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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

I might just have you guys skip Nalnux for now, I'm starting to get really busy IRL so I don't have the time to make up a huge post that will probably take me an hour that I don't have at the moment.
hmm...would you guys say that a water mage would be able to cast the spell Blight? Technically, it's a necromantic/warlock spell, but it works by drawing moisture from the target so...
personally I prefer my women like I like my submarines - equipped with a strong metal hull, armed with missiles and hidden from radar. i'm just kidding - I don't like women, I just like submarines.
*tells boyfriend he can take the next three nights off from hanging out as a joke*
*boyfriend quickly accepts and leaves*
*goes to roleplay my sorrows away*

so how've y'all been?
I ask mainly for Nine's character who they're trying to get in an interaction with us. according to them, our characters are effectively just right outside the Guild building

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