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A Siren's Call

"No, but I forgot to get the thing that we do wear when we swim... And I can't swim in these because the water because the water will make them too heavy to swim in..." He replied, visibly sad. It was a five minute walk back, and the sun was about to go down, so it was too late for him to go back and grab his shorts.
"Oh. You have something specific to wear for water?" she asked tilting her head before shrugging a bit as she stepped closer to the water and just pulled her shirt off, not caring that she was now fully naked and exposed. It was normal for her to always be naked, as the humans called it. "You should just take them off. Nothing going to bite you" she giggled with a slight teasing remark before she excitedly jumped into the water, her legs getting covered in scales as she went further and further out. Once the water was deep enough, she dove into the water, fully submerging herself in it.
"That's how you got here. Bitten by a shark." He muttered as he slowly and timidly took his clothes off and followed her out into the water.
She couldn't help but laugh a bit at his comment "Oh relax, I won't let you go far enough to see a shark. And Even if one did show up, its rare they attack a mermaid. That was just a chance encounter" she said as she had then dove into the water, resurfacing and letting out a sigh in relief at the comfort of being in her own fins and scales again.
He dove in after her. He was a pretty strong swimmer, but next to her he felt like a toddler trying to keep up with an Olympic athlete. It was incredible to watch her swim, the light flashing off of her scales, her lithe movements, the way she cut through the water. It was so captivating that for a moment he couldn't do anything but tread water and watch.
Naomi smiled a bit, enjoying swimming around with him and being in the water. She giggled a bit watching him try to keep up with her. She smirked a bit, flipping her tail up and splashing the surface of the water with her tail fin, splashing at Dante. She rolled over to float on her back, smiling as she watched Dante curiously "You're not worried at all about me?" she asked curiously "A lot of the islanders nearby are terrified of us."
"This stretch of beach is private property. They can't get over here." He replied, splashing water back at Naomi. Suddenly, he went under the water.
Naomi laughed a bit "I wasn't referring to myself. I meant you. Why are you scared like most around here?" she asked curiously with a smile. It interested her that he was so calm and comfortable around her, not scared or anything like some humans. She smiled a bit, watching him go underwater before she dover under as well, following him.
He resurfaced and stuck his tongue out at her. "You couldn't let me play a prank on you, could you?" He asked teasingly. He hadn't heard her last comment because he was too busy trying to trick her.
She blinked a bit, looking at him confused "A prank?" she laughed a bit "It's hard to prank someone in the water, when that someone lives in the water" she teased "But if you wish I'll stay on the surface for a few minutes" she said as she rolled over to float on her back, humming to herself as she watched the other curiously.
Dante swam up to Naomi and reached out to touch her tail, but paused for a moment and looked up at her. "May I?" He asked. He was curious about what it would feel like to touch her scales, but didn't know if it was rude or disrespectful to in their culture. He was worried about upsetting her or making her mad.
She stretched her arms above her head on the water as she looked up at the sky, glancing over to Dante when she heard him moving in the water. She watched as he swam closer and smiled a bit at how kind he was to even worry about asking her "Sure" she said, not particularly minding. it was a little weird, since it was the same as one human rubbing anthers leg for no reason, but she understood that it was different, and interesting to Dante, just like legs were still interesting to her.
He reached out tentatively and placed a hand on her tail. He was amazed at how smooth her scales were as he glided his hand along it. Then a kind of awkward thought popped into his head. "Hey, Naomi... Can I ask you something?..." He asked shyly.
Floating on her back, feeling Dante's hand running across her scales on her tail was kind of interesting but a nice feeling at the same time. Hearing him speak up asking a question, she looked at him curiously by the tone in his voice "Sure...what is it?" she asked, wondering what was on his mind. By the look on his face, she couldn't quite read, or tell what it was that was on his mind that he was wanting to ask.
He turned a bit red. "Um... How do merpeople... You know... Reproduce? I mean, you have a tail instead of legs, so... I'm just kind of confused, I'm sorry for asking..." He said frantically, his face turning full red.
She turned even more curious seeing his red face again that she found so amusing, and she moved so she was no longer floating on her back, just her shoulders and above out of the water as she faced him, listening to his question. She blinked a bit, giggling slightly "Well...pretty much like all the rest of the fish in sea" she said "Although I suppose you're right, humans probably reproduce differently..." she trailed off in thought "It's a little different than most fish, since we're not technically classified as full fish beings. However like out lower halves being fish, we reproduce that way, meaning we lay eggs, externally fertilizing" she explained a bit, not sure how to explain it exactly since she didn't know what he did or didn't know "Why, how do humans reproduce?" she then asked curiously.
"Um... It's a bit more complicated than that, and a bit more... Intimate..." He replied. His face was hot from embarrassment, so he tried to cover it with his hands.
She pouted a bit when he didn't really give a good description "Intimate? How so?" she pushed, rally wanting to know now. Especially with the way he was reacting. Was it so weird to talk about reproduction? Naomi didn't think so. She watched as his face grew continually redder and redder by the second, and she giggled, swimming up beside him "Look! You're face is doing that red thing again!" she giggled as she put her scaley hands on his, pulling them away from his face "Come on~" she whined with a pout "Tell me, I'm curious! I want to know everything about humans!" she begged excitedly.
She pouted "Okay" she sighed, giving in. Though she was still curious about how all these human things worked. As she was wondering, she noticed the sun starting to set behind the horizon, and she smiled a bit watching it "I think sunsets are so beautiful. It's rare I get to see them, since we don't really keep track of time undersea, and I've only managed to come to the surface a few times to catch it" She said smiling as she saw the orange and red colors reflect on the water.
Dante swam up behind her and put his arms around her waist. "It sure is beautiful... But not as beautiful as you..." He said, turning red again.
Naomi was enjoying watching the sunset, oblivious to Dante moving behind her until her had wrapped his arms around her. She was a bit surprised at first, turning to look over her shoulder as she found herself turning red from his words "Y-You're only saying that because I'm a mermaid" she laughed embarrassedly, trying to brush her embarrassment off with a joke "Most humans are fascinated with mermaids and find them beautiful...it's only a normal reaction" she said shyly.
"I'm not so sure of that..." He trailed off. Dante paused for a moment, watching the sunset, and then he kissed her cheek. "You're even cuter when you turn red, you know that?" He asked. He turned back to the sunset, watching as the last rays of light disappeared.
She raised an eyebrow at his words, but didn't comment on it or anything. She blinked a bit when he commented about her turning red "Wait what? I turned red?" she pulled away from him, putting her hands to her cheeks "Thats so cool! My cheeks went red like yours?" she asked, giggled as though she found it the most interesting thing in the world. She smiled, before it was getting really dark "We should head back. Humans can't see well in the dark, right?" she asked, before she started swimming back with him.
"Yeah, we can't... I'd be fine staying out here if you want to though..." He replied, touched that she'd willingly separate herself from the water for his sake. As he was swimming beside her, he suddenly had an idea. He gently bit her arm. "Hm... You taste strange... Like, not a bad strange, but a good strange..."

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