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Fantasy A Totally Free Fantasy RP - The Group Version

"You might have but I don't remember who you all are." Kelly said.

Ashley started crying she didn't want her mom to go.

"It's my time to go goodbye I will be watching over you all." The mom said then she left.

Emily teleported back to Toma's room "Well she's gone but she said she will try to keep in contact with us in our dreams." Emily said.
Toma smiled at Asher. "That'd be awesome."

"I'm Count Dracula," Dracula began.

"I'm Ioan."

"Prince Toma."

"Crown Prince Mihnea."

"Prince Vladislaus."
"She's gone we can't see her or talk to her anymore." Ashley managed to say through her tears.

"She said she would try to contact us through our dreams though." Emily added.
Dracula put a hand on Ashley's shoulder. "They all go to the light at some time. Not because they want to hurt you, but because wherever they go to probably is a much better place than this Earth... some even say that our beloved ones in that place protect us like guardian angels."
"I've had a wife and two daughters," Ioan told Asher. "Felicia - my younger daughter died from brain cancer at age 7, Leana, her older sister, died in a car crash at age 20, and my wife, Fiona, was murdered a few months ago."

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