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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

Now to see how long he lasts before he inevitably breaks down and decides to eliminate everyone other than himself to finally rid himself of paranoia. Paranoia ftw!
That seems like a thing Malcador would do.

I mean, wow.

Father that overworks his child into becoming the most OP, Perfect Tool for leadership and politics imaginable.
Mother that used to be a princess beast-tamer/hunter and barely cared about the above.
Firstborn son who was forced to become the most OP, Perfect Tool for leadership and politics imaginable and struggles daily with his fears, insecurities, and insatiable bloodlust as a result of a curse.
And the other son that's just an evil person trying to go against their nature and be good.

This family is full of fucking problems. They need a therapist.
The fact that she has to use feminine charm to win is dishonorable! Muda! Muda! Yadda! Yadda! r Rant! Rant!
He'd probably at least ask her to change to a short skirt with actual panties (from the image, doesn't seem like she wears any) and a very revealing top. Actually, nevermind the latter. That's basically what she has already. He can probably get around to understand her battle strategy on a fundamental level, and he does have honor, but he applies it only when reasonably practical (ie: he won't save the dark lord because he has a debt.)

That'd be the optimal thing, that, in his eyes, she would have to wear so he can keep some dignity and pride and not have the noblemen firing charges claiming the Guild is a bunch of lewd sex offenders.
Ah, no, she doesn't need to use feminine charm to win xD I mean that the outfit is necessary because of how she battles. Not as a distraction, per say, but because of what she is.
Ah, no, she doesn't need to use feminine charm to win xD I mean that the outfit is necessary because of how she battles. Not as a distraction, per say, but because of what she is.
I'm aware.

Doesn't change the fact that every bandit after an encounter with her will join the Guild of Heroes just to see if they're not really a Guild of Heroes but a Guild of Sex Offenders.

Like I said, lewd!
I'm aware.

Doesn't change the fact that every bandit after an encounter with her will join the Guild of Heroes just to see if they're not really a Guild of Heroes but a Guild of Sex Offenders.

Like I said, lewd!
Hey, she's a barbarian, you're just lucky that she wears regular clothes normally and doesn't go into battle fully nude xD
But hey, she's great for recruiting members then!
Hey, she's a barbarian, you're just lucky that she wears regular clothes normally and doesn't go into battle fully nude xD
But hey, she's great for recruiting members then!
Yeah, but the members are horny bandits who have no real moral values and little skill or equipment.
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Excuse me, I don't know wacha talking about *Shifty eyes*

... not Rin though, see she is totally not Rin in her normal state its just offshoot version with her merged with a servant. As far as personality goes, yeah she does got the snarky 'better then you' general kind of ego, granted she isn't too bad with it, just her intro post came off more that way. :P She is much more on the playful side, not really one who gets angry or anything too often. Rather then get angry or grumpy about a problem she would probably be more inquisitive about it or even try and make light of it.
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*Uses Rin sneaking to steel some pasta to sneak over form the other side and steel some for herself as well.*
I am making a Questing roleplay in the Nasuverse, where the players will play out the tale of a hero who then dies and is summoned into the Holy Grail War.
I am making a Questing roleplay in the Nasuverse, where the players will play out the tale of a hero who then dies and is summoned into the Holy Grail War.
Fun times. :P Have fun!

I'm busy as Melaina having the reigns at the Guild quests and the Bar! (Spoiler: Melaina doesn't know anything about mixing drinks).

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