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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

After her wheezing fit, Kala rolled over and laid on her back her eyes closed as she took a deep breath then looked from Roku to Orlando, her duo colored eyes seeming curious. "Oh. Fancy meeting you here Orlando. You as well er...I never got your name?' She asked the girl whom had first addressed her. Kala wasn't much for speaking, though she would speak if spoken to, though without her morning coffee and having to sprint at almost full speed to catch up to everyone..well she was bound to be grumpy and grumpy Kala was not a nice Kala, though the calming ride was kind of nice from where she was on the floor.

@Lana Valentine @Clockwork Syringe
Alexander takes a glance at her, a calculating glint in his eyes. Seemingly satisfied with what he saw, he leans back and also looks to the horizon. "My thoughts? Assuming you were simply another Denizen, I can safely place you into any of three categories. The very first is as a magic user. With your cloak, thin frame, and from what I've seen from you so far, intelligence, you hold many of the qualities shared by primarily backline magic users. Controlling the battlefield with tactics and strategy using your magic. The second would be as what I would call and assassin, a rogue, a thief. I say this for much the same reasons. You are thin, quiet, intelligent. In addition your cloak could easily hide any form of small weapon, adding a dangerous element of surprise. The last..." He chuckles to himself. "Well, the last is the more outlandish one, but it is what I am considered. The last would be a fighter. Not a tank or any such thing. Dealing most of the damage and tearing through your enemies." A that point he sounds wistful. Snapping out of it he continues,"I say this for, once again, a few of the same reasons. You are small, and thin, and thus you are fast. Flexible too I would assume, and..." He laughs again. "Contrary to popular belief, having strategic and tactical knowledge is quite important if you decide to delve into a group of opponents all by yourself. Those are all traits that fighters like me, and quite possibly you, need. Speed, flexibility, intelligence, ferocity, viciousness." He shrugs to himself. "That is what I would think if I were to spot you on the battlefield and knew you were a Denizen. But as an adventurer...? Heh, you could very well be anything."

@Kel Vas


"No not yet though I can see the town we're getting close. And don't worry about the cold." Tris says as she raises her hand and a small ball with holes. Tris puts her hands over the holes before the the ball lets out heat and light." Fire."

Kendell was amazied" whoa that is so cool i wish i can do that" she say looking at her" yay no more cold" she say as she smiled she looked up" um... do want to know me besides an orphan girl" she asked
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"I guess that would be best due to the fact that we live with each other." Tris said with a smile placing the ball in the air where it floated. She would love to get to know Kendell more.

Kendell just looked at her as she smiled" okay My name is Kendell i'm 14 years old and i love to read and i'm very childlish at times i don't act my age sometimes i had a big sister i'm kind to everyone i meet but i'm shy so yeah my wrost fears is people dying in front of me" she say saying what she like" i'm scared of storms thunderstorms scares me" she say to her" what about you what do you like" she say" oh i like candy a lot and ramen a lot oh don't give me peanuts i'm allergic" she say
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"Oh I like fire and cute little animals." Tris

said scratching her head." And it I ever make anything with peanuts I'll get ride of it instantly." Tris said with a smile as the wagons stopped." Oh we're here!" Tris said looking out the window with a grin.

Kendell was happy" i like cute animals too and stuffed animals" she say as she got of the wagon as she smiled excited about the training" yay we here yay" she say really excited as she was waiting for Tris" yeah i can't have peanuts at all" she say
Kendell just looked at her as she smiled" okay" she say holding her hand to she didn't want to get lost she smiled walking with her "now where we heading to" she asked she blush as she was holding her hand she was slightly embarrassed people were looking" um Tris people giving us weird looks" she say embarrassed
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Expect the next part of the event to begin in the morning. The time is ticking, and things will always be moving.

(5 hours from the time you see on this post.)

'Simply another Denizen', these words echoed many times throughout her head whilst he talked. A form of separation stood between the two terms 'Denizen', and 'Adventurer'. Sadly, both sides were completely aware of this gap, but perhaps only a few could see it as crushing. 'Mage' and 'Rogue', these were the terms that bound those denizens who chose to fight, they were a life of dedication whilst to adventurers they were simply phases. For a moment she enjoyed the idea of being 'outlandish', however it was just another sense of greed that lasted but that fleeting moment within her mind. 'Fighter', a path that most suited adventurers as it took advantage of their capabilities above the denizens. Perhaps, it was the worst classification amongst them, one that completely disregarded the ways the denizens have lived. Though the two shared the same form, it was as if one side was that of a monster in comparison. 'Speed, flexibility, intelligence, ferocity, and visciousness', these are what Alex related to the role. Truly, these could also be said about the beasts within the world, a live or die type of mindset that would bring about the two mentioned within the latter.

"I thank you, Alex, as you have provided more data than previously expected." Now her frame leaned forward, into the empty lane that split the two rows of seating. Left arm lightly supporting her head, thumb under chin, and middle finger resting upon the bridge of her nose favorably to the left, whilst ring and pinky arced to cover her mouth as if to vow silence for the time.

So her form was small in comparison to others, at least, that was through the eyes of one other. Her right hand instinctively brushed the journal fastened on to her left side, desiring to take note of her current thoughts before rejecting the idea. There was little fruition to be had if one were to inquire further on her own private studies.

The denizens within this world were growing, even Serena left that which was normal, bringing new patterns to her life. In some senses, it seemed like a normal thing to occur, however here, it just felt as if something was not right. Perhaps some of them may even venture out, seeking to join the adventurers in their feats within the near future. But Ashlynn had to wonder, would all truly be forgiven? Were adventurers some holy being sent by a divine deity, arriving only to further change the world for those called denizens? If so, why is it that the denizens were now expanding beyond their roots? There was much to come within this world, and for her to be so limited, it felt like a waste. Adventurers were meant to be limitless, however to Ashlynn, there was knowledge alone. For that, it would be her quest to obtain and invoke all knowledge within these lands.

The entirety of the carriage swayed, a wheel catching a pebble of stone amongst the road. "Steel yourself, Alex, times within this world will see change. Whether or not it rejects us, will be a matter of whether or not we can truly adapt. But a trial will come, one that we may not be ready for. Perhaps even immortality and rebirth will become a thing of the past. Forget the forgotten, and watch ahead, as it is now that the blade will strike for your throat, not then." She spoke loudly once more, offering her thoughts as thanks for his own. She would take on the duty of uncovering the past, so long as all others pushed forward for what was to come.

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Alexander hums to himself in response. He understood where she was coming from. He had noticed a few changes to the Denizens that he had interacted with the most after the defeat of GleamFang, and he had an inkling that the world around them would change and adapt as they grew, growing as well to accommodate them. One thing she said caught him though. Their rebirth may only be for a limited amount of times. While some have died once, no one who has died was foolish enough to go out into the wild and die again, as far as he knew. Maybe there have been, but they simply... Disappeared. He honestly didn't know, and that brought a small terror in his chest. Taking a calming breath, he focused on the important part. He came on this trip for a glorious fight, something to truly push him past his limits, to rise above all the rest of adventurers. To become a beacon of strength and determination.

Sighing and leaning, he began to ignore all the worries that have begun to slowly pile up within his mind, focusing on the horizon. He would have time to figure out all of this on his own time, when it was dark and he was alone with his worries and fears. For now he had an image to maintain. Slipping on his gloves once again, he took one more glance at the girl next to him. "Advice for advice is only fair Ashlynn. You seem to be one who wants to pursue the mysteries of the world. I can respect that. I am much the same, though I don't doubt it is for a different reason. Mysteries lead to good fights after all, and that's two birds with one stone for me. But that is exactly my advice to you." His eyes harden and a steely edge entered his voice. "But you must understand, a lot of the mysteries and knowledge of this world is hidden and guarded by creatures with no other purpose than to guard and kill, and there are many who are unwilling to simply fight and most likely die for the possibility of gaining just the slightest bit of knowledge." He sighs. "That means you'll either have to get strong enough to face such monstrosities yourself or... Or you could ask someone else for help." His tone lightens and a cheeky grin spreads it's way across his face. "I'd be more than happy to be pointed in the direction of some scary monsters to fight while you snuck past it to get what you were looking for." He chuckles, and becomes serious again. "But really, what I'm trying to tell you is... Train. Fight. Maybe even join a group if you don't desire to dedicate time to training yourself. I'd truly hate someone as unique and interesting as you change due to death. So develop your killer instinct. It will save you." With his piece said he leans back and looks back at the horizon, a blank look on his face.

@Kel Vas
Roku rocked her legs back and forth smiling, "I'm Roku the lady with the magic," she said smiling as she looked out the carriage again. "Yeah we do seem to always end up together, it must be fate or something." She said giggling before once more looking out the window. Her eyes seemed a little darker than normal as she began to hum to herself.

She shook her head then turned to them, "I bet it's nothing serious, I mean look at how many people came besides use, one guy isn't going to be any trouble." After Roku said that however she blinked a few times thinking. "Why would they consider one person so important?" She said to herself quietly thinking once more.


@Clockwork Syringe
Part 3: 'And so we find our adventurers, together at last, traveling by carriage to the town known as Prodosia. It is a time of peace, where they may talk to one another, and finally see those around them. The air is filled with a peculiar taste, one that could only be explained as sweet and free, this was the air of an adventure waiting to take place. Some were filled with worry, whilst others were looking forward to what was to come, at last a world event was announced. The era of adventurers was beginning once more, and this day would perhaps mark the true beginning. Like those before them, these fledglings would break away from Aparches with the turning of the time. However, these are not the days one would expect to come.'

A battle cry echoed throughout the air, though it's origin was not found from within the carriages. Trapped within the lands, two hills risen highly along either side of the road, the adventurers were only permitted sight on forward, back, and above. From the hilltops did a number of boulders appear, pushed from their peaks as they rolled towards the carriages. The adventurers were too slow to act, boulders crashing into the sides as the vehicles were rendered immobile, and a number of adventurers injured. Aside from our cast, few others seem capable of fighting back what was to come.

'Death to the invaders!' The cry for blood could be heard from the hills, Denizens crossing their peaks as they charged towards the adventurers, well armed and ready for battle. 'Show all that this our lands, not theirs!' Bandits, that is what one would like to call them, however familiar faces were within the mix, ones found from within Aparches itself. Their numbers were small, rounding at perhaps 60 attacking denizens, however the number of capable adventurers were smaller.

What were those capable to do? Would they release their strength against the denizens, slaughtering those who stood before them? Or perhaps their hearts would weigh in favor of attempting to control the situation by binding the aggressors? Or, is it that those capable would abandon a number of their injured comrades to fall to their fates under the cycle of rebirth?

Welcome once more, my comrades, to A Game Called Life.

Silence, a well known friend that accompanied Ashlynn often. Whether found through herself or the air around, it was simple familiarity to obtain it whilst trapped in thought. Her eyes, gilded but hollow faced the base of the carriage, thoughts entrapping her within. She held no further words for Alex, the individual who proved somewhat helpful in the process of deepening her thoughts, even if he did not know. He even attempted to share his own words of advice, though it only passed off as impossible. No individual would desire a party with one such as herself, more so, one would not idly sit by as she spent day, weeks even investigating the details she so desired. And if alone, she would walk these lands with no direction, incapable of properly proceeding.

With war cries released, Ashlynn's frame remained unshaken, form unbroken as she remained within her state. Her knowledge was too late, already she had failed to read the tides quicker than they could grow. Anger, hatred, jealousy, remorse, it all carried within their voices as the Denizens appeared. Rock smashing against the carriages bringing others to fallen within, or perhaps be knocked out of the horse-drawn contraptions. She herself was lurched into the center aisle, shoulder meeting the opposite bench as her body naturally twisted for the fall.

She could not blame the denizens for what they were doing, as she could see the natural logic behind it. It was normal to fear beings that proved greater than yourself, a natural belief that they should be dealt with early rather than later. Besides, the guilt of murder would not linger on their hands seeing as adventurer's would be 'reborn'. If anything, this was a show of resentment towards them, a sacrifice to show these denizen's will. Each of them were perhaps ready to meet death, seeing as they themselves will not reincarnate within the walls of the temple. Why had they not simply destroyed the temple, and waited for adventurers to fall one by one? There was no evidence to support that this would stop their return, more so, their point was to show disapproval within a minority.

One by one she could hear as blades crashed, and incantations were made from both parties. Distinction was something she could not provide as the two masses combined. Instead, as she came to stand upon the destroyed carriage she could only stare upon the grounds that have been recreated as a battleground. With her descent she could declare none as friend, or foe, as all were the same within her eyes. Shapeless masses that moved too frequently upon a canvas of solid color, now tattered with shades of red. This was the truth behind the one known as Ashlynn, her vision was greatly impaired, perhaps to the point that it was a miracle that she chose to venture even like this. However, what one could find most peculiar, is that whilst all others remained a blur, words were the one clarity within her life. Whether written or spoken, they were that which held clear even within her dulled eyes.

Ashlynn's presence within the battlefield was as if a dove within a torrent of winds. Alone she did not partake in the battles as all others fought around her in the blur of colors. She could walk freely, observing time as if days were passing, but in truth it was but mere minutes. The heat of battle tends to make seconds feel like hours, she could feel that now. On occasion her movements would shift with the cries that could be heard, the shouts of those angry, and the swings of the blades as they attempted to strike. Without form, but grace, she found no harm in traversing this field even without vision. Unarmed she was perhaps a target they could forget if the first strike failed, why it was that they proceeded no further before moving on to others she did not know. What a pity, this world held her in place as a scribe to record it's events, however she held not the eyes to record it properly. She did, however, know the sounds that partook around her, the thoughts of those trying to fight for either their lives, or their beliefs.

"Ashlynn." The mention of her name brought her to a stop. Eyes meeting the ground as she was brought to the current events rather than her own plane of being. Without hesitance, she turned to meet the individual who spoke out for her. "You are Ashlynn, correct?" The voice was heavy, that of a male well within his age. Without hostility, she provided the man with a nod, listening as his blade unsheathed from a holster upon his right hip. "So young.. I thank you for keeping my mother company during the past number of days." His voice, though deep, was kind and loving. So this man was Serena's son, and one that perhaps made her quite proud. Regret was also coated within his voice, ruled by a belief that he could not turn away from. " I can not ask for forgiveness, as this is the path I have chosen, I do hope you understand." Another nod greeted the man as he spoke, as well an unchanging expression. The man was fighting for a cause that reached beyond himself, and for that he could not be allowed the luxury of greed. "However, I do wish to ask you for a favor.. When all is done, can you ascertain me that not all will be in vain?" The man was intelligent, perhaps with his years. He looked to create a movement he himself could not join, one that would bring further hope to those known as 'denizen'. Yet another nod met the man, "Then come, adventurer, let us break the chains that bind us all."

Ashlynn's feet carried her further, her speed heightening as her thoughts began to plunge. Before her was a man that knew much of how life worked, a philosopher that she would probably enjoy coming to chat with. Beyond her own years in the path of knowledge. Was it that he knew she desired the same path that he sought her out, or was it truly just in the kindness of her relation to his blood? Either way, this man raised a blade for his cause, seeking change to take place. Whether the others were like him, or if he held an individual goal she could not entirely be sure. However, his views were definitely for a different cause rather than 'death to the invaders'. If her previous moments were like days, then perhaps these next seconds were like years. Though her sight could not allow, she heard one sound above all others. A delicate vibration as the man's blade fell to the ground, as if his intention was never to swing. She would be painted as the one who drew this man's blood, which would fuel the fires of what could come. Such a brilliant man, his strategy really was a flawless one, with his sacrifice, something would ignite, somewhere. And as an individual that sought that future knowledge, she could not help but play to his tactic, and take on his belief.

"Changdoa, equip." Her words fell to silence, a tone of regret heavily drowning them as the blade formed within her grasp. Her left met the midst of the handle whilst her right rested just below the blade, her motions never halting as she continued to approach the individual with haste. "Cleave." She spoke once more, a final step taken before the bladed edge quickly rose from the ground in an diagonal motion. The force of resistance confirmed that she had reached her mark, followed by a lack thereof, finishing of her attack. Two separate portions of flesh could be heard meeting the ground, forcing Ashlynn to freeze all further moments. The lives of denizens were so fragile, and yet they did not bare the gift to be reborn like those branded 'adventurers'. The man knew that it was fruitless to stand against ones known as 'immortal' beings. But, through sacrifice, his will would be allowed to carry onto greater heights.

Ashlynn would watch the light that appeared, taking away that which would otherwise be a corpse. In this world shape meant so little to her, as all was blurred and formless. However, the brilliance of color was one that could not go unnoticed. The swirl of a warm light, taking away a combination of colors that lay lifelessly, as if to give it new purpose. Even in the midst of this zone of battle, she could only see shapeless colors charging one another, clashing with the sounds of blades. Denizens and Adventurers alike were crying, screaming, and fighting for the essence that was their lives. "Changdoa, return." Her voice carried lightly, eyes incapable of seeing what was occurring around her, though knowing that all attention was diverted to others. It would seem this individual alone had interest in her, or perhaps the others were coursed away by his plea. The man she had slain called her name once, this may be why her thoughts led her to believe in that possibility. After all, any being with the slightest amount of humanity holds greed, and that greed carries through all actions, even those that are for personal beliefs. However, the man was foolish, as his greed led to an end that he could already see, one that would lead his beliefs to rest upon another.

Without accompaniment, leaving the aftermath of what has occurred she chose to venture forth. Her bare feet lightly patted along the dirt that was the path previously being taken by the carriage. If she simply followed this road, surely she would come across the town of Prodosia. For now, there was an event that was being held, one that needed to be attended before all else. Without proper vision of the path ahead, she could only truly believe in the ground beneath her for direction, and perhaps the other adventurers that would seek advancement as well. Alex was right in his words, and that she should probably come to train despite her circumstances. Even within this mild confrontation of battle, she has learned much. And just maybe, even with 'monstrosities', there was knowledge to be found.
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"I suppose," Orlando began, "one man usually would be a handful for a smaller group, but it's like you said, we have a lot of people here with us in these carriages." Suddenly a war cry was heard outside and Orlando could make out the words, death to the invaders. Were they referring to them? Orlando looked out the window and saw a multitude of boulders crashing down the hill towards their carriages. Orlando yelled, "BRACE FOR IMPACT!" before grabbing onto the interior as the carriage suddenly lurched to the side with a *Crash.* Orlando had been prepared so he wasn't affected too much, but the impact caught him by surprise. Still, he climbed through the carriage and kicked open the carriage door on the top of the situation to climb outside of it. Orlando called down into the carriage with his arm outstretched, "Come on! We need to get out there!"

@EXPMIRACLE @Lana Valentine @xEmoBunnehx
It had all happened so fast. One moment he was simply waiting for them to reach their destination after he had finished his conversation with Ashlynn, and the next they were under attack by Denizens. Before he could fully comprehend what he was doing he was out on the battlefield shouting out orders. "ANYONE THAT KNOWS HEALING MAGIC HEAL THE INJURED. ALL CAPABLE FIGHTERS KEEP THEM OFF OUR COMRADES! DON'T BE A HERO FALL BACK IF YOU GET TOO HURT, AND SHARE SUPPLIES!" As he finished shouting he had pulled out his scythe and charged into the fray.

But as he began to fight, he felt conflicted and betrayed. He knew many of the people attacking them. He would have even considered them friends. Never had he suspected any hatred towards adventurers from them. And then he remebered. They had changed shortly after GleamFangs defeat. And then it struck him. He had caused this. He had been the catalyst for all of this. It was his desire to fight GleamFang that started it all, and now people were dying because of it. Denizens weren't like adventurers or monsters. They don't come back. So why would they throw themselves at their blades, knowing that ultimately they would come back and more likely than not hold a grudge. As these thoughts ran rampant through his head, he began to fight less like he usually does. There was no savagery, or ferocity in his movements. He had begun to dance through the fray, efficiently cutting through everyone in his path. Every movement was calculated to cause the least amount of pain.

He was crying. His face was blank, but tears streamed down it. Everytime he cut down someone he whispered,"I'm sorry ". Every familiar face that turned lifeless and began to disappear cause another pang of pain to shoot through his being. This wasn't a battle. This was a massacre. This wasn't enjoyable. This was torture. And he couldn't even blame them for their actions. They had every right to act the way they did and he just responded by cutting them down. As he stood amongst a field of disappearing bodies he chocked back another sob. They had put up a good fight, but it was futile. They had injured him, but not nearly as close as what happened with GleamFang. He wasn't even the sole focus of all of them like that battle. It was just too... Sad. Looking at the battlefield he took note of its state. He had done his part. He couldn't be here any longer, he had cut down too many friends to be able to. With a shaky sigh he turned away from the cries of battle and began to run down the path towards his previous destination. He needed something else to take his mind off this battle.
There is a habit of Joshua's. He did not know when was it formed, he did not understand why he would have it, he doesn't even know that he has such a thing in the first place. However, every time he sits down on a transportation of some sort, he has a habit of falling asleep when it starts moving, and then, naturally wakes up when the motion stops. This time is no different, then again, this should be the first time he had ridden on anything as far back as he could remember, not that it's saying much.

When he woke, he was on the ground and his surroundings are loud, so much so that it would have been odd if he were to sleep through it. The cries of men and women, the sharp, metallic chime of steel clashing against steel. There was no way Joshua could have slept through it. On top of him, as he soon realize, is a man, bleeding profusely. He knows nothing of this man other the fact the he recalls seeing him on the carriage. This man, though bleeding and obviously in pain, grins widely as he watches Joshua gaining consciousness.

"Damn! You sure can sleep. I get that you might still be half asleep, but I'm telling you, we need to g-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence, though, one would not blame him, it would be hard for anyone to talk with a blade stuck in his throat. The man's eyes widen, his wide grin no longer persist, and in the next moment, he explode into spectacular lights.

For a moment, the other man who stuck his blade into the bleeding man's throat was blinded by the lights, just for a moment, but in that brief moment, Joshua was gone. The moment after that, this man was seemingly inexplicably lifted off the ground and was pointed towards the sky. For a moment, he wondered about how he got into this position and in the moment following, he wondered no more as he found a tip of a blade, protruding from his stomach. Underneath the man, is Joshua.

Perhaps it was the fact that he spent his days running around town, perhaps it was the fact that he had been sneaking into the library for every single day, or perhaps he's just the kind of guy that doesn't get all that much attention from others. Regardless of the reason, Joshua had found himself to be very good at moving around very swiftly and without notice. In a single moment, a single window of opportunity, Joshua maneuvered to the back of the attacking man. And as if there was a prompt from the corner of his eyes telling him what to do, he felt an urge to strike the man down while his back was turned towards him. With surprising ease, as if all it took was a push of a button, Joshua drove a sword, one that was seemingly pulled out from another plane of existence, into the man's abdomen, and raised him up into the air like a skewered piece of meat. The man, now screaming in terror as his skewered body slowly slides down the greatsword, was then flung away, towards another man nearby with a wide swing of the large sword. These series of action triggered something within Joshua. The moment when he realized that his life was in danger when the bleeding man died in front of him, the sensation he felt when his blade pierced through the attacking man's flesh and cutting through his bones, it was all so... exhilarating. One by one, more gather their eyes on Joshua, each charging at his with bloodlust in their eyes. In response, almost instinctively, Joshua falls back, not to escape, no, but simply to gain a tactical advantage and draw them in. And as expected, some were faster than others and their unequaled speed and starting position made it so that they were charging towards Joshua pretty much one by one, almost as if in a queue. It was a tactic known as kiting, as Joshua recalled, though he does not remember where in the world he had leaned of it, and only knew what to do instinctively. With the superior reach of the two-handed blade, one by one the attackers fell as Joshua twists and turns his body while swinging down his large blade with a surprising amount of elegance and skill. Enough so that it was as if he had practiced it himself for a period of time, which he didn't, or that it was if he had been watching these very same movement performed by someone else closely, over and over again. The first few fell the quickest, being all too eager to chase the apparently fleeing Joshua. And as each fall, all the more stronger Joshua's heart beats. There was a certain excitement rising within him. All these violence, the trampling and domination of the opponents before him, the exhilaration of combating another, something about this appeals to him, and even more than that, it felt extremely familiar to him, it felt liberating, it felt... fun.

Moving about this mess of a battlefield Joshua seeks out more combat as if a falcon seeking prey, targeting specifically those that had their backs turned against him and lone targets, swiftly cleaving them down with the minimal amount of movement and minimal amount of ruckus. Though that being said, swing around a large sword was bound to draw attention and he had often had to face direct opposition, in which he had either overpowered or outmaneuvered them, either cutting them down quickly with use of his superior reach and strength, or pulling back when he needs to face more than two at once, allowing the other adventurers to divert their attention before striking again.
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Panoplia had gotten on the carriage as soon as possible, eager to see the world. She hardly noticed any of the others as they came on as she was checking the bag the blacksmith gave her. It had the essentials, such as clothes, blanket, flask, a little money and some bread. She saw a small wrapped package at the bottom and fished it out. Inside contained 5 stones with interesting markings on them. "Runes huh?" she thought. "These will come in handy." As the carriage started moving she immediately turned to look outside. As they came to the path to the town of Prodosia, Panoplia breathed in the fresh air and sighed. The grasslands looked beautiful and she stared out to the horizon. She was shocked out of her faze when a scream rang out and the carriage was hit by the boulders.

She got up groggily as she emerge from the wreckage. Several people were fighting while several were wounded. Panoplia rubbed her head as she cleared her thoughts. She heard someone yell directions of healing the wounded and protecting them. Pull bodies out of the wreckage she assembles a couple of wounded around her. Several bandits spotted her and began to charge. Panoplia looked into her bag and pulled out her runes. One had geometric marks on it. "I hope this one does something." she thought. She threw the rune on the ground and shouted "Release!" The rune glowed and employed a magic circle. The ground rose up and formed walls around her and the wounded. Panoplia got up unto the wall and shouted. "Bring the wounded here!" She equipped her hammer and bashed any bandits who attempted to climb the wall. She spots Orlando fighting and shouts "Orlando!" and waves to flag him down. "Bring wounded, or get others to help me. Find mages, we need them to heal wounded and help defend." She equipped her shield as several bandits scaled the wall as she was distracted. "Don't you dare touch the injured!" she screamed as she charged forward knocking others off the wall with her hammer and blocking attacks with her shield.

@Clockwork Syringe

(Sorry for late post, got really busy with schoolwork and such. Didn't have time to post.)
Kendell stopped walking as she heard something crashing as she bite her lip she let go of Tris hand" Tris they are in trouble something happened we have to help" she say caring about the people in the carriage @Bella Bloomet
Kendell looked up at her as she got out her sword as she looked for monsters just in case" come on lets go" she say very worried about the people running towards the carriage
As the carriage had been wreaked, from where Kala was she'd been thrown against the bars of a seat, one most defiantly leaving a bruise over her ribs as she grunted. "What the hell.." She groaned and looked up to see Orlando with his hand in waiting for her and Roku. "I'm gonna kill someone.." She mumbled as her eyes got hooded and she grabbed Orlando's hand, allowing him to help her out. Once out she took no time at all the slip her mask over her face and breathe out. She was mad, extremely mad and whoever had ruined her nice little bit of relaxation was going to die. Now.

Kala normally wasn't so impulsive, but without her coffee and a rough start to the day, her fuse was burnt up and she was ready to rumble. Without a single bit of hesitation, Kala drew Anguish in an artsy fashion, twirling and arcing the blade in a deadly fashion. "So who's first?" She asked, smirking within the mask as her voice was a deadly cold tone mixed with how it would sound for a female to talk behind a gas mask.

"Hey Orlando, guess we might get to have that party sooner than later." She said as she looked toward the oncoming hoard.

@Clockwork Syringe @Lana Valentine

((Sorry! Been a busy day, I just got free x.x))
When the carriage had been damaged, Mira was blown to one side of her seat, luckily not injured from the boulders since they were at a range where she would be damaged brutally. Once she found out about the current attack, she was one of the fast people who quickly tried to escape the wreaked carriage. "Okay, who did that, the boulders was cool and all but this is crossing the line!". She turns to the few other adventurers evacuating the currently injured ones, and when she looked at the battlefield there was already a few adventurers trying to either retaliate by killing or holding off the denizen bandits.

These denizens seemed to be familiar, one guy looks like the one who pointed out the direction of the rune shop. Strange, she could recognize the few others but she couldn't remember them. "I wasn't expecting this. Nor am I supposed to know how to react to this current situation. But if you really want to fight, then have at you!" she smiled as she picked her wand from her belt, the distance between her and the ones fighting was quite close, so she decided to back off a few spaces. Mira checked her positioning before going through her fighting stance, she was standing in high grounds, she could see the people fighting giving her a good range for attack. Her left hand carried the wand, and she faced the side but her head was turned to the fighters. These denizens were idiots, they know they can't easily win against adventurers but they choose to fight, plus they can't be reborn into the world unlike them. It was an infinite loop that they can't stop, and they have no power to defend themselves, such foolishness.

She raised her hands into the air and began chanting an incantation whilst the front-liners distract them. "Fire, Project, Bullet, Pierce, Chain, Fire, Project, Spread, Consume!" the spell was cast, a medium-sized fireball appeared above Mira and it flung itself at the denizens, creating a burst of fire and lit at least four or six of them on fire. There was definitely more of them left and she could feel her mana being easily drained, but this didn't stop her from choosing the next attack. As the mana bar seemed to have reached an average amount, it seems time to test out a little device she had. Mira slid her hand into her pocket, bringing out the previous rune with the earth manipulation technique. Her mana won't live for awhile if she uses it, but it's worth to try it out. She raised it onto the air and shouted, "Activate!". The ground rose up on a small horde of denizens, then the earth consumed them and formed back to it's previous state. With that, her own mana bar was dry, she needs time to recover for now.

As she was about to jump off from her spot, a halberd was thrown onto her direction and a few arrows also flew to her. The heavy steel weapon impaled her left arm whilst some arrows managed to hit her right arm and pushed her off of the high grounds. She fell on her back and her health was slowly but steadily decreasing, darn, she can't pull up the interface with both of her hands decapitated. Mira struggled to stand up from the green grass she fell on, but her energy was also slowing down. "Ah... Ha... Is this the end?" she said, as she decided to just give up trying. This might be karma for attacking them. Hopefully she gets reborn into a nice comfortable bed with stuffed animals surrounding her, that would be a great dream. She cackled silently, as her eyes slowly closed. Her health was drastically decreased, and if she continues to waste her energy with trying to get up, it could decrease even more faster. The pain was mysteriously small, but she felt it.
The constant running about while dragging around a large sword was rather taxing on one's strength. Though collaborating with other adventurers on the field, Joshua eventually became weary and excitement alone could no longer sustain him. For some reason, he felt that he could have gone on longer, hours even, perhaps skipping a few meals. But despite his delusions, the weight of his sword bears heavily upon his arm before long.

How many have he taken down? He wasn't sure. In fact, now that he thinks about it, some of the ones he cut down may have been the ones on the carriage with him as well, not that he could clearly remember since he was asleep for most of the trip. But in a skirmish such as this, friendly fire is inevitable isn't it.

Even so, though Joshua was quick to accept the eventuality of friendly fire, his pace slowed down. Why were they fighting again? Because they were attacked? By bandits perhaps? It sure seems like it. But, some of them here looks familiar, he could have sworn that he had saw some of his regulars within the skirmish as well. eventually, Joshua stopped moving, and when he did, he realized how beaten up he was. Not just from the fatigued, but he had also found several wounds on himself, though just cuts and bruises, nothing serious. For the first time since the fight began, the pit of Joshua's blade touched the ground, his arms had the need to rest, even Joshua himself contemplated retreating. However, at this time exactly, as if being played by the powers above, he found a girl pinned down by others. It was like himself before, but without a bleeding person protecting her and he wasn't literally pinned. But why does Joshua care? She wasn't going to pay him. For all he knows, he'd only be meddling. His mind, with all the rationality it was capable of, said to leave her be. But his heart, his heart was on fire, his blood boils. With each beat, it screams at him to go.

Within a moment's notice, and for those targeting the girl, without notice at all, Joshua cleaved them down. It's wasn't that hard for the most part since they mostly uses long range weapons, unable to react, but a few of them have spears and halberds, the ones Joshua explicitly avoided until this point. Against them, he had to toss his precious(junk) sword at the closest one, take that ones halberd from his cold dead body, and attacked the rest of them while using the dead body as a shield however long it lasted before turning into fragments of light. In the end, Joshua had won, he had probably gotten lucky, maybe they didn't expect that one of their own's dead body be used as a shield, but he won. But even so, he sustained a few damage himself.

Without looking for his sword, he approached the girl, seemingly much smaller than the one he had met in the library.

"That's a large halberd for such a little girl."

While bleeding, he spoke jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood. Why did he do so? Perhaps he was influenced by the other guy that shielded him with his life before. But why did he decided to risk his last life to save the girl? Well it was because he's an adventurer of course. Adventure and romance, are by nature, what he seeks. When he saw them moment the girl was pinned down, his heart beats stronger than ever, his blood burned with passion, adventure had called upon him, and as if a moth to a flame, he took up the call with glee. For a single moment, he didn't care that he might die. For that single moment, living was all that mattered to him, not to keep his life, but to live, to truly live, to shine brilliantly like a thousand stars and have all look upon him in all his splendor.

"Alright let see if we can get you away from the front lines. Just between you and me, this might hurt a bit."

To star off, Joshua carefully removed the halberd stuck in her left arm since it would make it hard to carry her. However, he left the arrows in her right arm, since leaving them in to stop the bleeding was a better idea than pulling them out and cause more bleeding in the first place. The halberd had to go though since it was in the way. After he's done, he lifted her relatively tiny body up, and made a run for it... only to trip and fall due to having already exhausted most of his strength.

"You know what, let's play dead, does that sound good? Cause that sounds good to me."

Of course, Joshua's tiny little head did not remember that the dead don't tend to linger for very long. Oops.

"Ah man, if I live through this, I'm gonna put it all down in my second diary, and it'll be even better than the first one."

@EXPMIRACLE @AnybodyNearby
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Roku had been absent minded for a few moments mostly staring out the window prior to the attack. When it did strike she was both ready and confused. She didn't understand for a few moments why they were being attacked but, realized it didn't matter people were dying all around them.

Roku stood on top of a destroyed carriage firing arrows from her enchanted bow attempting to simply defend her friends and comrades. As the battle grew fiercer she cast out a wave of healing to aid those whom were near her. "Why would this happen?" She said as she launched an arrow and impaled a shopkeeper right between his eyes. "This feels wrong..." She started to shiver as she continued to fight from her position. Her arrows launching various elements in their zeal to attack.

As the battle began to dwindle downward Roku had kept count of her kills and found herself at seventeen people. There were bodies dead all around them and Roku fell to her knees exhausted both mentally and physically from the extended battle. She looked at the others wondering of their condition and spoke in a soft voice to them. "The leader never showed, he simply made us slaughter them." She said before standing up weakly and pointing forward. "We should go after him..." She said pulling out her staff and using it as a walking stick.

@revior @Clockwork Syringe @Exanis @EXPMIRACLE @Kimura959 @xEmoBunnehx (Those of you participating in this portion can do a quick ending post like I did so that we may continue to the final portions or extend the battle if you'd like)

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