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Realistic or Modern -- A Little More Then You Think --


sad but rad
R6 are the new band making there debut, and the bromance with this group, is very real. Fun fact, they're all gay. That bromance isn't really a 'bromance' it's an actual romance.

The romance can either be one big relationship or you can split off.

The Roles;

- Maknae (Me)

- Lead Rapper - @iKimchi

- Lead Singer- @P E A C H E E.

- Lead Dancer - @LilyannaGaming

- Leader - @Edward Valentine

- Visual - @Miss Alice



(Don't post until RP starts.)
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Choi Seo Won


Fan-service? That was easy. He could wink in a direction of someone and they would scream, he didn't understand it. He wasn't that good looking? He understood why the other boys got that reaction though, they were all godly in his opinion. Too say he was attracted to them, was true, but he didn't like like them or anything, they were his family now. He was the maknae anyway, he was just barely legal. He still couldn't drink with them though, so that was upsetting.


The concert had just ended, and the boys were backstage getting into comfortable clothes and waiting to go home. Jaebum was playing with a little toy he had received. It was an little otter, since he had a certain fondness for the creatures. They were just so cute and fluffy, he adored them. This was also the first thing a fan had given him so it was exciting. Hearing his manager yell for them too hurry up, he quickly slipped on some sweatpants and a black muscle tee. He took off his earrings and put them into the little case. He wiped the sweat off his face and kept his makeup intact, not wanting to go without makeup until he was out of the eyes of the fans.


"Go to the van when ready." The manager called out, and Seo Won just nodded back. Though he was known as a serious guy by his fans, he was pretty cuddly and whiny, and he felt like cuddling something right now. He sat down and pulled the otter to his chest, curling up a bit on the couch and humming. 


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The crowd was getting hyped until the very end, the enthusiasm filling the whole building. It could be felt throughout and more. He could not believe he actually managed to get this far with his life, but he was stubborn so it did not surprise too many people. Though his parents were still up against the idea of him being an idol as they worried for his safety. Some sasaengs could go pretty far in their actions. Luckily he had not encountered one before but had seen some hanging around. They just stayed with chasing their van but it was still a concern that had to be taken seriously. He knew that very well as the eldest of the group. Perhaps because he had more experience he could see things differently. But that could just be him dreaming wildly about himself.

Once the concert came to an end and the sounds started to calm down, the members made their ways back to the backstage. Changing their outfits as it was covered in sweat. Well he hoped they would do so because they would share the car later on to drive back home. And he seriously did not want to be sick of the smell. Vehicles were never his strongest point and would get more silent in them in order to keep himself as good as possible. Anyway, he went to the shower and cleaned himself nicely before putting on some nice clothes. A yawn escaped from his mouth as he walked back out where the employees were wandering around. Some getting their stuff together while others were still making the last finishing touches.

As the manager called out to the group, he responded with a firm ‘yes’ almost immediately. Making the guy chuckle because of the reaction he received from Min-Chae. However when he was about to walk to the car, he noticed Seo-Won sitting there all curled up as if he was a small puppy. He waved towards him before taking a seat next to him. ”They’ll seriously mistake you for an actual puppy if you stay like this. I can already imagine the ears.” Min-Chae said with a silent laugh. Well, he was just stating his mind right now.
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Park Cheolmin




Cheolmin wondered how he had gotten to the point in his life where all he had do was breathe and girls went absolutely wild.  It was almost if he'd stepped into a dream but it was his life now and pinching himself wouldn't wake him up.  He's tried that.  Nothing happened...  But he honestly could say that he didn't mind.  There was nothing that he was missing in his old life, there was nothing to miss, and he loved the attention that he got now.  Craved it.

Right now he could go for some attention, he thought, even though they had just finished a concert.  Getting attention from fans was nothing like getting attention from his hyungs and the little maknae.  

Once Cheolmin got backstage, he spotted Seo Won curled up with a stuffed otter and it was possibly the cutest thing that Cheolmin had ever seen.  He wanted to jump on him right there and definitely pinch his cheeks but he was all sweaty and he hated being sweaty.  So he changed first, hastily throwing on a striped sweatshirt and jeans.  He didn't bother with shoes, he never liked wearing them.  

"Seo Wonie!" he exclaimed, jumping on the younger without warning and pinching his cheeks until they blushed a rosy color.  "Hyung, isn't he adorable?" Cheolmin asked, looking up at Min-chae with a grin.       

 "Maybe I am a puppy hyung." Seo grinned up at his hyung happily. "I'll wear dog ears next time how about that?" He pushed himself over so his head was in the boys lap.


All he heard was a loud voice and soon his body was covered with that of the small boy named Cheolmin. He turned bright red as the boy pinched his cheeks. 


"Hyung!" He whined, pouting up at the older male. Seo gently slapped the boys hands away, and pinched his cheeks back, "But you're more adorable!" He cooed, smirking a bit as he made the boys cheeks turn red. He let go and turned to look at Min-chae, "Isn't he adorable?" 



Kim Ki-Hyun

Ki-Hyun bowed to the fans over and over thanking them for the wonderful concert. He was the last one off the stage because he didn't notice people pouring off backstage. He was still bowing, waving and smiling like a happy idiot oblivious to his surrounds from all the love pouring at him. It wasn't till the fans started yelling at him did he look around. When he saw he was The only one left he scurried off to the laughter of the crowd. 


He got off off the stage and was handed a towel. He wiped away the drops of sweat but he couldn't wipe away his smile. He walked into the dressing room after everyone and was beaming with excitement. The adrenaline rush and love he got was just euphoric.


He didn't bother to clean up to much since they wild he back at the dorms soon. Instead he just wiped down his body and drenched two towels. He changed into a loose fitting t-shirt, a hoodie and some white sweat pants. He walked over to sit on the couch away from all the excited children and put on some duck socks. He watched on silently with the same smile from the stage still plastered on his face like it was glued there.
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W o o  I n  S i k



It was amazing how fast they blew up, but at the sametime it was a bit worrying. Scandals would now would be ruining for the group. If they were a group with a smaller following, they would be able to easily come back from a scandal. To be honest, In Sik never even paid attention to scandals. He rather listen to the music than pay attention to any scandal that came whatever group he listened to's way. 


The concert went well in his opinion. Their fans seemed to really enjoy it, and that filled him with confidence. They kept screaming when someone did something cute or sexy. In Sik found it amusing at how they reacted to things like that. He hoped his grandparents would get to watch the performance on YouTube, but he'd have to set it up for them, or walk them through it. They weren't too good with technology.


He felt uncomfortable in his sweaty clothes... It was disgusting. He instantly hurried away from the group to get changed. He smelt the clothes he had worn and dropped on the ground. "It smells so bad," He whispered to himself before quickly putting on nice smelling, clean clothes. "Thank god," He mumbled before stepping outside of the dressing room.


He took his seat, and watched the scene unfold with the other members. Sometimes he thought he was the only sane one... Everyone was so weird. Maybe it was because of the culture difference? Though he could be weird sometimes too. He decided to text his grandparents instead of playfully insulting his fellow members. 

Kim Hak-Kun

Hak-Kun was adrenaline high. The rush, he enjoyed it. The crowd roaring for them, it made him so excited and enthralled. He was glad to be with his memebrrs and his fans. The sight of being in the spot he was now, he would never would have believed it as a child. He smiled and waved as the concert died down and the members cleared the stage and headed to change. 

His shirt was sticky and irritating. He quickly headed to change into a loose, long sleeved white shirt and some simple sweats after cleaning and drying himself off . As he walked into the room where everyone else was, he started stretching his arms, waiting for everyone to be ready to leave. He would love to be able to get dorms soon, to take another shower and just relax for a while. It would be good to have that.

he looked over and saw Poor maknae getting teased by two other members. He chuckled as Cheolmin got attacked back and surveyed the rest of the group. He saw Ki-Hyun and In Sik by themselves and chose Ki-Hyun as his victim of mischief. He went behind the couch and flipped over it, his head landing near the other boys lap. "Boo." He said, not one of his best schemes, but it was spur of the moment. @Edward Valentine

Kim Ki-Hyun

Ki-Hyun glanced down at the person next to him. He maybe gave him a half-second of attention before looking over to Woo In-Suk. "Sounds like I'm being haunted by ghost, do you know any quick remedy to send it onto the next life?" He asks in a round about kind of way. Like he is talking to In-suk but really he is talking to Hak-kun, which became obvious when he flicked him square in forehead.

"Ghost be gone." He says flicking his forehead again and smirked down at Hak-Kun.


He looked back to the members of R6. "Who is showering first?" He asks knowing that he wouldnt be the one to shower first. Instead he gets caught up playing video games or talking on the phone about his next project. Not today. Today he was getting the first shower for sure.


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W o o  I n  S i k



In Sik looked up when he heard Ki-Hyun speak to him. "Well... If it's a pest then you feed him rat poisoning, or suck him up with a vacuum like they do in movies. Pests should be terminated on site," He joked before looking back towards his phone. "I call taking a shower first," He answered right as Ki-Hyun was finishing his sentence. In Sik would fight someone to be able to have a shower first, or at least have the second shower... Well, not physically, but mentally. He'd destroy them with his roasting skills. He couldn't stand how he felt. He could usually tolerate it, but at the moment he was dying. 


He looked back down and smiled at his grandparent's reply. They took a little while to reply because the used one finger to type instead of using both thumbs. He didn't really mind. It wasn't like he was going to go roast his grandparents for being old. They were good with technology for elderly people. They were educated well enough on technology though they still needed In Sik to help them.


He looked up from his phone, wanting to speak with someone. Everyone seemed to be occupied with someone. Well there was Min-Chae, but he seemed to be talking to the two youngest. 

so he was left alone. That was ok though. 


(Basically mentioned everyone in this rp).
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Kim Hak-Kun


Hak-Kun merely grinned when he caught his victims attention. He chuckled when they called him a ghost, but when he got flicked on the forehead , he acted dramatic. Recoiling as the second flock hit him, he rolled onto the floor, laughing as he fell. He got up and say back down correctly this time.


"I don't mind going last. " He said. Even though he would love going first, he wasn't going to fight for it. He was cool with whatever place he got. He smirked and looked at Ki-Hyun. Flicking the other boys leg for revenge, "it looks like you been challenge for your place." He said chuckling at the two.


Hak-Kun sat back and pulled out his phone.   He watched the others play and talk, turning his phone screen on and off out of habit. @Edward Valentine

Kim Ki-Hyun

Ki-Hyun was basically interrupted by In Suk when he claimed he was the first to go showering. He had to blink a few times and recover from the power declaration. He glared over at the boy texting his grandparents. He wanted to say something, or maybe even wrap his arm around his head into a choke hold but something better came to mind.

He smirked evilly at In Suk as he got flick on the leg by Hak-Kun. "I'll join you for the first shower. I can help you get you back and...." 


As he spoke he had moved from the couch to walk up behind In-Suk to give his back a powerful squeeze and yank up. "...I'll help you get all the cracks." He said snickering into the ear of In-suk before plopping back down onto couch.


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Min-Chae chuckled as the youngest laid his head down on his lap. Making him feel like he could actually protect someone and succeeding in it. ”If you do, it’ll surely be quite the sight. Maybe I could wear those cat ears again like last Halloween. It was popular, I should take advantage of it.” He joked with Seo-Won, having a nice chat was all he could ask for. His hand went through the latter his hair as it felt nice between his fingers. A somewhat calming effect which worked most of the time. Only when he was really angry it wouldn’t help at all. Scary hyung is what people would say about him at that moment. Well, he punched a hole in the wall before once he caught someone hitting a woman in a café. He had to pay for the damage (it wasn’t made of bricks, so you know) but the man never came back again to annoy people. So it was a win situation on that.

When Cheol-Min jumped onto the couch and nearly crushed the maknae, Min-Chae raised an eyebrow at the sight of them pinching each other’s cheeks. ”Yeah, yeah, you’re both cute.” He responded and rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips. One of the upsides of being the oldest, everyone looked cute in his opinion. Even Kim Ki-Hyun who had more of a handsome aura around him than a cute one. The room filled itself slowly and it made Min-Chae look at the clock, seeing that it was almost time to go back.

He then clapped his hands together and nudged a little to the other two so he could escape from their grasp. ”It’s time to go back to the dorms. Pack your stuff and let’s go. I don’t want to be scolded by the manager again.” He said and let out a deep sigh as he remembered the previous scolding he received. It was not pretty, let’s say that. He picked up his black, leather backpack and swung it over his shoulder before going to the door of the room. Seeing the manager waiting in the distance seemingly getting impatient because it was taking too long for him.

Seo Won started to whine when the older moved away. He just wanted to be comfy. He gently pushed the boy off him and raced off after Min-Chae. He stopped the squeeze In Suks shoulder gently. 

"You get first show it's fine hyung." He said happily and then skipped off after Min-Chae. Once walking out the fans started screaming. He grinned and waved happily to them.

"Hello!" He made the otter wave at the fans. He made the otter blow a kiss too and waved to the fans once more before getting in the car. He got in the back corner and curled up in the seat. He was really tired and wanted to sleep. 

W o o  I n  S i k



In Sik gasped glared at Ki-Hyun began to talk. It wasn't a normal glare, it was a straight up death glare. When the leader touched, he began infuirtated. He felt heat rise up to his cheeks, mainly because he was embarrassed. He wanted to murder Ki-Hyun. It was a normal response, right? Wanting to kill the person? Maybe In Sik would become insane, and kill everyone in the group before running off to Mexico. Instead of feeding Hah-Kun rat poisoning, he could feed Ki-Hyun it. Of course he would never do such a thing because he wasn't insane. "Watch out, hyung."


The anger subsided when Seo Won told him he could have the first shower. "Ah. Thank you. I appreciate that," He thanked the youngest member before giving Ki-Hyun a look, basically mocking him. He felt satisfied that he was now getting the first shower. All feelings of killing Ki-Hyun ended.


He collected his stuff together, and put it away in a bag before following the other members who had already left. To be honest, a lot of fans scared him... Like the crazy ones who would go over the top. A fan once grabbed his hair to get his attention. It happened not too long ago. It was terrifying to say the least because she refused to let go of his hair. Thankfully he managed to get away safely... Sasaeng fans were the worst for sure. He hurried into the fan, and took his seat. Now all he had to do was wait.
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Kim Ki-Hyun

Ki-Hyun followed behind with nothing on his person but a smile. He took in front of the other members to work the line. He loved seeing the reactions he got from people when he gave them a hug, or a selfie or even a charming smile. It was like playing a video game to him. 

He half expected numbers to pop up over their head. He gives a hug and BAM! 250 points of damage. A harder squeeze in the hug and they might faint or ready for the fatality sequence to be entered.

He was being rushed towards the car by security, but he busted wanted to sigh autographs and be with his fans. What he didn't know was that he was distracting the crowd so his tired members could make it to the car without to much drama. The perks of having a naturally naive person leading a group.

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