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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me!

Bart raised an eyebrow at the woman as she spoke. Those names obviously meant nothing to him but at least he got an idea of who they were. From what he gathered it seemed two mermaids had made their way onto his crew's ship and Meira's ship. He briefly wondered who the young man was that she had been referring to. Well, if they were part of his crew then they could probably handle themselves in a fight against a mermaid. "Are they friends of yours, then? The other mermaids I mean." He looked at his ship, trying to see if he could see any damage. Oh well, it was just another reason to avoid going back on the ship. Once everyone came back they would all clean and Bart would find a way to avoid it. Maybe he pulled a hamstring running. If he imagined enough he could even feel the pain that would prevent him from running. He was old enough, everyone would probably believe him.

He had completely zoned out, the idea of avoiding work more important than his conversation at the moment. He eventually turned back to the mermaid when she asked her question, shaking his head gently. "No, I'm afraid not. This work affords me a decent enough lifestyle, don't get me wrong. I'll never be as famous as other pirates though. That ship has long since sailed." Bart's eyes glazed over for a moment, remembering his journeys. "I won't be a pirate king anytime soon. But I find nowadays I prefer to just be a background worker. Less is expected of you." He didn't know why he was confiding in this girl. He rarely ever talked about his past with people, not wanting to get too close to anyone. When you hopped ships as much as he did, it was best for people not to have any ways of tracking you down.

MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
"No, they are not friends. I don't even really know them... just in the way that distant neighbors know each other." Persephone shook her head, making her quickly drying hair catch a small breeze. [insert classic, girl's hair catches wind in slow motion here].

"Pirate king," she chuckled, swishing her tail to catch the sun streaming through the water. She wanted to ask him more but she could feel him growing more distracted by his own thoughts and becoming distant. Persephone gave a sad frown before murmuring, "I can tell your lost in your thoughts, I'll go." She released the dock and started to sink back into the water. "If you even want to talk, just throw a message in a bottle into the water and I'll be there." With that, she sank fully under the water and swam away, confused at herself for promising to come back if he called. Oh well, he might not even want to see her again, humans are so strange.

Is leaving:@Lurker
Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness
|| 'Teresa' ||


Teresa crept through the bar in a rather stealthily fashion, her stomach letting out yet another low growl as she sighed a little, she'd hadn't had a thing to eat for the past few days and was admittedly beginning to become light-headed from the lack of food, even for her long-lasting withstanding on the need for such a task. 'Just a little more, then I can leave and go grab some bread or somethin'..' She reminded herself with a small nod, the thought driving her onwards through the drunken crowd, "It's my lucky day after all! A whole drunk full of drunk pirates ta' rob-" She'd been halfway through her sentence and a smirk creeping onto her face when she suddenyl felt a firm hand grab at the collar of her shirt, "Aye'- *hic* you girly~…. Ain't ye'- a little young ta'…. be *hic* lurking bout'…. In here?~….." The drunk man was swaying a little and clearly one of the older working men from the town, she couldn't help but giggle in an awkward manner and shrug in an oblivious manner.

The man then patted down his side, searching for his bottle of rum or somehting of the like before his eyes tightened into a glare, "Aye'-…. you little wretch! Ya' stole me' money didn't ya? *hic* I've been working all week ta' get *hic* dat'!" She pulled tighter onto her collar, half chocking the small girl, "H-Hey let go of me ya' big meanie!~" she called out, starting to cause some sort of commotion, she kicked him once in the stomach during her attempts to flail around seeking freedom from his grasp, he dropped the girl and staggered backwards a bit before he, along with some other drunken men who'd just checked their pockets after the mans calling out only to find their money had 'mysteriously disappeared'.

She ran through the bar, ducking and weaving through people until eventually ramming head-first into someone, falling backwards and only a few inches from face-planting into the glass shards remaining from Azalea's glass bottle, her arms however weren't so lucky in dodging the fragments, a few cuts lining them but she didn't have time to worry about that with the men still pushing through the crowd after her, she practically leapt up and against however it was she'd bumped into, clinging onto them tightly and looking up with the most innocent and desperate face she could muster, tears forming in her eyes as she tugged at the fabric of the females clothing, "T-Those big meanies are chasing me and I-I don't know why! Please don't let them hurt me, I'm scared….." She muttered, hoping this girl was someone actually capable of defending her and not one of her previous victims, she'd had more than a few of those situations happen before and lets just say it didn't turn out very well.

The girl was the perfect picture of innocence, tattered and dirty clothing, messy long and dirty blonde hair falling down past her shoulders with her trademark brown gloves and unusual goggles sitting upon her head, her small body scattered with bruises and markings from various fights and chases not unlike this one.

"There she is! that little bastard why when I get me its on her i'm gonna!?" The man at the front of the trio called out once spotting her, pointing at her and pausing just in front of the small group already gathered in that place, Teresa hide further behind the woman, trembling the best she could.


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Antonio did not react upon contact with Naddie's lips. He remained calm, but a grin did grow ever wider. Tony thought of himself as a ladies man, though he would never chase after a woman over his dedication and loyalty to his ship and hos crew. He heard Maxwell's question and could only wonder himself. "Ahh, yes. What does a fine woman such as yerself happen to be doing on me ship?" He walked closer to the girl standing at the edge of the ship. "Surely you aren't here just to 'take a look.'" He leaned against the railing on the edge. He thought back to her comment from a moment ago. What was wrong with the ship? "Ahh, I get it." He took a pause and looked at the girl's eyes to see if she would react in a worried way. He smirked as if he had known exactly what she had done to the ship. "There must be a loose floorboard somewhere!" He said this to throw her off, a deceptive scheme to find out if she had actually tampered with anything.

Luckz Luckz ChazGhost ChazGhost
Naddie chuckled at him. A glint in her eyes of playfulness. The woman smiled her gaze fluttering over the two men before her. She turned to the other pirate. "I like ships, and pirates," she added with a dainty shrug pouting slightly. "I assure you Captain, there is much to look at, I for one don't own a ship, but the seas are as lovely without it," she said ambiguously her voice calm yet an underlying tone of excitement. Naddie stood in front of the two, more relaxed as her white silk hung loosely around her body, her feet bare and skin pristine. "Close Captain! So close!" She smiled triumphantly before realising what he'd said. Naddie rolled her eyes and mentally slapped herself. "Oh dear, guess the games over," Naddie moved towards him again, running her fingers up his arm and along his shoulder and back as she circled him, before coming to a stop with her finger on his chest. "Care for another kiss?" The Naiad whispered ever so slightly in his ears, wiping the blood away from part of his face, it seemingly disappearing as water magically cleaned him up. She needed to distract his mind, it was easy to do with mortals, so frantic and need for love, it always surprised her when someone refused. Naddie leaned in, giving the man enough time to agree or step back.
ChazGhost ChazGhost Kyon Kyon

The merman rolled his eyes. "I can live long enough until you get bored," he said back defiantly. Well. Before spilling very messily onto the deck, he hissed slightly hand on his sword as the man put his knife away. Blu was cautious now, for someone of that size he had strength but yet put away his weapon? Blu decided to keep it even but the reflection off the sea caught his eyes, he smiled. The boy had looked hurt and brought a hand to his eye, then he was admiring his tail. He wasn't going to lie, it was in perfect condition no doubt about it. Blu wrapped his fin around the leg of the man, a smile on his face. "Fine but won't you come join me to? Oh wait, you can't breathe underwater?" Blu forcefully yanked his tail back, forcing the boy forward onto Blu's chest, he grabbed him with one arm before using that momentum to hold onto whatever it was behind him and basically flinging his body off the deck. His muscles rippled at the exercise he'd just pulled as the two plummeted downwards.

After a couple of seconds they hit the water, washing his skin and making him sigh in satisfaction. He held the man's waist before breathing in and leaning towards him, placing a kiss on his lips whilst his other hand gently held his chin, he breathed out giving him air. Blu's eyes shone even brighter under the waves as his strong tail kept them just under the surface. He'd be ok, depending on how long he held his breath for.

"Can you last a minute now?" Blu leaned in close again, letting go, wondering whether he'd swim up or stab him, or maybe even kiss him? Blu looked at him with unwavering confidence, a smile on his face.

GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake
Feeling the scales of the mermaid tail around his leg Tye looked down at the limb curiously, his eye looked between the male and the tail but didn't put together what was going to happen till it was too late. His cocky grin quickly moved to a face of shock as he felt the tail flick him over and the guys arm hold him in place, his instincts told him to grab his knife but the grip that the other had forced him to just struggle harshly in his arms. The whole situation was uncomfortable, Tye could feel the flexing of the mermans muscles as his cheek was pressed against the mans chest so without his consent he felt the heat rise a bit too his cheeks no doubt looking like blush. His eye leveled to a glare as he spoke harshly before getting cut off the the realization that he was being flung into the air. " If you don't let me go right now-!" Tyrese wasn't one for being in the air, or for having physical contact with a person that he'd just met either so at this moment he was breaking quite a few personal rules that he'd set for himself.

Of course, he didn't really have a choice in the matter that he was currently in and as him and the being splashed into the water he found himself unconsciously squeezing the male tighter before they were completely under. As soon a second they were under he tried to move back away from the merman but he suddenly felt the sensation of lips touching his and air being given to him. He didn't like this, it was like he had no control of the situation at all, plus he was worried that his hat might float off but more importantly he had no control. If it wasn't for the the fact that could that he would most likely lose his air, Tye would no doubt have a smart remark about the situation and it ticked him off knowing that he'd have to keep his mouth shut. As he looked around the sea Tye contemplated his next course of action, here he was underwater with a flirty merman, he thought about stabbing the stranger but then he'd most likely end up with a fight underwater.

The water was his turf and no doubt Tye's moves would be slow with the waves of the current pulling him around, this was crazy absolutely insane and he kinda liked it. A close lipped smile grew of his face as he leaned into the man again, seemingly about to kiss him before he reached up and pulled the guys head below so that he could swim over him. His blond hair broke out from the water, without his hat he looked younger if possible, he began to breathe the air around him and look back at the ship that he had been flung from before glancing back to the merman. "You're such a child, how badly do you want me that you have to fling me out of a ship?" His eye rolled as he looked around the water for where his hat may have gone.

Luckz Luckz
Damnit Kal!

She had one job! To just leave her behind. It wasn't worth it her life but she did it anyway. Azalea held her ground firmly as Kal asked her if that's what she truely wanted. No, she thought of answering, it wasn't at all. She wanted nothing more then to punch Nicoli and Tye and run away to never look back. But not at the cost of Kalgura's life.

And out of nowhere she was scooped into Kalgura's arms and they were taking off across the tavern floor. Azalea had let out a surprised and angry yelp, not generally found of having any physical contact with anyone at this point. Everything seemed to happen in a slow blur, she even caught Bart's wink as they passed and ran at the captain. She didn't know if Kalgura was being reckless or stupid or perhaps both until she made a sharp veer, Azalea didn't find it necassary to ask what Kalgura meant by cover her face.

She simply did. She closed her eyes and she felt something hard crash against her sides, heard the shatter of glass and felt tiny glass pricks hit her arms and lightly graze her cheeks. When she opened them, she was running through the streets, most likely towards her boat Kal had mentioned earlier.

Azalea sat up to peak over Kal's shoulders, where she saw what she thought was Tsuki disappear down an alleyway. She attempted to sit up further to clarify if it was her or not but she only caught glimpses of Tsuki through passages and alleyways. "Kal!" Azalea shouted in warning but it was too late and she found them stopped with a shotgun aimed for Kal's head. Tsuki's voice was cold and deadly but Azalea saw weakness in her eyes and leapt at the opportunity.

Azalea slid out of Kal's arms and stood, brushing some glass from her arms. Azalea kept her expression calm, despite knowing Nicoli could emerge from the tavern any moment. "Tsuki please," Azalea began, her voice soothing. "Let us go. He doesn't have to know." Azalea offered, glancing behind them and back at the tavern before back to Tsuki, her eyes were pleading.

The knife under her skirts suddenly felt much more opportune. She knew Tsuki wouldn't let them go. She looked weak. If Kal could take her on, they could split up and run for the ship. But only if Kal could win. Nobody was being left behind. She only hoped Kalgura could see past Tsuki's strong facade.

Interaction: Cosmos Cosmos TenshuZninja TenshuZninja

Mentioned: Lurker Lurker HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons

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Meira was quite surprised at the events that took place. What with the gun shot, the captain walking in on Kal trying to kidnap this random girl, and then Kal 'actually' picking up the girl and running away with her. It was enough to make Meira want to pull her hair out. What in the name of all that was holy was WRONG with these people? It's like never ending tension and drama stirred up and when it was close to being settled and then just broke out into chaos. It was enough to make her grind her teeth in aggravation.

Then she felt it. The soft tug on her trousers, a pleading voice. All she had to do was look down and see the child that was begging for her help. She calmed down instantly and blinked, "What's..." And her voice trailed off as she saw the stumbling, slurring man. Her eyes immediately narrowed and she straightened, just a bit. "What seems to be the problem here, sir?" She asked, tucking the trembling girl behind her further.

Nicoli had pretty much the same reaction as Meira. And Marion's outburst he would have to deal with later. Only he was shocked by how stupid this woman was to run away with Azalea swept in his arms. How romantic. Though, romance only got people killed nowadays. He watched Tsuki run after them, and he already knew she would get to them before he did. So he took his time walking after them, brushing past the drunk man shouting slurs at Meira. He didn't have time for that. Oh no. He had to go see what made this woman out of her god damned mind to take something right in front of him.

Cosmos Cosmos TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
Teresa stayed frozen in her spot, feeling the gentle hand of the woman shove her further behind as she spotted the much larger man, in response to her words the small girl all but shook her head in a frightened manner. "That little wretch stole my money she did! I earner that for working one month of ta' docks and she just goes and grabs it right outta' ma' pocket with her filthy little mits!?" He yelled accusingly, stumbling forward a few more steps. "I-I don't know what he's talking about!…. " She replied to the older female she was hiding behind, grasping the fabric of her clothing tighter, "You lying little! Why I'm gonna give you right the beting little girl, might even hand ya' over to da' navy for dat!?" He slurred out, the small girl only looking even more frightened, hoping her performance was enough to persuade the female at least, or at best any others in the abr to come to her aid, this was quite the show she was putting on even if she did say so herself, one of her best yet.

Bart had been so shocked that he'd seen a mermaid he couldn't actually focus. It would definitely be a story to tell at any rate. When she began to disappear in the water he held out a hand instinctively to try and stop her. This rushed motion made him knock all his rum bottles into the water. He couldn't tell which he regretted more at that point. Being so distracted he let a real breathing mermaid get annoyed with him, or losing all of the rum he'd collected. He shrugged, chuckling again and leaning back on his hands as he stared out at the ocean. "Message in a bottle, huh?" He committed the instructions to memory, glad that even after all these years the ocean still had some surprises for him.

The man quickly got bored of sitting by himself, and judging by what the mermaid had told him, he couldn't return to his ship. Last thing he wanted to do right now was get caught up in busy work. Especially now that he didn't have any rum. When he was drunk, it was tolerable. Bart pushed himself back up to his feet, sparing one last glance down at the water to make sure that the mermaid was truly gone. Once he was certain that she was he began walking back towards the bar. He peeked around every corner he passed, just to make sure he wouldn't pass by the girl that had stolen the captain's slave.

Once Bart reached the bar, which actually took a rather long time, he noticed a scene unfolding in front of him. There were three burly men, not as burly as himself, standing in front of the girl he'd shared drinks with earlier. He didn't know what it was that she could have done to anger them but he wasn't going to wait around for them to do something stupid. From his position he couldn't see the actual cause of all the trouble.

But first, rum. Bart appreciated Meira's company but the drink came first. And so Bart began walking forward, right behind the three men. When he reached them he put his arms between two of them, pushing them aside as they were blocking his way to the bar. The two he had shoved spun to look at him but hesitated for a moment when they saw how big he was. Bartholomew only needed a moment anyway and continued walking, hopping over the bar and grabbing four more bottles of rum. With his mission successful he made his way back over the bar counter and stood beside Meira. He still had not noticed the little girl.

The man spoke loudly enough so that the other three would be sure to hear him. "Hi again. Had to go chase down that girl. No luck though. Everything alright?" He didn't even look at the three men. They were drunk and slow, it would be a simple task to get rid of them if needed. The men glared at him but it seemed they weren't drunk enough to jump them right on the spot.

Talking to : HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
Nearby : Cosmos Cosmos
The merman watched him go a smile on his face. "Aye aye sir," he said sarcastically to himself before his eyes fell to the seabed, there a hat was he swam downwards which wasn't too far and picked it up, placing it on his head he slowly swam upwards in front of the man. "You like a child," was all he said before taking it off of his head and placing it on his. "Why of course? Not every day I can kiss a pirate," Blu looked at the blush on his facr and mentally awarded himself. Mission complete. Fluster a pirate, now all to do was follow the ship and keeo the rest of them on their toes.

Blu grabbed the hips of Tyrese before pushing him towards the edge of the dock where he'd be able to walk up the stairs or climb up. In doing so Blu also flipped backwards, tail flicking up above the calm water before his body disappeared completely.

"I wonder when they leave? And he didn't tell me where he was going, guess I'll have to wait on Naddie," he swam further out but kept himself hidden and with a good line of sight of the Tynedale. Naddie was there on the edge.

"Well our first date didn't go too bad? I mean I wasn't stabbed as much as I wouldn't of cared that I would've been," Blu chuckled sadistically a playful tone in his voice.

Then he saw a blue tail, to his right and chuckled. Persephone no doubt. A quiet and pretty girl.

GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake

Mentioned: MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
"I'm completely serious Abel. Pierre is horrible. He's so dull, a merchant heard one of our conversations and offered me a whet stone, saying that I 'needed it for that one.' It was dreadfully embarrassing."

Abel smiled as he listened to his little sister rant on about her betrothed. While other brothers might have gotten tired of hearing about their younger sister's courtship gone wrong, Abel couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia in his chest when she talked. It was exactly like old times and exactly why he valued the time the Tynedale spent in Umma, his home island. Even if his parents had disowned him, at least Cecilia still looked forward to meeting with him. It gave him something to come home to.

The two walked around town, exchanging stories. Cecilia talked about the horrors of Pierre, while Abel spoke of his many adventures on the sea, which she listened to him intently, taking every word of his adventures in like a sponge. It was a look that Abel recognized all too well, one that made him feel anxious about his sister's future. He knew one day she'd want to become a pirate, something that left Abel with an uneasy feeling.

They walked for a while before finally the two said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. He wasn't sure when he would see his sister again, if he would see her again. The thought gave him an empty feeling. With shoulders slumped,

He started to walk back to the ship when he noticed a commotion coming from down an alley way. It might have been the back of her head, but Abel knew his ship's rigger when he saw her. Carrying a woman bridal style with a gun to her head no less! Upon closer inspection, the person holding the gun to her head was none other than the first mate of the Renascence. Now, he saw that the Renascence had been docked in port, but he had been lucky enough to avoid coming in contact with any of the crew members until now.

The situation laid out in front of him was a tricky one. He wanted to help, but something told him this wasn't his battle to fight. At the same time though, it would be hard to find a rigger as good as Kal if Tsuki decided to pull the trigger. Instead, he waited and listened in on what they were saying. He hoped he didn't need to interrupt, but if he did, at least he would be right there.

Mentioned: Cosmos Cosmos TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
Meira blinked up at Bart, "Bart?" She asked, her eyes glittering in the light of the bar. She sighed, rubbing her cheek as she held the hand of the little girl behind her, "Tell these assholes it's not polite to harass little girls." Then she picked up the child, setting her on her hip, "Especially darlings like this." She smiled softly at the little girl before shooting a glare at the men, "If you wan't to pick on someone, choose someone your size..." She hissed through her teeth. It enraged her when adults picked on little children. They didn't know what the heck they were doing. Hell. Meira didn't know what the hell she was doing half of the time. Hence the pirate ship. So it really rubbed her the wrong way and she was ready to take these men out.

Lurker Lurker Cosmos Cosmos
The two men were just about to whip around and give whoever thought they could casually shove them around a piece of their mouth before all three gulped at the giant of a man that passed them, obviously now much less confident in attacking but still standing their ground against the woman and mass of muscle you could call a man. "You think ya' can scare us off with ya' tough boyfriend lady?~ Well then you've got another thing coming!" The 'leader' called out to them, beginning to stagger forward towards them after his slurred message, the other two seeming much more in favour of retreating by this point, their tightened fists seeming to pale in compassion to there cowardly expressions.

'Heh! I got this lot done and over with now, I can't believe this lady bought into it so-' Teresa's thoughts were interrupted however by being suddenly picked up by the female beside her, blinking a few times in surprise, she couldn't help but blush a little at the compliment towards herself, her cheeks becoming a flustered shade of pink. "You really think we care what size she is? She stole our money! That's all that matters, she's just as big a nuisance as all these damn pirates lurking bout' the docks, probably trying to destroy all of the towns hard work!" He yelled out with a snicker, drunkenly rushing forwards and aiming a fist at the little girl despite her being in the woman's arms, seemingly not care how off his aim was as long as he sit someone in the group. Meanwhile the other two were long gone, their nerves getting the better of them rather quickly, Teresa braced for impact only by closing her eyes tightly, she was used to it by now, it wouldn't make her face anymore bruised than what it already was from a fight that'd broken out yesterday with another kid over who got the piece of bread…. She'd lost. But at least she snagged their spare change in the meantime! Hopeful thoughts, dreams of better days away from this small town, out somewhere finding all the riches the world had to offer, that's what kept her going.

Bart stared at Meira when she asked his name. He had barely been paying attention to the men in the first place. "You forgot me already? You wound me." He made a dramatic, pained expression. When his new friend pulled out a small child he blinked. He was far too drunk today. Seeing mermaids and now little children running around a bar for pirates. The man set the 4 bottles down onto a nearby table, steeling himself. Picking on Meira was one thing, he still found it unforgivable, but he wouldn't beat them up for it. Picking on little kids, though? Some people just needed to get the sense beaten into them.

"Stole your money, eh?" Bart looked at the girl with a glint in his eye. "The master thief meets the future pirate queen. Quite the tale if I've ever heard one." He hadn't taken Meira for a sentimental person. She had seemed so upset when he told her that she didn't seem like a pirate. Oh well, everyone has their quirks he supposed. He ignored the fact he felt the same protective nature over kids as Meira obviously did. Maybe it was just because he was getting old.

When the drunk man threw a punch, Bart didn't skip a beat. He caught the arm effortlessly, throwing an elbow into the man's nose. Blood instantly began pouring out of the man's nostrils and he stumbled back, obviously stunned. Without hesitation Bart took a step forward, throwing a punch into the man's stomach. The force of the punch was like getting hit by a cannon and the man fell onto his back. Bart looked around for the other two but was slightly upset to find that they had run earlier. He picked up his bottles again, continuing to talk to the pair of girls. "Well I don't think they'll be bothering you any more. Next time don't get caught though." Bart winked at the smaller girl.

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons , Cosmos Cosmos
Meira rolled her eyes before giving a small smile in thanks, "Thank you, Bart." She looked down at the man on the floor, frowning as his blood seeped into the floorboard and would probably leave a very hideous stain that reminded them all what had happened here. The pirate sighed as she set Therese down, "There you go sweetie." She purred, a true, pretty smile on her face, "Be more careful, okay?" She asked, reaching up and smoothing down a tuft of the little girl's hair. She had looked like this, more or less, when she was younger. Covered in dirt, bruised, starving, "Let me buy you a meal?" She asked, glancing at the bar and scrunching her nose, "Not here though." She stood and glanced over at Bart, "Are you wanting to come?" She asked, "It's on me. You know. For kinda saving us."

@Luker Cosmos Cosmos
Teresa slowly opened her eyes a few moments later, only to see that instead of a fist in her face the man was laying crumpled on the ground sobbing like a baby. She looked up and over at Bart, blinking in a curious manner, 'The master thief what is he?-….' She couldn't help but blush an even darker shade of red, as he winked at her she simply puffed out her cheeks in a stubborn manner, "I-I don't know what you're talking about." She replied in a stubborn tone, crossing her arms once placed down by the woman.

She instinctively braced once more when the female stroked dow the tuft of hair, as if thinking she was going to do something much worse than fix her up a bit. At the mention of food she stopped her stubborn behaviour imminently and nodded quickly before coughing once to clear her throat, "Th-That'd be…. really nice, thank you." She said in a timid manner, when the woman offered for the huge man to come as well the child nodded eagerly, "Yeah!" She said in an adorable and cheerful manner, one hand still clinging onto the clothing of Meira as she jumped up and down twice, her face practically lit up with joy and innocence, "Can we get bread? Please! I'd love bread I mean I lost some yesterday to this other kid that was bigger than me and I normally would've won o course but he was almost as big as your friend and well- but bread would be good. Oh! Or maybe an apple or something?~" She blurted out in an excited frenzy, listing off the two simply and often everyday food items as though they were some gourmet feast.

Away from all the action, Edyth toured the streets of Umma. After leaving the ship, she passed by many bars and streets but none of them struck her fancy. Growing bored, she pursed in her lips in search of some entertainment. After all, Edyth didn't really know what she was searching for. She could enroll into some gambling games and cheat other pirates and merchants out of their money. The sweet look of defeat could be donned with such loveliness on many men. That's something she knew she could never get tired of. Edyth tucked a piece of raven black hair behind her ear before letting out a sigh. But even that thought somehow bored her. Should she just turn back? Or perhaps she could explore some more?

Edyth turned another corner when she realized how lost she had gotten herself. It looked to her that she couldn't return even if she wanted to now. Oh dear. Of course, it was then that some villains decided to converge on her, a lone, harmless looking female. Edyth looked on with cold blue eyes, her hand resting on her cutlass.

"Well, lookie 'ere lads. It be a lost bird," Goon A sneered, showing his golden and rotting teeth.

"What a pretty bird," Goon B agreed. "It'd be a damn shame if 'er wings were cut off." There was a glint of metal when he pulled a knife out from the sheath on his thigh.

"Yes, a shame," Edyth smiled at the two. "If you'll excuse me." She tried to shoulder past them, but as she thought, they blocked her from passing. She scowled as her annoyance grew. Edyth didn't want to waste the energy in a fight but even so, they seemed to be forcing her to draw her sword.

"Hey, hey, where do ya think yer goin'? The fun's just startin'!" Goon B laughed.
(Near: ByTheChesapeake ByTheChesapeake )
"Ah it's no problem." Bart spoke cheerfully, as if he hadn't just laid out a man in front of dozens of people. "That man had it coming to him anyway. I mean really, throwing a punch at a little girl?" Bart shook his head. "Meal, huh? If you're sure I guess I could go for a bite." The offer was completely unexpected. Bart wasn't used to people asking him to go out to eat with them. he'd been sailing with his current crew for a while, and they weren't the most friendly bunch. Plus, the ship he was sailing with wasn't known as the most friendly lot. So most people were afraid of him. His stomach growled in agreement, as if just now realizing that he was starving.

Bart blinked when he heard the girl speak, looking down at her with mock annoyance on his face. He mimiced her, crossing his arms in just the same way as her as he stared down at the little girl. "No point in lying little girl. Those men weren't that drunk that they'd just start attacking little girls without reason. Lucky for you, your friend and II just happen to be thieves too. So it doesn't bother me none." Bart chuckled, looking up to Meira. "Maybe we should just make her pay for lunch with all her newfound wealth."

The hulking man had turned his attention back down to the girl, but instantly realized there was a problem. He'd been in countless fights and won almost all of them. But staring down at this girl with her innocent excitement at the idea of eating bread...He knew this was one opponent he would never have a chance at beating in a fight. Dangerous stuff, to be sure. "Bread and apples it is. Although I'll be wanting some cheese to go with that." Bart glanced down at his bottles in hand. It was going to be a hassle to carry them with him around while they went to eat. And so, the man did something he'd never thought he'd do. He set the bottles of rum down, planning on leaving them behind. He tossed one to the man he had knocked out, to dull the pain. "Ready to go when you two are." He grinned to both of the ladies.
Meira smiled, sliding her hand into the girl's so she didn't get lost in the crowd as she lead them out of the bar and onto the street. She breathed in the fresh air with a sigh of relief. Well.. As fresh as it could get anyways. And it was definitely nicer than the musk, tobacco, alcohol reeking bar they had just been in. The female pirate looked down at the little girl, wanting to offer her more than just little apples and bread. She looked down the street for a second before smiling brightly, "A little haunt I had when I was younger is just down there. They have the most amazing soups, bread, and pretty much anything you can ingest." She explained before she started walking in that direction.

People looked at her a little weird. None could tell she was a pirate, even with the scarf around her waist, the vest she wore, and the tight, flexible trousers. And some stopped to oogle her a little too much until they noticed the little girl who's hand was in her own. Then they quickly looked away and practically ran down the street. Meira found it amusing, if not a little annoying as she walked. But she got used to the stares a really long time ago. No use in throwing up a ruckus now.

Lurker Lurker Cosmos Cosmos
Teresa simply looked away in a stubborn manner at the mans comment, even once he mentioned they were also thieves, adults were so- weird. she couldn't help but get a little frustrated as he crossed his arms mimicking her own action, quickly unfolding them and shoving them down by her sides, it was only when he mentioned her paying that she got really angry at the fella, "Aye'! Look here this ain't enough ta' buy me more than a crumb myself, surely you've noticed how 'spensive everything in this town is~…." She muttered to herself in a flustered manner, quiet enough so neither could here without paying real close attention, which she doubted they were. He then announced he'd join them and she seemingly cheered up a little at the thought, "Cheese? do we really have enough money to buy cheese!?" She stated in shock, her smile widening ever-more.

Though she really should've been used to it by now she was still startled at the feeling of the woman's hand slipping into her own small ones, still covered by their brown gloves. She looked up at her with wonderment for a few brief moments, raising an eyebrow curiously before beginning to walk with her, blinking a few time since they stepped outside and back into the light, using her free hand to adjust the glare of her goggles a little before returning to her smirk, as they went she glanced around curiously at those who stared at the woman, "H-Hey…. Why are they doing that?…." She asked in a timid voice, scooting slightly closer to her as though nervous of being caught for something, she wasn't generally one to lurk about in such public places. "Are we in trouble?…. Is it because of me?…." She continued on, her eyes looking up in a pleading manner, as though somehow blaming herself for the incident, as much as she was a cunning and manipulative stray cat she wasn't one to go against, let alone hurt the ones who helped or protected her.

As they walked Bart looked down at the girl protesting having to pay for dinner. he fought to keep the smile from his face, giving her a deadly serious look. "What do you mean it ain't enough? Those men seemed to think it was a rather large sum if they were ready to beat you up for it." He let his arms fall back to his sides with a chuckle. He looked around the clearing that they were walking through, noticing all the looks Meira was getting. It didn't bother him, honestly it was rather refreshing. He was used to people staring at him like he was some sort of carnival freak. Of course, if Meira asked him to stop the onlookers Bart wouldn't hesitate to do so. but for now she seemed to not mind it so he kept walking.

The little voice from early spoke up once more and Bart shrugged his shoulders. "Well if we don't have enough to pay for it, we'll just have to find some other way, won't we? You know anyone that is good at nicking stuff?" he looked down at the child and again winked at her. They were a strange trio to be sure. Meira looked like a normal woman, Bartholomew looked like all he knew how to do was punch things. Then there was this small kid with goggles on her head. It was no wonder they were getting some strange looks from everyone. Bart shrugged at the girl's question. "Who cares? Let 'em stare. They're not gonna do anything to us. Besides, why would we be in trouble? We haven't done anything." He completely ignored the fact that he had just gotten into a fight. Since this was largely a pirate town the navy weren't often found here to uphold the law.

Bart clasped his hands behind his head as they walked, enjoying the peace for now. It suddenly dawned on him that he might not be able to be seen with Meira after today. After all, her crew mate had just stolen the captain's slave. Well, they would cross that bridge when they got there he supposed. No sense in worrying about it now. Thankfully most of his crew just let him be since he didn't start trouble with anyone. As his mind wandered he found himself looking down at the child, wondering about her. Most kids were scared of Bart, since he looked more monster than human. "You know. You are without a doubt the ugliest child I've ever seen. Why do you even wear those goggles?" The way Bart said it almost made it sound like a compliment. There was only happiness in his voice and he gave the girl a toothy grin, showing he meant no ill will.
Meira gasped and straight up smacked Bart's arm, shooting daggers at him, "Do not call her ugly, you hoodlum." She huffed, rolling her eyes, "Honestly. Men." She sighed in exasperation before looking down at the girl, "They aren't staring because you did anything wrong, sweetie. They just are all nosy busy bodies who have nothing better to do." She stated, using her free hand to play with her earring as they neared the place. She glanced up at the sign, a small smile on her face. She could basically feel her knee throb from the time she had snatched some bread and made a beeline for the door before tripping and skidding almost half way across the damned place on it when she was young. She cold also already smell the heavenly scent wafting in from the door every time it opened, her eyes closing for a second in bliss. "Ready?" She asked, eyebrow raised as she made for the doors.

Cosmos Cosmos Lurker Lurker
Red sat at a round table in a darkened corner of a nice little place in the port of Umma. It was warm and cozy and had the nice smell of food to it. It almost reminded her of what a home was supposed to feel like, granted it was also where she did all her shady business dealings without having to worry about a drunken man crashing your party.

"You sure you don't want a drink?" Red asked, "I can't drink this all by myself. I mean I can, but then... somebody's getting naked." Red grinned slyly as she took a sip of wine from her glass.

"We're not here to make small talk, girl. You asked for us." The man said stiffly. Sitting around her were three very deadly looking men, armed to the teeth, most likely people for hire by how wealthy they were dressed.

"There's also matter of our payment," another man added gruffly.

"Relax. You don't want your hair to fall out." Red snarled before she leaned back on her chair that was now sitting up on two legs, crossing her arms behind her head whilst brushing a strand of her unique long maroon hair from her also strange yellow-ish eyes. She had no intention of paying them what they required. She didn't have the money of course.

"I couldn't reveal all the details to you in my letter," Red paused, hesitant to continue when she saw a one of the mans hand inch towards there pistol. And it dawned on her that Kole may have reached them first. Red's hand moved to her rapier, while the other one moved to her flintlock, slowly and casually.

Near: Cosmos Cosmos HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Lurker Lurker
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Kalgura stopped in her tracks at the sight of the woman from the bar before her and her gun pointed straight at Kal's head. It was a moment before the danger of the situation actually registered in her mind. That moment of hesitation was all Azel (Azalea) needed to slide from Kalgura's arms and address the enemy. The delicate featured woman didn't seem so delicate as she held the weapon Azel called her Tsuki so she assumed it was one of her previous captors. As Azel pleaded with the women to let them go Kalgura subtly scouted the alleyway for any other ways out. She didn't see one as she had expected but it never hurt to check, most would be surprised at what they might find in the alleyways of the slums.

The alley wasn't terribly large, about as large as the three of them if they were all standing shoulder to shoulder with the barest hint of extra room. With Kalgura being the only of the three women with a more sturdy frame she would most likely take up the most space. She pondered that for a moment before looking at Tsuki's feet. She was standing in the direct middle of the alley and there was a space on either side of her for one body length of Kalgura. And suddenly she had a terribly dangerous but completely possible idea working in her mind. She wondered how fast she could move, and whether even trying anything would surprise Tsuki enough to make her hesitate. Even one second of hesitation would make the outcome completely possible.

That was when she studied the delicate woman's face. And without much effort she could see the beads of sweat gathering on the woman's brow. It wasn't terribly hot today, in fact the proximity to the sea gave frequent winds making the days a comfortable feeling between hot and chill so either she was tired from the chase or she was in terrible pain. Either way it was a win for them because either gave a very real chance of hesitation. Kalgura reached in her pocket and popped open another bottle of rum and drank deeply feeling warm as her resolve steeled. But she decided not to go through with what she planned until/ if Azel's plea went unheard and from the look of the woman's face it was falling on deaf ears. If the plea was struck down, to the wind with diplomacy. But if by some chance there was a way to convince the women it wouldn't make sense to stir the pot.

Kalgura looked up at the sky and counted the seconds as they moved because time was not on their side. Every good escape artist knows to be aware of the time passing because the longer you took the slimmer your chances became of escaping.

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Cosmos Cosmos HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons ByTheChesapeake ByTheChesapeake

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