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Fantasy A Creation Myth Generations [Warning: Many Themes]

There are a variety of legends through the world as we know it, they tell tall tales that tell of the worlds creation, as an explanation to answer one simple question: Why. That is our world, but this isn't earth this is a new world, in an entirely different universe similar to ours. This is Arodnap, This is.....
Creation Myth Generations
InfinityBeholden InfinityBeholden
dreamthieves dreamthieves
tamarapasek tamarapasek

Two Hearts Become One
~The area around us, everything is matter or energy
Every second, Every minute, Every hour, The clock marches forward
A strong feeling inside, a forbidden affair between the cosmos
It was their relationship, they couldn't bear to be apart, their fate intertwined, two become one
The Universe
A cosmic act of love, together they were more, they created the first life: an egg
The Planet~

It was the planet that was the first living being, it's heart beat shook the entire shell. After time being nurtured by the cosmos it was time to wake, the planets rock plates shattered, cracked, and opened a pit into the depths. The first being made its way onto the ground of Arodnap, she was graceful and cared for the symbol of her creation, she stared into the depths of darkness that surrounded her egg. This was her beautiful home, she was as big as the planet itself, she could hold it in her fingers. Her skin was as hard as the stone that created her, she had ocean blue eyes, and long green, viny, mossy, leafy hair. This was Mother Nature in the flesh. The first Nature. there once was another egg, another Nature, Father Nature himself. He was mean and brutal, he envied of his sister beauty. It was him who tried to destroy the planet, the destruction of his fist created the mountains of the world. It was Nature verse Nature, a long gruesome battle between the two took over a millennium to end. Mother Nature forced her brother back into his egg, this planet became what we call the moon, it was cursed forever to revolve around the planet for all of eternity.

It was the sisters love of the planet that created the first life form of the planet: Mankind. The brothers, regret, jealously, and thirst for power that created the second beings: The Gods. It was from the sky above that The Gods came down. They wished not to wreck havoc on the planet but to create a place for them both to live. That philosophy was short lived. They were annoyed by the gift of mankind. They were both woman and male, four arms, four legs, two heads. They were known as the perfect beings. While mankind was blessed with the great power of love, the gods had power of destructive forces, they had made a scheme to split mankind apart.

There were only a few living immortal beginning: 2 gods and 3 mankind. Aldor and Righteous, the two gods, they had no purpose but that of destruction. At the beginning the world was still ripe and deprived of nourishment.
~Generation 1, Part 1: Love~
They all stayed together, the 3 of them were mankind only. The view was the same everyday, rocks for miles, the moon in the sky, and the darkness that consumed it. The only fresh sight was the variety of mountain ranges created before their creation. They sat together to stare the moon, the birth place of the Gods. All seemed at peace, it was the Gods who asked for peace, they wore their heart on their sleeve, and accepted the Gods into their home. For a moment everything was good.

"Fellow Makind, What shall we do today, it's the same sky, shall we go seek out a new mountain today?" Their voice was that of a male and female infused into one.
“Let’s” A similar voice piped up. The voice thought it would never get tired of admiring the beauty of mountains.

“What do you think?” They asked the third voice who had yet to speak up.
"Ah, Yeah... Um Sure" The third being spoke, being shy compared to their two older siblings.

The eldest of mankind looked towards it's younger siblings. They could sense the love in their hearts, surely they felt the same, of that they were sure.

"Let us be off then" they took charge of the situation, leading their siblings into the fray, into the undiscovered world, yet to be unraveled! It was an exciting endeavor. The goal may have been simple, but the feeling behind it made them overjoyed.

This is Life They came to full realization as they walked through the endless slab of rock, the former shell of their mother.

Finally they reached their destination, The next mountain. Mankind's eyes' broadened at the sight of the endless dark, the moon staring back at them. It was the same view but from a different perspective, and yet, it was beauty personified, they loved it. But it did beg the question of purpose. They looked towards their sibling.

"What do you think our purpose is?" They stared, waiting for a response.

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