• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern A Magical CS from Outer Space [CLOSED]

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Index progress

Six teenagers gain the powers of goddess themed magical girls from a talking winged horse.


Ray of Sunshine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Chosen Goddess (format: Goddess of [Blank], [Blank], which is also the keyword you use to transform):
Age (High school):
Grade (High School):


High Concept (a brief one line description of your character's basic concept):


Items (things that you carry on you at least most of the time):
Personal Items (Things that are really important to you. This is optional):
Skills and Abilities (non-magical things you can do):
Civilian Appearance (what so you look like in your civilian guise as a normal teenager):


Theme Music (optional):
Voice Actor (optional) (who would play your character in a theoretical animated adaptation of this rp):
Tropes (optional) (tropes that apply to your character):
Quote(s) (optional) (things your character has said that exemplify them as a person):
Other (optional) (anything else we should know?):


Magical Girl Appearance (What do you look like in your guise as a magical girl):
Transformation Trinket (each Goddess has a special trinket (for example, a necklace or hair clip) embedded with a piece of the Goddess Crystal that they use in conjunction with the keyword to transform into Magical Girls. What is your trinket):
Powers (what powers do you get as a magical girl):
Weapons (what weapons do you get as a magical girl):

  • Name: Adrian Thane
    Nicknames: Adi, Edgelord, Sparkles (post-magical girling)
    Chosen Goddess: Goddess of Love, Aphrodite
    Age: 17
    Grade: 12th (Senior)
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Sexuality: Sex Repulsed Ace/Aro (Possibly Demiromantic)

Okscana Violetta

"Goddess of the HUNT!! Artemis!!"


'Oxi, Uh-oh, Snow White, Nazrat'

18 yo | 5'9" | 140lbs | Blue Eyes | Silver Hair | Brown Skin
She/Her(s) | 12th Grade (Senior) | Lesbian (Closet)

High Concept: Outgoing, outdoors-y girl that is too curious for her own good!


+ | Watchful - She likes to know her surroundings and situations she gets into. Its hard for her to be surprised; she does not scare easily and is quite logical in high-tension situations. Being so perceptive keeps her quite even keel and rarely does she freak out.​
+ | Loyal - A good friend that loves to chat and party but always kept tabs of whose back she would have. Yes, she is picky about who she trusts, but once she does have your trust, you best know she is on your side. She never asks to be paid back for loyalty but can only hope you have her back too.​
+ | Friendly and Helpful - yes Oxi has been through a lot, but she still remembers to say her pleases and thank yous. She is a believer of paying it forward and good deeds begetting good deeds. Just try to be considerate is her bottom line. She is friendly and helpful to a point, but the more loyal she is to you and you to her, the more she will be considerate and favour you.​
- | Adrenaline Junkie - what better way to have fun. Full tilt, full hamm, all in for it. The girl is more often than not trying to get a high whether via drug use or her favourite athletic and agile tricks or stunts.​
- | Curiosity - outdoor smart yes, but that's as far as it goes. Mix that with her always trying to be a nosy gal and being a bit dense, she has been getting into trouble since she was a little kid cuz of her curiosity streak.​
- | Ends Justify the Means - survival training has affected her goal setting a bit much. This means making decisions that will hurt others despite her best intentions. Sometimes she does not consider what is happening around her, nor does she feel she needs to care, when a goal must be met. Although a loyal friend, being a survivor means sometimes selfishly thinking of number one's best interests too.​


Okscana and her step sister Veronica, were raised by their single mom Emma since Oxi was 8 and Ronni was 11. Emma was a fantastic mother and provided for the pair of girls the best she could. Time of course was the one thing that was at a premium between the 3 females. But that was the one thing that the trio learned was the bond and love that kept them together. Despite the sisters being on the opposite ends of the style, passions, and ambitions perspectives, they were still tight and had each other's backs. Kumi, Oxi's step dad and Ronni's biological father was a submarine sailor in the Navy and although he was constantly serving, all the time that he spent with is family was cherished and well spent.​
Her step dad had a huge influence on her and cultivated her passion for all things outdoors, especially the water. He was the one that taught her how to hold her breath and swim like a superhero. His death also made her firmly believe that she needed to be a survivor and so she took it upon herself to push forward as an outdoor master. But his death also dropped the seed into her head that the end is always coming, and it was his philosophy to his daughters: be respectful, keep one eye always open and no matter what; finish what you start. But Oxi was alway struggling to come to grips with his death and when she was 11 her cat Aura died. Her little guy's death for whatever reason, made her push herself harder and harder with more and more emphasis on wild, dangerous tricks and physical stunts. Some could even be considered death defying.​
Her sister Ronni, was always on the straight and narrow and could see that her younger sibling was starting to veer off the good path. She found several substances between Oxi's mattresses but never confronted her on it. Yes, she was there for Oxi, but by this time, Ronni was already trying to balance a fledgling modelling career, school work and working afterschool to help mom. Again the time together was their bond and love and it slipped. So did young Okscanna.​
It was only one fight, but she was suspended and immediately she was transferred into another school during her middle school years. But it was here where she fell into her little friend group and fit in just fine due to her outgoing, friendly yet big and bold personality. Yes, she does have a wild streak in her and a curiosity streak just as big, but her friends have always accepted that and had her back even to this day. And hell yeah, does she ever have theirs.​


Civilian Appearance:​
Oxi is a physically fit girl and always on the go. So she rarely has time, nor the need to put on make-up when she knows she will either sweat it off or swim it off sooner or later. But she will usually apply eyeliner and lip gloss at most. She keeps her silvery hair cropped short and usually tied down with a bandanna, beanie or a cap. At a minimum she will use hair-clips to tame the shock of silver sprouting at the top of her head. Nails will be kept trimmed and occasionally finger and toenails painted but never as fancy like her sister's expensive faux acrylics. Her favourite accessories though are plastic bandages or tensor wraps; the girl constantly gets cuts, scrapes, sprains, bumps and bruises but proudly bears them and her scars as worthy badges of honour.​
Being a skater chick and outdoorsy, her colour choices vary and her attire matches the sport or outing du jour and so you will rarely see the girl in skirts, dresses or formal wear. Normally, she will be seen wearing dope athletic gear or second hand baggy clothes but undoubtedly always with nice boots or kicks is her overall style. A typical day in school will see Oxi between clases outside behind the old shed, practicing skater tricks and goofing around with her homies, smoking cigarettes and wiping her face with a colourful bandanna. Then they'd bolt and be late for the next class of course.​

  • Phone
  • Cigarettes
  • Hair clips
  • Skateboard
  • Weed
Personal Items:​
  • Multi-tool
  • Whistle
  • Pipe
  • Zippo lighter
  • Bandanna
Skills and Abilities:​
  • Swimming, diving, water sports
  • Climbing
  • Camping (hardcore Dude vs. Wild survivalist mentality lol)
  • Pet grooming
  • Snowboarding
  • Skateboarding
  • Getting into trouble

Artemis and Aura


'Arti, Misty, Miss 'Mis, Uh-oh'

5'1" | 125lbs | Yellow Eyes | Black Hair | Grey Skin

Magical Goddess Girl Appearance:
Goddess Artemis - In this form/alter ego, she shrinks a full 8 inches in height, but puts on much more muscle mass esp in the bottom half. She can run, jump, climb and swim much faster, higher, harder and for longer than she ever could as a mere girl. Her hair becomes black, perfectly styled with long bangs and cropped in the back. Skin is flawless yet dark and ashen in colour. Her face has perfect make-up done up that does not smear nor wipe away. Eyes glow yellow now and shift through the phases of the moon depending on her mood/intensity level. Ears elongate upwards like an elf and compliment her Goddess of the HUNT!! enhanced senses now.​
She wears boots, leggings, full length gloves, epauldrons and bodice that are plated with shiny and ornate black armour. A black, tinged-blue hooded cloak and sarong cover up her new, yet shorter, powerful body. As soon as she puts on her hood, her shadow cloak forms. Whispering black into life, evaporating the fabric of her cloak and sarong, only her hood remains when the shadow cloak fully extends. The mystical black fabric wafts away in an unseen, rhythmic wind and soon enough Aura will awaken and join her.​
Aura is the size of a fit, male house cat. His eyes glow bright yellow and his body is made up of misty, mystical black smoke. He is intangible and can float for a time but prefers to catch a ride on Goddess Artemis' shoulders or surf along her billowing cloak.The cat may only speak telepathically to the Goddess Artemis but does have a simple body-sign language that the other Space Goddess should understand. He is not a fighter and even if he could, he may not touch living things. He may however, fight spirits if they so boldly challenge him. The only time he may fight a physical enemy is when he combines his form with Goddess Artemis and unified, they become the Cosmic Beast.

Transformation Trinket:
Aura's Cat Collar
Studded Black leather Collar with moons, the name Aura engraved on it, and a silver bell attached.​


Shadow Aura
The spirit of her dead childhood pet cat Aura lives inside the extramensional shadow pocket within Goddess Artemis' shadow cloak with the implements of the Hunt. The cat is friendly but fickle and mischievous. He tends to use emotional black mail on Oxi to allow Oxi to use the powers that imbue her shadow cloak.​
  • Earth Spirit Speech: Aura may speak with the spirits of flora and fauna and translate for Goddess Artemis.
  • Shadow Shift: Allows Goddess Artemis the powers to meld into darkness and 'teleport' across places of darkness/shadow.
  • Whispering Mark: Tendrils of shadow reach out and mark allies or foes (up to 7 total). This allows Goddess Artemis to speak to the ally via Aura or annoy the foe by meowing loudly in their ear. The ally/target is marked with a dark, wispy cat paw-print allowing Goddess Artemis to see/strike them better.
  • Night Eyes: Goddess Artemis may see in the dark but when she uses this power, Aura is telepathically linked to her and the cat spirit goes all hamm to annoy her.
The Longbow of the Huntress.
The glorious and ornate weapon is hidden in her shadow cloak. All she has to do is reach in to grab it and her quiver. Shoots shadow energy arrows that sap the targets strength. In her quiver, she too has regular arrows and many, many trick arrows. Oxi however does not store them properly so she always has to rummage through her quiver using Night Eyes to find the just right arrow.​
Cosmic Beast of the Shadow Aura.
When fighting up close, Goddess Artemis channels her Shadow Aura power and her cat spirit forms around her and they combine to become the Cosmic Beast. She is quite the fighting force but she may not use her Longbow nor any of her Shadow Aura powers save Night Eyes which is used to initiate the change.​

Okscana's Theme:
Goddess Artemis' Theme:
Transformation Scene:
Voice Actor:

  • "Bruh! What is goodie-gooooood?!"
  • "Eyyo! Trade you some candy if can I copy your homework...!"
  • "The hell you mean? I don't smell sweaty..." *sniffs* "Meh. Naw, dude, that is the smell of accompishment!"
  • "D'awwwww... Sweetness!! Come give us a hug!!"
  • "All goodie-good. I gotchu...!"
  • "Damn. It too cute n' fluffy. Must pet."
  • "Uh-oh... I think I just *insert the next face-palmy thing Oxi just gone n' done here lol*"
  • "Sooooo.... whacha think this does/where ya think this goes to/whaddya think is behind that...?"
  • "My gosh! Omigosh! Bruh! Ya kills me! Just tell me already!!"
  • "Nope. Toldja. Can't scare me. I heard/saw/knew what you up to..."
  • "Uh-oh" cuz she says it a lot and it's usually after something she's done and will affect others.​
  • "Snow White" cuz of her hair colour but more cuz she always tries to befriend and pet things.​
  • "Nazrat" cuz she is always climbing, swinging, jumping or just going wild. Its the nick her skater buds gave her; Tarzan backwards.​
  • Works at Pet-O-Rama as a pet groomer and walker but ambition is something more water related.​
  • Scrunches her nose a lot when smiling or laughing but a tell tale she is lying.​
  • Loves all animals but will eat meat yet hates the smell of raw meat.​
  • Still drinks milk cuz she thinks its healthy even though it gives her gas.​
  • Says she too busy for relationships, which may be true, but she's in the closet (obv to her buds).​
  • Talks out loud to herself and her dead step dad but will also speak as if really in a convo with someone else in the room (Aura)​
  • Lowers her voice and makes it all gravelly when she is in her Goddess Artemis form. (imagine Brianna Hildebrand doing a Batman voice lol)​

Last edited:

Okscana Violetta

"Goddess of the HUNT!! Artemis!!"


'Oxi, Uh-oh, Snow White, Nazrat'

18 yo | 5'9" | 140lbs | Blue Eyes | Silver Hair | Brown Skin
She/Her(s) | 12th Grade (Senior) | Lesbian (Closet)

High Concept: Outgoing, outdoors-y girl that is too curious for her own good!


+ | Watchful - She likes to know her surroundings and situations she gets into. Its hard for her to be surprised; she does not scare easily and is quite logical in high-tension situations. Being so perceptive keeps her quite even keel and rarely does she freak out.​
+ | Loyal - A good friend that loves to chat and party but always kept tabs of whose back she would have. Yes, she is picky about who she trusts, but once she does have your trust, you best know she is on your side. She never asks to be paid back for loyalty but can only hope you have her back too.​
+ | Friendly and Helpful - yes Oxi has been through a lot, but she still remembers to say her pleases and thank yous. She is a believer of paying it forward and good deeds begetting good deeds. Just try to be considerate is her bottom line. She is friendly and helpful to a point, but the more loyal she is to you and you to her, the more she will be considerate and favour you.​
- | Adrenaline Junkie - what better way to have fun. Full tilt, full hamm, all in for it. The girl is more often than not trying to get a high whether via drug use or her favourite athletic and agile tricks or stunts.​
- | Curiosity - outdoor smart yes, but that's as far as it goes. Mix that with her always trying to be a nosy gal and being a bit dense, she has been getting into trouble since she was a little kid cuz of her curiosity streak.​
- | Ends Justify the Means - survival training has affected her goal setting a bit much. This means making decisions that will hurt others despite her best intentions. Sometimes she does not consider what is happening around her, nor does she feel she needs to care, when a goal must be met. Although a loyal friend, being a survivor means sometimes selfishly thinking of number one's best interests too.​


Okscana and her step sister Veronica, were raised by their single mom Emma since Oxi was 8 and Ronni was 11. Emma was a fantastic mother and provided for the pair of girls the best she could. Time of course was the one thing that was at a premium between the 3 females. But that was the one thing that the trio learned was the bond and love that kept them together. Despite the sisters being on the opposite ends of the style, passions, and ambitions perspectives, they were still tight and had each other's backs. Kumi, Oxi's step dad and Ronni's biological father was a submarine sailor in the Navy and although he was constantly serving, all the time that he spent with is family was cherished and well spent.​
Her step dad had a huge influence on her and cultivated her passion for all things outdoors, especially the water. He was the one that taught her how to hold her breath and swim like a superhero. His death also made her firmly believe that she needed to be a survivor and so she took it upon herself to push forward as an outdoor master. But his death also dropped the seed into her head that the end is always coming, and it was his philosophy to his daughters: be respectful, keep one eye always open and no matter what; finish what you start. But Oxi was alway struggling to come to grips with his death and when she was 11 her cat Aura died. Her little guy's death for whatever reason, made her push herself harder and harder with more and more emphasis on wild, dangerous tricks and physical stunts. Some could even be considered death defying.​
Her sister Ronni, was always on the straight and narrow and could see that her younger sibling was starting to veer off the good path. She found several substances between Oxi's mattresses but never confronted her on it. Yes, she was there for Oxi, but by this time, Ronni was already trying to balance a fledgling modelling career, school work and working afterschool to help mom. Again the time together was their bond and love and it slipped. So did young Okscanna.​
It was only one fight, but she was suspended and immediately she was transferred into another school during her middle school years. But it was here where she fell into her little friend group and fit in just fine due to her outgoing, friendly yet big and bold personality. Yes, she does have a wild streak in her and a curiosity streak just as big, but her friends have always accepted that and had her back even to this day. And hell yeah, does she ever have theirs.​


Civilian Appearance:​
Oxi is a physically fit girl and always on the go. So she rarely has time, nor the need to put on make-up when she knows she will either sweat it off or swim it off sooner or later. But she will usually apply eyeliner and lip gloss at most. She keeps her silvery hair cropped short and usually tied down with a bandanna, beanie or a cap. At a minimum she will use hair-clips to tame the shock of silver sprouting at the top of her head. Nails will be kept trimmed and occasionally finger and toenails painted but never as fancy like her sister's expensive faux acrylics. Her favourite accessories though are plastic bandages or tensor wraps; the girl constantly gets cuts, scrapes, sprains, bumps and bruises but proudly bears them and her scars as worthy badges of honour.​
Being a skater chick and outdoorsy, her colour choices vary and her attire matches the sport or outing du jour and so you will rarely see the girl in skirts, dresses or formal wear. Normally, she will be seen wearing dope athletic gear or second hand baggy clothes but undoubtedly always with nice boots or kicks is her overall style. A typical day in school will see Oxi between clases outside behind the old shed, practicing skater tricks and goofing around with her homies, smoking cigarettes and wiping her face with a colourful bandanna. Then they'd bolt and be late for the next class of course.​

  • Phone
  • Cigarettes
  • Hair clips
  • Skateboard
  • Weed
Personal Items:​
  • Multi-tool
  • Whistle
  • Pipe
  • Zippo lighter
  • Bandanna
Skills and Abilities:​
  • Swimming, diving, water sports
  • Climbing
  • Camping (hardcore Dude vs. Wild survivalist mentality lol)
  • Pet grooming
  • Snowboarding
  • Skateboarding
  • Getting into trouble

Artemis and Aura


Transformation Trinket:
Aura's Cat Collar
Studded Black leather Collar with moons, the name Aura engraved on it, and a silver bell attached.​


Shadow Aura
The spirit of her dead childhood pet cat Aura lives inside the extramensional shadow pocket within Goddess Artemis' shadow cloak with the implements of the Hunt. The cat is friendly but fickle and mischievous. He tends to use emotional black mail on Oxi to allow Oxi to use the powers that imbue her shadow cloak.​
  • Earth Spirit Speech: Aura may speak with the spirits of flora and fauna and translate for Goddess Artemis.
  • Shadow Shift: Allows Goddess Artemis the powers to meld into darkness and 'teleport' across places of darkness/shadow.
  • Whispering Mark: Tendrils of shadow reach out and mark allies or foes (up to 7 total). This allows Goddess Artemis to speak to the ally via Aura or annoy the foe by meowing loudly in their ear. The ally/target is marked with a dark, wispy cat paw-print allowing Goddess Artemis to see/strike them better.
  • Night Eyes: Goddess Artemis may see in the dark but when she uses this power, Aura is telepathically linked to her and the cat spirit goes all hamm to annoy her.
The Longbow of the Huntress.
The glorious and ornate weapon is hidden in her shadow cloak. All she has to do is reach in to grab it and her quiver. Shoots shadow energy arrows that sap the targets strength. In her quiver, she too has regular arrows and many, many trick arrows. Oxi however does not store them properly so she always has to rummage through her quiver using Night Eyes to find the just right arrow.​
Cosmic Beast of the Shadow Aura.
When fighting up close, Goddess Artemis channels her Shadow Aura power and her cat spirit forms around her and they combine to become the Cosmic Beast. She is quite the fighting force but she may not use her Longbow nor any of her Shadow Aura powers save Night Eyes which is used to initiate the change.​

Okscana's Theme:

Goddess Artemis' Theme:

Voice Actor:

  • "Bruh! What is goodie-gooooood?!"
  • "Eyyo! Trade you some candy if can I copy your homework...!"
  • "The hell you mean? I don't smell sweaty..." *sniffs* "Meh. Naw, dude, that is the smell of accompishment!"
  • "D'awwwww... Sweetness!! Come give us a hug!!"
  • "All goodie-good. I gotchu...!"
  • "Damn. It too cute n' fluffy. Must pet."
  • "Uh-oh... I think I just *insert the next face-palmy thing Oxi just gone n' done here lol*"
  • "Sooooo.... whacha think this does/where ya think this goes to/whaddya think is behind that...?"
  • "My gosh! Omigosh! Bruh! Ya kills me! Just tell me already!!"
  • "Nope. Toldja. Can't scare me. I heard/saw/knew what you up to..."
  • "Uh-oh" cuz she says it a lot and it's usually after something she's done and will affect others.​
  • "Snow White" cuz of her hair colour but more cuz she always tries to befriend and pet things.​
  • "Nazrat" cuz she is always climbing, swinging, jumping or just going wild. Its the nick her skater buds gave her; Tarzan backwards.​
  • Works at Pet-O-Rama as a pet groomer and walker but ambition is something more water related.​
  • Scrunches her nose a lot when smiling or laughing but a tell tale she is lying.​
  • Loves all animals but will eat meat yet hates the smell of raw meat.​
  • Still drinks milk cuz she thinks its healthy even though it gives her gas.​
  • Says she too busy for relationships, which may be true, but she's in the closet (obv to her buds).​
  • Talks out loud to herself and her dead step dad but will also speak as if really in a convo with someone else in the room (Aura)​
  • Lowers her voice and makes it all gravelly when she is in her Goddess Artemis form. (imagine Brianna Hildebrand doing a Batman voice lol)​

1647396856559.png-BASIC INFO-

Alistair Fengári
Nickname(s): Ali
Age: 17
Grade: 11th (Junior)
Gender: Male/Cis
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual


High Concept:
A muscled, quiet farmhand that isn't quiet due to shyness, more of an issue of he's use to the loud and rowdy home he grew up in and has no tact or filter when talking. He acts the same around his family as he does people that he deems a close friend.

Personality: Despite his large build and hard gaze, Alistair is always in a laid-back mood and genuinely takes the most pride in the various flowers and plants that he grows. Ali is a genius when dealing with Science related classes and struggles with anything writing intensive because he has a hard time translating his thoughts to paper. Around his younger sisters, animals, and other things he deems cute, he becomes overbearing even though he's not always aware of it. Also the type that has no filter, it's a straight path from his brain to his mouth without worrying about repercussions.

History: Alistair had already been an outgoing kid that wanted to do something important with his love of nature and vegetation. Growing up as the middle child with 2 older sisters [4 and 5 years apart from him] and a pair of younger twin sisters [ 10 years younger]. His family has an admirable space of land where they not only raise live stock but also grow various crops, some of which are only found on their farm. No one would ever think they have a rich background as they never make their money a personality trait nor do they flaunt it. From years of working on the farm, learning how finances went in to it, and becoming friendly with other businesses that order from them Ali knows how to put on a business front but would rather spend his time relaxing in a body of water.

Alistair always knew he'd eventually have a career where he could put all his knowledge to good use. Little did he know that he'd get the opportunity to do that. When he had finally transformed for the first time, he wasn't as uncomfortable as he had thought he'd be in that female form. He guesses that maybe its because he had grown up with a lot women near him and had been raised up with an accepting mindset. It was nice to see that even if he had been born a woman, he'd still be attractive and kinda wants to grow out his hair to see if it would be as silky as his transformed state.


6'4'', athletic build from the various sports he participates in, messy silvery hair with a fringe that would constantly cover his right eye if he didn't use some kind of hair clip to pin it back, sapphire colored eyes that either make him look very intimidating or that there's absolutely nothing outside of farming going on upstairs, a faint white scar across his nose from something stupid when he was a kid, scattered white patches from healing sunburns, and often has his nails painted because his younger set of twin 7 year old sisters have really been into that stuff lately.

Personal Items: A keychain with a picture of him and his sisters on it. He carries it on him as a sort of good luck charm.

Skills and Abilities: Besides being physically fit he has a knack for dealing with animals. He's also a skilled cook.


Alistair is still relatively tall for a woman being 5'10 in his goddess form. His hair has lightened from its usual silver into white and goes to his tailbone, but his eyes are now a bright golden color with specks of green throughout. His hair has also grown extremely long. His outfit is shown in the transformed state in the bottom picture with a few differences such as hair length.

God(dess): Demeter
Transformation Trinket:
It's technically a necklace but he mainly wears it as a bracelet after wrapping the long chain around his wrist a few times.
Powers: Has the ability to create various vines and monstrous plants that bend to his will. Can also turn an average tree into some sort of sentient being. The simpler power is one that allows him to make flowers bloom on his opponents body when he's able to make contact, such as those that produce a paralyzing or poisonous scent. His innate ability would be his heightened sense and reflexes that come with representing the Goddess of the Hunt, however that power can be overwhelming at times because he has not adjusted. He has moved faster than his brain thought possible and, thanks to the ability of flight, has flown into a few trees and walls. Is at his strongest during the day.

It's not a scythe, it is a dual-purpose sickle. Demeter always makes sure to correct those that call it by the wrong name as others have mistaken her for some sort of sunny death reaper.


Theme Song (optional):
Transformation Theme (optional):
Voice Actor (optional): Alistair's normal voice - Scott Mcneil as Koga from Inuyasha, Transformed - Wendee Lee as Yoruichi from Bleach
Trope(s) (optional):
Quote(s) (optional):
Other (optional):
View attachment 967143-BASIC INFO-

Alistair Fengári
Nickname(s): Ali
Age: 17
Grade: 11th (Junior)
Gender: Male/Cis
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual


High Concept:
A muscled, quiet farmhand that isn't quiet due to shyness, more of an issue of he's use to the loud and rowdy home he grew up in and has no tact or filter when talking. He acts the same around his family as he does people that he deems a close friend.

Personality: Despite his large build and hard gaze, Alistair is always in a laid-back mood and genuinely takes the most pride in the various flowers and plants that he grows. Ali is a genius when dealing with Science related classes and struggles with anything writing intensive because he has a hard time translating his thoughts to paper. Around his younger sisters, animals, and other things he deems cute, he becomes overbearing even though he's not always aware of it. Also the type that has no filter, it's a straight path from his brain to his mouth without worrying about repercussions.

History: Alistair had already been an outgoing kid that wanted to do something important with his love of nature and vegetation. Growing up as the middle child with 2 older sisters [4 and 5 years apart from him] and a pair of younger twin sisters [ 10 years younger]. His family has an admirable space of land where they not only raise live stock but also grow various crops, some of which are only found on their farm. No one would ever think they have a rich background as they never make their money a personality trait nor do they flaunt it. From years of working on the farm, learning how finances went in to it, and becoming friendly with other businesses that order from them Ali knows how to put on a business front but would rather spend his time relaxing in a body of water.

Alistair always knew he'd eventually have a career where he could put all his knowledge to good use. Little did he know that he'd get the opportunity to do that. When he had finally transformed for the first time, he wasn't as uncomfortable as he had thought he'd be in that female form. He guesses that maybe its because he had grown up with a lot women near him and had been raised up with an accepting mindset. It was nice to see that even if he had been born a woman, he'd still be attractive and kinda wants to grow out his hair to see if it would be as silky as his transformed state.


6'4'', athletic build from the various sports he participates in, messy silvery hair with a fringe that would constantly cover his right eye if he didn't use some kind of hair clip to pin it back, sapphire colored eyes that either make him look very intimidating or that there's absolutely nothing outside of farming going on upstairs, a faint white scar across his nose from something stupid when he was a kid, scattered white patches from healing sunburns, and often has his nails painted because his younger set of twin 7 year old sisters have really been into that stuff lately.

Personal Items: A keychain with a picture of him and his sisters on it. He carries it on him as a sort of good luck charm.

Skills and Abilities: Besides being physically fit he has a knack for dealing with animals. He's also a skilled cook.


Alistair is still relatively tall for a woman being 5'10 in his goddess form. His hair has lightened from its usual silver into white and goes to his tailbone, but his eyes are now a bright golden color with specks of green throughout. His hair has also grown extremely long. His outfit is shown in the transformed state in the bottom picture with a few differences such as hair length.

God(dess): Demeter
Transformation Trinket:
It's technically a necklace but he mainly wears it as a bracelet after wrapping the long chain around his wrist a few times.
Powers: Has the ability to create various vines and monstrous plants that bend to his will. Can also turn an average tree into some sort of sentient being. The simpler power is one that allows him to make flowers bloom on his opponents body when he's able to make contact, such as those that produce a paralyzing or poisonous scent. His innate ability would be his heightened sense and reflexes that come with representing the Goddess of the Hunt, however that power can be overwhelming at times because he has not adjusted. He has moved faster than his brain thought possible and, thanks to the ability of flight, has flown into a few trees and walls. Is at his strongest during the day.

It's not a scythe, it is a dual-purpose sickle. Demeter always makes sure to correct those that call it by the wrong name as others have mistaken her for some sort of sunny death reaper.


Theme Song (optional):
Transformation Theme (optional):
Voice Actor (optional): Alistair's normal voice - Scott Mcneil as Koga from Inuyasha, Transformed - Wendee Lee as Yoruichi from Bleach
Trope(s) (optional):
Quote(s) (optional):
Other (optional):
View attachment 967186


Name | Ariadne Vassilios
Nicknames | Ari
Chosen Goddess | Goddess of Magic, Hecate
Age | Seventeen
Grade | 11th Junior
Gender: Female
Pronouns | She/Her
Sexuality | Heterosexual


High Concept | A punk chic fashionista with a penchant for maintaining the role as Queen Bee. Despite this, she is a secret sweetheart; only needing to pluck her rose thorns first

Vitriolic and Sarcastic. In words, instead of actions. Ariadne often has a snarky remark prepared for those she deems deserving of them.
Audacious & Honest. An honest individual and quite critical, she will speak her mind and will not fear what comes afterward. She is bold.
Altruistic. Despite it seeming as if her negative traits outweigh her positive traits, Ariadne prefers to hide the good-hearted person she is, as she feels that it is a weakness
Rebellious. Out of spite, Ariadne will often do the exact opposite of what she is told. She doesn’t take kindly to being ordered around which makes it difficult for her to work in teams where she cannot take the lead
Impassive. A facade and most often used as a defense mechanism. This trait shows itself when Ariadne tries her very best to hide that is, in fact, a caring individual and a defender of the weak. There are times when she truly is impassive, however, such as when she is meeting new people that she has not bonded with yet—if that ever happens
Haughty & Snooty. When it comes to magic specifically, Ariadne believes she is the very best and if anyone tries to question that she will shoot them down the first chance she gets
Shrewd. She has her wits about her. Ariadne is quick to come up with schemes or plans to get her out of the trouble she most likely caused

The Vassilios was a family of vintners, prominent cultivators of wine on the island of Crete. Eventually, as the generations continued and the wealth amassed, they migrated to the West. In the present, Nicolas Vassilios is a sole proprietor of the Vineyard. A product of this is the large house in his name and a recent divorce from his college lover and ex-wife, Sasha James. The mother of his only daughter, Ariadne Vassilios. Ariadne would live with her father, and have regular visits with her mother. This, of course, rarely happened being that Sasha was quick in pursuing a career in acting and modeling. It was clear that her mother had decided that the divorce included meant severing ties with Ariadne as well.


Items | Small black purse, with an assortment of necessities
Skills and Abilities | Adept Swimmer
Civilian Appearance | Tawny complexion, olive-green eyes, raven-black hair kept in twin braids with a part down the middle and fastened with obsidian clasps. Standing at roughly average height, Ariadne is large-breasted, with a slender fit physique and wide hips, as she swims quite often.


Theme Music | Primadonna by Marina
Voice Actor | Lacey Chabert - As Ariadne, Colleen Clinkenbeard/Erza Scarlet - As The Goddess of Magic

“Please. Shut up.”
“Alright—don't assume I know about all this just because I'm Greek!"



Magical Girl Appearance | As the Goddess of Magic, Ariadne has locks of nightshade violet flowing down to her ankles, reaching the height of 5’8, the girl is much taller as a goddess. Her complexion has been drained of its natural color, appearing a deathly pale embedded with stardust. A toppled over, waning crescent moon, floats behind, holding up a thin starry veil over her head. Lips tinted a dark shade and eyebrows in an odd shape of moon phases. The Goddess of Magic adorns a strapless gown as dark as night, with deep, lascivious slits on both sides

Transformation Trinket | Onyx skeleton key necklace

Powers | Possesses the ability to use mystiokinesis, having an affinity for enchantments. She specializes in beast transformations and necromancy, allowing her to commune with the dead. As a passive ability, Ariadne has a connection to canines and can communicate with them as well

Weapons | Mystical Obsidian Torches; levitating constructs alight with violet flames

Last edited:
Name | Ariadne Vassilios
Nicknames | Ari
Chosen Goddess | Goddess of Magic, Hecate
Age | Seventeen
Grade | 11th Junior
Gender: Female
Pronouns | She/Her
Sexuality | Heterosexual

High Concept | A punk chic fashionista with a penchant for maintaining the role as Queen Bee. Despite this, she is a secret sweetheart; only needing to pluck her rose thorns first

Vitriolic and Sarcastic. In words, instead of actions. Ariadne often has a snarky remark prepared for those she deems deserving of them.

Audacious & Honest. An honest individual and quite critical, she will speak her mind and will not fear what comes afterwards. She is bold.

Altruistic. Despite it seeming as if her negative traits outweigh her positive traits, Ariadne prefers to hide the good-hearted person she is, as she feels that it is a weakness

Rebellious. Out of spite, Ariadne will often do the exact opposite of what she is told. She doesn’t take kindly to being ordered around which makes it difficult for her to work in teams where she cannot take the lead

Impassive. A facade and most often used as a defense mechanism. This trait shows itself when Ariadne tries her very best to hide that is, in fact, a caring individual and a defender of the weak. There are times when she truly is impassive, however, such as when she is meeting new people that she has not bonded with yet—if that ever happens

Haughty & Snooty. When it comes to magic specifically, Ariadne believes she is the very best and if anyone tries to question that she will shoot them down the first chance she gets

Shrewd. She has her wits about her. Ariadne is quick to come up with schemes or plans to get her out of the trouble she most likely caused

The Vassilios were a family of vintners, prominent cultivators of wine on the island of Crete. Eventually, as the generations continued and the wealth amassed, they migrated to the West.

In the present, Nicolas Vassilios is a sole proprietor of the Vineyard. A product of this, is the large house in his name and a recent divorce from his college lover and ex-wife, Sasha James. The mother of his only daughter, Ariadne Vassilios.

Ariadne would live with her father, and have regular visits with her mother. This, of course, rarely happened being that Sasha was a lascivious woman, quick in pursuing an acting and modeling. It was clear that her mother had decided that the divorce included meant severing ties with Ariadne as well.

Items | Small black purse, with an assortment of necessities
Skills and Abilities | Adept Swimmer
Civilian Appearance | Tawny complexion, olive green eyes, raven-black hair kept in twin braids with a part down the middle and fastened with obsidian clasps. Standing at roughly average height, Ariadne is large-breasted, with a slender fit physique and wide hips, as she swims quite often.

Theme Music | Primadonna by Marina
Voice Actor | Lacey Chabert - As Ariadne, Colleen Clinkenbeard/Erza Scarlet - As The Goddess of Magic

“Please. Shut up.”

“Alright—don't assume I know about all this just because I'm Greek!"


Magical Girl Appearance | As the Goddess of Magic, Ariadne has locks of nightshade violet flowing down to her ankles, reaching the height of 5’8, the girl is much taller as a goddess. Her complexion has been drained of its natural color, appearing a deathly pale embedded with stardust. A toppled over, waning crescent moon, floats behind. It held up a thin starry veil over her head. Lips tinted a dark shade and eyebrows in an odd shape of moon phases. The Goddess of Magic adorns a strapless gown as dark as night, with deep, lascivious slits on both sides

Transformation Trinket | Onyx skeleton key necklace

Powers | Possesses the ability to use mystiokinesis, having an affinity for enchantments. Specializes in beast transformations and necromancy, allowing her to commune with the dead. As a passive ability, Ariadne has a connection to canines and can communicate with them as well

Weapons | Mystical Torches; levitating constructs alight with violet flames
Approved. Hah! You can't scare me with your big words! I know all of them!

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