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Fandom A Returned Threat to Skyrim (1x1 w/ PaleAbyss)


PaleAbyss PaleAbyss

Skyrim, a beautiful section of the land of Tamriel. However things weren't exactly as peaceful as people initially thought, as it was on the break of Civil War between the Imperial Empire and the Stormcloaks; lead by Ulfric Stormcloak. Midway through the Civil War, more chaos ensued by the return of Alduin; the World-Eater, and the resurrection of Dragons. Between the Civil War and the threat of Dragon attacks, Skyrim was plunged into more chaos.

Until one man known only as the Dragonborn, saved the entirety of Skyrim by defeating Alduin in Sovngarde, as well as resolving the Civil War by assisting the Empire in defeating the Stormcloaks. Since then, remaining Imperials of the Legion were assigned the task of tracking down the rest of the Stormcloaks; either allowing them to return to their homes or be put to the Sword. Only a select few are sent to each camp to give the illusion of surrender a chance, but are expected to fight should it come to that. But in the case of two members of the Legion, however, things were about to take a dark turn...
A new day dawned in Skyrim, it's warm rays greeting the City of Solitude. Since the Civil War had ended, members of the Imperial Legion under the direct command of General Tullius had returned to their homes whilst some remained loyal and hunted down remaining Stormcloaks. Legate Rikke regularly assigns soldiers to that task as well as assisting with Bandits and cults whilst General Tullius prepares for his return back to Cyrodiil. However, a report from an Imperial Scout crossed his desk and called upon two specific individuals of his Legion. The first to arrive was Magnus; an Imperial Officer.

"Good to see you, Magnus. I trust your most recent promotion has done you some good in this war?"

Stepping forward, Magnus responded to the General.

"As good as it can get, General Tullius, sir. How goes the cleanup?"
"About as good as it can get, most of the Stormcloaks lost their Morale when Ulfric was slain and Windhelm was captured. A key focal point in the ending of this war. But that's not why I brought you here, son. A certain report crossed my desk and I wish to assign you and one other to this task."
"You're sending me with someone? Very well. Where are they?"
"They should be arriving any moment now."
Anafira didn't expect to get called in to another assignment so soon. The weeks following the fall fo Windhelm and the death of Ulfric Stormcloak had been surprisingly slow, save for the odd Stormcloak attack on Imperial encampments. She never got to participate in any of these, regardless, having been assigned back to Solitude to examine the training of new recruits. This would've been another slow morning if not for one of the underlings carrying a message that she was requested at General Tulius' quarters for another assignment. There were no other details attached, so she made her way to the garrison, greeting familiar faces along the way until she reached the doorway.

Inside stood Tulius, leaning over his desk where a collection of maps and letters were splayed out in a more or less organized fashion. On the other side of the table stood a vaguely familiar officer, and once she was allowed inside with Tulius' gesture, she briefly saluted before standing at attention. "Quaestor Elra reporting for duty, General. What's the situation?"

Anafira tried to get a glimpse of what she'd be assigned to, but the words on the reports were far too small to be read from where she stood. She did manage to guess that it would take them somewhere along the mountains of The Pale. Huh. Better pack her winter gear, in that case.
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"Ah, good, you're here. Now I can begin."

General Tullius pointed to a location near Dawnstar in the mountains.

"I'm sure you both are aware of the Pale, and it's reputation for it's harsh and cold climates, as well as it's capital of Dawnstar. Reports have been flying in of Dark Brotherhood Activity here but that's not why I've summoned you both here. It's actually for a matter regarding the Stormcloak rebellion."

His finger moved to a cave that was marked on the map.

"My sources tell me that within this cave known as Dimhollow Crypt, members of the Stormcloak Rebellion have taken camp in there."
"So they've set up shop in a cave? That's not like them."
"You're right about that. If this was any other camp, I'd of just sent a troop over to deal with them as per the norm, but something doesn't add up. You two rose through the rankings with relative ease, so I am entrusting you two to get the job done. Find out why this Cave is so important to this group, and put an end to it. Understood?"
"Yes, General Tullius."

Magnus turned to Elra with a smile and an extended hand.

"I don't believe we've properly met. Name's Magnus. I grew up in Cyrodiil. Looks like we'll be working together on this one."

Tullius turned to Elra after Magnus introduced himself.

"Can I count on you here, Quaestor Elra?"
Anafira stood at ease once Tulius acknowledged her presence, and moved to the edge of the desk to watch his debriefing. Everything sounded routine enough, until he mentioned the mission site regarding a cave system and reports of Stormcloak activity. That was not within their usual modus operandi indeed, though she was more curious as to why they'd be sent in to the mission alone. Not even a small detachment to aid in storming the camp? They were distinguished, indeed, but not super soldiers of any sort.

Despite her doubts, she resonated with her partner's assertiveness through a nod and a salute, followed by a small bow. "Of course, General. Consider it done."

She then turned to Magnus and his extended hand, which she took by reaching for his forearm instead of his hand, as it was common with her unit. A habit which she didn't pay much mind to. "Anafira." The blonde greeted, a small smile on her lips. "Came from High Rock myself."

Once she was done, she released his arm and gave Tullius a parting salute, turning around to exit his quarters and stand in the main hall of the Imperial Solitude garrison. It was sparsely populated at this time of day, with the only other denizens being the guards and a few initiates running errands back and forth, in and out of the building. She paused halfway to turn to Magnus, creasing a brow. "Not about to question orders now, but... there's more to this. They wouldn't send two officers on a cleanup mission without any legionnaire backup." A pause, and her expression tensed with thought, only to throw a playful look his way. "Think they're expecting a stealthy approach?"
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Once they had exited General Tullius's quarters and into the open city of Solitude, Magnus gave Anafira a concerned gaze.

"I'd be inclined to agree. Just the two of us against a Camp? Either this group is small or as you say, there's something more going on here."

Reaching for the bow on his back, he gave her a confident smile as he began to walk.

"I'm sure they won't notice if I pick a few of them off with my bow here. Served me well in Cyrodiil and here during the war. Stealth would be the best option here, seeing as both our guts are telling us that somethings not adding up. Best not to question General Tullius though, I'm sure he knows what he's doing by sending us."​
Anafira led them through the bustling streets, weaving through the crowds of townspeople coming and going as their day began. She listened to his suggestion, humming in thought at their possible strategy. "We better wait until nightfall, then. Try to attack at some ungodly hour. I'm not the best at stealth, I'll admit, but I can be the one slipping past their defenses while searching for whatever may give us a clue of their intentions there. It's cold up there at the coast, so it's likely they'll all be bundled up, Nords or not."

Reaching the gates, she saluted some of the guards before turning to the stables, where a carriage stood waiting for its next clients. Anafira lifted an eyebrow. "Huh. Figure we'll take a carriage? Better than walking there, and we might arrive just after the sun sets. I'll cover the costs, if that's the case."
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"Take them on whilst they're sleeping? Sounds more like a Dark Brotherhood method but I suppose that could be an ideal approach. They most likely won't listen to us anyways."

Once they exited Solitude and found the Carriage, Magnus nodded to Anafira before approaching the Carriage Driver.

"Excuse me sir."
"Ah, a member of the Legion. How can I help you?"
"I'd like for you to take me and my friend here to Dawnstar."
"Of course, that'll be 20 gold."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out twenty gold and gave it to the driver who smiled warmly.

"Climb in back and we'll be off."

Turning to Anafira, he motioned for her to jump on.

"Good thing this carriage was here for us. I'd of hated to walk all the way there on foot. Is there anything you need to do before we head off?"​
Anafira shrugged her shoulders, turning her back to the driver at his mention of the Dark Brotherhood. "I love a good scrap as much as the next legionnaire, but these encampments? They're often garrisoned with Stormcloaks in numbers reaching the thirties. Not like I'm some mad powerful mage or some legendary warrior to take them all on with just you at my side, no offense intended."

She hopped on the back and made herself comfortable against the wooden seat, or as comfortable as one could get on the rigid wooden seats. "As for that, no. Whatever we need, we can get at Dawnstar. Now let's get going, we'll do good to head there as early as we can."
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"Ha! None taken! In fact it's actually nice that you're with me and not a regular Soldier, they'd just try their best to 'lick my boots' if you catch my meaning, and while that's expected to an officer, it does get on your nerves after a while."
"Alright, we're off."
After a while of travel via the carriage, the duo arrived at Dawnstar but we're met with a strange sight. While the average citizens were out and about, there were a lot more guards stationed than normal.

"Well... this is unusual."

Jumping off from the carriage, a guard approached the duo.

"You two just come from Solitude? Glad you're around."
"Whats going on? Why the increased security?"
"Ordered by the Jarl. You want the full details, you'd better ask them."
Anafira chuckled at his comment, but decided to remain silent for the trip. The last couple of days were hard on her, and she found herself fast asleep on the carriage, only waking whenever it went over a particularly bumpy section. By the time they had arrived at Dawnstar, the sun already concealed itself behind the great mountains of Skyrim, tinting the sky with a dying orange that faded into the evening's frigid purple. Snow danced lightly around them, though the temperature was considerably more manageable, now that they were headed into spring.

She noticed the increased number of guards and watched carefully, trying to identify any signs of commotion. Huh. None in clear view. The carriage stopped, and as soon as her feet touched the snow-coated cobblestone, a guard approached them, apparently glad to have them in town.

She threw Magnus a brief glance of suspicion before nodding and briefly saluting the guard, who returned the gesture and stepped aside to allow them inside. The streets seemed sleepy enough, though with guards at pretty much every corner, it was impossible to feel at ease. After a brief walk, they arrived at the doorstep of the White Hall, Dawnstar's seat of power, where a burly bodyguard stopped them under a steely gaze.

"What business brings you here?" He questioned, voice inquisitive and laced with suspicion.

"We're with the Legion, with orders from General Tullius himself." Anafira reached in her armor and pulled out a small medal, depicting the Septim's crest. "Guards said we might help with a local problem."

"You just might..." He retorted, grunting. There was a click of his tongue and he shrugged, making way for them and opening a door to the hall.

Inside, the hearth burned bright and warm, though all the souls inside were gathered beside the Jarl's throne, where Brina Merilis sat listening to an advisor's whispers. Their entrance, however, was enough for the chatter to stop, prompting Anafira to perform a brief bow. "Jarl Merilis, I am Anafira, Quaestor of the Legion, accompanied by Praefect Magnus. We have our own orders, but it seems our mission is related to the situation mounting here."
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"Ah, members of the Imperial Legion, and... Praefect Magnus?"
"Merilis, good to see you friend. I assume the war wasn't too hard on you?"
"It's been hard on all of us, friend. But down to business."

The Jarl clicked his finger and a few guards brought in a table with a local map of the Pale, as well as markers present.

"I assume General Tullius has informed you of the increased Stormcloak presence?"
"After the war ended and everything settled down, a large group of Stormcloaks had taken refuge in a cave over here; Dimhollow Crypt. Normally, we wouldn't need to worry as them making a strike on us here, however they've gotten bolder."

The Jarl pointed towards the outskirts of Dawnstar.

"Something magical is happening. Once they arrived, we've been assaulted by Frost Atronachs."
"Frost Atronachs? So there must be conjurers among them. But... I don't remember them having any during the war."
"It's confusing, isn't it? We've so far had a few casualties before having all guards on duty, hence the increased security you saw when arriving here. Regardless, where's the rest of your men?"

Magnus looked to Anafira for a moment, then back to Merilis.

"We're all he sent, sir."
"You're joking, right? Another one of your funny moments when we've drank together, right?"

Again, he took a look at Anafira then back to the Jarl.

"By the gods, you're serious..."
Anafira stepped closer when the map was brought, running her eyes over the markers, but focusing specifically on the one labeled 'Dimhollow Crypt'. It wasn't far from the town, indeed, which explained the concern and the increased garrison in Dawnstar. Everything in the Jarl's debriefing felt nominal... until the mention of Frost Astronachs. She didn't interrupt them, but instead glanced with surprise at Magnus. When they were finished talking about their numbers, she cleared her throat with the intent to speak:

"My lord, I don't believe this is some simple Stormcloak hideout. Magnus is right. Nords aren't particularly fond of magic, much less Conjuration. Have your men gotten any good looks at any of the occupants? Were any wearing Stormcloak colors? Because none of this adds up to our initial reports..." She paused, leaning over the map while rubbing her chin. "We have reason to believe these aren't even Stormcloaks, to begin with."
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"Most of their warriors were wearing Stormcloak attire, but their conjurers weren't."

Their conversation however was cut short when a guard opened the front door and spoke directly to the Jarl.

"What is it? We're in the middle of an important meeting here."
"My Jarl, we have trouble. Stormcloaks have been spotted outside the city."
"Are you certain?"
"I am, sir. They've amassed and are already attacking our men. Won't be long until their conjurers join in."
"I see."

The Jarl turned to the pair and grabbed his Blade of the Pale, readying himself.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to cut our little meeting short for now. Can I count on you two to help me defend my people?"
"You can count on me."

Magnus turned to Anafira with a confident smirk.

"Guess I'm going to see you in action, are you ready?"​
Anafira turned back to see the guard suddenly barge into the room, her hand instinctively reaching for her mace, then retreating once she noticed it wasn't a hostile. The city was under attack, and her eyes went wide with surprise. The Stormcloaks had grown bold enough to attack Dawnstar? This was way more than their report expected...

When Magnus turned to her, she nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go, we can't leave the garrison on their own for too long."

Out she went, accompanied by a few more White Hall guards who immediately rushed to the city's eastern gates, where the fighting was the thickest. She took a brief pause as she watched the confrontation: the forces were evenly matched, though as soon as the conjurers arrived, the battle would tip on their favor. She needed only another minute in thought to think of an idea. "We should flank them! If we hit them hard enough from their flanks, we can force them to rout, and then the conjurers will be way easier to deal with!"
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"Good idea, Anafira. I'll stay at the front, put my archery to the test. If we both go, we have a high chance of losing the front against the Stormcloaks, go!"

Magnus exclaimed as he joined the frontal fight. Climbing on top of one of the nearby houses, he found his 'snipers nest' and began firing arrows at the varying opponents. When the guards looked towards him with cheers, the attack became relentless as the Stormcloak army continued their advance. A few guards approached Anafira with weapons drawn.

"We're with you. We'll fight by your side, lead on!"​
She gave a nod, glancing back to the soldiers who joined her. "Alright, see if you can't take some archers with you! The more arrows we have flying against them, the better!"

And with that, she rushed into Dawnstar's small alleyways, keeping a consistent pace as she maneuvered through houses, crates and the odd bush to reach the city's outskirts. Without proper walls, it'd be easier to simply move around the main enemy force without encountering too much resistance. As they finally reached the snow-covered edges of town, she ordered the guards to slow down to a walk, putting her helmet on and climbing a brief hill which allowed them to overlook the ongoing battle.

While their line was holding, the number of soldiers attacking was... disconcerting. And from the looks of it, the conjurers weren't even there. Just how large were their forces, really? No matter. She had a mission to complete. "Strike hard, strike fast. Use the element of surprise to take out as many of them as we can. Push them against their own lines with your shields if you have to. And don't take any risks!" She readied her mace, shield held close to her chest. "Now, with me!"

A war cry rung from her throat, and the soldiers followed her, coming down the small hill at speed. There was that brief moment of respite, and then, her arm swung, and the mace slammed against an unsuspecting soldier's head, his body falling limp on the snow below. Her soldiers clashed, and the chaotic cacophony of steel on steel filled the air, punctuated by the pained screams of the defeated. She fought with gritted teeth, holding fast against the blows thrown at her shield to try and swing in her defense. "Push!" She cried, just loud enough to break through the sounds of battle. Her shield was held up, and she stepped back, only to slam into the nearest soldier, hard enough to knock them off their feet. "Push them back!
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"For the Empire!"

The guards shouted alongside Anafira as the battle raged on, Stormcloaks falling by the moments whilst Magnus rained down covering fire with his bow. Eventually the frontline soldiers were defeated, but the conjurers were nowhere to be found. And what was rumored that Frost Atranochs attacking didn't come into play.

"Well, that is interesting... Hey Anafira! It looks like the Stormcloaks were setup!"

Magnus yelled at the top of his voice as he slid down the roof of his building to try to find her. Meanwhile the Guards near her muttered to themselves out loud.

"This can't be right. Were the reports of Atranochs a lie?"
"Don't be silly. The Jarl's scouts are the best of the best, there's no way."
"But what if..."

A horn sounded as all the guards looked towards the White Hall where the Jarl stood tall and proud.

"Well done, men. The enemy has been defeated, and Dawnstar is safe once again. You are all welcome to have drinks on the house, I've already informed the bartender."

"Hmm." Magnus pondered. "This isn't right... This felt... too easy. Anafira, where are you?"​
Anafira couldn't believe her eyes that they managed to win the battle so swiftly. With their comrades falling left and right, the few Stormcloaks who remained turned their backs and ran, with some courageous few hauling away their gravely wounded from the now bloodied battlefield. She stood there, with splatters of crimson on her armor, eyes searching for the next threat. This couldn't be. Weren't they supposed to expect more resistance?

She patted some of the guards on the shoulders, throwing congratulatory smiles and brief cheers their way while the Jarl proudly announced their victory. She had another objective, however, and that was to find Magnus in all this. He stood out among the town's guard, without a spot of blood on himself and wielding his bow, with a lost look in his eyes. Upon closing in on him, she took him by the arm and pulled him to the side, a distrustful look on her eyes as she glanced around for any onlookers.

"Finally got to you." She started, voice just barely audible through the cheering. "This isn't right... they mentioned Atronachs and conjurers... do you think the Jarl has any involvement in this?"
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Her voice was barely audible with all the loud cheering the guards were doing, but he made her out pretty well. When she approached him and asked about the Jarl's involvement, Magnus retorted.

"I don't think so. Me and the Jarl are good friends, we used to have drinks together before I joined the Legion. Dawnstar was one of the first places I went to after coming to Skyrim."

Magnus stated with a serious expression on his face, turning to Anafira with a concerned look.

"I think our best course of action right now is to investigate Dimhollow Crypt. As much as I hate to admit it, my gut is telling me the Stormcloaks were betrayed. At least, these ones were. What are your thoughts on this?"​
Anafira threw glances between Magnus and the Jarl, focusing sometimes on the man's clean, spotless blade. He hadn't joined in on the assault... why? He made clear his intentions to fight alongside his men, alright, but there was no sign of him in the battle, and now he cried victory without as much as a simple presence during the skirmish. Suspicious, but she'd hold back her thoughts for the moment.

"I believe we must move on the Crypt as fast as we can. Whoever staged this attack must be already executing their next plan at this very moment." She took a pause, a hand rubbing her chin in thought... when her eyes widened. "Oh, by the Eight... with the soldiers in revelry, they'll likely stage an attack this night, while most of them are drunk off their asses and unable to take up arms..."

She placed her mace back in its holster, the bloodied weapon hanging by her waist. "We should move immediately, unless you have any pressing matters to attend with the Jarl."
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"I don't have anything urgent to report. If he asks, I'll just tell him we pursued the runners."

Magnus stated with a coy smile as he proceeded to walk in the general direction of Dimhollow Crypt. They'd be on quite the journey, and there was much to figure out. What Magnus did know however, was that something wasn't right. They wouldn't make a bold attack like this on their own, and where were their conjurer allies? Many questions requiring answers, and he alongside Anafira, plan on finding out.

"So, what made you sign up to the Imperial Legion here? We have some time until we arrive so might as well get to know you."​
Anafira shrugged, judging his excuse good enough. As long as they, well, didn't take too long to investigate, it would be plausible. So she followed him, walking on the snowy cobblestones leading out of town and into the pale, freezing expanse of the Pale's wilderness. Night would fall soon, she figured, and thus, they could put in place their initial plan.

What she didn't expect, however, was his question, whipping his head and giving a confused look as she was pulled away from her own thoughts. "Ah, well, got tired of High Rock's constant fighting. I was nothing but a peasant, meant to just break my back working to an early grave for lords who'd rather bicker and war with one another than actually do anything meaningful." There was no sorrow, but instead some semblance of frustration in her voice. "The Legion was perhaps the best opportunity for a lowly Breton peasant, and here I am. Hasn't been the easiest life, but I have a steady income, and I climbed the ranks faster than I imagined with this Civil War business."

She glanced at the sea, watching its frigid waves crashing against the chunks of ice guarding the shores. "If only the noble houses had united... then perhaps we could've beat the Dominion back, in the Great War..." Her tone was lowered, but spiteful, as though they were in the presence of the High Elven enforcers. "But, I'm getting ahead of myself." She threw him a smile. "What's your story?"
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"I grew up in Cyrodiilas a wee lad up until the age of 20, then I moved to Skyrim willingly. Looked for a change of pace. It was then that rumors hit Rorikstead of the Civil War while I was there helping the farmers, and that's when I decided to join the Imperial Legion."

Magnus explained, looking back on what happened.

"One of my first assignments was in Dawnstar and I met the Jarl. A brilliant guy, and a shocking drinker. You'd be amazed just how much he can drink before he says he's done, and I've yet to find that limit. I just know I lose to him every time. I was just happy that the war eventually ended in Windhelm; when the Dragonborn cut down Ulfric Stormcloak."

Pulling out his bow, he showed it to Anafira.

"This Imperial Bow was hand-gifted to me by an Imperial Archer in Solitude. We both got pretty drunk in the Winking Skeever and he set a bet; whoever was unable to land three out of five arrows to the head of a target dummy had to do something stupid and publicly humiliating. I'll give you three guesses who won and got his bow."​
Anafira listened as they travelled through the snowy roads, trying to imagine the situations her companion spoke of. She couldn't hide a small grin at the stories, shaking her head at the mention of alcoholic shenanigans. At the guessing prompt, she chuckled, shaking her head once more. "I'm more curious about what you had the poor guy do. Though, knowing drunkards and the absolute lack of limits to what they'll do when wagering their dignity, I think I'm good just letting it remain a mystery."

She sighed, watching the cloud of warm breath dissipating before her eyes. "Eh, haven't got any fun stories regarding my gear. Mace's just a regular old mace, meant to bash skulls and shields. Has served me well, though, that I can agree on."

The air around them grow colder still, and the penumbra of night encroached. She glanced around, trying to find something of a clearing or a retreat for them to camp in until it was time for them to strike. "You figure we're close? We better find somewhere to settle, rest a little, then move onto the Crypt. Same plan as we hashed out earlier."
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"Must be close. Hmm... Alright, let's find some shelter and rest. Feels like we were walking forever..."

Magnus looked around for a brief moment and pointed to a nearby hill. It had a overhang which looked secluded.

"Hey, how about over there? Looks sheltered enough, right?"​

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