__It's Part Of Life!__

Casey smiled brightly, "Lets go!" she agreed, dumping her books in her locker and then taking his hand again. She was so ready to skip, even if it was the first day of school. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and began to walk towards the door. Casey turned towards his locker, and smirked, "You might want to put your books back." she suggested, smiling brightly.

Kyle looked over at her, he couldn't help but let his eyes fall on to her gorgeous hair and face. He made himself look away from the girl next to him. He looked up at the front of the classroom, and sighed as he waited for Algebra to start. He personally hated algebra, and would rather be in gym or science.
Brian wrapped his arm around her waist and glanced at his locker. "I should, shouldn't I?" He reluctantly pulled his arm away and opened his locker, carelessly throwing his books in. He wrapped his arms back around his waist and kissed her forehead.

Ariel glanced around the room again, growing bored. She sighed and leaned back, looking down at her sparkly shoes. She glanced back over at Kyle for a moment before looking away again. She really did not want to be here. She looked around, wondering where the teacher was.
Casey giggled a little bit, she wrapped her arm around his back as they walked, and then looked up at him. "Should we take my car or your car?" she asked him, playfully tapping his nose as she asked the last part of her question. She walked outside with him, smiling as they stood on the sidewalk. "Which one is it going to be mister?" she asked cutely. She moved herself behind him, and jumped onto his back. She rested her head on his, and placed a little kiss on his shoulder.

Kyle looked up at the ceiling as he sat in that torturous room. He saw that Ariel was bored, and then came up with a great scheme. He tore a piece of paper, and began to write, "Hey, you want to skip Algebra with me?" and then slid her the paper, whistling like nothing had happened. He didn't want to be there, so any way he could leave would please him.
"Well, let's waste my--" His eyes widened and his arms instinctively wrapped his arms around her legs so that she would not fall. Once he got over his surprise--and pleasant surprise that is--he chuckled and glanced up at her. "Let's waste my gas money instead of yours," he said. "My treat." He then began to jog along the sidewalk, still holding her legs.

Ariel looked down at the paper, reading it quickly. She glanced over at him, a small sparkle in her eye. She studied him closely and giggled to herself, leaning over to write with her neon green pen. "If you have something interesting to do," she wrote with a colon and capital P, meant in a taunting way. She leaned over and tucked it in his shirt. She laughed and tossed her head back, her golden locks bouncing.
Casey smirked, she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck, and looked forward, "How sweet." she cooed with a little chuckle. She screeched a little as he jogged, and couldn't help but laugh when he stopped. Once he stopped, she hopped down from his back, and stood in front of him. She blocked the door to his car with her body, she looked up at him, and smirked. "What's the magic word?" she asked cutely.

Kyle smiled a little when he watched her write, when she stuck it in his pocket, he took it out slowly, and looked at her reply. "I have the perfect idea." he told her, as he slid it to her. He watched her beautiful hair bounce as it swung behind her back. He smirked a little and waited for her to reply.
Brian walked forward and brushed her hair behind her ears, leaning down and giving her forehead a light kiss. "Let's see..." He playfully looked up. "Blueberry?" He looked down, smiling broadly, and wrapped his arms around her waist. He beamed, adoring how absolutely adorable she was.

Ariel watched him closely, biting the corner of her lip gently. She delicately opened it and gazed at it for a while. She kicked her legs back and forth under her desk as she 'thought.' She wasn't actually thinking, she just wanted to tease him a little bit. Her blue eyes glanced over at him tauntingly for a moment, and her pencil wrote a reply on the paper. "Alright, then. Take me away," she wrote.
Casey smiled softly, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. "Close enough." she whispered before she moved out of his way. She hugged him before she walked to the passenger's side of the car, she climbed into his car, and buckled herself up. She couldn't wait to go to the fair with him.

When Kyle got her reply, he stood up, taking his books into his hands, and then he looked at Ariel. He nodded his head towards the door, and then took her books. He didn't care who was watching them, because they both wanted freedom. His eyes glinted with excitement as he waited for her to join him, he walked out of the room and stood in the hallway, patiently waiting for her.
Brian kissed her back quickly and watched her walk to the other side, sighing blissfully. He sat in the seat and felt his shirt for his keys. Letting out a frustrated 'hmph', he looked in the glove compartment and pulled out the lanyard, starting the car. He almost shivered with excitement.

Ariel smirked when he took her books and twirled out of her seat, her blue dress furling around her thighs. She strode out of the room, beaming from all the people watching the two of them leave. Maybe if they were more interesting, she would be leaving with them, but they weren't. She stood beside him, placing her hands on her hips. "So," she said in a sultry voice, "Where are we going?"
Casey watched as Brian looked for his keys, she smiled when he found the keys. She leaned back in her seat a little bit and looked over at him. She smile quivered with excitement, she placed her hand ontop of his and smirked. "Lets do this." She said to him, her hazel eyes gleaming with excitement. The fair wasn't the only reason she was happy, the main reason was because she got to spend time with Brian.

Kyle looked at Ariel as he twirled around, he jammed his books into his locker, then looked back at her. "Anywhere you'd like." He responded, he didn't care where they went as long as he was out of school, more specifically, Algebra. He glanced at te clock, wondering where their teacher was. But it was no concern to him, he could care less.
Mind If I Join?

Name: Hero Nicholson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Shy, crazy in the inside, book worm, not so talkative, Stubborn, easily tempered fun to be around

Mind If I Join

Relationships: Single, ready to mingle boyss ;)


Other: I know Tae Kwon Do
Brian smiled; his car swerved out of the parking lot, the tires squealing. He drove a bit recklessly--just for fun, but he made sure that he didn't do anything too dangerous out of fear of hurting her. He beamed, struggling to keep his eyes off of her and his eyes on the road.

Ariel crossed her arms, an unhappy expression on her face. "One, I'm new. How do you expect me to know anything that's around this... Forsaken town of..." she grimaced and shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing. "Anyway, two, I thought you said you had 'the perfect idea," she looked at him with a matter-of-fact expression on her face.
(Laney Im sorry, but this is a closed RP for Erin and I only)

Casey rolled her window down, she saw Brian trying not to drive too recklessly, this made her blush a little bit. She pulled her knees up to her chest, and pulled her hoodie over her face. She couldn't help but smile brightly, she tried not to distract Brian, so she put her legs down and her hood off of her head. She sat quietly, softly turning the radio up, she hummed a long, looking from Brian to the road multiple times.

Kyle blushed a little bit, "My perfect idea was spending time with you." He admitted, "Don't laugh." He added. He thought of where to go, and then an idea came to mind. "Lets go out for icecream." He suggested, smiling curiously. He wondered if she would even talking to him anymore. He had just met her, he didn't know if he should have told her that he liked her.
Coedy said:
(Laney Im sorry, but this is a closed RP for Erin and I only)
Casey rolled her window down, she saw Brian trying not to drive too recklessly, this made her blush a little bit. She pulled her knees up to her chest, and pulled her hoodie over her face. She couldn't help but smile brightly, she tried not to distract Brian, so she put her legs down and her hood off of her head. She sat quietly, softly turning the radio up, she hummed a long, looking from Brian to the road multiple times.

Kyle blushed a little bit, "My perfect idea was spending time with you." He admitted, "Don't laugh." He added. He thought of where to go, and then an idea came to mind. "Lets go out for icecream." He suggested, smiling curiously. He wondered if she would even talking to him anymore. He had just met her, he didn't know if he should have told her that he liked her.
Oh thats okayyy
He smiled, glad she put her hood down. He did not want her face to be covered in any way shape or form. He started to pretend to dance, shaking his head left and right. "I love this song!" He said, dancing like a complete idiot. The light turned red and he stopped, his eyes wide. "Whoa, that was a bit of a moment ruiner."

Ariel raised an eyebrow. "Flattering," she said, looking around with her bright blue eyes. "Well, I guess icecream is alright," she said and flashed him a smile. She was a bit flustered from the surprise of him saying that so soon. It wasn't a bad thing though. She rather liked it--she loved confident guys that weren't afraid to speak their mind. It just surprised her a bit. She didn't expect that to come from him.
Casey giggled when Brian danced in his seat, she danced with him. "Nah, it's fine." She told him, playfully poking his side. She turned the music up, and looked over at him. "Dance with me!" She proclaimed, as she squirmed in her seat. She giggled a little bit, not caring who saw her.

Kyle nodded, he took his keys out of his pocket, and looked over at her. "Ok, I'm ready for some ice cream." He told her, as he started to walk towards the door. He looked at her and stopped, "We don't have to go for ice cream, there's a movie theater, a mall, and other resturants that we can go to." He told her, letting er know other options.
Brian laughed band began to dance again, being careful to keep his eyes on the road. Suddenly, he stopped, a strange expression on his face. One eye twitched and the corner of his top lip rose up to it. "Something got in my eye," he said and spent a second pulling whatever it was out. "Alright," he said. "We're good." He started dancing again, a bit embarrassed about that.

Ariel shrugged and looked around with bright blue eyes. "Anywhere but here," she muttered, flicking her honey blonde curls over her shoulder again. "It doesn't really matter really," she flashed him a bright white smile. "I mean, you'll be with me, won't you?" She teased. "I mean, that's what you want." She winked.
Casey looked over at him, she was glad that he had gotten whatever had gotten into his eye out. She placed her hand on the side of his face "All better." She said and then smiled when he started dancing. She danced wth him, giggling uncontrollably. When they were about to the fair, she stopped dancing and sat still. Something didn't feel right, she pulled her knees up to her chest again, and closed her eyes. She didn't know what had happened, but something must've happened.

Kyle laughed a little, "Yes it was what I wanted." He agreed, chuckling softly. He combed his fingers through his hair as e held the door open for Ariel, "After you." He insisted, smiling softly. He was glad he could joke around with her, and that she could defend herself. She was a unique girl.
He quieted and glanced over at her, a concerned expression on his face. He slowed down, pulling into the parking lot. "Hey," he said. "You alright?" His eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes filled with sincere concern. He stopped the car when he found a parking spot and turned it off, but he didn't get out immediately. He wanted to see what was wrong. He reached over and took her hand.

Ariel smiled, striding through the doorway. "Why, thank you, sir," she said and gazed around. She placed her hands on her hips, looking back at him. "Alright," she said, tilting her head, her curls bobbing up and down. "Which car is yours?"
Casey wished that she hadn't drawn attention to herself, but regardless of what she had thought before, she looked up at Brian, and held his hand tightly. "I don't know, something doesn't seem right." She told him, a scared expression shot through her eyes as she looked up into his. She buried her head into his chest, then took her head out of his chest. "I think I'll be ok." She told him, forcing a small smile on to her lips.

Kyle nodded, "Quite welcome miss." He responded, smiling. He unlocked his blue Ferrari, and then pointed to it. "That one." H told her, proud of himself. He ha gotten the car for his birthday, but he had to pay for half of it. He looked at Ariel and ten began to walk down to his car. "Hope you like rolling windows down." He said to her with a smirk and a chuckle.
Brian rubbed her back and stroked her hair. "Is it because we're skipping school?" He murmured and leaned in, kissing her forehead. "Do you want to go back?" He gazed down into her eyes caringly, stroking her cheek. "I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

Ariel's jaw dropped. "The..." She pointed to it. "That one?" She walked to it, her blue eyes wider than normal. "Wow..." She glanced over at him, an impressed smile on her face. "Nice." She strode towards it, swaying her hips. "And yes," she winked. "I do like having the windows down."

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