__It's Part Of Life!__

Brian laughed and chased after her, running slowly on purpose. "Casey!" he exclaimed and ran to her, kneeling beside her. "Are you okay?" He asked urgently, looking at her up and down with a very worried expression. "Do you need anything? An icepack? A nurse? I can take you home if you want."

Ariel glanced back over at him. "Well," she said and looked around at everything to do. "You know more about me... How about you choose what you think would be the best thing for me to try and we can go from there?" She shook with excitement, trying to contain herself.
Casey looked up at him, she rubbed her leg, and then shook his head. "No, but could you please help me up?" She asked him. She held her hands out to him, she looked up a him again, her eyes drying from the tears. She looked down at the ground, and blushed softly. She felt embarrassed, she was such a clutz, and she had ruined it for both of them. She sighed softly, and propped her arm on her knees, hoping that it was nothing serious.

Kyle though, "Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel?" He asked him, "I hope that you aren't afraid of heights." He added as he began to walk with her to the ride. He brushed his hair back and looked back at Ariel. It seemed like she would explode with excitement at any minute.
Brian took her hands and pulled her up into his arms. He looked at her leg and looked around for some sort of nurses station. "Well, who the hell runs this place anyway?!" he snapped angrily. "They should make it safer especially with all the little kids around here! I need to find whoever runs this place to complain," he grumbled and cursed to herself.

Ariel looked up at the Ferris wheel, her blue eyes wide. "S-Sure," she said. "I'm not... But is it scary? Like, is it supposed to be?" If she wasn't wearing heels, she would have stood on her toes and jumped up and down. She could have if she wanted to, but she was trying to remain at least a little classy.
Casey put her head on his shoulder, "Im sorry." She whispered softly. She looked at the ground as they walked, feeling guilty as ever. "Please don't take me home." She whimpered, "Please?" She begged, she moved her head around, looking through the stations, trying to pick out the nurse's station. "I don't need to go to the nurse, I'll recover." She told him softly.

Kyle shrugged, "No, it's not scary if you're not afraid of heights." He told her as he stood in line with her. He gave the man his ticket and looked over at her. When it was their turn to go on the Feris Wheel, he smirked. "After you miss." He told her, holding the gate open for her.
"Don't be sorry," he said. "It's not your fault. It's theirs." He inhaled and exhaled a few times, trying to calm himself down. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get so upset. Don't worry, I won't take you home," he said and kissed her forehead softly. "I promise."

Ariel smiled and tried to wait patiently in line. She kept looking around eagerly, studying all the things that they could do. It was so thrilling being somewhere that she knew would infuriate her parents. Like the time she died her hair blue and her parents made her die it back to blonde. She got grounded for a few months, but it was worth it. She beamed at him and climbed into their car, buckling up eagerly.
Casey wrapped her arms around his neck, "There's no need to apologize, I'm flattered that you care so much about me." She told him, smiling softly. "Thank you." She said softly, "My parents would kill me if they found out I had skipped school, and then hurt myself." She sighed deeply, trying to calm her pain. "You can put me down.. I'll be fine." She suggested, looking up at him.

Kyle walked into the car after Ariel, he buckled up and smiled. The wheel started to move, and he looked over at her. He made sure she was in, and then looked up. "So, what's your favorite color?" He asked her. He wasnt going to let this be a boring Feris Wheel ride.
Brian sighed. "Yeah, but I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about it," he said, blushing a bit. He kissed her forehead again, closing his eyes. "You're welcome," he whispered, still a bit upset about the whole thing. "Are you sure?" He asked and looked at her knee with a worried expression. "That looks pretty bad... Maybe we should get an icepack for it or something?"

Ariel squealed and looked over the edge, practically bouncing in her seat. Her whole face lit up as they got higher and higher. "Blue," she said and gasped when they were almost at the top. "You can see everything from up here!" She exclaimed, her lips parted.
Casey shook her head, "Hey, it's fine." She reassured him. She ran her fingers though his hair and ran her fingers along his jawline. She hugged his shoulders and nodded, "Im sure, you can put me down. I'll be fine I promise!" She told him, with a gentle voice. She kissed his cheek, and laid her forehead against his cheek. She told herself that she would be fine, and it was only bruising.

Kyle nodded, "Yeah it's beautiful up here." He agreed, looking at her. He not only meant the view, but her. He shook his head from the thoughts and looked down. He loved heights, and couldn't stand little kiddy rides. He smiled brightly was they went over the top. He was so glad that he had skipped school today.
Brian sighed and gently set her back down, wrapping an arm around her waist for support. He kissed her cheek back before moving up and kissing her forehead. "Are you sure you don't want to sit down for a while?" He felt his pocket to make sure he had his wallet. "I can by you cotton candy, a hot dog, funnel cake, soda... Whatever you want. And we can just chill until you fell better?"

Ariel beamed, her hands gripping the bar so tight that her knuckles turned white. She squealed and started flipping out. "I can't see where we're going!" She cried, giggling and bringing her hands to her face before squealing again. She felt like such a child, taking joy in the little things, but she wouldn't have it any other way.
Casey stood on her feet, she stumbled when she took her first step. She wrapped her arm around his back, she leaned on him a little bit, and thought as they walked. "Hm.." She though with a small smile, "Will you share cotton cady with me?" She asked him, "I can pay of I need to." She added softly. She limped on her knee, ignoring the sharp pains, she sat on a bench in the food court. She sat, laying her head on his shoulder, and rubbed his back.

Kyle laughed, he enjoyed watching Ariel act like a small child. "We are going down the side!" He told her excitedly, he smiled brightly as they rode down the Feris wheel. He loved this ride, it was unlike anyother, an he loved it. He glanced over at her and then clenched the bar. Even though he wasn't scared, he loved the thrill and adrenaline of the ride.
Brian frowned when she stumbled a bit, holding her tighter. "Of course I'll share some with you," he said, sitting down next to her. "And you don't have to worry, I'm paying for it." He gave her a quick kiss. "I'll be right back," he told her and ran off to get the cotton candy. After a few minutes, he came back with a cone and an enormous mountain of cotton candy on top of it. He made a "whoa" face when he got to her, referring to how big the cotton candy was.

Ariel looked around, her blonde curls swishing from left to right. "This is amazing!" She cried, peeking out over the edge of the car. She felt amazing up here--almost like it was impossible to get her down from it. She was determined that she would ride this ride as much as possible while they were at the fair.
Casey smiled and quickly kissed him back before he left. When he had gone to get the cotton candy, she looked at her knee. She frowned a little, and then looked up when she heard him coming back. She looked at the mountian of cotton candy and smirked. She wrapped her arm around him when he sat down. She pulled some of the fluff off of the edges and smirked, she ate it and smiled brightly. Little did she know, she had gotten cotton candy on her nose.

Kyle smiled, he slowly laid his arm behind her shoulders as they began to slow down. He looked at her and then at the deck. The ride had stopped, the people in front of them were getting off. "Almost our turn." He told her with a smile. As the ride began to move again, he took his hand from behind her back and put it on the bars next to them.
Brian laughed, pulling off some and shoving it in his mouth. He touched his nose and said, "You've got a little... here," he leaned in and playfully nipped at her nose like a cat, pulling the cotton candy off and eating it. She's so adorable... he thought, his happiness almost overwhelming him.

Ariel blushed a little, glancing at his arm, but she didn't say anything. She pouted, unhappy that they had to get off soon. "But I don't want to get off..." she whimpered, feeling almost like she would cry. She internally rolled her eyes at herself, wishing she would grow up.
Casey giggled, she wrinkled her nose up when he nipped at it. She smirked and poked his stomach, "Thanks." She said to him, smiling brightly. She pulled some more of the cotton candy off, and eat it. She looked over at him and leaned her head against his. 'He's so amazing' she thought to herself as she looked into his eyes.

Kyle nodded, agreeing with Ariel. "You want to go again?" He asked her before he got up, "Because if you do, I don't mind." He told her reassuringly. He hung his arms off of the back of the seat as he sat next to her. He combed through his hair, and then smiled as he looked over at her.
Brian smiled and gazed back down at her, tugging off some cotton candy. Her draped on arm around her shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze. He shoved the cotton candy in his mouth, feeling it melt on his tongue. He had always loved everything about cotton candy, so not only did he get to spend the day with the girl of his dreams, but he got to have cotton candy also.

Ariel smiled and nodded. "Yes, can we please go again?" She looked back up at the ferris wheel and tugged at one of her honey blonde curls. When she released it, it bounced back up into place. Her whole head of curls seemed to bob with her excitement.
Casey put her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes as they sat together. She felt as if an unwanted presence was lurking around them, she scrunched her eyebrows together and then opened her eyes. Nothing seemed too peculiar, other than the guy in all black who was a good distance away. "Hey.. I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." She told him, setting her purse on the picnic table, and then walked in the direction of the bathrooms. She was walking when the man in the black stopped her. She looked at him, and shook her head. She shrugged and went to the bathroom, she came back out a few minutes later. The man stopped her again, this time grabbing her arm. She looked at him, and tried to jerk her hand away from him. "Let me go!" She demanded. Casey heard a little chuckle from the man.

Kyle smiled, watching her hair bounce. "If course." He agreed, staying on the ride. E looked behind them, and saw a man in almost all blue. He shrugged, and turned around. "Don't look now, but there's a big blue blob behind us." E chuckled as he whispered into Ariel's ear.

"Have fun!" He said to her and watched her leave. He wondered if it was creepy that he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. When he saw the man stop her, he almost stood up, but when he didn't do much, he sat back down. He didn't like the way the man stared at her when she entered the bathroom. An uneasy feeling rose up his spine. He sighed and turned back around, looking at the children run around the fair. They were all too young to be in school, so that must be why they were here so early. A few minutes later, he thought he heard her voice. She sounded distressed. He turned back around and saw that the man had her arm. He instinctively jumped up and ran over to them, his posture belligerent.

Ariel shot Kyle a confused expression before turning around and bursting into ecstatic giggles. "Who would wear that?!" She squealed and then suddenly remembered that she was wearing all blue as well. But her's was a chic and pretty light blue, so it was okay... Right? She blushed a bit and peered out over the whole fair, seeing something odd down below. She pointed to what looked like a man standing close to a girl. Something about it seemed off to her. She nudged Kyle and pointed towards them. "Hey," she whispered, her happiness leaving her for a moment. "Do you see that?"
(Woah!!! Lol I was thinking of spicing up the fair )

The man pulled her closer to him, his breath stinking of beer and cigarettes. Casey choked as he whispered words to her, she looked at him with wide eyes, she was about to go into panic mode. She struggled to fight against him, but she did not have all of the strength that she needed. This was because of her knee, she grumbled a little bit as she fought the man. When the man saw Brian coming, he stopped pulling Casey, in stead, he spun her around and put her in a head lock. He dragged her into an ally where he let her go. She fell to her knees, she clenched her throat, gasping for air. She laid on her stomach, and looked out to the fair. She saw Brian and whimpered, she had almost no strength to fight the man back.

Kyle's eyes widened, "Yeah.." He said, looking at the people below. He recognized who the people were, "That's Brian and Casey from school!" He told her, nearly horrified. He looked at her, the tan had drained out of his face. He almost wanted to scream when he saw Casey get dragged into an ally. "Wht should we do?" He asked Ariel, looking at her and then all around them.
"Hey! Let her go!" He shouted, but when the man put her in a headlock, he froze. If he did anything, the man could easily kill her. He had no idea what to do. His eyes darted around, looking for a police officer. Shouldn't there be one here? A security guard at least? Of course not. They don't have good public safety, so why should they have public protection. Seeing that the man released her, he hesitantly followed him into the alley and reached to grab the man's shoulder.

"Oh my, God!" she screamed, covering her mouth. "We have to get off and find someone to help!" She looked down over the car. "Hey!" She screamed. "Let us off! Now!" She tugged at her seatbelt urgently, trembling from fear and shock. SHe could not believe that this was happening.
Casey sat up, the pain rushing to her head. When she saw Brian, she felt her heart pound. She leaned against the alley way, looking at the two. When Brian put his hand on the mans shoulder, the man's eyes became squinted. Casey opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Brian!!" She finally shrieked, but it was too late. A third man had come behind Brian, he grabbed Brian's arms and held them lightly. "You care about this girl?" The men finally ask, both of them had a jersey accent, and the smell of beer and cigarettes was strong.

Kyle looked at te man below. Their car was still close to the ground, when the IDE stopped he unbuckled his seatbelt, and then helped Ariel. He jumped out of te car into the grass, and looked up at her. He held his arms up to her, "I'll catch you." He told her, panicking. The man behind them unbuckled as well, he got off at the platform, and rushed off to the alley. Kyle looked around, why wasnt anyone calling the cops? H didn't have his cell with him, it was in the car.
Brian squirmed beneath his grasp. A low growl of anger came from the back of his throat. He didn't say anything, his mouth twisted into an angry snarl. His emerald eyes glared at them, tugging against their arms. "You hurt her, and so help me, I won't hesitate to call the police... or kill you myself," he said lowly. He knew that he was no match against three men. But he would do anything to save Casey.

Ariel shook, glancing at the ground. There was at least another her between the car and the ground, probably more. She squeaked and slowly slid out of her seat, sitting on the edge of the car. She knew that she shouldn't be selfish. Someone else's lives were at risk. She closed her eyes and jumped off.
The man smirked, "Oh you think so?" He asked, his sly eyes opening and looking at the men around him. "Ya hear that boys? This little city slicker is gonna kill us, and he doesn't want us to hurt his wittle grl fwend either." He mocked Brian, as he walked over to Casey. Casey moved herself closer to Brian, trying to avoid the man. She stood up, trying to sneak away. He saw he though, and walked right up to her. He slammed his arm into her side, knocking her down. He put a foot on her motionless body, and smirked. "Pretty little thing, bet she hasn't experienced a real man, well, she will." He declared chuckling. He picked her up and walked to the van parked at the end of the alley. Casey whimper as her hands and feet were tied together .

Kyle caught her, and set her down in the grass. "Come on!" He said, taking her hand and pulling her towards the alley. The man in blue raced to the entrance of the alley, joined by two other men. They were prepared, and they were ready to get their task done. Kyle ran with her to the alley, not noticing the men.
"Don't touch her!" Brian cried, still struggling to escape the man's grasp. "Let her go, or I'll call the police!" He looked around for someone to hep and started shouting at the top of his lungs. "Someone! Call the police!" He kicked his foot back, aiming for the man's knee.

Ariel blinked around, her heart racing. A small squeak rose in her throat. She ran fairly easily in her heels, other than the occasional stumbling and twisting of her ankle. Despite the fact she had stepped on one of her feet wrong, she kept running and ignored the throbbing pain that it caused her. Helping these people was more important to her than a simple sprain.
A quick wave of panick came over the man; quickly, he walked behind Brian, and gagged him. He held his arms behind his back as he shoved Brian towards the van. "I won't touch your girlfriend, if you stay down." He told him as he tied his knees and hands together. He opened the back of the van and shoved Brian inside. Casey looked up at see the man close the door once again. She saw Brian, and a fint smile came over her lips. She sat up, ignoring the pin, and ran her fingers through his hair. "Blueberry." She whispered, before leaning on the back of the seat.

Kyle saw Ariel falling behind, he ran back to her and picked her up. He carried her into the alley, and then set her down. "Stop!" He yelled, running towards them. For his luck, he ran right into the big man. He held Kyle against the wall, as the other men went for Ariel. "Don't hurt her!" He yelled, looking at her frantically.

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