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Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

Gregory Newall
The Sorrowful Knight

Master-At-Arms for House Farwyck

Gregory is a troubled soul with a broken heart; his mood is most often somber. He is slow to anger but, merciless and unkind too those who find the time. His morals were once sound but have since broken under the weight of his grief. He is very apathetic toward others and there trouble's.

Sir Gregory Newall is the only son of Lord Barton Newall. He was born in the town of Stonewall, in the mountainous lands to the north. He was raised with the intent of one day taking his father's place as Lord of Stonewall and, thus, taught in both the ways of the sword and the crown.

In his early twenties he married Lady Angelica of Lye, his childhood love. The two were granted land near Stonewall, where they were to live until Lord Newall passed the Lordship on to Gregory. During that time Gregory was knighted, and set to serve as his father's hand. Over the course of several years Gregory took part in multiple battles of note, and one short lived war between Stonewall and the mountain clansmen, in which he gained much renown as a skilled swordsman and clever tactician.

His plans for the future came to an abrupt end, sadly, when his wife and newborn daughter died in a fire at his homestead while he was away. The pain from the loss broke him, and forever changed who he was as a man. After that, he renounced his plans for Lordship, and left his homeland. There was no purpose or direction for why, other than a broken heart.​
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Aron Stilts

Age: 24

Aron Stilts is an enthusiastic young man with rebellious opinions. He is generally good natured and kind. At times he will let his emotions dictate his actions, despite what is necessarily right or just.

Aron Stilts is the only son, and Heir, of House Stilts. His father, for better or worse, has allowed him to learn much more than he had ever been allowed - which has turned Aron into a more self sufficient man than most of noble birth. Just the same, however, it has brought him closer to the common folk, and instilled a rebellious nature within his heart.

Aron is one of the most skilled Archers in the land, a great hunter, and (unlike his father) a daring swordsman.
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Lukas Terryn
2nd Born Son of Lord Roderik Terryn
Age 33

Lukas is known to be a clever man, in more ways wrong than good. He does not care how insulting his jests may sound, in fact, he finds pleasure in unsettling lords and other nobility. The one thing that he has always wanted was to rule, to be the one in charge, to be the one everyone answers to. He understands the pursuit of that ambition is a very dangerous path. He has been quoted as to saying "The gods gave my brother his birthright... and as for me, I was given my wits."

Lukas was never the golden child. His elder brother got all the attention, leaving Lukas to the shadows. His brother never really acknowledged him or treated him as a brother should, stating that he was always busy with "lordly duties." Lukas spent his childhood reading books... not children stories or fiction, he was reading books on the histories, sciences, and military. When he was eleven years old, he discovered that he had the skills to get away with most of what he wanted due to his wits and intelligence. So he spent his days fooling around EbonBrook, doing as he pleased.

When he was sixteen years old, he was finally caught during one of his shenanigans. His father punished him by putting him through intensive sparring lessons. The bad thing from that was that Lukas didn't want to do and it gave him scars that would never leave him (as seen on his face). The good that came from it was that it taught him how to use a blade, which in this world, was not a useless skill.

Now, 33 years after his birth, his brother Kristopher finally rose to the seat of House Terryn. Lukas could care less about his brother, or the death of his father. They were always too busy for him. Through all his years in his life, he always wanted to be the one in charge and giving orders, which he still strives for.
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Kristopher Terryn
1st Born Son of Lord Roderik Terryn/Lord of House Terryn
Age 38


Kristopher (Kris) is known to be stubborn. When he has something decided, it is damn near impossible to sway his mind. He believes in law, order, and keeping the peace. He also believes in harsh punishment for treason. The one thing he absolutely hates more than anything is when people bicker behind his back. He is known to annoy rather easy, much thanks to his brother Lukas. He may sometimes contradict his policy in his wroth or when he is annoyed, such as leaving a problem to be solved by someone else. He is actually a merry fellow when his duty isn't on his mind, which isn't often.

When Kristopher was born, his father, Lord Roderik Terryn, payed handsomely for the child's education, just after seeing him for the first time. Kristopher was born to rule after his father, and it was made so through all the preparations Roderik made for him. When Kristopher was five years old, a brother was born. Roderik payed well for his education as well, but no where near the amount he payed for Kristopher's. When Kristopher was eleven years old, a sister was born.

The same year that his sister was born was the same year that Roderik destroyed House Sanders for treason. Kristopher remembered the lessons his father taught him about treason that year. His father was angry, stating that treason would destroy everything his family had built. Kristopher adopted those ideas as his own.

It is now 38 years after his birth and his father has passed after a period of illness. Kristopher's birthright, everything he had been preparing for was finally thrown upon his shoulders, and it truly was a heavy weight.
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Lyra Terryn
1st Born Daughter of Lord Roderik Terryn
Age 27

From watching Lyra, one would consider her a quiet person. She rarely engages in conversation with people unless she either considers them a friend/ally, or when she has no other choice than to speak. She is also a hard person to read, especially at social gatherings where she mainly just sits and watches everyone else. Behind her innocent seeming mask, Lyra knows everything there is to know around EbonBrook. She has her ways with intrigue.

From the very get-go, Lyra was trained to be a proper lady that may one day seal a marriage pact for the family. She was only somewhat focused on lady-like activities. Other times, she would sneak around the castle and listen to conversations she probably shouldn't have listened to. She was cheerful and mischievous in her youth. She would even play pranks on her brothers to get a laugh, especially whenever she outsmarted Lukas.

Times changed when her father payed for her to study a year abroad. The ship would travel from city to city around the kingdom, and she would be learning the cultures and peoples around the Sovereign Kingdom. One destination even took her across the sea to a very foreign land. One day, while they were at a strange city, she slipped away from the rest of the crew to explore. There was one discovery that she saw that would never leave her.

She heard strange sounds coming from a building and decided to take a closer look. When she peeked through the window, she saw an odd looking woman shouting chants above a floor of symbols written with blood. When Lyra looked in the corner of the room, she saw where the blood had come from. There was the body of a young boy, perhaps around her own age. Lyra gasped, which grabbed the witch's attention. Lyra could not understand what the witch shouted at her, but she didn't care. She hopped down and ran back to the crew.

Lyra spent the rest of her teenage years very quietly. The once cheerful and mischievous girl was gone. Ever since the encounter with the witch in that weird foreign land, it was as if Lyra was a different person. She still thought the same, but the girl inside her died that day. Strangely enough, it was almost like Lyra matured overnight. To be fair, Lyra still sneaked around the castle listening to conversations, but... she did it for a different purpose now. She would even use resources and others to gather information for her. She wanted to know everything that everyone else knew, bonus points if she learned of something first.
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Cleos Forde
Master-at-Arms for House Terryn
Age 61

A well renowned knight, Sir Forde can be described as a "tough" guy. He does not stand around and allow others to insult him, unless those others are his superiors. He respects rank and lives by it. An honorable man? Well, the answer to that question depends on the person. The smallfolk fear him while noblefolk appreciate him. He uses a straightforward method to solving problems, most of which end up with the utilization of force.

When Cleos was a young man, he worked in the rough conditioned mines of House Sanders. His duties included swinging the pickaxe and lifting chunks of minerals into metal carts to be transported out of the mine. He was a nobody at the time. A simple peasant man. His life was not worth anything to the noble house of Sanders. His only purpose was to break rock so that House Sanders may continue to prosper. He performed these duties until he was 32 years of age when he had a mining accident. He slammed his pickaxe into the wall of a cave, doing his normal duty, when the impact of the pickaxe knocked loose stone from the ceiling of the cave. Those stones slammed into him, cutting his body and breaking several bones in his body. He was carted out of the mine by his fellow miners, never to return.

He was given nothing after his injury. No pay, no treatment, not even an acknowledgement by the noble house of Sanders. Cleos was not happy with House Sanders to start with, but their lack of compassion for one of their long time workers filled him with rage. He left his village and set his eyes toward House Terryn. He had the idea that perhaps he could fare better under a different lord.

He spent his first year in EbonBrook recovering from his injuries and working at a local blacksmith as an assistant. One day, while he was performing his normal daily duties, a lordly man approached his boss. It appeared that the two were speaking about him. When the lord was finished speaking with the blacksmith, he walked up to Cleos and complimented him on his size. He then offered to take him into his service, as a lord always needs more strong servants.

In House Terryn's service, Cleos performed duties of carrying heavy equipment around. Soon, the lord had placed a sword in Cleos's hands, seeing how well he was with a blade. It was true that Cleos had the strength to overpower many, but he lacked in skill. The lord saw that it would be beneficial to have Cleos trained.

Another year passed and House Terryn discovered the plans of House Sanders. This was the time that Cleos's training would be put to the test. House Terryn set in motion their own plan and struck first. Cleos was in the battle that followed and used the rage that had stuck within him to cut down sixteen soldiers that were sworn to House Sanders in the battle. He was hoping that he would have been given the opportunity to kill a nobleman of House Sanders, but that opportunity never came. Two nights was all it took to destroy the treasonous house.

Lord Roderik Terryn was impressed in Cleos's performance during the conflict. He decided to upgrade the man to the ranking of Captain of the Guard, who's duties were to command the rest of the guard and to inspect the defenses of EbonBrook. Over the 27 years that followed, Cleos rose in the ranking until he was House Terryn's Master-at-Arms... no small feat for a man that came from almost nothing.

Now, the lord who brought Cleos into his service has passed away from an illness. The new lord, Kristopher Terryn, has taken office. Cleos plans to serve this lord just as well as the last.
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Nestor Farwyck
Lord of House Farwyck
Age 57

Nestor is a man of tradition. He likes to do things the way they have always been done rather than try a new method. He is also a family man and a man of his people. He will do whatever he must to defend them and make sure they are properly taken care of. He is the kind of man that will stand by the side of his fellow House members even when they are in the wrong. Family and Tradition. That's all he cares about... other than making sure that his rivals at HeartHill don't get the advantage over him.

Nestor lived his early life learning what it meant to be a Farwyck. His father showed him around the forests and taught him the differences in the types of trees, mainly what type of lumber is good for what. His father also took him to each of the villages and towns, showing him how the smallfolk lived their lives. His father taught him that the smallfolk were second on the list of most important things a lord must protect. The first thing on that list was family. His father would constantly teach him to never trust anyone from House Stilts, claiming they were honor-less scum.

When Nestor finally became the lord of House Farwyck, his banners were called. A war started just as he took the seat, which was an opportunity for Nestor to solidify his name as a true lord. He answered the call to arms that was sent by House Terryn and participated in the destruction of House Sanders. During that lopsided battle, Nestor couldn't help but pity House Sanders. Trebuchets launched flaming barrels that would explode upon impact at the castle. By the time Lord Roderik Terryn called a halt to it, the castle was in ruins. A sight that would turn anyone's stomach upside down, but even more so to a nobleman serving the lord commanding that battle... like Nestor was.

Nestor was wary of House Stilts, but never hated them. Not until his pregnant wife was accidentally shot by an arrow passing by Stilts land. In truth, it really was an accident. A nobleman of House Stilts had been out hunting and saw a large buck that would make for a tasty meal. When he went to fire the arrow, Nestor and his company spooked the buck, causing it to jump and run off. For the nobleman, it was too late. The string had already left his fingers. The arrow flew over the hill that the buck had been standing atop and hit the pregnant Lady Farwyck who happened to be riding on the other side. Seeing what he had done, the nobleman saw it best to flee. Nestor caught a glimpse of the nobleman's cloak... and was furious.

His wife would not recover from her injuries, but before her death, she wanted her husband to promise her that he will not attack House Stilts in her name. Being the man that he was, he kept that promise and let it go. He mourned his wife's death and life went on. But, in all honesty, he never forgot, nor will.
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Aelinor Farwyck
1st Born Daughter of Lord Nestor Farwyck
Age 19

Aelinor is a lady of proper mannerism. She knows her formalities and uses them even when she is not expected to. It wouldn't take one long to guess her to being shy, even nervous around those unknown to her. When she is passing time, one could find her face buried in a book, or find her writing stories and pieces of her own. It turns out that she has a golden mind, but rarely acts or shows it off. She is sentimental and has a pure heart. The odds of her acting on something that would negatively effect another are slim to none.

Aelinor was always around her mother when she was a child, learning what it was like to be a proper lady. Every time they tried to have a lesson, Aelinor would be quiet and gave her mother full attention, though at times that was difficult because of her sister Marya, who would never shut up and constantly tried to annoy Aelinor. In fact, Marya is possibly the only person who has made Aelinor furious.

When her mother passed away from the arrow belonging to House Stilts, Aelinor could not bear the situation. She stayed in her room mourning for weeks. Her father felt that he could not comfort her as he too had difficulties accepting the situation, so he left that to his son, Daniel. When Daniel came and started speaking to her each day, that was when she started to feel a bit better.

In recent times, Aelinor has spent her time writing a grand fantasy tale. She had already finished the first novel, but had been working on the sequel. She was writing the stories as if she had a large audience of readers, but in reality, she only had about ten that would read her books. Maester Raynald thinks highly of her work and does everything he can to help her with it. He has usually been the first reader, and an enthusiastic one at that. He told her that her true quality came from her mind, not her lady-like skills.
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Name: Lord Barton Stilts
Age: 54

Lord Barton is the sort of man to put justice first, before all else. He is energetic, and radiates a youthfulness well bellow his years. Smart, thoughtful, and quick-witted. Ambitious, prideful, and eager for the opportunity to show his family's worth.

Barton Stilts was raised to be Lord of HeartHill. He was the eldest of two sons and heir to his father Lord Farrow Stilts. While he was taught in the ways of the bow, he was never granted the privilege of being a Ranger (his childhood dream), as it had been deemed too dangerous an occupation for the heir to the house. His brother, Gordous Stilts, was however- for which Barton was always envious. The two brothers, despite Barton's envy, were always close, which led to Barton appointing his brother as House Protector.

Barton, at the relatively young age of 26, took over as Lord of HeartHill when his father died whilst on a hunting trip in the woods. The circumstances of his father's death were suspicious, and often the subject Barton's thoughts. But, as Lord of HeartHill, there was little time to dwell on the matter. He was yet unmarried, and forced to find a suitable bride within a short period of time. It was the daughter of the River Lord of House Row, Adaline, that caught his eye. The two wed and Adaline gave birth to two children, a son, Aron Stilts (Heir to the Lordship), and a daughter Fiona Stilts.​
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Marya Farwyck
2nd Born Daughter of Lord Nestor Farwyck
Age 17

To put it simply, Marya is mischievous in most things she does. She can't seem to stay out of trouble. She has been quoted as to saying, "Rules are written to be broken... well, maybe not, but if you don't have a little fun in this short existence, then what a boring life that would be!" She prides herself in how stealthy she is. Even when her father assigns servants to keep an eye on her, she always finds a way to avoid them. She usually does what she wants, when she wants.

Marya's life has always been one of constant games, pranks, and gags. She constantly annoys the hell out of her siblings, and she usually gets away with it for being the youngest child. She even plays jokes on House Farwyck's guards and servants. Her favorite prank to play is to scare. She finds great humor in scaring someone, especially her sister Aelinor.

The worst... well, in her words she'd call it the best, anyways, the worst prank she ever played was when she fooled everyone into thinking that the castle was under attack. She thought it was hilarious, seeing all the guards and soldiers running around the castle trying to find which side it was being attacked from. She laughed even harder when she saw some of the guards that were sleeping come running out of the barracks, tripping up on their breeches as they tried to pull them up. She got in a lot of trouble from doing that prank and was punished by her father. He locked her up in her room, and to make sure that she wasn't going anywhere, he boarded up her window. He knew she was a good climber, so that's why he went through the trouble of blocking the window off. In Marya's words, "It was worth it."
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Daniel Farwyck
1st Born Son of Lord Nestor Farwyck and Heir to House Farwyck
Age 22

He has a mind of steel, for it is both sharp and strong. He believes in honor and that those who do not live by it are savages. His family means more to him than his birthright. He tends to be too trusting towards strangers and other nobles. A cheerful fellow, he never runs out of things to talk about. He does not forget, nor forgive heinous wrongs done towards him and his family.

Daniel's childhood was a mixture between duty and fun. The duty part came when his father, Lord Nestor, would teach him the meanings of the trees, the villages, the smallfolk, and so on. The fun came when he would run around and play "Knights and Ladies" in the forest with his siblings. Daniel was always the "Lord" in that game, and performed the role very convincingly.

Heartbroken at the loss of his mother to a Stilts arrow, there was nothing he could do about it. His father did not seem bothered by it because there were no hostile actions taken to get revenge. For weeks, Daniel was pissed at his father until he came to an understanding that his father may have been doing it for the better of the house. Things went back to normal after that, and Daniel's training to be an excelled swordsman and lord continued.
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Adaline Stilts (Formerly Adaline Row)
Age: 42


Adaline is a caring, but not overly affectionate, mother. She is ambitious, and determined to persuade her husband (Lord Barton Stilts) to pursue a life of wealth and fortune. She can be cold and deceitful to quite nearly anyone (save her children). Her lust for great riches knows no bounds. She longs to be dressed in fine clothes, and have only the nicest of jewels.

Born the daughter of the River Lord, of House Row, Adaline only ever knew one way to live: lavishly. She had only the nicest of things, and was never left wanting of any of her hearts desires. Sadly, for her, her father wed her to a not so wealthy nobleman (Lord Barton Stilts), which brought an abrupt end to her ostentatious ways. She is determined, however, to again find herself in the lap of luxury.​
Name: Fiona Stilts
Age: 19


Fiona is kind, and sweet, but rebellious to the core. She takes every chance to prove her worth, and never backs down from a challenge. Her mind and soul long for freedom from the mundane life of a noble lady. She wants adventure, danger, and the unexpected. For a girl like Fiona, the world could never be big enough.

Fiona is the young lady of House Stilts, though she often hates the fact. When she is called upon to act as a lady, she tries her best to do so - and most often does well - but when she is granted the time she often sneaks away from her noble life and heads into the woods. There she practices with a bow, climbs trees, and learns what nature has to teach.

Most often, when in the woods, she pretends she is not a noble at all, but a free woman on some grand adventure. She dreams of the harsh Northern lands, the continent beyond the sea, and everywhere else she thinks adventure might be.
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Raynald Hopkin
Maester to House Farwyck
Age 78

Known to be optimistic, he believes that no matter how difficult times get, life will move forward. He is kind, loyal, and devoted to the house in which he works for. Even though he is educated, he uses patience when trying to explain things to people. A devoted and honest servant.

Raynald was born to a minor house of no significance. He was the third born child, and was rather different than his brothers. He would rather have a book in his hands than a sword or a horse under him. His father honored his son by leaving him to his books rather than forcing him. When the time came, his father even payed for his journey to The Citadel to become a maester.

Raynald completed his education at The Citadel in almost record timing. It only took him six years to learn everything that was required of him, and then some. He was then assigned to House Farwyck to serve as maester.

Under House Farwyck, Raynald has seen many things. He was there long enough to serve under three different lords. All the tragedies and conflicts between House Farwyck and House Stilts that occurred in recent years, Maester Raynald was there. During the destruction of House Sanders, Maester Raynald was there to write records on what transpired so that House Farwyck would not forget. He was there to try and save Lady Farwyck, but he could not as it was too late to treat her. Not even the baby could be saved.

Ever since then, Maester Raynald has continued to be the loyal servant of House Farwyck. He enjoys his work, and feels right at home with the family of the Farwycks.
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Beric Nument
Maester to House Terryn
Age 46

Beric treats knowledge much differently than others. He's very strict with his teachings and the way he does things. He expects others to follow his directions when there is something to be done that he knows how to do. Some describe him as an unpleasant and rude man, but his knowledge is enough to make up for it.

Beric was born into a notorious southern house, but was sadly late to the table to be of any worth. He was the seventh son to an abusive father. His brothers were much older than him and would bully him to get rid of their own stress. His father never took up for him, or any of his brothers. He would beat them all, sometimes for even the smallest of things.

Beric suggested to his father one day that he may leave to go learn at The Citadel. His father dismissed him without a second thought. He did not care for the seventh son. Beric spent fifteen years learning at The Citadel before being assigned as House Terryn's new maester. Upon his arrival, he was greeted by the renowned Lord Roderik.

Ever since, he has been the strict and knowledgeable man of The EbonKeep. There aren't many that can challenge his intelligence.
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Hans Farwyck
2nd Born Son of Lord Nestor Farwyck
Age 21

Easy to anger, Hans takes out his stress on his surroundings. Excelled at combat, Hans finds too much enjoyment in slaying his enemies. He does not lack bravery and never would back down from a fight... in fact, he usually starts most of his fights. Even when the odds are impossible, he will fight. He holds a lot of value in his family name. A very prideful man, he is.

Hans, being born the second son, was still given opportunity by his father. Hans was trained in the arts of combat, more so than his elder brother Daniel. His father, Nestor, taught him everything there was to know about swordsmanship, hell, he even taught him how to properly use a bow and crossbow. Hans was fascinated with fighting. The skills he gained from his training, though, gave him a rather large ego.

There was one incident when he caught a group of robbers that had been on large since they stole from one of the local towns. Hans told his men to stand back so that he could massacre the bastards that dared to steal from House Farwyck. Hans dueled them and cut down a few of them in battle. When the rest of them decided that they would not win, they surrendered. Hans did not care, he executed them on site.

To think that he used to be a loving younger brother, Hans turned into a blood-thirsty noble swordsman. Not really the best of combos. When his mother died, Hans took off on his horse to go fight House Stilts alone... and he meant it. Nestor had to ride down his son and restrain him. It took weeks to calm him down, but his hate for House Stilts never subsided.
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Saela Sanders
Firstborn Daughter of Rojer Sanders
Age 19


Personality: Patience and good nature are Saela's hallmark in the Terryn household; as long as she can remember she has always been a member of a fallen house, and a ward in the very house that hers betrayed. This requires a certain humility when enduring unchivalrous manners, but she has always risen above the insults with grace. Beneath the surface she is not resigned to endlessly suffering for the sins of her grandfather, and she hopes to somehow better her lot. Even if that means leaving her name and history behind.

Bio: Saela's story begins eight years before her birth with the fall of House Sanders. In all the carnage and destruction only four of noble blood survived to be bound as wards and servants to the Terryns south of the river - Lady Sanders, Saela's parents (Rojer and Myrelle) and her aunt, who sought refuge in religion from her humiliation. The older Lady was kept as a kind of enforced guest, so the brunt of the service requirements fell on Saela's parents. They were placed under the Steward of the House, and in the eight years before they gave birth to their only child they attained positions of trust... and a number of miscarriages.

Saela grew up in a strange in-between position, of undoubted noble birth but of no noble status. As a child she took some classes with the Maester, but she was also given some chores from the first time she was old enough to understand what they were 'to prevent her from putting on airs'. She couldn't understand why she drew such disdain at first, and while her parents may have wanted to protect her there were only too many others who were all too keen to tell the black-haired little girl exactly why she should be ashamed. Her childhood was thus a tale of many different attitudes, and many different perspectives on the past. Not everyone felt that she shared in the treason of the grandfather who died years before her birth.

Placed in service to Lady Lyra at the age of twelve, Saela has served loyally as her handmaiden since. This has earned her a measure of friendship from the young lady Terryn although only at the level of a trusted servant. It hasn't moved Lyra to defend her, save from the harshest critics imaginable. Still, her state as a quasi-noble has on occasion earned her a place at the upper table when there are insufficient nobles of rank present. Still on other occasions she finds herself serving wine to all guests of the noble House Terryn. It can be a volatile lifestyle.
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Jurgen Sixstags
Merchant Prince
Age 52


Personality: Jurgen is a coarse man of learned manners, and while to outside eyes he is as cultured as any man short of a Lordly House (and mayhap more than a few of those) he is ever conscious of what he is not... and how far he has come. He is a man of dry humor and constant aspiration, whose open ambition is to make more money through opening and developing new markets while his more conservative peers stick to the known and the comfortable. He is a man of tongues and a man of calculated generosity who is ever conscious of his position.

Bio: Jurgen's past is also his legend, and an open secret. Born the son of a silversmith in the capital city of the Sovereign Kingdom, when he declined an artisan's life he left his home with six silver stags to his name. Initially a wine seller, he parlayed his creativity, his persuasive tongue and his willingness to look beyond the everyday and turned that into a small fortune by the age of thirty five. He gambled that fortune on outfitting a ship to voyage and trade across the sea in Delariviere, and came back with a fortune worthy of kings. House Dire decided to help themselves to a hefty slice of it in the person of their tax collectors, but he had still more than made his mark.

In the last six years Jurgen has left the development and administration of the cross-ocean trade to his agents and explored opportunities in the remote corners of Sovereign Kingdom. Starting in the richly developed south, he has been to the east and the west and even slightly beyond its borders. Now he comes to the north with curiosity and opportunity in equal measure. These lands have been thoroughly underdeveloped since the Second Grand Rebellion, and this is a grave mistake that he intends to redress.
Robin Terryn
Wife to Kristopher Terryn
From House Burndarte
Age 41

Robin does not voice much of her own opinions, but rather backs up everything her husband says. Her strength is her marriage and she certainly takes advantage of the benefits. She seems to think that she is untouchable as long as her husband stands as the lord. She's a fussy individual and expects to be given everything. Always looking to improve her relations with her husband to get whatever she wants.

Robin was born into House Burndarte, a small and proud southern house. She did not choose her betrothal to Kristopher Terryn, that was done by her father, but she soon came to see the benefits of marrying the man. When she was sent north to marry Kristopher, her father wanted her to influence her new husband to persuade his own father to send him resources annually, to benefit the alliance between their houses. Robin had no intention in doing that. She was leaving her family behind to marry and live with a better, more powerful house. So her father's plan to benefit his house ended up slapping itself in the face.

While married to House Terryn's heir, she gave birth to twins. A boy and a girl. Kristopher was pleased that his wife gave him an heir and a daughter. Before this time, he would only occasionally treat his wife to fine gifts, but after his children were born, it seemed as if he spoiled her every day. Three years have passed since this time and her husband, Kristopher has become the new lord of EbonBrook.
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Captain Huxley Wakem
Commander of the Crimson Blades

Age: "Aged 42 and I ain't getting any younger so try not to waste my time, sonny."



"That's me getting ready to kill people."


"I'm a man that likes to keep his promises and give people what they deserve. I also don't like to waste my breath."


"So, some stranger with a smile in his face wants to ask the story of my life? Who the hell do you think I am? Helen Keller? I'll tell you what you need to know and I'll only say it once so listen closely, boy. I built this company from out of nothing and the Crimson Blades owes its entire existence thanks to me. I fought alongside the Bastard King Halderan back in my homeland Delariviere and lost. And just when I thought when suffering defeat was a humiliating experience something even worse happened. The people call it peace, the new king on the throne calls it order but I call it unemployment. After the war there was nothing to fight for anymore since the new king was scary enough to make sure nobody dared start any trouble. And I sure as hell wasn't going to start some trouble of my own, not with tightassed King Theobald ruthlessly suppressing any sign of dissent. So I decided to say 'fuck it' and left the entire goddamn island alone to search for any new ones that'll be willing to take an old mercenary in."
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Karth Black
"Bear Clan" Warchief

Age: 56


Karth Black is a fierce man to be reckoned with. His mind is sharp like a sword, and ever thoughtful. He plans his moves in advance, and never rushes into a dangerous situation. His forethought - paired with his strength - is what allowed him to take over the Bear Clan, and is what has allowed him to keep it. He is a quiet man, and seldom speaks (save to his daughter whom he loves dearly). He is slow to anger, but deadly when pushed.

Karth black was raised in the ways of the mountain clans, born the son of Raider, a child of the Bear Clan. His father died in battle, with honor, fighting in a war against another clan when he was only 14. His mother, a weaver of baskets with no title, left him to learn of the world on his own. By the age of 23 Karth had become a Raider for his clan, and gained a reputation as a cunning warrior. By the time he was 30, he had challenged the Warchief of his clan, and won. When he was 36, his lover (a Durak'To of the Bear Clan) bore him a daughter, but died giving birth. His love for the daughter he has is great, but often hard to show given his positon.

Bear Clan:
Mountain clan residing within the Woods North of the river. They raid the near by towns and villages, but most often use ambushes to attack travelers. They never attack anyone with House Terryn soldiers, for fear of what might be done in retaliation. The clan looks to the Southerners with disdain, and sees their ways as strange. The clan has never crossed the river.

The Banner Of the "Bear Clan" is a red bear paw on a black field.
Sot Black or Turak Black
Daughter of Karth Black
Age: 20


Sot Black is brave - like her father - but more inclined to rush into things without thinking them through. She is a go getter, and strives to be all that she can, within both the clan and the world as a whole. She is not shy and - unlike her father - never stops talking. She loves the North, for all it is, and all she hopes it can one day be.

Sot Black, or turak Black (as is her name within the tribe) was born to the Warchief of the Bear Clan. She herself has earned the position of Raider, and proven time again she is as fierce a fighter as any other. She has been longing to prove her worth further to her father, but often struggles to feel adequate before him.

She has a desire to lead the clan against the Southerners to reclaim the North one day, but lacks the position and power currently. She has no love for the invaders from across the river.
Lyle Schills
Alias: The Bookman
Age: 41


Lyle is a sneaky, snake-tongued, worm of a man. The kind of man (if one could call his sort a man) that would cut your throat for copper coin, with not so much as an inkling of remorse. Weak of will, but full of cruel determination.

Lyle is the ring leader a small - but growing - criminal organization based in the down trodden streets of EbonBrook. He can most often be found at the Poor Pint Inn, sitting at a back table, with a book before him. Those who seek him are told to look for the "Bookman."​
Lieutenant Vachel Strongbeard
Second-in-command of the Crimson Blades

Age: "Just reached 40, man, I should celebrate for actually surviving this long, eh?"



"Damn, people keep saying I look like Santa Claus in armor. I guess they're right after all."


"People refer to me as that 'old gentle giant', I'm big, I'm a little overweight and I'm strong enough to rip your head off your spine with my bare hands. The captain likes to shut himself in and be stubborn all the time so I'm the one that really talks to the troops and make sure their voices are heard. Honestly, I'm one of the most popular members of the entire company while the good captain hits the edge of rock bottom. If it weren't for the support of me and several of the other sergeants there'd be some sort of mutiny already."


"Before joining the Crimson Blades I was a knight with skill and fame but no money and status. I was good with a sword, I knew how to fight in a battle and everybody else knew it yet I had no land and no lord at the time ever paid me enough for my wealth to surpass the poverty line. When people don't pay you respect like that you know they treat you like dirt. So when I was fed up with all this I decided to give up on knighthood altogether for something far more lucrative. That was when I ventured into the town of Foscri to search for any recruiters scrounging up together for an army. Big mistake, at least for the first few months since I kept having to wait for so long for somebody to even be interested in my proposition. I swore that I was so hungry that I was willing to take on any assignment. Man, those days were so awful that I don't want to even think about it. I'll leave the unsavory details out a bit. Anyways, as luck would have it, I'd just signed up to join the Crimson Blades and I've been stuck with them ever since."


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