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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

I found a couple things wrong with the character in general. "Wasn't hitting the correct notes" of the character that I went out to make. I can't just change it since I had already interacted so I decided...
to also give a slight sneak peak of the next character...
by having Bandit killed by him.

So...I don't know why I chose to do something like that.
Scratch that
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I found a couple things wrong with the character in general. "Wasn't hitting the correct notes" of the character that I went out to make. I can't just change it since I had already interacted so I decided...
to also give a slight sneak peak of the next character...
by having Bandit killed by him.

So...I don't know why I chose to do something like that.
Scratch that
So you won't be responding to posts or will it just happen after Bandit leaves?
Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Birdsie Birdsie

Ergh. I've been trying to come up with a good post for Wobb but between not quite understanding what's going on with the delegation (I know Leon is seeing them all arrive, but are they still in the streets or...?) and just not having anything really interesting for him to do (I guess he could try to stand up straight and look stoic/heroic, but that's sort of just filler.) I'm just not feeling a post. Feel free to skip Wobb for a short while. I might, MIGHT think about making a second character, but I'm hesitant to do it. Partly because I'm worried I'll forget one or the other, partly because the one I'm thinking of is mostly a driver of political drama and potentially someone who'd make some big faction/military moves that seem... A little outside the scope of a PC. Or the roleplay in general.
Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Archdemon Archdemon Bishop Bishop Birdsie Birdsie

Ergh. I've been trying to come up with a good post for Wobb but between not quite understanding what's going on with the delegation (I know Leon is seeing them all arrive, but are they still in the streets or...?) and just not having anything really interesting for him to do (I guess he could try to stand up straight and look stoic/heroic, but that's sort of just filler.) I'm just not feeling a post. Feel free to skip Wobb for a short while. I might, MIGHT think about making a second character, but I'm hesitant to do it. Partly because I'm worried I'll forget one or the other, partly because the one I'm thinking of is mostly a driver of political drama and potentially someone who'd make some big faction/military moves that seem... A little outside the scope of a PC. Or the roleplay in general.
They (the delegates) just walked into an inn. Sorry if I didn't clarify.
Where is he though?

the library (again). I do technically have another character whom I haven't introduced anywhere yet, and he isn't as much of a loner as my definitely not a bad guy character. you'll have to bear with me though - I have a big post to write for an RP I'm starting
the library (again). I do technically have another character whom I haven't introduced anywhere yet, and he isn't as much of a loner as my definitely not a bad guy character. you'll have to bear with me though - I have a big post to write for an RP I'm starting
Han's in the forest near a building, guess one of them could find and interact with her

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