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Fantasy A Swan Lake Story (Lycoris & MusicLuvrNow)

Once at the castle, Odette landed walking inside with him. She felt very out of place as a swan just walking inside the castle.
Daniel smiled as his mother approached. "Daniel, why aren't you ready for- oh my!" she gasped as she noticed Odette in her swan form. "What is this animal doing in the palace?!"
Odette was startled by the queen's appearance as she glanced to Daniel. "Hello, your majesty. My name is Odette." She said bowing her head to the queen.
The queen gasped. "She can talk?"
Daniel smiled. "Mother. There is a lot to explain so why don't we sit down by the fire and we'll tell you everything?" he led them both to the fireplace.
The queen glance from Odette to Daniel and back again. "Alright. Start from the beginning."
Odette followed the two as she glanced to Daniel. "I used to live in the village, but was placed under a spell by and evil man in the enchanted forest." She started. "I turn into a swan during the day but at sunset I turn back into a human."
The queen listened quietly. "You poor thing..." she said looking at the swan. "Do you have a plan of action of what you will do about this?" She asked glancing to her son.
The queen looked slightly shocked. "You have? She must be something special then." She said glancing back to Odette. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She said as Odette smiled. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine." Odette replied.
"It is?" Odette asked glancing out the window. As the sun began to set, she changed back into a human once more.

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