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Fantasy —✦a reason for broken wings✦— (always open)



give 'em hell, kid.





The day was still new and the air soft and alight with birdsong as Queen Vivienne watched over the preparations for the great farewell celebration. Her expression was serene as always, and she offered a soft but genuine smile to each maid who passed by.

Her mind, however, was not the picture of peace that she outwardly projected. Royal duty or not, she was sending others out into certain danger to all but do her bidding while she remained relatively safe behind the enchanted walls of Paradisia.
Offered rewards would of course be lavish as to make their risk worthwhile, but that would provide little in the way of comfort to any who did not survive the journey.

Though Vivienne wished deeply to believe that all would go well and that there would be no death, she was not a naive woman. Wars were nothing like what was told in fairytales, they were brutal and often ended with no sense of victory at all. Her rule had been exceptionally peaceful, and she knew that in many ways she was blessed.

Still, the heaviness remained. Closing her eyes, she recited a quiet prayer.

"Forgive me, Goddess. To die protecting your Heart is a noble passing, but if you were to have it your way, I know there would be no death at all. Guide them, o Sabelina, Mistress of Light. Banish the shadows that may cross their path, ease the burden of suffering, grant them bravery no matter what they must face... and please, keep Lucien safe. I know it is selfish to ask, but I have asked so much of him at such a young age, and if anything were to happen..." Vivienne bowed her head, voice trailing off into a whisper. Ethereal strands of light curled around her fingertips as she pressed them over her own heart, a solemn end to her prayers.

Running a shimmering finger through her long strands of snowy hair, the Queen slipped from the bustling banquet hall and moved towards the kitchen to check how her cooks were progressing. It was best to keep busy. Sabelina's will would be done whether she paced and fretted or not.

At least the lucious cakes she had requested were as lovely as had been promised. Vivienne hoped the brave souls would at least appreciate a night of celebration, high spirits and fine food before they inevitably set off early the next morning.


Hours later, Queen Vivienne stood clothed in her finest gown as she waited in regal silence near the door. Well-wishers were already beginning to filter in, bowing deeply as they passed her and her guards. She smiled and waved at each of them, for while some royals saw such people as mere commoners, the Queen knew their value and was not shy in showing so.

It would likely be some time until the summoned adventurers arrived, but she knew Lucien would be returning from his patrol soon, while Glimmer and Luka both had a way of popping up whenever one least expected them to.

Besides, anyone could be early.

Surveying the great feast as it was being set out, she sighed wistfully and turned her gaze to the towering windows that bathed each room in rich golden sunlight. It was a picture perfect day, perhaps the last one Vivienne would experience for a long time.


code by spookie spookie

  • ━glimmer━

    "Nothing wrong with a little day-drinking, I'm sure all that stress can really get to a brave warrior like you," Glimmer purred, offering the inebriated soldier apparently named Franklin sitting across the table from him a playful wink. "Don't worry, I won't tell."

    Taking a small sip of his own fruity cocktail, Glimmer stretched coyly as his polished fingertips inched closer to a velvet bag of gold coins left so carelessly out in the open by his target.

    "M'glad, don't want to get yelled at again by that nasty lil' brat of a captain," the man slurred. "Been wishin' it was possible 'tah quit since the Queen let him take over." Returning his face and attention to the heavy mug of ale, Franklin fell silent once again.

    A wicked grin tugged at the corners of Glimmer's perfectly pouty lips, and his colorful eyes practically gleamed. Before the solider even had a chance to set his drink down, every coin had been effortlessly palmed and pocketed. It was almost too easy this time.

    "I know how hard it is to earn money in this world, especially without working for tyrants like your captain... that's why I became my own boss and started selling potions," Glimmer offered sympathetically, before plucking a cherry from his drink and popping into his mouth.

    "It's so nice not to worry about waking up on time, and earn money on your own terms when you feel like it. Plus, I only sell products I love to people I know will benefit from them. It's a win-win whatever way you look at it."

    Franklin was at best a few sips away from passing out, but he was clearly listening, and that was good enough.

    "Would you perhaps be interested in buying some stock off me for a criminally low price so you can try selling it yourself and see what I'm talking about? You'll even be able to recruit others to sell under you... it's a chance to tell your captain to stuff it and be your own boss!"

    First pressing one leather-clad hand over his mouth to stifle a hiccup, Franklin then reached it out towards the slick salesman. "Sure as 'ell would..." he mumbled, and Glimmer sealed the deal with a handshake and a contract that the solider was barely able to sign legibly.

    "Excellent doing business with you, sir. I will swing by your place later on to deliver the supplies and collect my pay... you're going to be so happy you tried this!"

    There was no reply, as the alcoholic was now slumped in his seat and drooling.


    Glimmer returned to the castle through a less popular entrance, bypassing Queen Vivienne and making his way straight into the growing crowd of celebrators. He'd changed his appearance back to the one he used as a royal advisor, though his hair and eye makeup was of course as flawless as ever.

    The coins he'd pocketed earlier clanked quietly against the ones Franklin had given him willingly with each step, and Glimmer found it quite a satisfying sound to hear. Maids and well-wishers mingled around him, oblivious to as to how he'd spent his last full day in Paradisia. It was cute, really, how many members of the royal household trusted him.

    Spotting a plump yet bright-eyed cook carrying a tray of finely crafted desserts, he reached towards them with a sly smile.

    "May I?"

    The girl already seemed a bit flustered, but she nodded enthusiastically and so Glimmer chose the one with the most frosting and nibbled at it seductively.

    "Delicious," he sighed, "almost as lovely as the young woman who prepared it."

    The tray now seemed in danger of clattering to the floor with how red-faced she'd become, so Glimmer offered her a wave and made his way to another part of the room where he could await the arrival of his fellow adventurers and potential customers.


    code by spookie spookie
"I've seen it all . . . .

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Askar Milwr
("The Woodsman")

Location: Banquet Hall
With: Queen Vivienne, Lucien
The forest was always quiet in the morning- it was Kar's favorite time of day. He would sit out on the stoop in front of his house, eyes closed, breathing deeply, enjoying the smell of the dirt and trees, the rustling the morning breeze made through the oak leaves, the slanting shafts of sunlight that fell upon his face. In this place, he had found peace, and he was determined to enjoy his last day here to the fullest, as he prepared to leave that peace and set out to serve his land and her ruler once more.

He spent most of the day setting his cabin in order. He prepared the food he would be taking with him, and carefully wrapped and preserved what he would be leaving behind- dried herbs and fruit, salted strips of animal meat, several wheels of cheese, a small casket of ale... Kar was a man of simple pleasures, and he loved food. He was always enthusiastic about procuring, preserving, preparing and consuming it.

He did a bit of cleaning, made sure the firewood was stocked, and assured himself that nothing was forgotten or out of place. He sharpened and polished his axe, which he used mostly as a tool but would also serve as his primary weapon on this journey, unless they encountered some greater foe. Then, he grabbed his longsword out of the corner where it had sat, untouched, for so many years. He pulled it from its sheath, a grim expression coming to his face as he recalled all the battles he had fought with it, all the comrades who had fallen beside him even as he carried on. Picking up the sword again let a tremendous weight re-enter his heart.

The moment gone, he proceeded to sharpen and polish it, as he had done with the axe, before placing it back within its sheath, rising from his chair, and trying the weapon to his belt. When he stepped out from his cabin and strode away from his home, not knowing whether he would ever see it again, the Woodsman of the last eight years was no longer the only face he presented to the world- the Soldier had returned.


When he arrived at the palace, Kar sighed heavily. It had been years since the last time he'd attended a function here and, though he had accepted the request Queen Vivienne had made of him, and felt it was his duty to defend the land from the grave threat it now faced, he couldn't help but feel regretful at having to abandon the calm, quiet life that had made him happy since he'd resigned his commission and left the army for good.

He stepped through the grand palace doors, recalling the last time he had done so, awash with memories of his previous life as he looked around. Some things had changed, but overall the palace was still the same- grand marble, gilded curtains and velvet carpet, beautiful sculptures and giant tapestries... He walked with a steady, measured tread as he passed grand staterooms paneled in mahogany and music rooms with elaborate moldings and rooms for dining or dancing with great, glittering chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. He was glad to be leaving in the morning.

Finally, he made it to the banquet hall, where those who were to go on this quest would be sent off in style with a fabulous feast, commendations from many eminent nobles and other important personages of Paradisia and, of course, the Queen's blessing. He saw her almost as soon as he walked in- resplendant and youthful as always in a gown of pearls and silk. She was, at the moment, overseeing the final setup for the feast and greeting early arrivals, attended by the stiff-backed, dark-haired captain of her guard.

Kar stepped forward and bowed respectfully, omitting the heel click and stiff salute he would have included in his military days.

"My Queen," he greeted Vivienne in his low voice, "it has been a long time. It is good to see you are well."
. . . . it was enough."
codedbycrucialstar | hover tags & hidden scroll
Alicia Clemens

[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"What do you think of my dress?"
location: heading to the palace
with: N/A

The first rays of morning light came seeping down the mountainsides, quietly sneaking through the woman's curtains whilst she slept in the comforts of her bed. The room lit aglow with warm light, painting a picturesque scene that almost seemed ethereal.

It was a perfect sunrise.

The sleeping beauty remained in deep slumber, her peaceful face hinting of a happy dream. Unfortunately, the morning's tranquility wouldn't last for very long.

The sunlight slowly crept to her bed and filtered through her thin eyelids, jolting the woman awake. "Ack..!" She yelped as fell off the bed with a painful thud.


Alicia laid on the floor, rubbing her head as she released a sigh of vexation. She blinked several times, in an attempt to help her eyes adjust to the sunlight that was directed right at her defenseless figure. She furrowed her brows as she stared at the window with heavy eyes, seemingly angry at the sun.

After a few groans and incoherent mutters, she forced herself up to get ready for the day. She was to embark on a life-changing journey soon, but more importantly, she had a banquet to attend! Alicia already had the perfect dress for the occasion, and it was more extravagant than her usual clothing. The importance she placed on her appearance was evident no matter what, more so now that she was to attend a banquet at the palace.

After a long warm bath, Alicia carefully dried her hair and changed. She dressed herself in fine silks that flowed to the ground, embroidered with intricate floral patterns and dragons. Her golden skirt complemented the warm undertones of her fair skin, and she allowed her raven hair to flow freely past her shoulders. She was a sight to see, if she had to say so herself.

Alicia paired her dress with a matching set of yellow topaz earrings and necklace to complete her look. After dusting some pink pigment on her cheeks and applying red tint on her lips — voila — Alicia was all set. She puffed up her chest and nodded approvingly at her reflection in the mirror.

"Time to go," she muttered as she glanced one last time at her reflection.

Before prancing out the door, she grabbed a vase that looked to be ordinary furniture with low value. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The vase was actually a summoning relic, which she used for all of her summoning rituals.

With a certain level of eagerness, the woman hopped into the carriage and headed for palace, where she would meet the others and introduce herself as Alicia Clemens; the summoner.
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll | hover over pic

She woke up to hearing bird Chirping and the sun slowly getting hotter. so she got out of her little tent and started by cleaning. her self by a little river near by we’re she was sleeping and she cleaned her self then she went to pack up everything and get on her way.

she Heard that there was going to be a Tournament. The queen put it there so that she could get more Recruits for her missions and. she wanted that Reward. So she walked in this tournament. Witch was hosted in a tavern she was the only female there.

after everyone Was done with Introducing the Candidates the goal in the tournament was to punch this button as hard as u can and it would give u a score. Everyone went to punch it everyone had a score of 1000 or more when it went to my person punching it she got a score of 1957 every one was surprised and one of the people that hosted the tournament told her to head to the queen the get the mission

Location kingdom
Hope I did this right
Aya sat in one of the back corners of the banquet hall; it had been a while since he had eaten the food of this caliber, and he still didn't trust anybody. The guards took no notice of him; he made sure he did not slump away from them but merely seemed to not care. Instead, he gazed out of huge glass-stained windows depicting the goddess Sabrina; the one at the head of the hall showed the heart.

Occasionally people would come into the hall, trickling in in small groups. He eyed them all, making sure they weren't paying attention to him before he resumed his gaze out the window.

He gathered his energy gradually, in case there was a commotion of some kind. His staff hung in its collapsed state at his belt, while he drew his cloak around his body until he was almost entirely covered by it. After that, Aya abandoned his window gazing and studied everyone else in much more detail, noting any visible weapons.
8dfc5fb5df86a4ca511d707dcd9f84e5.jpgHarmonie was in the barracks getting ready for the farewell celebration. Instead of getting dress up like her mother basically begged her to do. She decided to just keep on her armor she didn't think dressing up would make a very good impression. It was bad enough some of the knights were looking down on her. She wanted to make a good impression on the adventures. Once she fixed her hair a bit and made her new armor was nice and clean she headed to the banquet hall. She bother bringing her sword she didn't really need it.

When she made it to the banquet hall she didn't go in immediately she was a little nervous. These people who were going to be part of this mission probably actually looked the part more then she did. What if they saw her as a joke like the other knights...When she arrived at the Entrance she noticed two others who were ahead of her greeting the Queen and Lucien. One of them had interesting peacock feathered cloak.....at least she was pretty sure it was peacock feathers. Once they were finish Harmonie bowed to the Queen and Saluted the Captain. "Evening your highness, Captain." She smiled brightly at them. When came to the Lucien Harmonie wasn't really afraid of him. Yeah the guy could be scary and utter ass at times but honestly she couldn't really blame him. He was doing the same thing she was trying to do earn respect and not have them walk over you or look down on you. Though they went about it in different ways. She started tp head inside but she suddenly stopped and turned around and looked at Lucien. "Hey Captain why don't you come in with me. You don't want stand out here all night do ya?" Honestly she really just didn't want to go alone she started to feel a little nervous.
spookie spookie
"I'm off, we're setting off in the morning" Yaz said as she kissed her father on the cheek and headed out the door, sword on her back; the one her father gave her. She headed down the path and worked her way towards the castle; butterflies were fluttering around in her belly. The light was shining through the tree tops and warmed her face. A memory of her and her father sparing in the woods with her brother played in her mind as she passed their regular meet up in the woods.

Lost in her memories of earlier years, she approached the castle. Instantaneously grounded into the present moment, she looked up and took in the beauty. Jaw dropped as she whispered to herself "This place is huge..." and made her way towards the banquet hall. As she entered the room she took a deep breath and took it all in. There were quite a few people trickling in. She looked around the for a place to sit; perhaps next to someone who seemed interesting.

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