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A Charmed Life *PRIVATE*

(Waiting for krista before I do charlie.)

Ok, Robin. If the book kept pinpointing you to this page there was a reason. Getting frustrated why it wouldn't show you vampires wasn't going to change the outcome. Maybe there was a reason why that page was there.

She looked at the laid our map of Chicago on the table. Robin had read about scrying....what it was for but had never done it. During this time she did set up the table, pendulum. Had gotten herbs and vials of stuff she read during the past two weeka, but she didn't touch any of it.

Preparing for it and actually doing it we're two different things.

"You can do this....there's a reason you keep seeing the page on this slayer. He or she might be in this city. Find out where." She walked over to the table picking up the pendulum.

"Do you even work?" The chain whipped up and down as if responding. Robin dropped it trying to calm down. "You literally clean the house with magic....don't be scared of a crystal on a chain....you can do this..."

She picked up the chain again. "Ok....slayer....where is the slayer..." She spun the chain and held it over the map. There was a strong pull as it crashed downtown chicgago, the crystal standing up on it's own.

She didn't need a pen, she memorized the streets.
Kate didn't like it. Something wasn't sitting well with her. She didn't know if it was the girl standing in front of them or the situation but her distrusting nature wouldn't let her think otherwise. So she sighed, heavily. "Like hell you're leaving me behind. Someone has to watch over your crazy ass." She said then walked over to her younger sister. This wasn't her idea of fun, not even a little bit but she would do this because her sister wanted to.

Turning her head she looked over at Ward and stared for a moment. She didn't understand why she couldn't shake him and it was pissing her off. She hated cops, they were dirty and crooked and not what they used to stand for. Protect and serve? Laughable. So why couldn't she get rid of this one?

Shaking her head she looked over at the 'vampire hunter' for a moment then gave a slightly crooked smile. "Well, guess you have two newbies to help you out. Why don't we get this show on the road?" Just because she didn't trust her or the situation didn't mean she couldn't get a little excited about possibly trying out her gift again.
Older sister did not look pleased. Eh, there wasn't much Charlie could do about it. And she wasn't in the business of changing mind or opinions, she was in the killing monsters business. "Awesome. Everyone starts somewhere right? Ok. So few things with vampires. They don't sparkle. They can romance you...my ex is a vampire but that's an entirely different story. One good stab in the heart and poof. Dead. It has to be the heart though or you just royally pissed someone off. Doesn't have to be wood. I prefer it. Classics...you know?" She bent down to where the dust pile was, picking up a handful she smelled it.

Didn't really do much. BUT IT MADE IT LOOK LIKE SHE WAS PROFESSIONAL. no, smelling just was an absent thought as she tried to figure out where the nest was, in proportion to where this guy was out in the city. What she had gathered a few nights before when she made her trip here.

"Do you guys know where a boxing warehouse is? I think that's where we need to go or a jazz club. I doubt its that one though because....yeah that's just stupid."

Charlie turned and stopped when she saw an older woman, who looked very similar to the other two at the alley. She had a map in her hands and a pendulum in the other. Charlie's relaxed nature stopped as she looked at the three of them. "There's three of you....and let me guess....you are all sisters..."

Robin had made the assumption that the slayer might be on the move and brought a portable map as she brought a taxi out from the house. Stopping a block before she made her way to where the pendulum pointed seeing both her sisters. She looked at the slayer, who was no older than Morgan...just a kid. "The slayer?" Robin asked.

"SEE! She's heard of me! My reputation goes pretty far." The hesitation stopped as she smiled placing both hands on her hips like a super hero.
Morgan turned around when Charlie made mention of a third person, and there was Robin. She didn't bother to hide the shock she felt, seeing Robin arrive so quickly was nothing but shocking. "Robin?!? Weren't you at the house reading about vampires?" It wasn't like her sister to shirk the job she had agreed to.

Not that it mattered too much, the slayer was already found and rescued. Kate and Morgan had done their job, so Robin failing at hers wasn't as big of a deal.

"Wait, you're asking us to find a boxing warehouse... In Chicago." The sheer stupidity of such a statement was hard to fathom, little miss slayer seemed a bit less attractive. Did she really not study her target before jumping in?
Robin looked at both her sisters and the girl. She folded her map a dog tucked the pendulum and it in her jacket pocket.

Morgan asked about why she was here and a boxing warehouse.

There were many in chicago. They were like mcdonalds. She was coming into this conversation with barely any information on what it was.

First thing first. "I looked at the book. No matter what page I tried to look through, it would go back to an entry about the slayer. A girl with great strength destined to fight monsters. When one dies another gets the power. Since I couldn't force the book to what we wanted i....thought finding the slayer would get me the answers. I'm assuming she happened to be the innocent you talked about. So we are all here. As for....boxing warehouses....of this is about vampires....this would be one abandoned or shut down. We can look through city records and narrow the list."

"I like you." Charlie smirked. She noticed Morgan had looked at her like she was dropped on her head. Charlie was more of a....jump first ask questions later. She had her team at home to be her back up and they always got her out of sticky situations. She pointed at robin. "Telekinetic." Kate. "Time manipulation." Lastly morgan. "Premonitions. Ok. So you three were the big power spike that attracted this nest. Cool. We can work with this."

Robin stiffened when the girl so easily pointed out what they were. "My concern is just to keep my sisters safe. If I help you find this nest you can handle this on your own?"

"Yeah, that's easy, but both your sisters wanted to join. You should too. It's fun, you know. Fighting the supernatural, once you get the hang of it."

Morgan's computer skills were good enough to locate every abandoned box warehouse within minutes. They could give this girl what she needed and she could get her sisters safe and back home. Robin tilted her head when she saw the pile of dust, her hands going for her coat pocket. touching the pendulum.

Robin had no idea what it was but she walked over. "What is this? She asked crouching over it. She sifted her hand through it picking it up a handful.


Robin dropped it cringing, but then went through her jacket and pulled out her small map, laid it out and then took out the pendulum. She hesitated but then picked up the dust and sprinkled it on the sheet and began spinning the pendulum around the map.

"Can you actually scry for vampires?"

"I have no clue..."Robin admitted as she just focused on the map. The pendulum dropped at a location just of downtown Chicago. It stood there for a good minute until it jerked to another location standing still. "Those are your spots....now can my sisters and I go home?"
Kate turned her head slightly and saw Robin standing there. Why wasn't she surprised that big sister came to try and save the day? Now her day was officially complete. First they meet up a smart ass person who claims to be a slayer and thinks she's hotter shit than she actually is then Morgan wants to run off with this chick, forcing Kate to go along with it and NOW her older more tight shipped sister was here. Who else could show up to the party? Maybe that stupid cop could come back and make it a real exciting party.

Crossing her arms she smiled a little. This was going to be fun. Robin was stubborn, she rarely trusted strangers and she didn't seem to care for this one. How did she know that this was going to be fun? Because Robin was tense, she kept a bit of distance between them and her final sentence pointed the girl in the right direction then asked if all three of them could go home. Robin was the home body and now there was a chance an argument will ensue if someone tries to push for something the other doesn't want.

So what was Kate going to do? Stand against the wall and watch. This was going to be hilarious.
Things were rapidly speeding up, kicked off by Robin's arrival. Her sister's apparent power to scry made the entire scenario extremely convenient, and they barely had to raise a finger in order to find the location of the warehouse. But before Morgan had the chance to do anything, Robin asked if they could leave. That was unfair, and impossible besides. They needed this kind of information, it wasn't like the Slayer girl was going to be in Chicago to help forever. There were going to be moments where throwing shit into walls over and over again wouldn't be a solution.

Morgan had to openly object to her sister's request, she couldn't let a chance like that just vanish. "No, Robin, I'm going. You two can go back home, but we need this experience and information. Charlie isn't going to be in the city forever, and she might not be around next time vampires show up." Kate, of course, was just standing still against a wall, watching the scene. Morgan didn't know what the middle sister felt about the entire situation, but as long as she wasn't outwardly objecting things would be fine.
What could Kate do? She was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Morgan was the hard place and Robin was the rock. Not a fun place to be but she was kind of used to it. Maybe this was why she was always running off doing dumb shit.

Enough of those thoughts! She shook her head a little to dislodge those from her mind and pushed off the wall. "Alright ladies, it looks like we are kind of a stand still. No one is going to stop it so here I go. Morgan takes after you Robin, hard headed and won't let go of an idea so we both know she isn't going to let this go. If you don't want to go Robin, head home and secure the homefront. I will go with Morgan to make sure she comes back home in one piece and relatively alive." Kate shoved her hands in to her pockets, and shrugged her thin shoulders. "I mean what else can we do. Have to start supporting each other one way or another, right?" She was so far out of her element she felt antsy but she couldn't leave now, her family meant too much to her so she was sucking it up and do what she thought needs to be done.
Morgan and Kate were both on board for this hunting shenanigans. Robin looked at both of her sisters and the young slayer who just seemed to be enjoying the sibling tensions. The oldest sister arched her brow as she looked at the two of them. "Hunting vampires...other witches. This isn't what we are going to do. We're not 'seeking' this out. We only do as much as we need to, to stay alive and keep our normal lives intact."

"It doesn't exactly work that way. You three are kind of new to it but that whole 'destiny calling you' thing. Can't really ignore it. This is what you're meant to....oooh scary stare from the oldest sister. How do you two handle it." Charlie put her hands up laughing slightly as she took a few steps back. The glare Robin gave when Charlie mentioned destiny was one that rivaled any nasty shut up stare a human being could give.

"The usual work career of a slayer is three years. Your last day being death, so excuse me if I want you to mind your business about stay out of this." Robin snapped. "This isn't some stupid fun game of good and evil. These are my sisters and I won't let them die for stupid ridiculous causes."

"You need to unwind....and distress. Ok. Shutting up." Charlie grabbed the map. "But Kate has a good idea. Splitting up is a good idea. But...you seem to know the books. Why don't I take one sister....because I know what I'm doing....and you take the other to the other location. It's done quickly and over with and you don't have to ever worry about seeing me again. Cool?"

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