko leaned forward towards the lion hybrid,no emotions or thoughts marked in his face. He put his feet on the top of the lion,ignoring the grunts of pain.

You look at me and all you see is a quiet guy. And you decide that picking up a fight with him would be a good idea. And then you get your ass kicked,like in every time before today." He tilted his head lightly. "Maybe I should just kill you. That would end both of our problems."

Niko heard the sound of steps running towards them,the wolf in his mind growling threatening. With a sigh,he pulled his feet off the lion and walked away. He didn't want trouble,although trouble kept finding him nonetheless.
Neil knew how Roxie would respond and let out a heavy sigh. His eyes closed as he thought of what to say next. "They aren't idiots...if anything, they're just more friendly..if you could get along a little you wouldn't even be in here to begin with." Crossing his arms, he shook his head, a small sympathetic frown on his lips. He opened his mouth to say something yet closed it soon after hearing Miguel's voice echoing down the halls and into the room. "Seems I have another patient awake." He smiled then took up his clip board and headed from Roxie's cage. "Try being positive and maybe the head scientist will finally let you go out and smell some clean air.." After saying this he exited the room and quickly headed to the dog's cell knowing how impatient he could be. On his way he stopped to grab some food for the canine. "On my way!" He shouted with a smile. Neil enjoyed how enthusiastic Miguel was; in fact any of the canines were some of his favorites. Their dog instincts usually quite strong and friendly.

@animegirl20 @Alphaius
Wesley's ears twitched as another roar burst through the trees. "Oh, it doesn't sound so far away!" commented the child to himself as he continued running toward the noise. He couldn't hear the difference between the first and second roars, one being from a lion and one from a more distant tiger. He was an inexperienced little kid after all. The child slowed his sprint to a jog when he heard a commotion up ahead. It sounded kinda like a fight. Wesley paused when he'd gotten closer to the combatants, concealing himself in some bushes to peek out at the strangers he had found. A man laid on the ground rather bloodied and hardly moving. A second man disappeared into the foliage quickly. The little boy tilted his head in curiosity, his gaze drifting from the retreating man to the bloodied one. Then, the naive child rushed to the lion hybrid's side, "Hey? Are you o--!" Wesley jumped back in surprise as the injured man swiped at him suddenly. The lion's tail flicking around in aggravation and his huge glistening teeth were enough to ward of the young raccoon. The boy raised his eyebrows in innocent confusion as to why the man would attack him when he only tried to help. The child stepped back whilst the lion began to slowly rise. As the feline growled at him meanly, Wes frowned. "You're a jerk," he growled whilst picking up a stone from the ground to bounce off of the boy's chest. Seeing the stone had little effect, Wes turned quickly to flee after the man who had caused this lion's pain. The child scampered up a tree quickly after gaining cover from the lion. Once safe in the trees, he laughed haughtily at having 'hurt' the lion. He trotted quickly from tree limb to tree limb with a proud grin upon his face until the wolf boy came back into view. Then, the raccoon slowed again in order to move more quietly. He peeked down at the canine curiously. Is he a bad guy too? He beat up that butthead...so maybe hes a super hero! Like Spiderman! He must be strong to beat up that big bad guy. I wonder if he can climb good too. The naive boy with a playful smile hid behind a leafy tree branch, grabbed a pecan, and rocketed it at the man's back from his hiding place high above the forest floor.


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