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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me!

Meira's eyes widened at the kiss. Granted it really wasn't any of her business but everyone in that general circle looked fairly too tense for a smooch to even be a thought. She looked up at the ceiling, asking whatever god or goddess or whatever was up there why they had her choose this life before she stood up. She snatched her parcels off the table top and slid over to the group, a bright smile on her face, "Hey, hey. What seems to be the problem?" She asked, eyebrow quirked as she looked at everyone. Her eyes landed on Bart before she looked to her crew member, "Kal, what are you doing?" She asked, almost silently as she moved next to the woman.

The knife in her boot felt a little heavier. She really didn't want to fight... But if these people shoved she needed to shove back. But truthfully she didn't think she would get back up from one punch by the hulking mass of muscle that was the man she had just shared a few drinks with, "Bart." She smiled, dipping her head. She held a very casual pose. Nothing to set these people off or put them on the defensive. And her pretty face pretty much made her look about as much of a threat as Azalea, without all that angst swirling about.

Her necklaces and earrings shone in the light, and her eyes even seemed to have a kind of brightness behind them as she spoke, "Surely we can work something out here, right? No need for violence~" She purred.

Lurker Lurker Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow MermaidShireen MermaidShireen TenshuZninja TenshuZninja
Tsuki shook her head when asked what was wrong, she honestly wasn't sure why she was crying like this- she was used to the pain, it's nothing she should react this badly too. But what confused her even more is that she felt as though it wasn't the pain that was hurting her, it was something else that was causing her to cry…. Shaking the thoughts away she rubbed at her eyes once more after Nicoli wiped away the tears, finally seeming to stop crying she let out a small sigh of relief, unable to stop her cheeks from blushing a light shade of pink at the stroking of her hair, closing her eyes and smiling up at him in a kind-hearted manner, it was an action she was used to and one she cared for greatly, something the two had shared amongst one another for a long long time now.

Trying to recover herself she dusted off her uniform and straightened a little, coughing once to clear her throat, "We should be heading back, who knows what that lot will be doing without their captain there to control em'~" She replied, beginning to head off wether or not Nicoli was following her, she couldn't explain this to him, she told him all the secrets and mysteries there was about her whenever he asked, but this she couldn't say for- um, 'personal' reasons. She soon arrived back out front of the bar only to be confronted with the scene of Tyre grabbing Azalea's wrist, a stranger beside them and talking, she watched from a distance for a while before slowly approaching, the click of her boots rattling against the ground loudly as she approached, a glare as icy as the north winds pressed on her face and a hand sliding down towards her shotgun and pulling it from its satchel, in one swift movement a shot was fired into the air and a bang resounded throughout the area causing the townsfolk to pause only briefly before rushing off to continue on with their days as far away from the scene as possible. "Alright you lot stop this shit right now or I'm gonna shoot someone!" She yelled out to them.

Nicoli had waited before following after Tsuki, calming his own nerves with the bit of solitude. But when he heard the gun shot he ran. His shin was a force to be reckoned with but he ran to the bar, cursing as he slid around people. He came to a halt beside his first mate, his eyes rivaling hers in coldness, "What is going on here?" He asked. His posture was relaxed, other than his jaw tensing a little bit as he looked at Azalea and then to the girls in front of her, seeming to be protecting her from his crew. His eyes narrowed on Kalgura and then on Meira, giving a small smile, "I believe we have had a misunderstanding, yes?" He murmured.

Cosmos Cosmos Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow TenshuZninja TenshuZninja MermaidShireen MermaidShireen Lurker Lurker (cries so many tags)
The mountain of meat and muscle was sizing up the girl in front of him who was putting up a metaphorical wall around Azalea. When she asked for him to share a drink with her his first instinct was to take it and he reached his hand out. He remembered just as quickly and retracted it immediately. The man smiled, though the smile did not reach the rest of his face. His eyes were focused and serious. "No can do, lady. Captain told me to stay somewhat sober. So that I can handle trouble makers, should they show up." Just to make his message clear Bart straightened his back, seeming to make him grow even taller. His massive barrel chest also puffed out a little as he went about cracking his knuckles loudly. He was hoping that he got his message across without actually having to say anything. Don't start any trouble you don't intend to finish.

Truthfully he would be at a disadvantage if a fight were to break out right now. For one, he didn't even know if this girl had a weapon on her. Don't get him wrong, Bart had learned how to fight people without weapons. But it's hard to plan for things that you can't see. Even so he stood his ground, staring the younger girl down. She didn't look to be all that intimidating, but not much was intimidating after you've been sailing for as long as he had.

The tension in the air was somewhat diminished by Marion who suddenly kissed the girl out of nowhere. He rolled his eyes at his crew mate. Yes, you're definitely not crazy at all. Maybe he was just getting older. In his younger years he would have loved to see that sort of thing. He shook his head slightly to focus back on the task. He still hadn't said anything else, the man was just merely staring down this person that may or may not cause him trouble. He was too involved now to back out anyway, if it came to a fight then so be it. All his senses were on fire since he was now in a fight or flight scenario, when a voice chimed in over his shoulder. Bartholomew was so hyped up that he very nearly spun around to the unseen person and socked them right in the face. He let out a small breath when he recognized that is was his new friend Meira. His muscles relaxed, though he was still ready to fight if need be.

The voice did little to soothe him. Bart was old enough to know when someone was trying to manipulate him. "That depends on your friend here." Bart spoke sternly, his eyes not leaving the woman who still had her arm around his captain's slave. "I have no intention of starting a fight as long as she has no intentions of doing something stupid." Corsair was going to say more tough guy things until he heard a shot ring out. He hardly even reacted. If the person had been aiming at him they would have shot him. Otherwise it wasn't a priority. The man kept his back turned defiantly to Tsuki for a moment. He hadn't been doing anything that warranted that kind of action. When Nicoli finally turned up Bart let out a sigh, falling back into a more comfortable position. Now that the captain was back he needn't worry about the slave unless asked to.

Bart turned to the captain, taking his eyes off the girl that Meira had referred to as Kal. "No misunderstanding here cap'n." An easy grin came to his face. It was as if he had turned into a completely different person but now he was back to normal. "Just making sure your little friend here didn't get into any unnecessary trouble, that's all. Sorry to you too, lady cap'n." Bart raised his voice so that the woman would hear him. "Didn't mean any harm, I swear." The answer was mostly honest, Bart tried to avoid fights if at all possible.
The merman smiled, he was actually tucked behind it but even so if he were to come round he was toast. Blu heard the stabbings before thinking quickly to himself. "Shit," the merman placed a hand on the hilt of his right sword before thinking a different plan of action. Straightforward. The merman plaved his hands on top of the barrel before his muscular arms pulled him upwards, revealing his head and shoulders. Blue looked at the honey coloured eye before him, an eye patch on the other. He was small but his face was not completely child-like, strange. Blu's eyes paired up with his as he moved his face about an inch from the boys, curiously, his tail curled round the side of the barrel gently touching his legs. What a strange sight, a merman draped across the top of a barrel with a pair of swords at his hip and a messy deck caused by a Naiad and cannonballs strewn across caused by him. Truth? It was mostly Naddie's fault but Blu wasn't going to sell her out, as far as the boy was concerned it was Blu and only blue.

The merman smiled fluttering his lashes. "Tell me? Have you ever skinned a mermaid into a hat?" Blu whispered with a tilted head, still studying the boys attire, the way he walked, percieving him how he wished to be percieved. His black hair had dried by now as Blu moved it out of the way by blowing air upwards on his face. Blu kept himself close, no too concerned

GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake
Azalea was still trying to comprehend all that was going on around her. It seemed as if having one friend was a crime here because appearantky if she got friendly with anyone the whole crew freaked out. She found herself cornered with Kalgura, who was fiercely protecting her from the crew. Unbeknownst to her, she had no idea Kalgura was part of a crew, and assumed she only had one other friend, who was also in front of her now.

She couldn't remember the last time she felt this kind of loyalty since she was taken away from her home. It felt warm, and she felt somewhat prideful to have them defending her. It was a nice change of pace. But then the Renaissance crew just seemed to surrounded them even further and it was beginning to sink in that she may never leave the Renaissance crew...had that Nicoli would be...unhappy if he saw this scene.

She'd been so busy zoning out the gunshot that had been fired her startled Azalea. She dropped the wine bottle and it shattered at her feet, when she looked up Azalea turned ashen. Nicoli emerged from the crowd, cursing as he did so, most likely from his shin, but his eyes were cold and his jaw clenched as his eyes landed on the trio of girls. She felt her heart sink in her chest as she realized there was no possible way for Kalgura to grab her and live.Azalea knew she was being selfish by letting Kalgura risk her life for her. But she couldn't let Kalgura die for her, nor her friend. When Nicoli's soft voice rang out she felt her long burning, seething anger finally burst. The chain on her tongue went snap as Bart, another crew member, said there was a misunderstanding.

"Oh there's a misunderstanding alright," Azalea snapped in response to Nicoli, her tone more then angry before adding, "Tell your crew to back down before we have an unnecessary dead body on the tavern floor," Azalea paused, "And no, I don't mean the girls." Her tone was more of an angry demand and a bit of a plea, as well as a threat. She didn't know what got into her. Perhaps it was seeing Kalgura in danger that made Azalea snap.

She placed her hands on Kalgura's shoulders and turned her around with surprisingly strength for a petite little thing. She managed a very forced, faint smile up at Kalgura, she took a deep breath to push down her seething anger before she spoke, softly and gently in her honey sweet voice that would remind you of a mother, "I need you to leave me behind this time, Kalgura." She looked surprisingly calm, if not a bit somber despite how much deep trouble she was gonna be in with Nicoli. Especially if someone told him about her stealing and stacking up goods to escape.

(So tired...too lazy to tag. Must. Sleep.)
Antonio returned to his humble vessel. A taste of blood continued to rest on his taste buds. He had always referred to blood as "fighting flavor" due to his dad trying to act strong when he was often caught up in fights. Once he was back on the ship, he stared at the woman on the ship for a moment, trying to assess the situation. Then he realized that she didn't belong. Tony often shrugged these things off, but she was a pretty lady. Pretty ladies deserve respect. "What're you doing there, miss?" he asked the woman in his normally charismatic tone. He saw no reason for concern. He didn't recognize her as the mischievous Naiad that she was, even though he most likely came into contact with her before. "I don't believe this is yer ship." He approached her with his regular smile. "But I'd be happy to give ye a look around." Blood still sat stained on his face and he reeked of alcohol, though he was entirely oblivious to it. Great for first impressions. "The name's Tony." He greeted her, although he did not realize that she was up to no good.

Luckz Luckz
Last edited:
After awhile Maxwell got each of the items on his check list done. So he was of course on his way back to the ship, with several new maps and books with him. "Maxwell you silver tongue genius. I was able to save a few script buying in bulk." Maxwell said patting himself on the back as he got on board the ship. "Ohh Mr.Brannon I see you finished your... Duties on land or atleast I assume." Maxwell said to Antonio as he saw him in his bloodied state. Then move his eyes in the direction he was looking and saw a strange yet beautiful women on board. "A lady friend you pirates regular get with I presume?" Maxwell said looking back at his captain.
Kyon Kyon Luckz Luckz
Marion didn't react at all to Tsuki Shooting and kept her eyes on her prey, homicidal energy practically radiating of of her. She Only looked away to glance at Nicoli, and glare at him. "I'M not a babysitter."she spat Venomously, " If you want to keep your toys, don't leave them where someone can take them!" Little punk of a captain! If I Just bit everyone's heads off, I would get to kill people, and I wouldn't have to deal with Stupid people.

Marion was seething, which pissed her off More that She was letting her emotions get the better of her. So she ended up Just standing there, like an idiot, livid. you are Useless if you let them Piss you off. Get over it and blow off Steam later.

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Lurker Lurker Cosmos Cosmos TenshuZninja TenshuZninja
The naiad giggled as she looked down on him from where she was sitting. "Oh you are quite right, it isn't, is it yours?" She asked with a small mischevious smile. The silk white silk of her dress wrapping around her finger and hanging by her feet, which were shoeless, her bright white hair reflected the light as she looked like an angel. Far from it to be precise.

"My name is Naddie," Naddie giggle as she swung herself around and settled on the upper deck, heading to the right side she walked down the steps, closer to him before a second joined. She looked the two up and down and smiled, edging closer before understanding the words the other said. "I'm not a dirty woman you pick up on your stops," she said with a sweet voice, standing close enough, which was roughly a couple of meters from the two to smell the blood and alcohol. "Had a little fight Captain?" She assumed, hands clasped behind her back and a smile on her face, she moved a meter closer to the two. The naiad flittered her eye lashes, her brilliant white hair diantly hanging around her frame, she walked with grace and perfect posture, and every step had pointed toes.

ChazGhost ChazGhost Kyon Kyon
Tyrese wondered if fighting was also a way to sober up, or at least talking about fighting might be from the way that his mind was clearing thanks to this individual though he wasn't even sure what kind of idiot thinks about making a mess of a widely known as horrible ship. Honestly, he didn't know whether to congratulate them for having courage to actually do it or just straight out kill them on the spot for their stupidity and the fact that they interrupted probably the only time he'd have to get things together. He was about to yell once more at the stowaway before he noticed arms, head, and shoulders escaping the wooden cage and exposing the man to Tye's one eye, he looked over the stranger curiously.

The invader was attractive, he had more of a dangerous and older look to him that was usually what Tye went for in a guy, he stood straight as the merman allowed his tail to curl on the side of the barrel and brush against his legs. This seemed a bit to elaborate for another hallucination so he acknowledged the creature as real as their faces drew nearly an inch apart, he made no mistake of disregarding the weapons that sat on the others hip, he felt the weight of his own sitting in his hand.

A grin rose on his face as the male whispered to him with fluttering eyes, two whole eyes Tye noticed, and they were quite pretty as well although they wouldn't really match with his own face he could always use spare eyes on the ship. " No, I can't say I have but I'm always willing to give new things a try.." his words were whispers as well laced with the boldness of whatever alcohol was left in him while he looked down at the mermans tail before catching the males eyes again, " I think you'd fit nicely on top of me, don't you think? That's what happens to trouble makers."

Luckz Luckz
Antonio chuckled. "Yes. I ended up in an engagement with the captain from that ship over there." He pointed to the Renascence, then looked back to Naddie. "Wouldn't be surprised if my nose was broken." He noticed how close she was getting. Antonio never cared for personal space, but he made a comment nonetheless. "Awful close there, aye miss?" He smiled, looking straight into her eyes, his steady eye contact not wavering. Then he let out a nice yawn, which actually brought pain to his jaw, though he didn't show it. Antonio wasn't strong or clever. He was only stupid enough to not care.

Luckz Luckz ChazGhost ChazGhost
Persephone Johnsdaughter had secretly followed Blu and Naddie to the port, staying a safe distance behind as to not be spotted. She'd hidden behind some rocks while they had made a mess of things on two ships docked there and had smiled at the thought of the boyish man and the merman, silently shipping them.

Now, she slipped out behind the rocks and swam around the ship with the man child, peeking curiously at the docks. I wonder if father sailed on one of these ships? Persephone swam closer, to the walkway nearby, pulling herself up to see.

Everyone Everyone
Kalgura was saddened slightly by the big man's refusal but didn't take it personally, she knew orders were orders nothing to be done. She was going to shrug her shoulders and take another swig when someone, The pretty red head step up to her and kissed her right on the mouth before she parted lightly nipping Kalgura's bottom lip with sharp teeth she hadn't noticed before then. When she reflexively licked her lips she could taste the familiar tinge of copper that was from her own blood. Her face flushed a darker color at the surprise intimacy. She coughed at the, she supposed it was a compliment from the woman and despite her precarious situation, possibly due to the alcohol beginning to take a real grip on her she flirted back. "

Iron is an acquired taste, as least you knew how to kiss."

It was a fight to stop her tongue from going any further than those words. When Meira slowly entered the already semi-circle tension dropped a few notches and Kalgura didn't feel the heaviness that usually burdened her chest when she thought all hell was ready to break. Then again, she'd been drinking so those feelings didn't mess with her if that did become the situation.

Meira thankfully began to diffuse the situation from a more friendly angle than Kalgura had access too because...she wasn't friends with these people. Knew nothing about them other than they were harassing the one friend she did have and to Kalgura it was quite unacceptable. Her thoughts drifted off a bit and wondered if she should consider Meira her friend now? She was sticking her throat out after all, backing Kalgura up and didn't even know the situation.

She pulled the rum back up to her lips and took a deep drink. Somewhere around this instance when she was trying to relax her coiling muscles Someone behind her had entered the bar and shot a round. She didn't jump, she was used to ignoring loud sounds like gun fire. but she did take a look behind her. Azalea had dropped the bottle of wine she'd gotten for her and it'd broken around their feet. She hoped no one happened to fall on it. Then changed her mind, she hoped the boy who was not a boy fell on it as the flash from a bit earlier when he'd squeezed her already bruised wrist entered her mind. She hoped he was doing the splits when he landed on the glass too. Her mind wandering this far away from the current predicament was a sign alcohol really did work to settle her nerves because she was wholly unconcerned about the shot.

Behind Azalea a well dressed woman with cold dark eyes that nearly matched her short dark hair was holding a shot gun in the air. She took in the entirety of the woman before a man walked in behind her and his eyes changed from one second to the next. As the people in front of her addressed the two as "Captain" and "Lady Captain" she assumed they were the highest ranks on their ship. Today she noted a bit bleakly and excitedly would be a wreckage.

An assessing look back to the people in front her told her all the information she needed to know and the little outburst from the pretty red head sealed the deal. Yes today would be a wreckage. In salute she gave herself a small grin and brung the alcohol back to her lips proceeding to drink the rest of the bottle. before she could finish it completely however Azalea swung her around surprising Kalgura because Azalea was a small thin boned thing, like a bird almost. You'd never expect her to hold that type of strength, although you never really expect Eagles to have the strength to go around picking up Cows or Caribou either. She supposed she of all people should have known better that looks could be really, really deceiving if this instance wasn't the prime example.

Azalea's features changed from open anger and aggravation to...sadness and despair even as she tried her best to smile. It was a smile a mother might give to her child when she was pushing them away for their own safety. Kalgura saw the finish line of her friends words almost before they started and fought the urge to shake her head in rejection. Instead she took a deep breath and let it out before stepping back, letting azalea's hands fall from her shoulders, Kalgura stumbled a bit and bumped into Meira giving her a very short but intense look right before she spared a very quick glance at the door to the bar, hoping Meira was competent in the way of subtle perception and quick feet. Kalgura bent down in a squat as she rubbed her face with one hand and still held the bottle of rum that was not quite empty in the other; she gave a short huff of laughter before drinking what she hadn't been able to finish when Azalea had turned her around. She wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her shirt before looking back up at her friend still squatted.

"You want me...to leave you...In their capable hands? Is that what you are telling me?" Without waiting for reply she shook her head. she could feel her long dark braid of hair slide against the floor, it was probably slick with a bit of the wine Azalea had dropped but...she shook her head again bringing her mind back to the situation. "You want me..To let you stay a slave when I'm right here?" With a long and resigned sighs she began to unbend her knees as if standing back up, instead in a swift movement that had been possible only because of the uniqueness of situations she often found herself in as a pirate and the sometimes useful paranoia she'd developed that made her take note of things like how many feet away someone happened to be around her, and the exact position of the people she left behind her; she threw her now empty bottle of rum behind her aiming for the red head woman just as she launched herself for Azalea.

She scooped Azalea right up into her arms, carrying her bridal style and without so much as a hint of slowing down aimed right for the man who'd just come into the bar.
Speed was a skill rats on the streets usually picked up if they wanted to live, strength came from being properly fed and then there was hauling the rigging gear to where it needed to be...Kalgura didn't think of that now however, Right now she thought what kind of friend was she if she didn't get Azalea away from those who would harm her. And she was pissed off that Azalea thought she would allow that. She wished she was just a little bit more drunk because then her mind wouldn't also be running so fast. In a sweep of her eyes she saw the exit right next to her and she intended to use it. Fast approaching the man who'd she found to be their Captain She bent her head low as if she were going to ram right into him. In the smallest whisper she could manage as she ran top speed through the bar she said to Azalea:

"Cover your face...this might get bloody." And then Kalgura with a bit of difficulty due to the wine that had spilled on her usually nicely tractioned boots she slipped a bit as she turned and away from him, ducked her head and jumped out of the window of the bar, hard ass hell, glass cut all in her skin and she did her best not to let it get on Azalea as the glass littered all over her, no doubt the glass in her hair would cut and she might regret her choice of exit later but really, who expected her to go out of the door when there was a perfectly good window near by which is not as sturdy?

Lurker Lurker HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Cosmos Cosmos Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
"I'd look good on you in more ways that one," he whispered as he scanned his face again. "But you wouldn't last a minute," he said so quietly it seemed he'd said nothing at all, what an interesting man, the merman chuckled, pulling back slightly but still close. The smell of alcohol from the mouth of the man was an indication of age and he mentally chuckled. "I'm not your trouble maker pirate, I'm merely a helper," Blu smiled revealing pearly whites his strong hands pulling him higher up on the barrel, so he was now seated on top of it, looking down towards him. His tail in front of him, slithered beside the pirate's leg, his muscular body now in full view as he let his swords hang loosely, not paying them no mind. Blu's eyes darted to the side of the ship. Freedom to be precise. All he needed was to move about 5 meters before reaching it but he'd probably be stabbed. Too bad, he'd hate to kill him just to get off the deck, he was handsome in his child-like way.

"Tell me," he leaned down slowly elbows on what would be the equivalent to human knees. "What is your ship doing parked at this dock? On the same day as another no less? Searching for a special someone? Or thing," Blu let his words flow together, his deep voice tantalising and enticing. Blu's mouth curved upwards, curiously, he focused his gaze on the boy but kept the blade in his peripheral vision. What an interesting gaze, his eyes flicked to Naddie, she had acquainted hersrlf with a couple of sailors from the Tynedale, lucky, they were handsome too. He lowered his lids slightly, long lashes sweeping across his crystal blue eyes.

GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake

Naddie smiled. "I'm perfectly happy being this close to two boys like you," she giggled, the naiad inching ever the more closer, she lifted a hand and placed it on the side of his face after the man had finished yawning. She gently touched the side, trailing a finger of the flesh and the blood that trailed down his face. "You'd better get it checked out, just like this ship," Naddie leant in close, mere inches from his face as she smiled, her bright eyes and white hair still pure and untainted. The naiad placed a small light kiss along his lips, just a whisp of contact. She pulled back slightly, smiling, she'd hidden the fact there was something wrong with his ship in that exact sentence, oh how clever she was! Naddie then raised to her toes and started dancing across the deck, circling the two men with graceful and mesmerizing steps as she danced. Humming a soft tune to match. As much as she'd love to see his ship sink, maybe she'd stick around and follow it for a while.

"Why are you here?" She asked smoothly as she lightly span in a circle before facing him, and turning away again, her hair catching the salty breeze as she did. What a curious bunch of people. And handsome. God no doubt Blu would be jealous. She snuck a glance at her friend who was talking with a child, no a man. Eh who cares? Naddie fluttered her lashes, edging closer to the side of the deck, almost close to slipping off.
Kyon Kyon ChazGhost ChazGhost
Powder Monkey Corsair had let his mind wander too much, it seemed. When he came back from staring off into the distance he was met with Azalea screaming for no good reason. A body? Exactly who was going to kill who with him standing right there? He resisted the urge to say something to her seeing as how the captain was right there. Then of course Marion was upset about something, as the girl always was. It was tiresome, all these people thinking he was going to hurt someone. The only way he would have ended up doing that is if Kal had started something first.

Which she immediately did. Bart had left for most of the conversation after that. There were too many people blaming him for doing crap that he hadn't even done. Next think he knew Tsuki was going to shoot him just because she was bored. Besides, you can't really have too much fun if the captain is hanging around you. Since they were about to leave anyway Bart had disappeared behind the bar again. The bartender had long since given up on trying to stop the group of pirates doing whatever they wanted. He was just trying to get out of this with his life in tact. In the span of a few minutes a fight had broken out, prostitutes had nearly been killed, shots had been fired and bottles had been broken.

Bart grabbed three or four bottles of rum for the road. As he was walking back he just so happened to be passing by a window when the girl from earlier made her move. He was hard;y surprised. He had anticipated something like this after all, or he wouldn't have bothered talking to them in the first place. Bart hated talking to the captain's slave, not because he didn't like her, but because he was afraid he'd do something the captain didn't like. The last thing he needed was to get kicked off a ship because that girl told lies to the captain.

When the girl came barreling toward the window, Bart blinked, his hands full of bottle. When she was nearly on him he merely side stepped her, not trying to get in her way. Bart gave a wink to the girls, silently wishing them the best of luck. This was a worthy distraction anyway and Bart decided to use this to get away and enjoy himself. Since Bart was closest to the door at that moment, he was also the first out. He sprinted to make it seem like he was chasing after the kidnapper but he turned the complete opposite direction once he was out of eyesight of everyone else in the bar.

It did not take the athletic man long to make his way back to the docks, slightly out of breath from the run he had taken. He sat with his feet hanging over the edge, content to just stare out at the sea until everyone else arrived. He figured if anyone else came by that had witnessed the kidnapping, he could just claim he had come here to look and was now waiting for the girl to come back to her ship. Truth be told though, he had no desire to chase around two women all day. Staring out at the perfect blue of the ocean had always helped him calm down. Ever since he was a little boy he'd been fascinated with the deep blue and all the creatures inside it.

Winked at : TenshuZninja TenshuZninja , Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
Waiting to be seduced by : MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
Waiting to talk to : The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Marion hadn't expected the bottle to come flying at her face and nearly bit it, her muscles reacting only on instinct, catching it a hairs width from her head. Lowering her hand slowly, she growled menacingly, "someone else can take care of that. I'm going back to the ship and away from you people."
The bottle still clutched in her hand, Marion silently left, wishing to either bed the girl, or rip out her liver and make her watch as she ate it. Both sounded equally as pleasurable. She neither noticed not cared about the disarray of the ship, the merman flirting with Tye, or the fact that she was blushing as she nimbly climbed the ropes and rigging up to the crows nest. Sighing through her nose, Marion sat on the cushions she had stolen and placed up there, carefully tossing the bottle into the chest of her personal effects, containing jewelry from dead lovers and a few favorite things.

Persephone watched curiously as a woman carrying another woman burst through a bar window and ran away, a scary red haired woman left after them, and the man that had left before, came to the dock she was on. Hiding quickly as he neared, debating whether or not to show herself to him.
He stared at the ocean with calm eyes, encouraging her to at least reveal her presence. Maybe just reach up? Would i scare him?
Persephone steeled herself and grabbed ahold of the dock next to him, slowly pulling herself up to see him better... and smiled shyly, staring up at him with big electric blue eyes.
Lurker Lurker
A chuckle came out of Tye's mouth from the mermans next few words, right now it felt as if he was playing with his food, just seeing what he had on his plate before he stabbed it and ate it up. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't interested in what was exactly before him, both in a scientific and sexual sense but he had a job to do so unless he found a reason to put that behind he would have to carry it out. " I wouldn't? Why not? I think you think too highly of yourself fishie.. too much confidence, though you are very pretty," Tye shrugged his shoulders keeping an amused look on his face while his fingers twirled his sharp metal blade. The creature was pretty, but it was in a mocking sense that he said this, whispering to the man just as the other had done to him. " Well you're a pretty horrible helper, " his free hand gestured to the mess that sat aboard the ship, cannonballs spewed around.

Tyrese lifted the blade and tapped the tip on his own cheek playfully, " the cabin boy will be awfully upset with this mess, though it'll just be him who'll have to clean it up." 'That or his slave,' Tye thought when his eye watched as the merman glanced around the ship no doubt wanting a way off, his grin grew sadistic and large knowing that the creature wanted to leave but he wasn't quite done having fun with him.

Taking his hand that held the knife and the empty hand behind his back he ignored the question that the merman inquired. "Can mermen live without water? And if so for how long? And if you don't know.." Tye brought his hand to the side of the wood and forcefully pushed it down so that the merman would spill out. His eyes twinkled as he looked down on the other, staring curious and cautious at him and awaiting a reaction, "...if you don't know then fishie, let's find out hmm?" It was a curiousity game, truly he just wanted to know how things worked, what he could get away with and how much he could get away with, a phantom pain of where his eye used to be made him blink and look around in confusion, his free hand touching the spot for a moment. That was, strange, he'd have to remember to check it out when this whole ordeal was over, it'd been a while since he'd taken off the bandages after all.

Removing his hand and crossing his arms he had placed his knife into his pocket so now he just watched the merman, admiring his tail. "I'd recommend escaping now, and catching your friend on the other ship as well, I saw you glancing over there so I'm right correct?" His face was smug as the wind blew his blond hair slightly, he leaned back against the wooden rail crossing his feminine legs and glancing at the enemy's ship. "Feel free to make a mess over there or as you put it, 'helping' " his honey eye looked back at the others as he blew a kiss to him, " I'd give you the real thing but I doubt you'd last a minute so bye bye fishie, I'll skin you later."

Yes, this was the definition of playing with your food because the last thing that Tyrese wanted was to kill something so interesting so soon. Plus, the creature was mighty attractive in a way, for a guy with a fish butt and gills. It wasn't as if he was getting attention from anyone else on the dang ship, just the thought that the slave girl, Azalea might have spent more time with him than he had made him upset. If he can play around with a merman for a while, to release some tension why not? But he did really want to skin the guys tail, experiment with how much pain he could take and see if his blood felt any different then a humans, what would amputation be like on a merman? He didn't know, and that's what made it so appealing, he grinned as he leaned on the edge of the ship feeling a more sober than before.

Luckz Luckz
Tsuki lowered her gun slowly and held it casually by her side for a few moments before slipping it into its satchel and watching the scene play out before her, 'misunderstanding?' the captain was in one of his more lenient moods again it seemed. She continued to watch with her frosty eyes gazing onwards, deciding it better to simply step back and hope things worked out in their favour for the time being, not to mention her stomach was really beginning to bother her again. Though unfortunately it looked as though she wouldn't be so lucky.

Just as she thought things were to be settled peacefully by the captains slave herself the girl who Tsuki could only assume to be a friend of hers started causing mischief, as things always did when rum got involved. Tsuki- never drank the stuff, she knew it would very likely ease her pain but experiences in her past made her much more hesitant to even touch the stuff, brand back bad memories was the only way she ever described it when offered one by a fellow crew mate.

Tsuki was snapped out of her thoughts on the subject however as the friend squatted down and began reciting somewhat of a monologue,
"You want me… To leave you… In their capable hands? Is that what you are telling me? You want me.. To let you stay a slave when I'm right here?" She listened with an unimpressed and neutral expression before the bottle was thrown over her shoulder and towards some red-haired woman. The girl suddenly launching herself up and towards Azalea, scooping her up into a bridal position and making a bolt towards both the door, and the captain.

Or at least it seemed that way until she slid on her feet in one swift movement and instead burst out the window, a manoeuvre even the first mate had to admit was pretty clever. She herself had rushed to block the captain from being hit but now cursed under her breath as she turned and looked as the glass shattered and the girl was out the window, it took but a moment for the girl herself to follow after by speeding out the doors.

She's already memorised most of the small turns and passages whilst the captain and her had gone on their stroll around the docks, it took her no time to duck in and out of the streets and through alley-ways, the girl she was chasing just ahead of her sights. She had to get Azalea back for the captain, it was her duty, her responsibility.


She had to no matter what. That was the stubborn kind of thought racing through her head as she continued to rush after her despite the overwhelming sensation filling her body.


She eventually weaved through the alleyway that they'd moved into earlier during her random episode of crying, it gave her just the heads up she'd needed to suddenly launch herself out just in front of the girl, her hand slipping the two shotguns out of her satchels within a second and the landed just short of the running girls forehead, her bangs covered her eyes as strained pants left her mouth, pain seeping through her masterfully played facade,
"I-…. Can assure you that…. My bullet, will travel faster…. Than…. You can run away." She said in a voice both full of demand and coldhearted threat, her stance was ready to trike at any moment and fingers twitching on the triggers as she used every ounce of her being to not collapse right there and then, her whole body longing to tremble and tears fighting to form in her eyes but she held it all back. She couldn't be the weaker one, she had to be strong, she had to keep her threat up to remain in control.


Lurker Lurker HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Cosmos Cosmos Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
"My apologies for assuming ms.Naddle." Maxwell said when Naddle told him other wise. Then backed away a few steps as she got close up to him and the captain. Then he watched with a raised eyebrow as Naddle more or less began messing with the captain and trying to seduce him or at least that how Maxwell saw it.

"Madam I believe we are the onces who should be asking why you are we. This is our... I mean this is his ship but either way why are you here?" Maxwell asked.
Luckz Luckz Kyon Kyon
Bart was completely relaxed, his legs kicking like a little child. He set the bottles of rum beside him, leaning back on his hands as he stared out at the ocean. He briefly wondered how the chase was going with Kal and Azalea before he saw a movement in the water. He leaned closer to inspect it, unsure of what he was looking at. When a girl popped out of the water there was a moment where his facial expression didn't change at all. He merely stared back at the woman, his mind taking an awful lot to process everything.

After a few more seconds of staring he slowly looked away from the woman, looking at the bottles of rum. he couldn't possibly be this drunk, could he? If this was a hallucination he was swearing off alcohol forever. He looked back to the woman that was still there. Without saying anything, the man reached out slowly, poking the girl in the forehead. He half expected his finger to go right through her, as she was definitely just a hallucination. When his finger collided with skin he jerked his hand back.

In all his years he'd heard stories of mermaids and other aquatic, human like creatures. he'd never seen one himself before though and just passed it off as wild rumors. Now that one was right in front of him he really didn't know what to say. With his nerves finally gone he began laughing loudly, tilting his head back and laughing into the air. He laughed a long time before calming himself down, turning to look at the woman. "Hello there. What brings you here?" He wasn't sure what to say to such a creature so he decided to just go with small talk.

Talking to : MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
The man was drunk, Persephone quickly realized and smiled shyly when he poked her, checking if she was real. His loud laughter startled her, and she shrank back slightly, but came close again when he calmed a little more. What was she doing here? Excellent question. What did she hope to achieve by following those troublemakers here? Persephone couldn't remember, but she was growing increasingly glad that she had followed them.

The man was huge, even for a human he was abnormally large, And held an air of ruthlessness. And yet, here he was, staring in wonder at her. His broad chest promised a pitiless death, but also a safe haven. Persephone pursed her lips, Her gut told her to get away as fast as she could. But she just couldn't leave. He didn't seem to want to injure her in anyway, so why leave now?

"I followed the two pranksters here and ended up staying," she replied placidly, her golden hair falling gently over her shoulders and chest. "May I ask what brings you here?"

Lurker Lurker
Bartholomew was incredibly glad that he didn't have to swear off drinking. He had felt fear like he'd never felt before when he made that promise with himself. But this girl was a live, breathing mermaid. The chances of actually meeting one seemed incredibly slim. He'd heard fantastical tales of their kind, granting wishes and other fairy tales. He'd even heard one story of an old navy officer that had managed to fall in love with a mermaid. Poor sod drowned himself to death looking for her when she left him. That was the rumor that he'd heard anyway. He'd never before believed it to be true until now.

Bart tilted his head at the mermaid's question. Troublemakers? What was she even talking about? "What do you mean troublemakers? There something I should know about?" He glanced around the water with renewed vigor, making sure there weren't more mermaids waiting to jump him. He shrugged his massive shoulders at her question, still scanning the water. "Same thing that brings everyone to this port. The promise of fame and fortune. The siren song of the ocean." It sounded incredibly dramatic even to himself, but there was some truth to that statement. That was the original reason for him to set sail all those years ago. he had been determined to become a captain known 'round the world. He smiled warmly at the memory.

Done with reminiscing his smile faded a bit and he turned back to the mermaid. "Or something like that. Maybe it's just the rum."
The man glanced around the water with... worry? Or curiosity? As if to be sure there weren't more mermaids waiting to jump him or something. "Blu and Naddie came and messed with those two big ships there, but on that one," she explained, indicating the Renascence, "a young man was with blu and on the other, someone had caught Naddie too." Persephone somehow shrugged gracefully and pulled herself slightly more out of the water to be on a slightly more even level with the man.

He shrugged his massive shoulders, speaking of finding fame and fortune, likening it to a siren's song. The man had no idea how right he was. Fortune and putting their mark on the world called to humans more than anything else she had ever encountered. Persephone had heard from a few sirens themselves of a few ship captains who ignored their songs because their hearts wished only to hunt gold.

"Have you found any success?" She asked optimistically, her orb like eyes twinkling with mirth.
Lurker Lurker

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