__It's Part Of Life!__

Casey shook her head, "No, it's not because we are skipping school." She told him, she looked up into his eyes, and smiled softly. "I don't want to go back, I would like to go to the fair with you." She said to him, giving him a reassuring look in her eyes. "I'll be fine." She responded as she leaned in a little closer to him. "It's probably because I'm so excited." She added, before she kissed his cheek. She unbuckled herself and looked into his eyes, she placed her hand on the side of his face. Her fingers stroking his hair and cheek.

Kyle smirked, "That's good, because they are always down." He told her smiling triumphantly. He opened the passenger door for her and walked over to the drivers side. He turned the car on and rolled the windows down. He turne the radio up a little bit, and looked at Ariel. He smirked when he saw her swaying her hips.
Brian reached up and took her hand. "You're sure?" He asked just to double check. His other hand reached down and unbuckled his seat belt before reaching across and caressing a strand of her hair. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "If you want to go back or you want me to take you home or something, let me know, okay?" He insisted, his lips brushing across yours. "Do you promise me you'll do that?"

Ariel climbed into the passenger seat and closed the door. She buckled up and rested her arm on the window, running her hand through her hair slightly. She crossed her legs, her dress slipping down a little bit, but she absentmindedly pulled it back up. She gazed into the side mirror and pulled out some lip gloss--which she kept in her bra just like her cell phone--and slid it on her lips. She smiled at him, not embarrassed in the least, and tucked it back between her breasts safely.
Casey nodded, she rubbed her fingers across his knuckles, and looked into his eyes. "I promise. I'll tell you if I want to go home." She agreed, kissing him back. She leaned against him and hugged him tenderly. "You're the best." She told him, smiling softly. She reluctantly let go of his hands, and slid out of the car. She stood next to it, closed the door, and walked to the hood of the car, and laid down on it. The usual, crazy, Casey had come back.

Kyle pulled out of the parkinglot, he drove down the street, not noticing what Ariel was doing until he stopped at a red light. He blinked as he watched her apply her lip floss, and put it back into her bra. He drew his attention back to the road as he began to drive. "So what flavor ice cream are you going to get?" He asked, a smile grazing his lips as he looked at her again.
Brian smiled and hugged her back. "Well, that's not true," he said. "I'm not the best because I'm not better than you. You're the best." He stole a kiss on her cheek and hopped out. He laughed and leaned against the car, gazing at her as she laid on the hood. "Having fun?" He asked, chuckling.

Ariel glanced over at him. "I'm not sure," she said. "Maybe vanilla." She shrugged, secretly not quite a fan of ice cream. "What are you going to get?" She asked, tugging at her curls and making them bounce up and down. Her wide, blue eyes blinked innocently.
Casey giggled, "Oh please, very one knows you are the best." She agrued as she looked up at him. She smirked as she sat up; "Of course I'm having fun!" She told him, "It's always fun with you." She added, with a wink. She took his hand and stood up, "Lets go have some fun." She said with a cute smile. She walked up to Brian and took his other hand. She tried to pull him off of the car.

Kyle looked over at Ariel and thought, "Vanilla with sprinkles." He told her with a little chuckle. He drove into a parking lot and turned the car off. "You ready?" He asked as he opened her door for get. He smiled a little then he got his wallet out, making sure he had enough money to pay. Which he did.
"No," Brian said defiantly. "You're definitely the best." He smiled and squeezed her hand, watching her as she tried to pull him off of the car. "Having difficulties?" he raised an eyebrow. He laughed, leaning back against the car and adoring everything she did.

Ariel smiled and glanced over at him. She unbuckled and climbed out, her heels clicking on the ground. "Me? Ready?" She smiled. "Hun, I was born ready." She didn't really care how stupid that sounded, she just flicked her hair over her shoulder and began to walk twoards the icecream shack.
Casey frowned, seeing that he was stronger than she was. "Possibly." She said reluctantly, she let go of his hands and took a step back. She looked at him, smirking brilliantly, she began to walk away from him, her hips swaying back and forth. She un did her ponytail and let her hair away back and forth. She walked in front of the fair grounds, and stopped.

Kyle laughed, "Good to know." He said chuckling softly. He walked up behind her, and took out some money. "Hey Fred." He said to the old man behind the counter, "I'll have the usual." He added, Fred nodded and looked at Arel. "And what will this pretty young woman want?" He asked with a friendly smile.
Brian blinked, trying to keep his jaw from dropping. After recovering from a moments shock, he smirked and gladly watched her before walking up behind her. When she stopped, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Now, that was mean, and you know it," he smiled down at her, his emerald green eyes sparkling.

Ariel smiled, looking between the two. "I'll just have a small vanilla cone, please," she said in a sweet voice. Her eye blinked innocently, and she blushed when he called her pretty. She took on an almost completely different persona when talking to adults, which was exactly what was displayed here.
Casey laughed, "It was worth it." She responded; she wrapped her arm around his back, and leaned against him. "What should we do first?" She asked him. As she walked into the fair with him, she stopped walking again and jumped on his back. She giggled a little bit, and then linked her arms around him.

Kyle took his cone when it showed up, then paid Fred. "Thanks Freddy." He said as he handed Ariel her cone. "Here you go. He said smiling. He walked over to a bench and sat down. He licked some of his icecream as he sat down, he looked at he and smirked; "I don't bite." He joked with a chuckle.
Brian chuckled. "Well, we should--" he stumbled forward, wrapping his arms around her legs. He glanced over his shoulder at her, smiling. "Well, let's see..." he looked around. "What do you want to do?" He asked, unsure of what he wanted to do. "You're the lady. You choose."

Ariel slowly leaned in and licked the icecream, watching him with attentive blue eyes. She smiled and blinked, walking towards him. "You don't?" she asked, tilting her head. "That's a shame. I do." She winked and sat down next to him, crossing her legs.
Casey leaned her head on his shoulder, and looked around. "Lets go on a roller coaster!" She said, smiling brilliantly. "Unless you're scared." She taunted, looking at the back of his head. She kissed the back of his head, and then laid her head on his. He rubbed his shoulders as they stood there.

Kyle laughed, "I've got to watch my back then." He joked. He looked at her, his hazel-green- eyes looking at her, then at the shack. He ate a little more of his icecream, and then leaned back a little bit. "How's your icecream?" He asked her with a curious, but friendly smile.
Brian laughed. "I don't know; I might be." he glanced at it. "I mean it looks pretty scary," he teased. "You sure you're up for that?" He looked over his shoulder at her and kissed her nose softly. He beamed as he gazed at her beautiful face before starting to jog, bouncing her playfully, towards the roller coaster.

Ariel smiled. "Yeah, you do," she said in a smooth tone, smirking a bit. She licked the ice cream again, wincing from a slight brainfreeze. "It's delicious," she said, scrunching up her nose. She glanced over at him, trying to shake it off.
Casey nodded, "Uh yeah I am!!" She told him, wiggling her nose after he kissed it. She giggled as he blounced her on his back, she held on to him tightly and let a sigh of relief out when they got to the line. She slowly got off of his back, when she was off of his back, she stood next to him smiling. "I love roller coasters." She told him as she took his hand and held it.

Kyle nodded, he looked at her as she scrunched up her nose, "Brain freeze?" He asked her, getting brain freeze himself. He laughed a little, and set his ice cream on the table. He rubbed the side of his head, hoping to get rid of the numbing-feeling. He rarely got brain freeze, so when he did, it was always a cool feeling.
He gazed down at her, squeezing her hand. "Alright then," he said. "Here we go." He watched the people squealing as they rode it, and then he gazed back down at the people in line. Most of them were either skipping just like them or they were people from a different part of the county who hadn't started school again yet. He looked around, getting an eerie feeling in the pit of his stomach. However, he quickly shook it off and smiled back down at her.

Ariel nodded and blushed, smiling a bit. She looked down at her icecream, twirling it around in her hand. She gazed at him for a moment before looking around again. She felt a little bit bored; the excitement of skipping school finally died away. "So, what else is there to do around here?" She asked him, licking her icecream again and smiling up at him with a sticky white smile.
Casey let her hands fly up into the air, she squealed as they spun around in the roller coaster. She looked over at Brian and took his hands. She smiled brightly, and pulled his hands up. The ride wore on, she screamed a little bit, and then stopped. The ride had stopped, the harnesses loosened, and Casey stood up. She looked down at Brian, her hair going in all different directions.

Kyle threw away the rest of his cone, he laughed a little when he saw Ariel's sticky smile. "You got some icecream there." He told her, wiping the white icecream off of the corner of her mouth. He thought and then smiled, "You want to go to the fair?" He asked her with a curious smile.
Brian nearly threw up on the roller coaster, and he was glad to get off. He tried not to seem so flustered and nauseous by it as he smoothed out her hair. His smile was crooked, and he seemed a bit pale. "That was fun," he said cheerfully, looking around for a bathroom of some sort. However, being off the rollercoaster, the nausea soon passed and he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Ariel blushed and licked her lips, looking away. She felt like a slob. Her blue eyes turned to him with a curious sparkle. "The fair? What all is there?" ((That rhymed.)) She had never been to a fair before; her parents never allowed her. She tilted her head, her curls bobbing a bit.
Casey looked at him, he didn't look so good. "Hey, you should sit down." She told him softly. Not giving him time to argue, she sat him down on a bench, and looked at him. "You feel any better?" She asked him before kissing his cheek, and then laying her head on his shoulder.

Kyle looked at her, then at the table. "Roller coasters, games, and a whole lot more!" He told her as he stood up, he took his keys out of his pocket and extended a hand to Ariel. "Is that a yes?" He asked her, a calm yet excited expression coming over his face.
He nodded, running a hand through his dark hair. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he said, colour returning to his cheeks. "Guess I just underestimated it," he laughed bitterly, blushing and cursing at himself internally. He wrapped an arm around her and spotted a game. "Hey," he said suddenly. "This sounds stupid, but... Do you want me to win you one of those stuffed prizes over their by the baseball thing?"

Ariel smiled and took his hand standing up. "Is it fun?" She asked, innocence and wonder filling her small voice. She felt almost like a child suddenly. The thought surprised her. She had never been on a roller coaster before, and the only games she played were hopscotch and jigsaw puzzles. "Yes, that is a yes... I think," she murmured, her eyes sparkling with childish joy.
Casey's face lit up, she nodded, and bounced up and down. "Yes!!" She exclaimed happily. She kissed him happily, and then chuckled. "I know, I'm a child." She told him proudly. She looked at him, her eyes sparkled with joy and happiness. "You're awesome." She said smiling happily.

Kyle looked at her, his eyes widened, "Yes, it's so much fun." He told her, walking with her to his car. He opened her door for her, then smiled, "Don't worry, if you get scared, you can hold my hand." He teased, sticking his tongue out a little and then began to walk to the driver side.
Brian laughed and kissed her back. "Yeah, but you're an adorable child," he smiled, gazing at her fondly. "You're more awesome than I am," he said and took her hand. He smiled and stood up, leading her over to the game. He took the baseball in his hand and through it at the pins, instantly striking them all out. "Which one do you want?" He asked her. Everyone had always urged him to join the baseball team, but it never really interested him.

Ariel smiled and climbed into the passenger seat. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Please," she snorted. "Like there's anything there to scare me." She paused. "Is there?"
Casey smiled, she watched him with attentive eyes. When he knocked all of he pins down, she smiled and giggled. "Hmmmm.." She thought as she looked at the stuffed animals. "The frog." She told the man behind the counter. She smiled when he handed the frog to her. "Thank you!" She said to him and turned to Brian. "Thank you." She told him with a huge smile.

Kyle thought and then smiled. "Just the roller coasters." He told her, smiling nightly as he turned the car on. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the road.
Brian beamed at her, his eyes glittering. he loved everything she did. "You're welcome," he murmured softly, smiling. "Anything for you," he reached his hand up and patted her head, stroking her hair. He gave the man behind the counter a few quarters and took her hand leading her away.

"Oh," she whispered. She glanced out of the window, wrapping her arms around each other. She smiled giddily. She felt weird not having been to a fair before, but she was so excited that she barely paid attention to it. Her bright blue eyes sparkled.
Casey smiled, she put the back of her head on his shoulder, and looked up at him. "You're adorable." She told him poking his nose with her finger. She smirked and walked away with him. She stuck the frog in her purse, and slid the strap on to her shoulder. She took his hand, and walked into the fair a little more.

Kyle looked over at her, "Don't worry though, it'll be fun." He told her as he pulled into the fair parkinglot. He looked over at her and smiled. "Here we are." He said, before walking out of the car. He opened he door and looked at her, then the fair. He couldn't wait to go to the fair finally.
Brian went crosseyed and said, "Why, thank you, gorgeous." He swung their hands back and forth as he walked, looking around. "Well, now what do you want to do?" he asked her and glanced up at the Ferris wheel and then down at the bumper cars.

Ariel smiled, gazing out of the window. She unbuckled and climbed out, caught in awe. Her lips parted with a bit of surprise. "Wow," she murmured. She had only seen fairs in movies, but it was so much different seeing on in real life.
Casey thought, her mind wandering with possiblities. She saw him look at the bumper cars, and smirked a little bit. "Race you to the bumper cars!" She told him as he took off running. In her mad dash to get to the bumper cars, she hadn't noticed the electrical cord sprawled around the ground. She took another stride, and tripped over the cord. "Ow!" She cries out. She pulled her knee up to her chest, and sat herself up. Tears were streaming down her face as she sat on the black top.

Kyle smiled a little as he looked at her, the pure awe of the fair I'm her ace was enough to make anyone's day. "So why would you like to do?" He asked her, as he walked with her into the fair, "We can ride rides, play games, eat food, anything you'd like." He told her, "Te possibilities are nearly endless." He added smiling greatly.

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