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Nation Building A Rift of Expectations

@Vive La France Just am observation, from your post and your CS, you like to use would a lot, if you don't mind me saying, posts are generally more interesting with a varity of Vocab, not that I am expecting you to do anything. I am just trying to help(O:))
[QUOTE="Vive La France]I'm just used to it from other kinds of roleplay. I'll try to break the habit.

You dont have to, but I think its always worthwhile to grow, especially if you want to become a writer or something, as a large proportion of hte members here do, I would assume. I'm an actor personally
High General

High General Mary Bittern



Race: Human - Like the vast majority of the inhabitants of the surface of Thiroxia, she is Human, meaning she is naturally disadvantaged to most is skill, speed strength and intellect but she makes up for it in determination and ingenuity.

Personality: Mary is feisty. She is determined to prove herself and will let no one stand in the way of her and a brighter future, the future she is certain she will find.

Backstory: Mary was young when 'The Collapse' happaned, when the Empire her parents slaved over fell apart and their Emperor jumped from his lofty tower because he could not bear the peoples suffering, or so Draenic told her. When she had grown she sook employ under, then, General Varce and proved her self in battle, swiftly flying through the ranks, only to prove herself a skilled commander and loyal soul. She was soon standing beside the General, his right hand.. woman, adviser and compatriot. Her parents, long dead from the flames of rebellion, quite literally burning them for their support of the Emperor. After years serving as Varces second, she was rewarded with land, something no soldier had ever been gifted that was not a general (or already in possession of land). She had proven her worth, willing and wroth, not to mention her loyalty so, when Draenic overthrew the False Emperor, he offered her an Empire, but neither of them had a desire to rule all, they both really wanted to be Generals, so she took his role instead.


ArchInquisitos Kael Karn



Race: Maertani - The Maertani were said to be gods themselves, mortal forms from Dracos' pantheon, made to flesh to help guide the living to a brighter future and they certainly never said any different. The Maertani are immune to disease, infinite in age and physically superior to all life, which is why its a wonder that only one is still living.

Personality: The ArchInquisitos does not care about the day to day struggles of people, though he is more then happy to say the opposite. He beleives in what he preaches and no one is old enough to remember anything else. You may question him about what Dracos wants for you and his eyes will wander to see what he need say to make you a better servent of Dracos.

Backstory: Kael tells that he left the heavens above to help guide the land of mortals to a brighter future, to guide the followers of Dracos onto a narrower, straighter, truer path. He says that he made the decision and can never return to his heavenly home. But he also tells many tales of the heavens, of the wars above and the dark designs of the devil gods, non more aggressive then those the Raiders in the North East worship. He was once emperor of Ventirica, but people couldn't grasp that their leader would never die so he left the position to another, one he trusted, claiming that the Ventircians, those whe originally inhabited the central lands of Ventirica, those that the new Emperor has reclaimed, were created by Dracos to rule and leader the lesser mortals of the land while he guided them spiritually, as he still does, alone in his immortality, befriending the Ventiricians, for only they live long enough to remember.

Two New Characters that I was making for my CS :)
I, uh, got carried away. Six paragraphs just to start a Trial by Combat. It made me really happy, though. I like the style of GoT. Medieval intrigue and shenanigans where there is no plot armour and all kinds of cool stuff. I've fallen in love with it.

I could just write about the inner workings and scheming of Asherfell for pages and pages. I could be a shitty George R.R. Martin, if I really tried. It's going to be interesting balancing the needed outside interaction with the other players with my own desire to just write a GoT-but-different thing. If I ever make this into an actual RP, I'll need to change some things to be less directly from GoT. I probably will end up doing both.

Cutting this off before it becomes a massive rant.
[QUOTE="Vive La France]When I want to be an isolated viking kingdom, 2 nations choose to be next to me... rip

To be fair, I'd already chosen where I wanted to be, even before I saw where you were. I wanted to be isolated as well, so I could get more time to play with myself... wait. That didn't come out right. More time to mess around with the intrigue of Asherfell.
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Ok, no problem, I don't like the actual term so much either.

Post something IC! I need something to read!
I will, but I have little to interact with, Dont worry. I am to be expanding my lands along that river so I can has better access to you all.. though I would love more people so feel free to invote people you might think interested, since we had more people in the Interest Check

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