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Fandom A New Era: S.H.E.L.D. Taskforce

The Mist

Materializing in front of an empty bus shelter Despina sat on the rusting metal seat and crossed her legs, waiting for their new recruit to catch up with her. She wondered for a second if maybe she had lost him. No, when she closed her eyes and focus she could here him spinning webs and swinging from building to building, breathing heavily. It was only a matter of time before he joined her. She rubbed her temples, trying to sooth the aching throb that they resonated. It always did this before the break of dawn, she guessed that there was only a few more hours of night before the sun emerged from the horizon.

That was always when she was her weakest. She had hoped they would have been able to retire early but things kept popping up. Not to mention the girl that was still in the hanger, unconscious she hoped. The imbecile who brought her in had forgotten their protocol of "consenting individuals" and had caused them all a lot of trouble with the higher ups. She had to call in some favors to have it dismissed without impacting the program. Lest it to say the agent wouldn't be a problem again. She blew air through her nose impatiently, twirling her fingers around the smoke that curled out of the sewer she thought back to how different this job was compared to all the others she had ever taken up. She would have laughed if anyone had told her 12 years later she would be in charge of a bunch of adolescents. But the work was rewarding, she didn't think she would have half the fun she did now. Plus the jobs were kept low profile and were much less of a mess which she enjoyed. Although it was nice getting her hands dirty once and a while.

@Ethan Hart

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