Advice/Help A Preidcament


Empress of Potatoes
To simply explain the situation a little:

Years back I began to roleplay as a way to help me cope (or distract me) with anxiety that I feel. It always felt great to pretend to be someone else, somewhere else, for a little while. I tended to avoid group roleplays and stick to one on ones because I always found that characters would be forgotten and left behind.

Besides that, these past months it feels like role playing has become a new sources of anxiety, which isn’t fun. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I’ve had the same partner for about 6 years now. I’m extremely grateful for him and for those I’m roleplaying with now. It also doesn’t really help that I’ve had several wonderful Rps that I thought were going well) simply die because my partner disappeared for little to no reason.

Basically I feel like participating in a group might help me to step out of my comfort zone a little more. It might also help me get used to OOC communication. I haven’t been on a role play forum in a couple of years so I’m just unsure of the steps to take (and the lingo) to join one. It may all just he simpler than I think XD

Any help is appreciated! If you have, or had, the same experience as well it would be wonderful to hear from you!
Thanks all~
Hey there! As someone who's had similar problems with 1x1 types of rp I think I can help!

Honestly the amount of threads made these days isn't as much as there once was but there's a lot of cool role-plays going on. I think the best place to find groups in their first stages of planning would be in the interest checks. There you basically just express interest in any threads you may want to join and if enough people also express their interest a main thread will be made. Normally they tend to have other threads for character sheets or ooc chat or even lore if the plot needs it. Then after everyone has a character the rp is all set unless there are extra elements that need to be discussed but that would be the gm's job. Other small things could include the co-gm and idea suggestions if they're allowed but it all depends on the structure of each rp.

Hope this was helpful!

P.S. Just remembered you can also turn notifications on to receive a notice of when an rp or an interest check is made so that's very helpful as well!
Before I start, I feel like I've been doing this a lot lately and I apologize but I need to bring some reality to the comment before we can start talking solutions and advise. This problem of people vanishing is universal. You can't run from it, even if you go into groups or you stay in 1x1 etc... There are very few opportunities to get particularly, let's say, sticky partners, and you shouldn't go in expecting anything different. Don't run, try to develop ways to quope with the matter. I, for instance, have decided to make anything I do have worth of it's own. My posts, my characters etc... I strive to make each individual one something of quality, so even if my partner vanishes I don't regret the time I spent for it. But that is just my method , there are many others. The important thing is to break the idea that this will somehow stop and to work through the problem instead of trying to go around this infinite wall.

So, with that said, here is a step by step process on how to join a group roleplay:
1. Go to group roleplay interest checks and find an active one you like. If needed, ask questions. Do not worry, even if you don't end up joining it happens, no one will bat an eye at some questions. In fact GMs may even be happy to answer them sometimes. Make double sure you can commit to the group RP and that it is the kind of RP you're looking for!

2. After stating an interest in a group RP, wait for the links or tags that will take you to the group RP's threads. Say hi to the peeps in the OOC chat, post your character in the character section using the given characer sheet template (start simple, don't fret if you see people using fancy code and all, just use the template provided while you're still getting used to it all), read up on the lore and ESPECIALLY the rules. Talk to people about potential character relationships or discuss your otential plans for when the RP starts. When the GM says your character is approved and you can roleplay, feel to start roleplaying!

Anxiety is a pretty messy issue to have, because it doesn't quite go according to our reason, its always there in the outskirts making you worry even when you know you shouldn't. So don't worry it's understandable if you have some concerns, talk it over with the other players and the GM, don't worry, RPN is pretty open and deals well with such subjects. In fact, you'll find a lot of people like you, and they may be able to to support you or calm you down. And of course, as I tell all who come here, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask! ;) Just hit me up with a PM and we can talk and see if we can fix whatever problem you may have.

I hope this helps! Good luck and happy RPing!

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