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A New World

Hammer growled. "Fine seeing as I cannot leave the presence of you, my love, I am yours to command, he got down on one knee in honour of the goddess before riding up again. He grunted slightly but looked at everyone else.


Silentia smiled, "hell yeah! I'm ma crag this wood like there is no tomorrow, bang, crash, stab!" She was way too excited and the Quinari woman couldn't wait to meet her fellow...land makers thingies species...
Axel smile happily and said “she is right; us Faye are immortals so I have a long life of help all of you. Plus, don’t worry as long as you all have me I’m sure you’ll be living for as long as your bodies can support themselves.” He picked up his bag and was ready to begin his work for the goddess. As long as they all work together he knows they can make a get place to live. They just need to think positive and work to make this the best place possible. He then looks towards the goddess and said “I am ready to fulfill my duty.” He wondered if the rest of his companies were as excited about this situation as he was. This is his chance to not be looked at like some day-dreamer, he was going to make his dream a reality.

While he waited for what is next, he inspected his sacks, taking note of the equipment but also the herbs he had. He was going to have to inspect them very closely and start making a medical journal if he wishes to stay organized. He would also have to look around the area to locate any other items he could use for medical purposes. He starts to write down a to-do list in his journal so help himself remember what he needed to do. @Ami the breadling @anyone else i forgot to tag
Eptal approached the bag of items and started to rummage through the contents. She smiled, each item would help her greatly while hunting. She started to ponder on a few idea's of names for animals, still not knowing what many of the creatures could be but a few of the idea's could work. Eptal then moved back and started to look at the group, her lips trembled as she wanted to say something but not sure what to say.
(Sorry guys. Bad internet for days! Connection sucks and wasn't getting notifications either) The next thing they all knew, the group found themselves standing on springy green grass. Behind them, the waters crashed onto the beach. The sand was a weird shade of pink in some places. Flowers of every color dotted the small field they were in. In front of them, the landscape turned into a forest of trees.

Elissa turned to the new group, "I think we should retreat into the trees and find a spring. Sarah, that was your name right? You need to start trying to keep track of where we are." @Ami the breadling @Srion Receno @loyalwolf @LaDyGrEy
As they were put on the beach she looked around with shining eyes "this is amazing!" she breathed out in aw. she nodded to Elissa then after taking a few things down in her note book she hurried to a few flowers sketching them down, then made her way into the woods with a huge smile on her face. she had always had a good since of direction so she only did a few notes that made no since to anyone else as she walked into the woods.
Hammer growled again..."Enough wiith transporting us!" he growled as he turned to the woman and some men about him, rubbing his muscular chest he shrugged and kept his weapon in his hand. "Yeah, track where we are, begin sketching, may be better to head inland? See what is actually on this island..." he sighed as he muttered to himself before turning to the other woman who didn't seem happy about what she got, he liked her...fiesty.


Silentia started chuckling, well, I'm a builder so I guess the best place for shelter would be rather useful," The Quinari woman turned to everyone as she held up her hammer and pointed at the sun. "Hunter woman! What time of day is it?" she asked bluntly not bothering to ask for a name...not et anyway....

"Quicker we move the better!"
Clarck had just entered his home. The day had been hard. He opened the door, closed his eyes, sighed and entered.

As he opened the eyes again, stuff had gotten weird. A goddess was there other people. Clarck silently watched. He was not scared or anything. But he was interested. He wanted to try something. 'I am a knight. Born and raised to protect. I will protect them, no matter what. And Arto will do so too.', he thought to himself, being sure a goddess would still know.

As the group went, he checked his gear. Sword, shield, simple stuff. He still wore his chestplate as always. He silently followed the group, Arto, his wolf always by his side.

@metalcity @Idea @Srion Receno @Nylana @LaDyGrEy @loyalwolf @anyone i forgot
Elissa motioned for the group to follow the human girl into the woods. Once they reached a clearing with a fresh water stream in the center she yelled for Sarah to stop. "What do you think? Will this work? We have fresh water, berries nearby, and we have plenty of trees nearby. Also, back about half a mile there was a cave that might have metal we can use."

Lola bent down to the ground and plunged her hands into the rich earth. "The soil is fertile and perfectly moist. Planting crops here would be very was. We wouldn't even have to kill any of the trees by hacking their roots to plant food for ourselves." @Ami the breadling @Srion Receno
Axel smile at the group and looked around. " this will be prefect. everything seem beautiful here. this is where we will build the prefect little town and begin to make this the best place every." he had a child like excitement as he spoke. in his eyes you can see the curiosity and joy as he took in the environment. then he remembered he couldn't let himself daydream to much, he had a job to do. "i think the first thing we should do is make a fire. then we should check the berries to make sure they are not poisons."

he had to make sure that these people didn't see him as some child. he had to be taken seriously, if he was going to get any respect here. If that means cut down on his day-dreaming so be it. he just hoped they didn't make fun of him. as he was thinking about this he had a pout on his face. unfortunately for Axel he had a tendency to internalize his thoughts. which meant he was daydreaming even without knowing it.
When she was told to stop she sighed a bit disappointed but looked around the area "this is actually a grate place to start out" she said with a smile then turned around. "yell is you need me" she said then walked off into the woods by her self, she was to excited to stay in one place. Making it out far enough so she could still hear them she turned slightly "I guess I can start on a map of the area" she thought then started to walk in a circle around camp with her note book out so she could draw out the area.
I froze as we changed landscape again. My fingers were shaking, but I got a hold of myself and sighed. What was done, was done. The though part now would be actually estabilishing a proper communication with these people.

I was the gatherer, so my place should be by the hunter`s side. It was as good of a place to begin in as any other, so I opened my wings and flew to the blond elven girl with a buzz. It was a relief that it wasn`t the short one, or the tall ones with horns. Those I had never seen before in my life. But elves were a rather familiar sight, on the other hand.

I wondered what kind of greeting she`d be expecting. Greeting were never exactly my forte, since we never really needed to greet anyone in the hive.

"Humm....Hello? So, you`re the hunter, huh?" I attempted.

Silentia nodded. "If we are making a town then we are going to need a lot of room...I'm thinking of keeping this water source like a fountain in the centre of town, we build around it and the physical river and stream cuts across everything until it reaches the kingdom, where we diverge the water in 2 separate paths and create a moat," she voiced it loudly and clearly as she envisioned the city she was to build. "But of course we are going to need little houses," Silentia needed wood, and wood was trees and trees was a resource.

"Ok then! We need people with axes or general weapons to start cutting down trees. Then they need to be placed into a pile of logs,"


Hammer growled, these people...These children for the rest of his life on this bloody island! Great. Just great. "Look guys, staying together would be more beneficial, at nightfall we'll have beasts and animals so we should decide who should take watch and prepare for the evening, I'm a Blacksmith but I am from the Army of my hometown, top of the ranks but I'm useless unless I have metal to craft with and that could take days to find, the Goddess did not give me anything because I already have tools but I was given no physical resources, put me where you need me," was all he said putting his hand to his sword and growling again.

"Great Goddess, how does one help these people," he muttered.
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Clarck spoke to them the first time. "I will protect you while you work. That will be my duty. I will take the place of guard and soldier, slaying all beasts attempting to hunt you down. I, by the way, am the white knight, or as i am called by name Clarck. This is my wolf Arto. He is tamed and will not do anything without my permission.", he told the group. As if to agree, Arto sat down. Clark laid a hand on his sword, being ready to draw it anytime needed. He had the shield on his back, down of his coat, but he did not feel like using it quite yet. Beasts were not defeated by blocking them with shields, it mostly did not even work to try so. But a shield tool away mobility, which he definezly would need if fighting them.

@Nylana @LaDyGrEy @Srion Receno @metalcity @Idea @loyalwolf
Eptal raised a hand, waving slightly "Hello! what a pleasure to met you, I am Eptal! And I am a hunter, I look forward to working with you." He placed her hand down to her side again, she looked around at the view. Not really being able to admire it at first due to a sudden headache, luckily it left quickly. Everything was beautiful and bright "Looks like no one has never been here, huh." She mumbled to herself as she scratched the back of her head, it felt strange knowing that only this group of people have been here, and they had to build a civilisation. It was exciting but at the same time, what if they did something wrong. Eptal turned to look at the group "Should I go find us some meat? it has better nutritional value and with me here, it isn't going to be that hard to get." She pointed out, looking forward to getting to explore this landscape/

@Ami the breadling @Nylana @LaDyGrEy @Srion Receno @loyalwolf
Elissa looks at Hammer, "Hammer, go to that cave. You will find a hammer and a pickaxe inside. Our Goddess left them for you. Eptal and Kneckt (sp), please find us food and bring it back here. Some small game and berries should do nicely. I will help cut wood for a fire. Axel, check the berries near the spring. After you are done checking over our water source you can help the rest of us chop wood. Clark, while you guard us, please help with chopping wood."

Lola looks up, "Silentia?" She approached the Quanari female hesitantly. "Since I can't reach most of the wood, can I go ahead and begin a place for our gardens?" @Ami the breadling
Clark shrugged. "Hard to keep the overview when doing so, but I will do what ever you want me to, m'lady. Arto, keep an eye on the woods for me.", Clark said as he drew his sword and waited for clairified orders. Arto kept making circles around the group.

Moving in her circle Sara looked over at the group through the trees " seems like they have everything under control" she smiled then headed out farther out of ear shot. "ill just make a larger Circle and explore some" she said to herself as she jumped over a small stream. After a wile of walking around sketching different plant life down she came to a large tree "I should be able to see a good ways from up there" she smiled then started to clime. making it to the top she smiled at the sight of the forest and the ocean, holding her hand above her eyes she looked for the clearing her companions were at. smiling when she seen them moving around she leaned against the tree and started to map out the land from her view point.
Hammer nodded. "Thank you, I can actually do soemthing as well as protecting, " he heads back a little while back and he saw the glimmering pickaxe and hammer. "Finally," heading back out he picked up a large tree branch, using his tool belt he had on before he lit the end with a flint and headed back into the cave, using his pick axe, he embedded it into the wall and begun mining.

"Oh this is going to take ages," he sighed before the angry Quinari continued to smash the pickaxe against the wall.


"Silentia, that's right," she turned to the girl and listened to her intently. "Well yes of course, if we also think of the shrine and main castle then we can also build from there!" She nodded enthusiastically with a smile as the woman attempted to wipe away the blood spatters from her earlier kill in the ring.

"I'm not in the best states, "
Elissa sighs softly as she begins to chop at a small tree that was as thick as her arm. The wood was a warm golden color and smelled kind of like apples to her sensitive nose. "Silentia! I think this is the wood we should use for arrows, tools and baskets. It's the same wood as Eptals arrows."

Lola smiles and runs off to pick a good place for the gardens. She picked a spot close to the spring but not so close that the earth would be more like mud. She quickly went about tilling the earth to create a small plot. When she was done, the garden would have eighteen rows total.

A small red bird landed not far from where Sarah was perched in the tree. Suddenly, three more red birds of the same color joined it. Soon, the sweet sound of bird song filled the air. @Srion Receno @LaDyGrEy
"Yup no one`s been here. " I replied to the elf woman. "And that is something to be scared about. Although, it IS more upsetting than scary...No one knowing this place, and us having to build civilization in it, is the same as saying we`re stranded here alone."

Kneckt shook his head and pulled out a dagger.

"I`m not one for actually hunting the thing, but if you`ll do it...huh...blo-no, hum...Oh, right! Epal! I think we could stick together. Still, that`s pretty rare. I thought you elves were mainly vegetarian."

I turned to everyone.

"Okay, everyone, me and Epal here will be taking a trip down to the woods, see if we can fetch anything useful, food in particular." I shouted, then turned to the blond elf "So, shall we?"

@Ami the breadling @Srion Receno @loyalwolf
As Sara sketched and measured distance with her pencil something red moved at the corner of her eyesight, turning she seen a little red bird just sitting there. She flipped through her note book for an empty page, finding one she looked up and seeing more birds have joined the first one she smiled. Hearing them start to sing she sketched what the bird looked like, before leaning back against the tree to listen to there singing as she watched her companions move off to do there own thing.

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Eptal smiled "Lets go." She kindly replied as she started walking off. She took the bow of her back, holding onto it tightly. It felt so light but powerful at the same time, it was amazing. When they reached the woods Eptal looked up at the trees "Should we name these trees something? also do you think I would be able to climb it?" Eptal asked curious to if she could get a good look of there surroundings, she started to lightly tap the tree but her taps became heavier as the tree didn't shake.

I took flight and sort of hovered next to the elf as she walked. My kin was very primitive, in a lot of aspects: If you had something, you`re natural to put it to use. If you have claws, you like clawing and digging. If you have wings, you like flying.

The first thing we saw were the trees. They weren`t very different from the trees we actually knew, or at least, the ones I actually knew. I flew to one of the branches, and landed on it. It shivered a little, but quickly stopped.

"I think you can climb them, if you`re careful. The tree branches won`t take high speeds well, and we don´t what kind of creatures might be crawling all over this. As for a name, I think we should name something that would help us remember what they do...but since that`s not possible yet, given we know next to nothing about this place, how about just calling it something that recalls us of the visuals? Maybe "normtree" or something of the sort." I answered.

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Elissa walked to the cave that she had sent Hammer to after handing Silentia a nice sized stack of a reddish wood as well as the wood that she put away to make arrows and baskets. As she walked to the cave she called out so she didn't catch him by surprise, "Hammer? Do you think you can break some of the rock into big chunks to line the fire pit with so we don't run the danger of burning our clearing to the ground?" @LaDyGrEy
Axel went over to the berries and examined them the best he could. From the color they don’t seem to be to dangerous but at the same time he doubts these berries would be the best to eat. He crushes one between his finger to see what the insides look like and to try and get a scent from it. “not very much juice. More meat then juicy from what I can tell. No bad smell or chemical smell to it” he said to himself. From what he could tell these berries were edible and also could be used to make good medicine, especially for anyone who had stomach problem. His next step is to go over to the water and check that out and found the water nice and clear. He grinned to himself but has assed “on the safe side we should still boil the water to make sure it not contaminated.” He then went to meet with the other to help finish the wood. (srry i have post. be having power issues because of stormes in my area.)

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