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Nation Building A Rift of Expectations

Hay. Its not my fault my religion is hostile... All other gods, while real, deceive their followers to gain strength in order to defeat Dracos and then the whole world. That is the teachings of Dracos, and since Dracos protects us from those gods she would not lie to us, nor would the priests because she chose them
I hope so, so my plan is to start but Monday, hopefully giving everyone enough time, though I think people can still join in situ so long as its not too late into the game
People could join late in the game, really, with the proper backstory. They could come into the land as foreigners, like Shax, with just a big army. I do think it would be better for them to join early-game was all the wars, alliances, etc. would not have been established yet.
Yeah, most of us really went into original stuff. Shax did bring a change, though, with his minotaurs and strange dog things.
His Orc horses will die. Once I reform the Empire, as an autonomous mess of power, my council of Kings will aid me in freeing the land from his foreign monstrosities
By the way, we should start it on Sunday so everyone can get an idea and stuff while none of us are at school/work. People will still be able to apply quickly on Monday.
I urrently reside in NZ, but I use America to refer to times, since most people here are American

So I shall start Monday rather then Tuesday? sure
Fezzes said:
True. *Both of us simultaneously look at Edryn and smile*
I am going to be completely destroyed by raiders from Aesop, aren't I?

Help me, fellow Dracos worshippers!
I finally finished my sign-up! Yay! When this starts I'm going to need strong alliances.

@Lord Shax thanks... not that It'll help
Melisandre said:
I finally finished my sign-up! Yay! When this starts I'm going to need strong alliances.
@Lord Shax thanks... not that It'll help
Seriously though, Asherfell is always open to new alliance proposals. You will probably find a friend in me, especially if we ally against our (probably) common enemy, Aesop. This is all speculation, though. We'll see what happens when this thing starts.
Hey! Hey! What's all this about allying against Aesop! All they want is to be friends... totally. Just give them all your land and you'll be find.
I'm definitely not going to try and take out anyone's leaders unless they actually provoke my kingdom. I may take them as a hostage for ransom, but I won't kill them, unless they are attacking.

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