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Fandom A Game Of Thrones - NOW OPEN

Does the song "The Rains of Castamere" still exist within this universe? I know the Reyne-Tarbeck rebellion still happened but it was much later and the Reynes weren't drowned like they were in the books making it much less poetic.
Hypnos said:
Does the song "The Rains of Castamere" still exist within this universe? I know the Reyne-Tarbeck rebellion still happened but it was much later and the Reynes weren't drowned like they were in the books making it much less poetic.
It does. It was just instead written about Tiber.
Hypnos said:
Does the song "The Rains of Castamere" still exist within this universe? I know the Reyne-Tarbeck rebellion still happened but it was much later and the Reynes weren't drowned like they were in the books making it much less poetic.
TheFordee14 said:
It does. It was just instead written about Tiber.
Yea it's probably not as poetic, but I've always thought Tywin was a bit wasteful just sealing up Castemere instead of sacking the place *shrug*
TheAncientCenturion said:
The Golden Company would gladly accept the Baratheon's into their ranks. Oh wait. They prefer the company of fish. Hopefully the Tully's have their back.
Fish happen to be quite the good listeners, I'll have you know.

Also, I suppose this takes me out of the running for the Hand, doesn't it... :c
It's all down to Kuvira. She is "The Queen". Unfortunately.

Edit; Sorry, I'm still in-character. >->
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TheAncientCenturion said:
Lannisters and Baratheon's working together. Shit dood. This doesn't look good for Team Targ.
Maybe Tiber's just doing Braedon a favor so the man would owe him something in the future. ( ;) )
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Where is Braedon standing? I thought he was within eye sight of Aerea and Deanna

He said in his last post he walked away to make sure no one from the Targs could see him, so I assumed outside of the immediate area of the dance floor and provided some room for escape :P

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