• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 6 Teens. 1 Cabin. (Sign-Up)


Baddest Bitch in Herstory

6 Teens. 1 Cabin. What could go wrong?

no slide
The Wanderer▼
This girl's quiet and thoughtful; she's the autumn leaves falling gently to the ground, the blur of colors flashing by outside a window, and the tranquil peace that floods your heart in summer. She's never quite been able to stay in one place. This girl is constantly travelling; it seems like she's been everywhere. She has a heart for adventure and exploration. However, her need to travel and explore stems from a situation much more dire. Her secret is hidden in her travels. She falls in love with The Dreamer.

The Player▼
This boy is charming and cocky; he's the neon city lights flickering in the dark, the bitter taste of vodka on a tongue, and the flutter in your chest when you're around your crush. He's the popular jock that every high school has; everyone loves him but anyone in their right mind knows he's a d*ck. He's arrogant and self-focused but also personable and funny. His secret stems from the moment he hurt somebody and it scars him to this day. He falls in love with The Misfit.

Six best friends have just graduated high school and decided to celebrate by renting out a cabin for a week. Of course there'll be scary movies, games of truth-or-dare and spin-the-bottle, and alcohol. It's supposed to be a week of letting go, of having fun and giving a final cheers to high school. However, there's a lot the teens don't know.

Despite being best friends, each of them holds a secret the others don't know. When secrets are revealed, of course drama and conflict ensues. Furthermore, there may be something lurking in the woods surrounding the cabin...

Hello! Don't worry about rushing to create a form; this is not first-come-first-serve. I will choose the best forms fit for this roleplay. I will create my form after I find five other excellent forms.

- If you join up for this thread, you're promising commitment. I would like this roleplay to last a while. Please post at least once a day.
- I want at least a paragraph per post.
- Please post your character sheet in a spoiler. It just makes the thread a lot cleaner, in my opinion.
- Sexy times will need to fade to black.
- Your character may only fall in love with the character they're assigned to.
- Your character's secret must largely impact who they are as a person. It also should follow the specification given in the character descriptions above.

Please Include the following in your form:

Who they are: (The Thinker, for example)
Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:
Theme Song:

code by pasta
The Thinker▼
x This boy is easygoing and relaxed; he's the smell of a new book, the clicking of a clock, and the warm feeling of drifting to sleep. He's insightful and wise. This boy loves learning and reading; he's always the one others go to for advice and help. He's sympathetic in nature and tends to look after his friends. His secret is related to a mistake he made a long time ago; and it's one he hopes no one ever discovers. He falls in love with The Wild Child.

The Dreamer▼

This nonbinary brings a refreshing component into any friendship; they're the sound of gravel under feet, the sweet taste of strawberries, and the cool feeling of jumping into a pool during summer. They can get lost in thought sometimes, but it's okay, because they're dreaming of a new world and how to make their own better. They tend to bring peace into the friend group. They're creative and good at activities that require imagination. Their secret is related to their childhood. They fall in love with The Wanderer.

The Misfit▼
This boy doesn't fit in; he's the moon gleaming against a dark sky, the sound of a skateboard hitting pavement, and the feeling of rain drops falling onto skin. He's kind of weird, but the good kind of weird. He's quirky and lovable. He's creative and tends to think outside of the box. He's a problem solver. His secret is related to his family. He falls in love with The Player.

Interest Check
OOC Chat
Main Thread
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Character Sheet
Who: The Dreamer
Name: Luke Smyth
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: (in picture above) Though Luke's body is finely toned, faint scar lines are scattered along his forearms and chest (easily covered by a long sleeve shirt or by keeping his arms down). He stands at about 5'10'' and has soft, grey eyes that usually stare dreamily ahead. Luke dresses rather casually and favors long-sleeved shirts (unless alone).
Personality: Luke is a rather sweet and caring individual towards his friends. While he does tend to drift off into his thoughts from time to time, Luke tries to give other people the attention he thinks that they deserve. He detests arguments within the group and frequently changes the subject, so as not to keep people on the topic that started the argument in the first place. Though he seems like a pretty cheerful soul, Luke sometimes feel that he is never in control over his own life. His tendency to daydream helps with these self-deprecating feelings, but it can build up and cause Luke to do some regretful things. Recently, he has taken up minor crafts (origami, sketching, sewing) to fill the gaps of his mind that his drifting cannot mend.
Likes: Arts and Crafts, daydreaming, quiet places, sketching, swimming, naps, cats
Dislikes: loud music (or noises), waking up early, being woken up from daydreaming, others getting hurt (physically or verbally), (sometimes) himself, cooking (usually burns the food due to being unable to pay attention)
History: Life is usually never what it seems to be. Growing up with a suicidal mother and a neglecting father, Luke was entirely aware of this since a young age. Though he was never physically abused, Luke was usually trapped inside his room by his father. In this way, daydreams and a tattered book of fairy tales became his sole comfort in that solitary confinement. One day, Luke picked the lock of his bedroom door and snuck into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Hearing a sudden sound, he peeked around the doorway only to see his mother slumped over the kitchen sink, her wrists slit. The next day, Luke was taken away to live with his uncle as authorities became aware of his mother's death and found out about his father's neglect. Even though years has passed over this incident, the image stays fresh in Luke's mind. As does the image of his mother's blissful, peaceful face as the life drained from her body. He has started to experiment with the knife in order to recreate that same feeling of peace that his mother must have felt.
Turn-ons: emotional connections, spontaneity, direct nature (to combat his playful one), intimate physical contact
Turn-offs: intentional hurt of others, self-centeredness, narrow mindedness
Theme Song: (any suggestions?)
Tell me what you think :)
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Hello !! The spoiler can be done through [spoiler*] stuff here [/spoiler*] just remove the asterisks. It has come to my attention that a thread for questions is necessary. As a result, I have made an OOC Thread for any following questions. Thank you <3

Moonshadow Moonshadow
The Wanderer
Name: Alexis Smith
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Alexis is a quiet and danty girl normally, but she isn't one for turning down adventure either. She says her favorite thing to do is walking up mountains, where the air crisp and the animals never seem to rest. She's been to many places and always seems to like amusing people with her tales of travel. Sometimes she goes into a quiet state where she follows everyone around without much of a word from her mouth, her eyes glossed over under you snap your fingers. You have to wonder what she's thinking about to get her into such a state.
Likes: Mountains, Animals (even snakes), Bike riding, zip-lining, swimming, journals, and pens
Dislikes: Alcohol, Scary Movies, Too much summer heat, Dancing, and Late Nights
History: You can always find Alexis writing in her journal. The words in the journal has never been disclosed to anyone, but herself. And she wants it to stay that way. Prior to the journal, Alexis was once a sensible girl who had no intent for adventure. She was planning on becoming a Kindergarden teacher and that was it. Until, she met Peter. Peter introduced her to an online app that allowed you to meet up with several people across the world! Amazed by both the app and Peter, she met tons of new people who travelled a lot and became Peter's girlfriend. The App was growing in popularity that it created a retreat for its users to get together. Therefore, Alexis and her friends decided to meet there. At the retreat, she hit it off with her many friends, but saw Peter was acting strange... When she went to talk to him in their condo room, he started to push her into the bed demanding that they have sex. Distraught and scared, she made a desprate escape to her friends out and told them what had happened. Her friends were angered by the news and decided, he needed to pay. They came up with a plan to set the condo on fire while Peter was in it. Alexis went along with it since they said it won't be bad to the point he won't be able to get out. So, they got the house ready from the inside and it was Alexis's job to light the fire. While waiting, she saw someone was wrong with the lighter and tinkered with it. When it wouldn't turn off it caused her to drop it. The house lit on fire with all of them inside. Alexis tried to help, but was caught on fire herself and quickly dunked herself in water in both horror and disarray, she passed out as the flames killed everyone.
As a way to get over the trauama, she travels to all the countries her friends have been to or were born in to understand the friends who selflessly helped her. She writes in her journal a letter to the friend she travelled for and talks to them as if they are there with her.
Turn Ons: Funny, Kind, Protective, Happy
Turn Offs: Loud, Annoying, Manipulative, Aggressive
Theme song:

Hopefully that worked.
lorelei breckinridge

"take a trip to the wild side with me."







"The Wild Child, of course."

"Lorelei Cheyenne Breckinridge, but as far as you're concerned, it's just Rory."

"Last time I checked, I didn't have a dick. Does that answer your question?"

"Well my fake ID says 21, but in reality I'm 18."

"Straight as a pole."

"People call me short and I guess that's reasonable since I stand at exactly five feet. Being 90 pounds makes it easy along with my height to move around and not be noticed. Plus, it's great for climbing fences. I do that a lot. My hair's naturally blonde but I like to dye it every now and then so lately it's pastel pink. My eyes either tend to freak people out or draw them to me because they're both different colours. Yep, one's bright blue and the other is green."


"This feels like I'm filling out an online survey for a dating website but here goes. As you can see my sense of humour is... Well, vast but not everybody finds it funny. Sarcasm and wit are like my second languages and you can be sure that I'll let you know if I have a peoblem with you. I don't see the need in lying about things like that. Despite the loose tongue though, I would say I'm a pretty fun person to be around. Scratch that, I am a very fun person to be around. I love adventures and being outdoors, and the fact that I'm impulsive makes other people call me reckless, but who cares? It's all fun at the end of the day and that's what matters. I tend to think of consequences only after I've done things. I live by the motto, 'act first, think later'. You probably know by now that I'm no stranger to the authorities. I've been in a few situations over the years but that really can't be helped. Living life on the wild side is just more fun, and you only live once so might as well embrace it doing as much as you possibly can."

"Well first of all I love parties. Heck, I live for parties. You can't have a dun party without me there. Besides that though I also love music, horror movies, going out, exploring places, doing things I'm not supposed to because why the hell not? Oh, and I also love adrenalin rushes. I thrive on them, in fact."

"Well, i don't really like authority figures or people that try to force me into doing something or try to curb my freedom. Freedom is very important to me, seeing as how I like to do as I please. I'm also not too big on swimming. Don't ask why or you'll live to regret it."

"Well, where do I begin? I've been bounced around in foster homes for as long as I can remember. I've never known who my real parents are. From what I've been told, they're both druggies that never wanted a kid so yay to some other couple that got to foster me. Except no, not yay for me. I stayed with that first couple for ten years, and to put it lightly and less crudely, I got a lot of scars. Eventually one of the neighbours noticed and reported it though so I was given to a new foster family. By then, the rebellious streak had grown and so my string of differen homes came into effect because I would never listen and I would always cause some sort of trouble. The family I'm with now? They've had me for a year. They're just as bad as my first foster family but they and I have an agreement. Leave them alone and don't complain about them, and they'd let me do whatever I want. All they're in it for is the money. I don't get a cent of it but I've realised it's better to go about things in my own than to be shoved into another foster family. I show up only to sleep and I fend for myself the rest of the time. As far as anyone else is concerned though, I come from a pretty chill home with loving parents because I'm to afraid to admit that I'm not liked enough to stay in one foster home for longer than a year."

"Spontaneity for sure. I lov doing things in a whim and I love people who can do the same. Don't tell anyone this but I also like people that I can actually talk to. Not that I would ever say much about my history but it's nice to know I can talk and be heard. You've gotta have a good sense of humour too."

"Um, arrogance for sure. Also aggressiveness and a huge ego. I mean, I have a big ego, I know that, but I'm not too big on it being on other people. Call me a hypocrite."


coded by nate
Currently working on the coding, as well as adding the pictures.

Name: Alexei "Alex" Miller

Gender: "Extremist liberal parties refer to guys like me, a Cisgender Man."

Age: "I actually just turned 18, I'm pretty proud of that."

Sexuality: "I am a proud supporter of the LGBT community, however I am not a member."

Appearance: "Is there a certain way I'm supposed to look? My mom always said that I'm handsome, I guess I'm just too involved with AP Lit to notice. I have noticed that a few girls at this local coffee shop I go to have been staring at me more often after sophomore year. To them I might be attractive. My hair used to be a sandy/dirty blonde, but after a while it got darker, so I'd say it's a light brown about now. My height clocks in at 5'10", optimal height for a guy apparently. Although I wouldn't mind being a bit taller. I'd also like to note that I don't work out that often, my metabolism is just fast."

Personality: "Either most of my friends or all of my friends think of me as the dad of the group. I'm very reassuring, firm, and according to them, 'a stick in the mud'. But despite all that, they still lean on me to give them advice or answer the tougher questions. I'm not opposed to it, but it can be tiring for sure. In addition, I've even noticed how kind of a person I can be, although I make claims that I'm not. I wouldn't want to hurt a soul. I'd say I'm courageous, but that would mean I would have some sort of fear. Sure I can be scared like everybody else, but I don't have any phobias at all. It's weird. Guess that's why I like horror stories so much. Oh! I also don't want a lot of things others want. I'm not greedy, but oddly I am jealous. Lately though I feel like I already have everything I could ever want. But I know that if I do end up wanting something—or someone—I don't have, it's going to be tough to come to terms about my feelings. But whatever the case is, I'll still love my friends and I know they all love me back. At least I hope they do."

Likes: "I like a lot of things, literature, music, art. There's a lot in life to like. But if I had to narrow down to my favorites? I'd have to go with literature and music as things I enjoy the most. That doesn't mean I'm no stranger to a good film! I live for the cinema as much as the books most movies are based off of! Not to mention those iconic cult horror films. They aren't scary of course, but man are they compelling. And while I could literally sit inside all day watching a movie marathon or reading a good book while Lana Del Rey plays, I enjoy the outdoors. It's just something about the aura."

Dislikes: "I hate when people do what they want and cause problems for others, it's inconsiderate. So I guess I just dislike inconsiderate people in general. I mean I know one of my friends is like that, but deep down he's cool, besides he has all of us to keep him in check. I think that's it though for my dislikes... Oh wait, no that's not it. I hate hate hate canned meats. I have no idea why! But I hate them so please, no canned meats."

History: "I was raised by two loving parents, until my mom and dad split up. That was a rough time, seeing both of them date other people when they used to be so in love for so long. Definitely not a time I want to go back to. Luckily for me, they ended up getting back together. As I recall, they were 'searching for the passion' but apparently it never left the between the two of them. They had been on and off again since the moment they had first broken up. They were never married before, but after that splint and after their recovery, they tied the knot. If you're thinking that it was all good from there, you're wrong. Momma was terminal and Dad couldn't pay the medical bills. Soon enough, she died. It was tough. It's one of those situations where you try your hardest when you already know you're gonna fail. Anyways, I grieved, life's gotten better now, Dad's still kicking and I'm proud he is. Anyways I have a scholarship to one of my top five picks on a full ride, I'm still awaiting more. I just can't find a reason to leave.

Turn Ons: "Intellect, as cheesy as it sounds. Personality seems even cheesier to say, but hey what can I do? Can't help it. One thing I've noticed is that the most attractive a girl can be, is when she's not trying to keep up an image. Something about a smart, proud woman really draws my eye."

Turn Offs: "Definitely a nasty attitude. You can be as pretty as Aphrodite, but if you don't know a thing about respect, don't bother talking to me. I won't be interested. No matter how interested in me you are."

Theme Song:
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Isaac Luis Silvergate
Who they are: The Misfit
Name: Isaac Luis Silvergate
Nickname: Luis
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Orientation: Demisexual Biromantic
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown, usually cut short and kept in a messy windblown
Eyes: Dark Brown, large and rounded
Physique: Thin, but not very muscular
Faceclaim: Zhang Yixing
Personality: Luis is very easygoing and chill, to the point where it seems like he isn't even present in the current moment. The other appropriate titles for this guy would be 'the Hippie' and 'the Druggie', as he tends to either be high or getting high as a very poor coping mechanism. He can often be hedonistic or enabling to those around him, encouraging them to not only do what they want, but sometimes pushing them to test their limits. Despite this, he doesn't consciously pressure people into doing things they shouldn't do. Luis is more of a 'go with the flow' and 'always say yes' kind of guy, meaning he'll do just about what anyone wants to do. When high, he'll often talk about the weirdest things or lay on some very profound philosophy, making him a little difficult to hang around with for the normal person. What makes him truly quirky, however, is his obsession with spirits and other supernatural beings, insisting he's a sensitive and can hear the souls of the people around him telling him their intentions. Luckily for him, he claims he can only hear the souls when he's sober, which is rare.
Likes: Playing guitar, sweets, cooking, his little brother
Dislikes: Fighting, his parents, being without his drugs
Turn-ons: Real talk, open discussions, close friendship
Turn-offs: Random strangers, sudden flirting, one night stands
History: Isaac, or as he prefers to go by Luis, was born to two unidentified Chinese parents, and quickly abandoned at an American-run orphanage in China. He lived there, learning English, Mandarin Chinese, math and science until the age of thirteen when he was adopted into the upper class American Silvergate family. On the surface, the adoption seemed like a work of charity, a point that Luis despised. After going through the process of changing Luis' name to what is is now, Luis started to get accustomed to life in the states. He acclimated to the culture well, and even got to attend a normal high school.

However, all was not well at home. His adoptive brother, Jonah, was adamantly against their parents, and the more Luis looked, the more Luis realized that his adoption wasn't an act of charity or pity. It was an effort to replace Jonah as the heir to the family wealth and company. Jonah was anything but the perfect child the Silvergates wanted, with his physical deformities and promiscuous behavior. As such, Jonah often got into heated verbal debates with their father. The arguing would often turn violent, curses and strikes carrying through the house along with their mother's crying. Around the age of fifteen, Luis turned to drugs to drown out the sounds of the dysfunctional family downstairs, and an overwhelming feeling that he didn't belong here. He'd often sneak out at nights to go smoke in the local grocery store parking lot.

Family: Levi Silvergate - Adoptive father
Rachel Silvergate - Adoptive mother
Jonah Silvergate - Adoptive younger brother


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Who He Is: The Player
Name: Lufian Amon Dull
Gender: Male
Age: Nineteen years old
Sexuality: questioning
Faceclaim: Brooklyn Beckham
Theme Songs: "We are Young" by Fun, "R.I.P to my Youth" by The Neighborhood,


code by pasta


Lufian can appear intimidating; he's the branches of trees that reach the heavens and the biting air of a mountain. His height and physique can be frightening. The male stands at just a little over six feet and features a slim but muscular build. He's well-built as a result of his dedication to sports and exercising. Brown hair rests on the top of his head and occasionally falls over his forehead. Typically his hair is left messy and unstyled. Lufian has brown eyes that contradict his sturdy appearance; his eyes are ones you can get lost in-- the color of sunlight dancing over tree bark.

Lufian is the equivalent of the jock that every high school has that everyone somehow seems to love but anyone in their right mind knows is a dick. When he’s not arrogant and prideful, he’s somehow charming and personable. Lufian is also extremely flirty and is constantly hitting on girls. He’s great at making conversation and talking to people. The boy is funny, has a laid-back vibe about him, and people tend to feel comfortable around him. However, if someone develops a bad opinion of him, Lufian becomes determined to change that perspective to the point where they can at least tolerate him. Because of this, Lufian takes his security from other people’s opinions and thus when someone doesn’t like him becomes very insecure and obsessive over that person’s opinion of him. This is draining on the boy and leads him to be very self-conscious underneath his cocky exterior.

Furthermore, because Lufian often makes questionable decisions (getting drunk regularly, multiple one-night stands, etc), he will consistently become depressed and isolate himself from everyone in his life. This “phase” usually happens once a month and can last for up to two weeks at a time. During this time, the boy will become devoid of emotion and unmotivated. He won’t feel anything, be completely numb, and typically won’t talk to anyone. To escape this pain, he’ll either get drunk off his ass for days on end or self-harm. However, after a while the depressive thoughts will gradually decline and he’ll become his normal conceited self.
Richie and Sarah Dull gave birth to Lufian in a small town with a population of around 4,000. Lufian's childhood consisted of playing tag barefoot in overgrown fields, bouncing basketballs on black pavement, and tackling his friends in games of football. His laidback and easygoing demeanor allowed him to accumulate many friends from a very young age. Beginning in elementary school, the boy excelled in sports and in making friends. He became the stereotypical popular jock. By highschool, Lufian grew to be an arrogant and womanizing teenager who seemingly succeeded in everything. He earned scholarships to numerous colleges through sports and girls chased after him.

Lufian's secret is related to his sexuality. He tells people he's straight, in fact, he acts straight. He pursues and hooks up with girls. Despite this, he often thinks about what a gay relationship would be like. Lufian hasn't told anyone this, though, and doesn't plan to.


Likes: sports, nature, being active, moving, exercising, photography, sex, drinking, dusk, drugs, parties, music,
Dislikes: spicy food, staying still, sitting down, having to be quiet, reading, silence, being stuck inside, cold weather,
Turn Ons: hazel eyes, curly hair, laidback, confident, funny, tattoos, vulnerable, freckles
Turn Offs: bad hygiene, controlling, yellow teeth, unmotivated,




Who She Is: The Wanderer
Name: Wendy Gypsy Vande
Gender: Female
Age: Eighteen years old
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Faceclaim: Sahara Ray
Theme Song: "Lost Kitten" by Metric


code by pasta


Wendy stands at 5'5" and weighs roughly 100 pounds. Her body's built with a lean physique. The girl doesn't have much muscle or strength and struggles with anything that requires athletics. Highlighted blonde hair rests on top of her head and reaches her lower back. In the summer her hair gets lighter as a result of the sun. Wendy's hair is naturally wavy and can be seen worn down, in pigtails, or in a loose braid. For special occasions, it's styled in a bun, milkmaid braid, or curled. She has a square-shaped face with a strong jawline and petite facial features. The girl has a small nose and plump lips. Her eyes are large, resembling a young child, and hold a deep brown color. Her eyes are the color of dark champagne swirling against a glass cup.

On the average day, Wendy can be found wearing either a fancy blouse paired with jeans or a comfy shirt with leggings--depending on her mood. For special occasions she'll sport a colorful dress and heels.

Upon first meeting Wendy, many assume she’s shy and timid and mousy. Which at first, she is. The girl is incredibly quiet and withdrawn around those she doesn’t know well, mostly because she doesn’t know how to act around new people. However, once she considers you a friend, the girl opens up and puts herself ‘out there’. She’s very optimistic, bubbly, and happy--always trying to find the silver lining in things. Wendy strives to make the atmosphere a more joyful place, wanting herself and others to be happy.

Close friends know that the girl is very kind-hearted and loving, as she’s constantly looking for opportunities to love and assist her friends. She’s extremely concerned for her companions and often times is the one to cheer others up. She’s also intensely loyal and devoted to her friends, refusing to leave their sides no matter the circumstance. Once attached to someone, Wendy won't stop being their friend, even if they hurt her. Additionally, Wendy is frequently the mediator of the group, always being the one to break up fights and help work things out. She hates fighting and conflict and will do anything to keep peace.

However, the teenager does have her flaws. She’s quick to get snappy and annoyed if someone repeatedly bothers her, and if she doesn’t get her designated ‘alone time’ she’ll become irritated and ill-mannered. Furthermore, Wendy doesn’t like trying new things or partaking in anything that requires athleticism, meaning she’s often the downer on the group when it comes to figuring out activities and plans. Also, being the “mom friend”, she won’t let her friends do anything stupid, which results in her being somewhat strict and stubborn. Regardless of her flaws, though, Wendy is a sweet and loving girl who proves to be a remarkable friend.

Wendy grew up in a small town with her older sister and two parents. Her childhood consisted of playing with her mother's makeup, breathing in the hot summer air, and cradling makeshift babydolls. She grew up in a small, rustic house that had peeling white paint and a barely-working air-conditioner. The young girl spent more time at her friends' houses than her own. She found her place within a small group of girls from her local elementary school. Her friend group became her closest relationships.

As Wendy grew older, she preferred to focus her time on school rather than socializing and partying. However, her efforts at getting good grades still didn't result in her getting a scholarship to college. A few weeks after graduating college, both the girl's parents died in a car crash, leaving Wendy and her sister a large inheritance. What people don't know, however, is that the girl is secretly glad her parents died due to the inheritance. The money allowed her to fix up the house and paid for her education. Despite this, Wendy is consumed with guilt for feeling this way and has taken to travelling in order to escape her negative feelings. Since graduation, she's traveled all over the United States in an attempt to run away from her parent's death and the consequences that have come with it. She halfheartedly agreed to join her friends for a week in a cabin. What will happen when she's forced to face them and her feelings?

Likes: travelling, seeing new places, adventuring, eyes, nature, being outside, school, getting good grades, accomplishing a goal, boys, reading, doodling, animals,
Dislikes: hot weather, sweating, sour food, being in her hometown, beer, crowds, loud noises, drugs,
Turn Ons: green or blue eyes, dark hair, vulnerability, honesty, a soft voice, quiet, caring, compassionate, silly, can laugh at themself
Turn Offs: smelly, bad hygiene, smoker, drinker, excessive piercings, excessive tattoos, excessive drug use, short,

Jaspar Hobbs

Role: Misfit
Name: Jaspar Philip Hobbs
Age: 17
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Crush: The Player

Height - 5'5''. Considered short by most boys.
Weight - 112lbs. Eats right so this doesn't really matter.
Body Type - Thin. He doesn't look that bad being that short.
Complexion - Fair White
Hair - Long, Brown and Wavy.
Eyes - A deep deep dark brown, almost black
Facial Hair - He sometimes has stubble but mostly shaves it off.
Tattoos - A skeleton back tattoo, a skull on his foot, cogs and clocks on his left arm and a key on his right ribs
Piercings - A bottom left lip ring, three percings in his right ear, two in his left and a right eye brow bar
Distinguishing Features - Tattoos, Piercings and Long Hair

Rebellious is the best word to describe Jaspar. His appearance alone heavily amplifies his rebel side and when talking to him that doesn't change. He's energetic and wild during parties but more down to earth when sober. For a Misfit he's pretty passive, not starting fights and only finishing them. He does have a bit of a temper though but he has learned to control it at school. He rarely shows his real and true self but maybe that can change with this trip
Likes: Night Time, Skateboards, Rock Music, Drinking, Dogs
Dislikes: Early Mornings, Clowns, Religion, Cigarettes, Cats

Everyone knows who Jaspar Hobbs is. The rebel; The misfit; The weirdo; just few of the words he's been called but before that he was actually a good kid with good and fairly rich parents. He'd go to church on Sunday's with his Mom, Izzy, where his father, Christopher, would give a sermon, he had top of the class grades and was an avid piano player whilst being fairly popular in his elementary school.

So what went wrong in his life? Three words; his mom's death. The death of Isabelle Hobbs was not an expected one. He was 12 when it happened. The car came out of no where hitting his mother's side of the car. Jaspar watched his mom die right in front of him. They were both rushed to hospital, Jaspar recieving a concussion and his mother having heavy internal bleeding. His father and Jaspar prayed but it was no use. She was dead.

The community mourned heavily for the death of the pastor's wife. Jaspar also mourned for a few months. He hardly turned up to school and when he did he'd just receive the worst looks from people. He was becoming a misfit and he accepted it. He accepted the stereotype. He wore liquid eyeliner and fake ear piercings along with the stereotypical outfit. He threw out piano and learned bass and taught himself how to skateboard. He eventually got real tattoos and piercings after realising he was gay. He hasn't come out yet (only to a few people) but being gay was what fully pushed him away from religion. You couldn't be gay and a Christian. It was practically unheard. His Dad made him move schools in Sophmore year to try and change him but it didn't work and he has been there ever since.

1) His Mom's death. Ever since he moved to this new school he always said his Mom left them when he was a kid when it wasn't true.
2) His crush on the Player is the biggest thing. He doesn't fully know why it's him and he knows if this gets out he'd probably loose all his friends, the ones he's fought so hard to keep.
Turn Ons: Loyalty, Kindness, Physically Fit Boys, Musicians
Turn Offs: Drunk People, Mega Flirts, Stupid People, Girls,
Theme Song: Jesus of Surburbia by Green Day
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