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Fandom A New Era: S.H.E.L.D. Taskforce

Green Lantern

Hal gave Dinah and Ashley an unapproving look as he pulled himself up to his feet, chuckling knowingly. He placed his gloved fists on his hips and explained, "That's right! You're looking at your new enlister! One of the Green Lanterns himself, the great Hal Jordan!" Hal stood proudly, waiting as if for clapping to start.
"The Mist"

Despina massaged her temples as if she had just received a throbbing headache, "Excellent, well, if anyone needs me I'll be in the 'Watchtower'." she turned around to exit.
Dinah Laurel Lance

Dinah turns back to Hal. " Uh. Was it just me or she didn't seem 'delighted' by the idea that your on the team now?" She asked him, wondering what had happened between Hal and Des. Also, how they even met. " I know she said 'excellent', but that didn't sound realistic..." she said, chuckling.
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Ashley nodded something was up with Dea and concerned went to follow her when she walked off. "Hey, you ok? You need an aspirin or something?" He asked.
Shingen approached the former commercial airliner that supposedly hosts the current base for the new SHIELD taskforce. He arrived with a bulky briefcase and roll of red cloth strapped to his back. As he neared the Hangar doors he removed a scroll from inside his jacket. It had arrived to him yestersday in Japan delivered by someone with ninja like stealth and agility. It had all the neccessary information and an invite to join. So he peeled back the scroll and presented the invitation to the camera. He waited for it to be verified then for someone to open the doors for him.
"The Mist"

Despina shook her head, "No. Thank you Ashley. But I appreciate the concern. If you'll excuse me... " she turned and exited the combat area. In walking to the Watchtower Despina could hear someone the outside as the door lock clicked open in recognition. Recognized. Silver Samurai. Ah, their new oversees expert had arrived.

"Mr. Harada, yōkoso." She bowed slightly at the waist, "I trust you had a pleasant journey?" she smirked, "Hopefully security didn't give you too much trouble."
Carol Ferris

Carol was sitting in her leather chair, trying to focus on some paper works that she needed to time up before the next day. After Hal and Carol had their argument about how she feels like she's glad that Hal is a hero, proud of him, but she also feels as though he's forgotten that he has a girlfriend now and can not just keep leaving her on their dates. Their dates should be the only time Hal can give her without any interruption. She was conflicting with herself, wondering if she had been too hard on Hal. Also, how she should tell him her secret that he needed to know if they were going to stay together as a couple.
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Green Lantern

Still standing in surprise from Despina's clear rejection, Hal rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully, "Yeah...Maybe I should go back and talk to Carol...". His mind still buzzed with all of the things he had said, not being able to predict when something in the galaxy might happen, how he loved her but he still had his duties and she should have known what she signed up for when he told her he'd be dealing with missions the Council brought to him. But that's also why he took this job at S.H.I.E.L.D., so he could be with her while still doing his job. He wished there was some way to make it up to her.
Dinah Laurel Lance

Dinah nodded her head in agreement that Hal should leave their training early, if he's distracted. He would only get hurt evendors more if he's distracted by the thought of his girlfriend. He can always come back another day, once he figures out his relationship with Carol.
[QUOTE="Arythra Thainspyre]

"The Mist"

Despina shook her head, "No. Thank you Ashley. But I appreciate the concern. If you'll excuse me... " she turned and exited the combat area. In walking to the Watchtower Despina could hear someone the outside as the door lock clicked open in recognition. Recognized. Silver Samurai. Ah, their new oversees expert had arrived.

"Mr. Harada, yōkoso." She bowed slightly at the waist, "I trust you had a pleasant journey?" she smirked, "Hopefully security didn't give you too much trouble."

Shin entered the door as he heard the click of the lock opening. He bowed back to Des as she greeted him. "Please no need for Japanese formalities in America." Shin began. "My journey was fine and I was suprised security didn't ask me to turn over my weapon actually." He a little more into the base taking in his surroundings.
Green Lantern

Hal nodded, slipping off his gloves and unwrapping his hands he pulled on his jacket and hurriedly exited the rink his mind solely on Carol.
"The Mist"

She nodded her head, "Of course. I'm glad to hear it." Despina noticed his interest in the new surroundings,


To be honest she was a little excited to add some new blood to the team who she didn't know and who wasn't an obnoxious loudmouth.

Shall I show you around or would you like to retire to your room first? Briefing happens at dawn.
Carol Ferris

Carol shuts down her laptop to take a break from brainstorming about her paperwork. The deadline was tomorrow yet, she hasn't come up with a single thing. All she can think of was her argument with Hal. She gets up from her leather chair to make herself some coffee in her kitchen. She was going to have to pull an all nighter, if she planned on finishing her paper by the next day.
Green Lantern

Ignoring the stranger standing in the doorway of the hanger, he stripped the bandages applied to his hands leaving a long trail behind him, the doors barely having a chance to close again before he slipped through them. As he hurried through the building Hal's jog slowly picked up until he was sprinting down the street until he spotted Carol's house about a block away.
Carol Ferris

Carol takes a few sips out of her coffee after she made it. She hoped that the caffeine would distract her from the thought of Hal and allow her to brainstorm. She sat on her couch to relax herself a bit before she jumps back to working on her paperwork.
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Green Lantern

Hal almost tripped and crashed into the harsh cement before staggering up to Carol's house and banging on the door, "CAROL!" he gasped taking in gulps of air, feeling almost like he was in space without his power ring. How could he have left her just like that? His heart beat out of his chest from more than just the sudden sprint. He waited anxiously for some kind of answer.
Carol Ferris

When Carol heard Hal at the door, she placed her cup of coffee down on a table before answering the door. She thought about ignoring the him, but she was worried if there was a chance that it was an emergency. "What do you want, Hal?" She asked him, with a frown. Based on her tone, she clearly seemed upset with him still. Before, she was more angry at him, but now she just seems more hurt than angry with him.
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[QUOTE="Arythra Thainspyre]

"The Mist"

She nodded her head, "Of course. I'm glad to hear it." Despina noticed his interest in the new surroundings,


Shall I show you around or would you like to retire to your room first? Briefing happens at dawn.


To be honest she was a little excited to add some new blood to the team who she didn't know and who wasn't an obnoxious loudmouth.

"Well some equipment and stuff that I require to operate is was supposed to be taking from my old hideout and brought here into my room so I need to check on that.But afterwards a tour would be nice." Shigen replied. "What's the briefing on ? Our first mission?" He was referring to his computers, weapons, armors, and whatnot because all of that is completely neccessary for him to work 81st full capacity.
Green Lantern

"I need to talk with you, like actually talk not just yell back and forth. Please open the door...", he pleaded shifting his weight back and forth nervously.
Carol Ferris

Carol sighed, before opening the door for him. "What so we have to talk about that's so important, Hal? You didn't seem like you thought I was important, when you ditched our date AGAIN," she asked him, looking at him as she stood at the doorway.
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Green Lantern

Hal cut off whatever Carol was about to say and wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Carol..." his voice catching in his throat. For some reason the familiar sting of tears starting to form in his eyes washed over him as he buried his face into her hair, breathing her in as if he would never let her go again.
Carol Ferris

Carol slowly nodded, hugging him back. "I'm sorry too, Hal... I let my feelings get the best of me and I took it out on you," she said, stroking his back because she can tell he wants to cry. The fact that he wants to cry, apologizing, and hugging her makes her feel like she can forgive him because it means he still cares.
The Mist

Ignoring Hal's rude intrusion, Despina gestured for Mr. Harada to follow her down a mundane looking hallway, "Well, that all depends on what happens tonight." she explained, walking at a leisurely pace, "If there are no disturbances I wouldn't be surprised if the Chair decided to test our strengths in a 'mock' mission." she leaned in closer as if they were many ears around, "But don't tell the kids that..."
Green Lantern

Reluctantly releasing Carol from their embrace he held her at arms length while biting back tears, "No, no I should be the one punished, not you. I shouldn't have left you without any warning, I told you all those times were for us... But things will change! I-I have a local job now and the Corps said they wouldn't call for me unless there was intergalactic trouble." he gave a tentative smile, some of his humor returning, "You won't be able to get rid of me fast enough."
Carol Ferris

Carol shook her head. "You don't have to Hal. I just want to spend more time with you since, you came back," she admitted. " I'm the one who should be apologizing. I was taking out my anger out on you, when you were doing the right thing. If you had a choice to spend more time with me than you would, you just had a lot on your hands lately and I still haven't gotten used to it."
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