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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC (2.0)

I was waiting for a few more posts. Plus I keep distracting myself with video games.
I apologize for the inconvenience, I'll post it today.
Is he even in the festival? if so, Armandio vs Decius melee hype
That sounds awesome. Armandio, the more agile rogue, against the powerhouse known as Decius.

Armandio is in the stands right now with his grandfather that is decked out in Dalania team gear, while Armandio pretends to be embarrassed and not know who he is.

I'm disappointed in you guys.
I feel like I've pretty much written all I can write about what Raimi's doing leading up to the competition. She's signed up and waiting for it to start. If I wrote another post, I'd either have to add something unnecessarily extraneous happening or just skip straight to the competition itself. I'm waiting for the speech before I move onto that, though.
She's not leaving the stadium. She's walking to a different part of the stadium where other combatants are standing.

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